
What kind of specialist need to go for baldness - 3 types of hair loss


In our hectic times, the problem of hair loss worries men quite often. Stress, poor ecology, hereditary diseases - the causes of baldness (alopecia) are quite diverse, but this does not make it easier for the stronger sex. Like it or not, this affects the self-esteem quite strongly, and quite a lot of nerves are spent on overcoming the psychological problems caused by the loss of exuberant hair. One of the ways that men with signs of baldness often get up is denial of the problem. This is a destructive option, because with the rapid adoption of measures against hair loss, there is a greater number of chances to solve the problem.

It should be remembered that baldness is not a sentence. Most importantly, time to identify the causes of its occurrence and begin a competent and effective treatment. This is where men face a lot of questions. Which doctor to contact for hair loss? What surveys are conducted in such cases? What are the most effective treatments? Definite answers to these questions do not exist. The reasons for the occurrence of alopecia are many. And the methods of treatment will depend on them.

Diffuse alopecia

During diffuse alopecia, women experience the following symptoms:

A similar illness occurs in a girl for the following reasons:

For the above reasons, the girls are more sensitive to DHW dihydrotestosterone, which disrupts the normal diet and stops the blood circulation of the hair. As a result, women's hair becomes weak and quickly fall out.

What doctor to contact when hair falls out?

If a girl has started to lose her hair intensively, then she should consult a doctor, a trichologist. Trichologist is a highly qualified specialist in this field.

For a girl, a trichologist is not only a specialist in hair and scalp, but also a dermatologist, and a nutritionist, and a psychologist. Such a doctor has extensive medical knowledge.

Should I go to a trichologist?

Do I need to contact a trichologist? It depends on the degree of intensity of hair loss.

If after combing on a comb 2–3 hairs remain, hair loss is normal and you should not go to the doctor. However, if after combing the hair on the scallop there is a lot of hair, then the girl should go for a first appointment to a specialist in female hair.

If a woman first goes to the trichologist, the doctor first determines the intensity of the patient's hair loss.

Before going to the trichologist, the girl should wash the hair well a day before visiting the doctor. When washing hair, a woman should use regular shampoo - without the use of additional cosmetic preparations.

Treatment of female hair at trichologist

During the initial consultation with the patient, the trichologist establishes the cause of hair loss - asks the girl about her lifestyle if there are any bad habits, etc.

The doctor then takes the appropriate patient's hair tests. In addition, he checks the condition of the head skin and female hair - in such a situation, the trichologist looks at the camera, which is connected to the computer.

At the end of the reception, the trichologist writes out the patient the use of various balms, masks, vitamins, exercise, etc. As a result, following the medical recommendations, the girl restores the destroyed hair and makes her healthy and thick again.

Causes of hair loss

First you need to figure out what can cause hair loss. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons, but there are the most common ones that require medical care:

  • Frequent stressful situations, and nervous exhaustion of the body.
  • Fungal diseases of the scalp.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Hormonal imbalance caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Radiation therapy chemotherapy.
  • Avitaminosis.

If you do not take timely measures, then pathology such as alopecia, causing baldness, can develop.
Androgenic alopecia is a disease that is a profuse hair loss associated with an increased level of male sex hormones.

In the case when hair falls out, and you do not know which doctor to turn to, then try to analyze whether there are any accompanying symptoms, or alopecia develops against the background of complete health.

What specialist to contact

The problem of hair loss is mainly dealt with by a trichologist. The line of his activity is completely connected with all that concerns hair. The trichologist studies the morphological and physiological conditions of the hair, and also helps patients undergo complete treatment, which results in the restoration of the structure and quality of hair.

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In addition, consultation of a neurologist, a dermatologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, an infectiologist may be needed to make a correct diagnosis.

Why should contact the trichologist

Immediately you should go to the trichologist if you notice such symptoms in yourself:

  • hair began to fall out badly on the hearth or on the entire head,
  • the curls became dull, brittle and dry,
  • hair grows very slowly, or their growth completely stops,
  • you can easily pull a hair without even making a special effort
  • hair pigment change.

Diagnostic methods at trichologist

The doctor carries out a number of necessary procedures that will help determine the cause of hair loss. These include:

  1. Trichoscopy It is carried out with the help of a special device that allows to assess the condition of the hair and skin with a multiple increase. Normally, from one hair bulb should grow from one to two hairs. For this indicator estimate the thickness of the hair.
  2. Phototrichogram. This method of examination also involves the use of a trichoscope, but it is also connected to a computer. The received information is processed by a special program.
  3. Examination of hair and epidermis samples at the cellular level.
  4. Spectral analysis of hairs, which helps to determine the percentage in the body of useful and harmful substances.

Preparing to visit the trichologist

Sometimes people go to the doctor, unaware that there is a certain rate of daily hair loss. According to experts, the maximum allowable number of hairs per day is 150 pcs. Therefore, before visiting the trichologist, you need to find out whether hair loss is a pathology in your case.

If, however, a visit to the doctor is scheduled, then you need to wash your hair the day before. Washed hair just before visiting the trichologist will not give an opportunity to see a clear picture of their condition. Do not apply styling products or any other chemicals.

Recommendations trichologist

If during the examination it was revealed that alopecia is not related to the problems of the internal organs, the doctor gives general recommendations for the care. Often, following the order of the trichologist, a person completely gets rid of hair loss:

  1. To wash hair only with soft water. To soften it, you can use vinegar or lemon juice.
  2. The ideal water temperature for washing the head is 35-40 ° C. Too cold or hot water can cause brittle and dry hair.
  3. If you are used to washing your hair every day, then select the appropriate shampoos. Means that are not intended for daily care, wash off the protective layer from the hairs.
  4. When combing do not allow sudden movements, and use only high-quality comb.
  5. Use burdock, olive or castor oil for hair care.

Usually trichologist recommends using only high-quality, proven hair washing products. In addition, the doctor prescribes the intake of vitamin preparations, dietary supplements, and the use of popular recipes to combat hair loss.

Indications for contacting a dermatologist

Another doctor who deals with the problems of scalp and hair loss is a dermatologist. The reason for accessing it are the following states:

  • hair loss patient associates with the appearance of a large amount of dandruff and increased oily scalp,
  • irritated scalp, redness, itching, presence of foci of inflammation with an unpleasant smell, and at the same time hair began to fall out,
  • if itching, irritation of the eyes, as well as loss of eyelashes join the hair loss,
  • hair loss is associated with the formation of a large number of crusts on the scalp, which are the dried secret of the sebaceous glands, which is excreted in large quantities.

These symptoms may indicate that the scalp is affected by fungal flora, pathogenic microorganisms or ticks, of the genus Demodex.

What can a dermatologist advise

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of the survey. Treatment consists of prescribing drugs that affect pathological fungi, microorganisms and ticks. In addition, they prescribe medications that help to work the sebaceous glands in seborrheic dermatitis.

Indications to visit the endocrinologist

One of the most common causes of hair loss is a malfunction of the endocrine glands. Basically, alopecia leads to an increased level of male sex hormones and dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Consultation with an endocrinologist will be needed if hair loss is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue with a normal rhythm of life,
  • decrease in heart rate,
  • the appearance of excess weight without changing the diet,
  • insomnia, constant mood swings, depressions,
  • hypotension,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • frequent headaches.

All of the above symptoms relate to such a disease as hypothyroidism, which leads to abundant hair loss.

Men are often diagnosed with androgenic alopecia, which causes an increased level of testosterone.

What can recommend endocrinologist

Since hair loss is only a related symptom, the doctor, of course, will focus on treating the underlying cause. The patient is prescribed a course of hormone replacement therapy in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland. If we are talking about androgenic alopecia, then in this case, special treatment is not prescribed, since an increase in testosterone levels, in most cases, is a physiological feature.

Indications to visit the neurologist

In the event that a patient observes a strong hair loss and at the same time understands that he is in a state of chronic stress, then he definitely needs to consult a neuropathologist.

In addition, hair loss may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • irritability,
  • sleep disturbance, up to complete insomnia,
  • increased anxiety, a state of constant nervous tension,
  • frequent mood changes, while constantly worse.

These signs indicate the presence in the life of a person of chronic nervous exhaustion and overwork.

What can advise the neurologist

The doctor prescribes sedatives, anti-stress drugs and adaptogens. In some cases, you may need to use tools that normalize the circadian phase of sleep. In more severe situations, the patient is shown hospitalization and spa treatment. Often, after the course of treatment is completed, the problem of hair loss disappears.

Indications for visiting infectious diseases

The cause of hair loss may be the presence of parasites in the human body. For consultation with the infectious diseases patient, the patient is sent after a full examination, which did not reveal abnormalities from the internal organs.

In addition, the reason for visiting this doctor can be symptoms such as:

  • weight loss in violation of appetite,
  • frequent abdominal pain and dysfunction of the digestive tract,
  • nausea,
  • headaches,
  • the appearance of bad breath,
  • changes in the condition of the skin and hair.

Assigned tests to determine the presence of parasites in the body. In this case, an integrated approach to diagnostics is possible, since for the detection of different types of helminths, separate research methods are required. After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Do you have serious hair problems?

Already a lot of tools tried and nothing helped? These words are familiar to you firsthand:

  • hair getting smaller and smaller
  • I look much older than my age
  • the only way is haircut bald.
Is this the only way? Wait and do not act by radical methods. Hair restore MAYBE! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treatment.

What is considered hair loss, and how is it?

The human body is constantly updated. Therefore, a person's hair falls out all the time. And in their place grow new. It is believed that 200 hair falls out of a person every day, and this is normal. When does hair loss become a problem?

Obviously, the situation deviated from the norm if:

  • You notice that a lot of your hair remains on the pillow in the morning. You also find them on the floor and on the furniture,
  • Every time you brush your hair, you have to take off a large amount of hair. A few hairs left on the comb are normal. But if the comb is clogged, it means that your hair needs to start treatment immediately,
  • Your hair has visibly thinned, there have appeared areas where the hair used to be, and now it does not grow.

Speaking of hair loss, medicine uses the term "alopecia." Alopecia is a synonym - alopecia. Pathological hair loss inevitably leads to baldness. Alopecia (or baldness) is the sad result of the hair loss process.

There are the following types of alopecia:

  • androgenetic alopecia. It is caused by an increased concentration of male hormones (androgens - hence the name) in hair loss of hair follicles. It is mainly of genetic nature. Under the influence of the hormone, the follicle reproduces thin and weak hair, which is subsequently discarded. As a result, bald patches appear. In men, the process begins with the frontal part of the scalp, then baldness captures the top of the head. Up to 95% of cases of male pattern baldness occur in androgenetic alopecia. It also occurs in women (female hormones are also produced in the female body). Women with this type of alopecia lose their hair, usually in the crown.
  • diffuse alopeciain which hair thinning over the entire surface of the scalp. More common in women
  • alopecia areata, characterized by hair loss in some part of the head, usually in the form of a circle and an oval. May affect eyebrows, beard, pubic hair. It is observed mainly in the age from 15 to 30 years, gender does not matter,
  • cicatricial alopecia, caused by irreversible damage to the follicles and the formation of scar tissue in their place.The reason for this baldness can be as well as injuries and inflammation caused by various infections.

Hair fall out? - It is necessary to consult a doctor

Hair loss is an alarming symptom that can indicate a serious illness. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause, and for this, a medical examination is necessary. You should not buy any means of hair loss, guided by advertising or friendly advice - they may be in your case ineffective. The fight against hair loss should be treated the same as any treatment: treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

To which doctor to treat for alopecia?

A doctor who specializes in hair and scalp diseases is called a trichologist. Trichology is rarely distinguished as an independent medical specialty, most often acting as an additional specialization of a dermatologist-cosmetologist. In the "Family Doctor" there are doctors with a similar specialization.


In order to prevent earlier hair loss and going to doctors, the girl should follow these medical recommendations:

In the winter and spring seasons, drink different vitamins for the hair - they feed the hair roots from the inside,

If, with proper care for the hair, the hair still falls out, then the girl should immediately visit the trichologist. In this situation, the trichologist will determine the cause of the disease and write out a specific effective recipe for baldness.

What kind of specialist need to go for baldness - 3 types of hair loss

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For a long time, beautiful female hair is considered one of the main advantages of a girl. If a woman can buy high-quality cosmetics and fashionable dresses, then “you can’t buy” a healthy head of hair - you need to take care of it daily and carefully.

Many do not know that a hair specialist is a trichologist.

  • Causes of female pattern baldness
  • Types of hair loss: Alopecia areata and others
    • Diffuse alopecia
    • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • What doctor to contact when hair falls out?
  • Should I go to a trichologist?
  • Treatment of female hair at trichologist
  • Consilium
  • Prevention

At the moment, many girls have dull hair - their hair often breaks and falls hard in the offseason. As a result, the woman becomes bald - she develops a disease such as alopecia.

In a similar situation, if hair falls out, then you need to contact a hair specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What to do if hair falls out

First you need to deal with what is hair loss and what it can be connected. This is a process that is completely natural to our body, like the growth of hair. Dead curls, the life of which has already expired, fall out, and in their place will certainly grow new strong. A normal amount of lost hair per day is from 50 to 100 pieces, so if the number is normal, then you can not worry. In demi-season periods, the amount may increase in a small amount. However, if your hair falls out and their number is several times higher than normal - this is already a serious signal to think about the condition of the hair and ask for help from a specialized doctor, a trichologist.

A trichologist can diagnose hair loss at an early stage, however, it is often very problematic, since doctors have not yet identified the specific symptoms of hair loss. In addition, periods of severe hair loss can alternate with periods when the hair falls out in a normal amount. It is because of this that the doctor cannot precisely make a diagnosis, and find out how much the problem is running, and most importantly, what caused the onset of the outbreak.

You can carry out a simple diagnosis at home, for this you should examine the root: if it does not have a dark bag, then you have nothing to worry about, however, if the bag is dark, then this is an occasion to start an immediate treatment for hair loss. The main thing at the beginning is to determine the cause.

Methods to combat hair loss

So, we decided what could cause hair loss. Now let's figure out what to do if your hair falls out badly. Here you have several methods for solving the problem of hair loss. Consider each of them in detail.

Firstly, of course, you can contact a trichologist, who will give you the necessary tests and diagnostics of the hair and scalp condition, for professional help. According to the results of the tests, the doctor will prescribe you a course of treatment in accordance with the identified problems. The prescribed treatment, as a rule, consists of medicinal products (pharmaceutical shampoo, balsam and masks), as well as the necessary medicines that should be drunk off. In most cases, to achieve the best effect, it is necessary to conduct several treatment courses (from two to three) with a few breaks between them. After treatment, it will be necessary to re-diagnose and pass the required tests in order to ensure that the problem has disappeared.

Many women who are at a loss as to what to do if their hair falls out strongly turn to traditional medicine. And they are doing the right thing! The secrets of our ancestors, which have come down to us from time immemorial, are still very popular and provide all possible assistance in combating hair loss ailment. In addition, traditional medicine can begin to use immediately, without waiting for the results of tests and diagnostics. After all, it would be preferable to stop hair loss now instead of trying to stimulate new hair growth over time.

The best means of our ancestors for hair loss are the following masks:

  • Decoction and oil of burdock roots. Long since our great-grandmothers applied burdock oil to the roots of the hair, spreading along the length, and left for several hours. After that, the oil should be washed off with shampoo and rinsed curls with warm decoction of burdock roots (at the rate of two tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water).
  • A mask of cognac and onion juice helps to fight very well. To make it, mix 1 tablespoon of the skate, 5 tablespoons of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of any pre-heated vegetable oil (preferably olive or burdock). Mix everything thoroughly, put on the hair roots, put on a plastic bag and a warm hat on top. After 40 - 60 minutes, rinse with shampoo. By the way, onion juice can be used separately. To achieve a lasting effect, apply it every 2 to 3 days during the month. In order to avoid smell, after washing it is necessary to rinse the hair with warm water, acidified with vinegar.
  • Another very good remedy for falling out has long been the tincture of red capsicum, which you can buy at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself, however, the latter option takes time (tincture should be infused for at least 25 days). Paprika tincture is rich in vitamins and causes blood flow to the hair follicles when rubbed, thereby activating the metabolism that prevents further hair loss. By the way, when you use pepper tincture for the first time, more than 100 hairs can fall out, but you should not be frightened, since these are hairs that have already come out of the hair bulb and barely kept on the surface of the scalp.

These are the main means of traditional medicine, which give the most noticeable effect after the first applications. In order to completely get rid of the problem of hair loss, you should use them at intervals of 2 - 4 days during the month.

Hair growth stimulation

When your hair falls out, you need not only to stop the process of falling out, but also to stimulate the growth of new hair. But many do not know what to do in order to grow hair faster. Do not believe it, but for these purposes there are also many recipes of traditional medicine. The most effective of them will be discussed further:

  • A very effective way to stimulate hair growth is a mustard mask. For its preparation, you will need to mix three tablespoons of dry mustard with a tablespoon of sugar and water until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Then add to the mixture one egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (olive or burdock would be preferable). All mix and hairdressing brush to put on the roots. At this time, warm burdock oil can be applied to the tips. Top of a plastic bag and cap. The mask has a warming effect and can bake, but it is imperative to be patient for 15–20 minutes and then rinse with warm water, rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Another very good tool is a yeast mask. It consists of pressed live yeast, which are sold in briquettes of 100 g and 1 kg. In order to prepare a yeast mask, you must mix half a small yeast briquette (50 g) with half a teaspoon of honey or sugar. Leave on for 30 - 40 minutes until a thick mousse-like foam forms. After that, you can add yolk and burdock oil to the mask, carefully mixing everything. Apply a mask to the hair roots, spreading along the length. Wear a plastic bag and a cap on top. Leave on for 50 - 70 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Nowadays there are inventions such as laser comb, which help to combat the problem of hair loss.

Summing up, it is safe to say that hair loss is completely treatable! Suffice it to care about the hair, not forgetting to use masks and tools.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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What doctor to contact if hair falls out?

Few who notice hair loss immediately runs to the doctor. At first, they try to solve the problem with folk remedies, and only when she takes a threatening scale - not only the hostess of the head of hair, but also those around her, begin to notice the loss, people think about medical consultation.

What doctor treats hair loss in women?

Unfortunately, trichologists who deal with hair are not available in all clinics. Trichology - the science of hair - appeared only recently. Therefore, most often have to contact a dermatologist.

Few who notice hair loss immediately runs to the doctor. At first, they try to solve the problem with folk remedies, and only when she takes a threatening scale - not only the hostess of the head of hair, but also those around her, begin to notice the loss, people think about medical consultation.

What doctor treats hair loss in women?

Unfortunately, trichologists who deal with hair are not available in all clinics. Trichology - the science of hair - appeared only recently. Therefore, most often have to contact a dermatologist.

  • Trichology
  • Difference in specialization
  • Causes of loss of hair
  • Treatment methods


    In medicine, trichology deals with the study of the structure of the hair, their physiology and morphology, form and quality. This section of dermatology is responsible for diseases of the scalp and hair zone.

    However, the classification in the system of the Ministry of Health still does not exist, so patients often have to register for a consultation with a dermatologist. In this case, the visits will relate to the causes of baldness, diseases of the epidermis of the hair area, treatment of seborrhea and dandruff.

    If the problems relate to the quality of the strands - they are dull, lifeless, break, then the dermatologist will not do it. You will still have to look for a trichologist or go back to traditional medicine.

    Difference in specialization

    A person is constantly changing hair cover - this is a natural physiological process. A few hairs on a comb - this is normal, it is worth sounding the alarm no sooner than 100-120 pieces are noticed per day.

    External causes of the disease appear much later - when it becomes visible visually.

    Symptoms of a dangerous condition:

    • dandruff,
    • weakness of keratin rods, their thinning,
    • dryness, section of hair,
    • slow growth
    • alopecia - diffuse, focal, androgenetic,
    • loss of density
    • seborrhea - dry or oily,
    • graying at the age of 16-25 years.

    You should also refer to the official medicine, if the disease is parasitic in nature or infectious - there are lice, scabies in the hair zone, subcutaneous mites, signs of depriving. Competence of a dermatologist - examination for alopecia, parasitic and infectious diseases, seborrhea and dandruff. This doctor will treat your head if it can determine the causes of hair loss.

    When the factors fail to figure out, then the patient is prescribed consultations from other specialists. They may be gynecologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists - even neurologists!

    Exhaustion, dullness, brittleness - they can also be associated with problems in other organic systems, so the trichologist also has to treat narrow specialists to treat baldness.

    Causes of loss of hair

    There are 9 main causes of hair loss, and indicate which doctor treats them.

    1. Changes in hormonal levels - hormonal failure, natural changes, imbalance. Such changes provoke: increased production of male hormones - androgens, a decrease in the supply of estrogen to the blood - one of the main female hormones, the onset of menopause, pregnancy. If these factors affect the headache problems, you will need to contact a gynecologist or an endocrinologist. Treatment will be administered after an exact clarification of the causes. It should separately dwell on the state of pregnancy. In women, when babies are born, female hormones are intensively produced, and almost no hair loss occurs. After childbirth hormonal levels level off, and at this time there is an increased hair loss, because after a difficult 9 months, you need to update your hair - there are already enough healthy substances in the new strands, they are “fresh”, healthy. Therefore, when in 2-4 months after childbirth “molting” begins, you should not be afraid,
    2. Lack of vitamins. This condition appears when the diet is irrational, it does not have enough nutrients or the diet is “poor”. In this case, you must create a "correct" menu for each day, or contact a gastroenterologist. With many diseases of the stomach, duodenum or liver, useful substances cease to be absorbed into the body, and without solving the main problem to eliminate the destruction of the hair structure is impossible,
    3. Lifestyle is far from ideal. Bad habits and a long stay in a smoky room or in the absence of fresh air, low-active lifestyle - all this affects the quality of hair. There is no doctor who will drive a pen to walk, play sports or in time to feed healthy food. Normalize the daily routine and food you need on your own,
    4. Improper care of hair. Substandard shampoos or cosmetics for the care of curls, which does not match the type of hair data. Frequent coloring by means of which there are components “killing” hair components - ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, thermosetting, drying strands, enhancing their fragility.This problem will also have to be fought independently, although doctors, a trichologist and a dermatologist, may point out this reason,
    5. Seasonal loss. In mammals, molting is a natural process. Man also belongs to the class of mammals, and he also has a peculiar molt. The rest of the hair follicles do not always fall on the summer season - each person has his or her own rest time, which is determined by the individual qualities of the organism. In addition, external factors affect hair loss. In the fall, hair falls out due to the increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the past summer season, in the winter — if it had to come down with seasonal viruses in the fall, in the spring, change of hair cover — vitamin deficiency after a hard winter, in the summer — if it failed to recover in the spring. Of course, medicine does not solve this problem,
    6. Stress and neurological problems. In this case, you must contact your neurologist. When neuroses suffer, skin, nails, teeth collapse, as large and peripheral vessels spasm during nervous disorders, nutrition of the upper salt of the epidermis is disturbed,
    7. Hair loss may be due to taking certain medications or chemotherapy. In the first case, you can contact the doctor who treats the underlying disease, and ask for more benign remedies. In the second, hair loss should not be a factor due to which they can refuse treatment for cancer. If you can get rid of it, the hair will grow,
    8. The overall decrease in the immune status of the body. It can be provoked by infectious or chronic diseases, poor ecology - polluted air and water, professional activity. If the immune system suffers from organic problems, you must first contact the therapist so that during the examination the problem is fixed. The same doctor can help get rid of the effects caused by environmental damage,
    9. Genetic factor. If the parents have bad hair, then it’s ridiculous to expect that the children will have chic hair.

    Which doctor to contact, with problems with hair, so that he would suggest the reasons for which you should focus attention? Trichologist - if he is in the staff of the clinic, or a dermatologist or therapist.

    Treatment methods

    In order to restore the quality of the hair, medical and homeopathic remedies of general effect, preparations of directed external action are prescribed.

    • mesotherapy,
    • peeling,
    • Massage effects of various types - from the massage of the neck area to reflexotherapy,
    • laser therapy
    • acupuncture,
    • treatment of problem areas with liquid nitrogen or other stimulants.

    For a long time, one has to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, to follow the recommendations on the attraction of drugs made according to traditional medicine recipes. Hair restoration requires patience. The doctor will not only prescribe medical treatments and procedures that help treat baldness, but also adjust lifestyle.

    If the therapy is ineffective, a hair transplant surgery may be necessary.

    Which doctor treats hair problems?

    As can be seen from the above, a large number of cases of hair loss associated with progressive diseases and a weakened state of the body. Very often, anxiety is caused by the lack of a visible reason for which the hair may fall out, so you should not tighten your attention to the doctor. If hair falls out, which doctor should I contact? It is generally accepted that the doctor who deals with various diseases of the scalp is a trichologist. But more often the trichologist is still the final destination.

    Hair loss can be caused by a host of causes, including serious illnesses. Therefore, the first doctor you should visit is a therapist. He will be able to assess the general condition of the body, prescribe tests for hormones and an obligatory biochemical blood test, and then send him to the trichologist. Often other specialists (nutritionists, endocrinologists, psychologists) are also involved in identifying the causes of baldness. If there are no problems in the general condition of the body, then the trichologist will most likely deal with hair health problems. This is a doctor specializing in various diseases of the scalp, and trichology is a section of dermatology that studies problems related to hair. Therefore, if there is no such highly specialized specialist as a trichologist in your clinic, it is quite possible to replace him with an active dermatologist.

    What can trichologist help?

    A competent trichologist knows all about the composition and structure of the hair and hair follicles, their growth phases, etc. Initially, it determines the causes that led to problems with hair, and the pattern of baldness in a particular patient. After a complete examination and testing, the trichologist decides with which methods it is worth treating the disease, and also gives recommendations on the proper care of the scalp and hair, selects a diet, etc.

    The doctor makes a diagnosis of the disease on the basis of an analysis of the medical history, medications taken by the patient, the diet used, as well as during a medical examination. If a fungal infection is suspected, the trichologist takes hair samples to conduct laboratory tests.

    Also be ready to share information about diseases and events that happened to you during the last six months. This is due to the fact that the body’s reaction to certain cataclysms does not occur immediately, so baldness can begin in 3-4 months.

    During the examination, the trichologist will determine the scale of the problems, analyze the frequency and nature of hair growth. You should not be surprised if a referral to Laura, a dermatologist, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist and even a dentist is written out. Often, problems in the body arise in a complex, and they must be eliminated as well. After consulting specialists and necessary research, in addition to general therapy, the trichologist may prescribe a course of restorative procedures using lotions, ointments, etc. In difficult situations, a complex of drugs, physiotherapy, including darsonvalization can be prescribed. This exposure to high voltage alternating current through glass electrodes filled with gas. This procedure will help improve the microcirculation of the scalp and stimulate the growth of hair follicles.

    How is baldness treated in men?

    Treatment for male pattern baldness is initially aimed at regenerating the functioning of the hair follicles in a normal manner. In mild cases, a self-healing process may start that does not require medical intervention. But a situation may arise when the disease progresses and / or returns after stopping treatment.

    As a rule, the treatment affects the entire area affected by the pathological process. You should not expect quick positive results of treatment, they usually begin to appear after 6-9 months. Multivitamin complexes affect hair growth quite effectively; in advanced cases, injections of group B vitamins and psychological counseling are recommended. Currently, there are many drugs that can stop hair loss in men. But the choice of the most effective and safe medication is strictly individual and shown only by doctor's prescription.

    All drugs used in the treatment of this pathology are divided into the following groups:

    • external drugs that have a direct impact on the hair follicles,
    • non-specific irritants (anthralin, dithranol, croton oil),
    • drugs that directly affect the hair follicles: minoxidil, etc,
    • drugs that cause contact dermatitis (dinitrochlorobenzene, diphenylcyclopropenone),
    • immunosuppressants and corticosteroids,
    • experimental drugs: neoral, tacrolimus (FK506), cytokines

    Whatever the prescribed drug, its pharmacology will be directed against hair loss and help restore their growth, i.e. regeneration of the normal structure of the hair follicles. In severe cases, hair transplantation may be indicated.

    Folk remedies can help only in the absence of systemic pathologies and with systematic use. The most effective folk remedies are those based on hop cones and burdock root. They contain phytoestrogens that favorably affect the growth and quality of hair. Reduce inflammation and strengthen hair from the scalp will help St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile. Masks with onions, garlic and blood flow to the capillaries. But they have an unstable and insignificant individual effect, and the risk of burning the skin, and strengthen hair loss is large enough. When applying them, it is obligatory to consult a trichologist.

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    Watch the video: Hair Loss in Patches. Symptoms, Causes & Treatment (May 2024).