
Will shampoo Dove help to cope with hair loss? Control of hair loss?


Many people suffer from hair problems, and the problems can be very diverse. Someone's hair is too greasy, someone's dry and brittle, someone's very naughty. Fortunately, in the modern world, for almost every problem you can find a solution, and in this article you will learn about one revolutionary remedy for “Dove” - shampoo “Control over hair loss”. Reviews of this product on the network are extremely positive, so you should pay attention to it. In this article, you will learn absolutely everything that you may be interested in regarding this shampoo. It is designed specifically for those who are constantly experiencing the problem of hair loss due to their fragility. You can take control of the situation using this product from Dove. Hair Loss Control shampoo, reviews of which will also be reviewed in detail, can really save your hair.

What it is?

A brief description is the first thing that every user who buys a similar product pays attention to. In fact, the same thing happens in the case of this product from "Dove". Shampoo "Control over hair loss" (reviews on various sites will impress you - they are really laudatory) is a product that will help you if you are seriously concerned about the problem of hair loss. Many people have been looking for a suitable tool for a long time, trying dozens of options, but you should not spend so much time and money, since this particular shampoo can help you. You can get rid of the problem that torments you and make your hair visually much thicker and lush. The main advantage of this tool is that it acts in two directions at once - it gives a momentary effect and also provides long-term care for your hair. So you can safely rely on this product from "Dove" -shampoo "Control over hair loss." The reviews about him are generally positive and very convincing, so it’s worth considering why people love him so much.

Shampoo Doing "Control over hair loss"

The main advantage of Dove "Control over hair loss" - its effectiveness, that confirmed 97% positive feedback from those men and women that used it in practice. But it also has disadvantages, among which can be called:

  • dirty head effect. After washing there is a feeling that the hair is greasy. This is not a deviation - in this way the active substances work
  • not the most pleasant scent. The manufacturer paid little attention to the aromatic composition, making a bet on efficiency,
  • very rare manifestation of allergies. If you follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer, the probability of its occurrence is below 0.01%,
  • with seborrhea after using shampoo slight itching may occur (takes place in a few hours).

In the rest - it is recommended even by the doctors themselves as an effective means of preventing baldness. However, it should be used no more than 2 times a week (optimally - 1 time, during therapy - 2-3 times).

Analysis of the composition

The main active ingredients of shampoo giving from hair loss:

  • Loret sodium sulfate. Cheap but effective cleaner. Included in dozens of shampoos,
  • cocamidropyl betaine. It is produced from fatty acids extracted from coconut oil. Shampoo base,
  • hydantoin. The main active component. Strengthens hair, but may slightly irritate the scalp,
  • glycerol. Moisturizes the scalp. It is because of it that the “dirty head” effect may occur, but with its help the medicinal base lasts longer on the hair,
  • sodium benzonate. Preservative

This is the basis of the shampoo. There are 36 components in total. (if you believe the information published on the label by the manufacturer).

Practical application

The manufacturer claims that you should wash your hair with this shampoo. 2-3 times a week. Doctors believe that such an algorithm of use is permissible in the treatment of alopecia.

For prophylaxis it is enough 1 time in 1-2 week, no more. In this case, the air conditioner should not be used, it is desirable to dry the hair without a hair dryer (or at the minimum temperature).

Standard course of therapy - 4 weeks. If necessary, it continues without stopping for 3-6 months (alternating the use of firming shampoo and normal).

How to use it correctly? Like a regular shampoo, apply a small amount on the hair, whip up to the foam with massaging movements and rinse with warm running water.

Efficacy and contraindications

The positive effect of the use of shampoo Dove from hair loss will be noticeable after 4-6 weeks after the start of use.

If there are no changes, you should consult with your doctor.. It is possible that signs of alopecia are caused by other disorders in the body.

But to contraindications to its use include only an individual allergic reaction. But it occurs very rarely due to the low concentration of allergens in the shampoo. Also, it is not prescribed at the age of 18 years.

Total, Dove "Control over hair loss" - inexpensive and effective against excessive hair loss. Before using it, you should still be examined by a trichologist. If after 1.5 months after the start of use there is no positive result, it should be abandoned.

What gives this shampoo?

If you are tired of the fact that your hair is brittle and constantly falling out, then you have found a real salvation from hair loss - Dove. Control of Hair Loss Shampoo acts in several directions at once, providing a regenerating, protecting and cosmetic effect. First, it intensively nourishes all the hair from the roots to the ends, which makes them healthier and more beautiful. Secondly, it fills your hair with power, due to which their loss is significantly reduced. Thirdly, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that the effect of this agent is not superficial - it functions at the cellular level, restoring the hair from the inside. As mentioned earlier, this shampoo gives you two effects at once - instant and long-term. So you will immediately get a visual result after the first use, but if you continue to use this product, the result will constantly become better and better. Here such properties have shampoo "Do: Control hair loss." Reviews, which will be considered later, also confirm each of these points.

The composition of this shampoo is very impressive - it includes more than thirty different components, but one of the biggest drawbacks is its inorganicity. The fact is that in the composition of natural substances only water and salt are observed - all other substances are different kinds of chemicals. This is not to say that this is guaranteed bad, but there is nothing good in this either. Many of these substances are allergens, some are even potentially carcinogenic. However, this issue has been debated for a long time - some scientists write down such ingredients as dangerous and suggest not using such shampoos at all, others, on the contrary, believe that these substances can be beneficial. In this case, you yourself have to decide whether you are ready to use shampoo without organic additives, or if you will look for something more natural. Pay attention to the opinion of people that is not too much influence - about the “Dove: Control over hair loss” shampoo, the responses are mostly positive, and if someone leaves negative reviews, it is only because The label turned out to be specific substances. Nobody left comments that something bad had happened due to the use of this shampoo.

Purpose of use

You are already starting to learn a little about what the reviews about Dove: Repair Therapy Shampoo are - many users comment on this product. However, what do they say about the purpose of its use? The main purpose of this product is to reduce hair loss by feeding damaged hair and giving it new strength. And this task shampoo copes more than well. Also note that this shampoo can be used to add volume to fine hair. Even if your hair does not thin every day, thin hair still does not look too bulky and attractive. With this shampoo, you can get rid of this problem, as it nourishes the hair at the roots, that is exactly where they are most prone to weighting. And, of course, you should pay attention to the soft formula of this product, thanks to which you can use this shampoo on a daily basis.

How to use?

If you decide to purchase this tool, then you should find out exactly how best to use it. In principle, there is absolutely nothing complicated here - squeeze a small amount of the product onto the palm of your hand, then apply it on the scalp with light massaging movements, then rinse thoroughly. That's all - this product is used in the same way as most shampoos, so you should have no difficulties.

What to use?

Want to enhance the effect of this tool? Then you should buy not only it, but also a special balsam-rinse from the same product line. Thanks to him, you can achieve even more impressive results - your hair will become even more beautiful and strong.

Positive reviews

As mentioned above, this product has a huge number of positive reviews on the Internet. You can find a variety of opinions that people put on the network, talking about the shampoo "Dove: Loss Control". Most of the reviews are positive, but what exactly are people pointing out? As a rule, they note that shampoo has a wonderful effect on the hair - makes them soft, silky, visually increases the volume and so on. In general, users confirm what the manufacturer promised. However, if we move from the aesthetic side of the issue to the practical, then there is not so simple. Some people report that their hair has become more healthy, but not everyone adheres to this opinion.

Negative reviews

What exactly causes users dissatisfaction with the series “Control over hair loss” from Dove? Reviews of dissatisfied online buyers are rare, but still present. And the main problem is what was said above - the lack of an actual result. This is the main reason for the decline in the assessment. People write that the hair becomes more beautiful and fluffy, but in fact the shampoo does not cope with the main problem, that is, with the loss and brittleness of thin hair. Also, it has already been mentioned above that some people do not react very enthusiastically to the complete absence of natural ingredients in the shampoo and the abundance of potential allergens and carcinogens.

Causes of breakage

Alopecia is usually associated with impaired functioning of the follicles., because of which the “live” part of the hair, that is, the one that is under the skin, does not receive the necessary nutrition and is destroyed. However, hair loss is associated with the state of the roots only in some cases.

Brittleness, characteristic of the dry type of hair, often also leads to its loss. On the one hand, dryness is caused by a disturbance in the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which also leads to alopecia. On the other hand, with excessive dryness of hair, regardless of their length, break down at the very roots.

The causes of fragility are many, in general, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • external factors: exposure to sunlight, sudden changes in temperature, chemical composition of tap water,
  • improper care: the wrong choice of cosmetics, too frequent washing, daily aggressive styling,
  • unhealthy food: iodine deficiency, vitamins, fat, copper deficiency,
  • diseases: nervous disorders, hypothyroidism, anemia, infectious diseases, anorexia.

Brand history

Concern Unilever, which produces Dove shampoos, founded its brand back in 1956. The name of the brand is translated from English as "flying dove", which became its official symbol. He is the personification of the world, because initially these products were produced exclusively for use in the army.

The emergence of the Dove line was marked by the development of an alkali-free cleanser, which instantly conquered consumers. The shampoos presented in the collection contain moisturizing ingredients that allow you to maintain the natural balance of the skin without drying it out and without causing irritation. The demand for the brand has allowed manufacturers for a long time to successfully implement exclusively shampoos, and only 40 years after the creation of the brand, the idea arose to replenish the range.

It is worth noting that the basis of the funds is still the same, proven formula for decades. And this is not by chance, because it has received high praise from consumers all over the world.

At the moment, Dove shampoos are distributed in more than 80 countries, and this is not the limit, because their range continues to be improved. Special attention should be paid to the advertising campaign of the concern, designed to prove the fact that true beauty is inside of each of us.

Properties and composition of products

Dove shampoos have a balanced composition that is designed to meet the needs of each type of hair, which includes:

  • waterserving as the basis
  • emollients, such as policquternium and quaternium, which increase the density of the shampoo and create a conditioning effect,
  • washing substances, viscosity agents and foaming agents,
  • silicones, giving the hair softness and obedience,
  • Surfactant, effectively clearing of pollution,
  • moisturizing ingredients in the form of panthenol and vegetable oils and smoothing alcohols,
  • pH regulating sodium saltthat smoothes hair
  • moisturizing milk and natural oils,
  • waxes and various beneficial supplements, such as vitamins, proteins, extracts,
  • preservatives and flavorspreserving the consistency and smell of the tool.

Due to its unique composition, Dove shampoos perfectly preserve the natural strength of hair and skin, which makes them resistant to adverse external influences and allows these products to be used by owners of sensitive skin.

Professional combination of ingredients makes this cosmetic not only extremely effective, but also the most comfortable to use.

Thick foam gently envelops the hair, and the components penetrate into all their layers, affecting the structure of the curls. The result is a luxurious head of hair that does not lose its beauty even under the influence of hot styling, painting and temperature changes.

Release form

The range of Dove shampoos is presented in different forms, each of which has its own characteristics. So, light gel texture suitable for women with oily hair. Cream thick funds created for owners of dry and thin hair. They moisturize them over the entire length, eliminating fragility. Dry shampoo in the form of a spray will be the best solution for travel or business trip.Spraying the spray on your hair and combing it, you can easily give your hair a fresh and well-groomed appearance before an important date or business meeting.

It is worth noting that the dry options are not intended for frequent use, although the unique formula Dove is not capable of harming hair.

Types for different hair types

Experts recommend selecting shampoos according to the type of hair. The Dove product line is designed to meet the needs of each of them:

  • "Protection and Care" and "Intense Color" Perfect for colored hair. These shampoos effectively fight dryness, and also make the curls soft and keep the color bright,
  • Intensive Care Series will give new life to dry hair and prevent their further damage,
  • Shampoo serum "Shine and Shine" will appeal to all those who believe that the hair does not have enough lively shine and elegant volume, and will also give the curls smoothness and strength.
  • "Balanced care" like the owners of brittle and weak hair. It is perfect for daily use as a refreshing shampoo that makes hair docile and very soft.

In addition, Dove offers smoothing and dry shampoos that eliminate the problem of hair loss. Below we offer to view a video on how dry shampoo works, a competent choice and proper application.

Against fallout

The problem of hair loss is familiar to many of the fair sex. Stress, hormonal surges, unbalanced nutrition, regular use of a hair dryer and a straightening iron, dyeing and perm, exposure to the environment and chlorinated water all lead to their loss. If you do not stop this process at an early stage, the result can be very sad.

That is why Dove has developed a special shampoo "Control over hair loss". The product contains micro serum that feeds hair from root to tip, and vegetable glycerin, which is famous for its moisturizing effect. According to buyers, the drug really helps stop the process of hair loss. In addition, the manufacturer offers masks and balsams with a similar effect.

Regular use of products will make the hair healthy, strong and thick, and also stop hair loss and accelerate growth.


Deterioration of the hair is another common problem. Lifeless, dull, weakened - such curls become as a result of exposure to a hair dryer, as well as due to staining and other adverse factors. A series of Dove shampoos will help you to restore your lost beauty and strength to your hair. "Intensive recovery", which includes a complex of nutrikeratins.

Keratins are the main material for their full growth. Under the influence of the environment, they are destroyed, which leads to a weakening of the structure and deterioration of the appearance of the hair. Due to the content of keratin shampoo "Intensive recovery" not only cleans hair from impurities, but also makes them strong.

For thin and lifeless

Thin strands, deprived of strength require special care. In addition, they need easy conditioning. These new products are Dove shampoos. "Volume and Recovery", "Ease of Oxygen", and "Glitter and nutrition" with moisturizing complex Pro moisturethat give head of hair an unsurpassed volume.

Easy formula means does not weigh the hair.

Against split ends

Damaged tips not only indicate a poor condition of the hair structure, but also give a shabby look untidy. Unfortunately, many women face this problem. That is why Dove created shampoo "Against split ends" with a special formula Tip-Reconstructor. Deeply penetrating into each layer, it restores and strengthens the entire structure.

Systematic use of the tool eliminates the problem of split ends and prevents its further occurrence. Its most effective use is in combination with cream-serum and balsam-rinse of the same series.

The result is not long in coming and will manifest itself in the form of elastic, healthy and shining along the entire length of the curls.

The problem of dryness is also very common. Blow-drying, coloring, and perm make hair thin, weak, dull, unruly and tough. New shampoos "Nourishing Care" and "Transforming care" designed to meet all the needs of female hair of this type. Natural oils of their origin can literally transform curls in the shortest possible time, filling them with natural strength and accelerating growth.

So, almond oil It has excellent caring and healing properties. Moisturizing the skin and hair, it reduces their loss and peeling of the scalp, accelerating their growth. BUT Coconut oil, saturated with vitamins A, B and C, effectively restores the structure along the entire length, strengthening the roots and “sealing” the tips. Delicate texture with ultra-light oils penetrates deeply into each hair, restoring the entire structure. As a result - elastic, beautiful and healthy curls that you want to admire endlessly.

It is worth noting that such a nourishing shampoo does not require a supplement in the form of a balm, since it has an antistatic and disentangling effect. Hair will be easy to comb during any season, and the hairstyle will always have a presentable look.

For fatty

This type of hair has its drawbacks. Owners with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands often complain that the hair quickly loses freshness and volume. Daily use of shampoos only aggravates the situation. Dove shampoo will help solve the problem. "Complex cleansing". This product contains a unique micro-moisture serum, which has a beneficial effect on the entire structure.

The company offers dry Dove shampoo called "Recovery and Care". The remedy, due to the astringent properties of green tea, relieves strands from excessive fat content, greasy luster and dandruff. It is sprayed from a distance of 10-15 centimeters, after which the hair is combed in the usual way. You can use it both on trips and on vacation, and in the intervals between the traditional shampooing. The spray will become an indispensable assistant for busy women and will allow you to quickly tidy yourself up before an important meeting, saving time for washing and drying.

In the opinion of consumers, it becomes clear that after applying an aerosol, the hair looks fresh, bulky and filled with a pleasant delicate aroma.

For stained

Strands subjected to staining, often become dry, dull and brittle, and therefore require special care with the use of specially designed tools. In addition, I want them to preserve bright saturated color and brilliance as long as possible. Knowing this, the manufacturer Dove has developed a shampoo based on micro-wet serum, which is included in the series "Shine of color". Penetrating deep into the structure of each hair, they hold the dye molecules.

Hair does not lose brightness of color and natural shine for a long time, and also become healthy, moisturized and very strong.

For those who want to maintain the elasticity of the curls, the company recommends shampoo "Ease and hydration" with complex Aqua serum. Perfectly moisturizing and carefully cleansing each hair, it gives them softness and makes them more docile.


The causes of dandruff are many: from poor nutrition to dry scalp and hormonal imbalance. Be that as it may, this is not only an aesthetic problem, but also evidence of problems in the body. Dove Shampoo Dandruff not only perfectly cleans hair, but also completely eliminates this problem. This effect is due to the presence in the composition of the special care ingredients of natural origin, acting simultaneously on the skin and hair. Zinc complex Zinc pyrithione effectively fights the causes of dandruff, and caffeine makes curls strong and full of life.

Regularly using this shampoo, you can permanently get rid of seborrhea and prevent its reappearance.

The long history of the Dove brand is a story of success and victories. A variety of shampoos allows you to choose the most suitable option based on individual wishes and needs. Means for dry, oily, weakened and dyed hair are produced in the form of cosmetics, the effectiveness of which thousands of women managed to evaluate.

Numerous positive reviews about them are evidence of its excellent quality and effectiveness. The main advantages of these shampoos the fair sex consider:

  • Unique composition. In addition to traditional components, such as oils, surfactants, washing and softening substances, they use modern complexes of active action, penetrating into each hair.
  • Unrivaled effect. After the first application, it becomes noticeable that the hair becomes more docile, smooth and well-groomed. Fatty curls become silky and fresh, and dry - softness and volume.
  • Nice texture and aroma. Shampoos Dove for a quarter consists of a moisturizer that makes them not only extremely effective, but also pleasant to use.
  • The possibility of independent use. Dove shampoos do not need balsams or masks, but in combination with them they become even more effective. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use the means of one line.
  • Hypoallergenic. The products are made from high-quality ingredients, which makes them completely harmless. Therefore, they are suitable even for people with sensitive skin, allergies and people with dermatitis.


The company Dove launches a line of products "Control over hair loss", the purpose of which is to combat hair loss due to fragility. It includes shampoos for women and men (Dove men), a balm mask and a balm conditioner.

The drugs have a double effect, on the one hand, they strengthen the damaged and weakened hair, preventing breakage, on the other hand, they seal the cuticle, helping to fight the aggressive effects of the external environment.

Note! Dove means provide nourishment to the hair without weighting: it allows you to keep the volume of hair, including at the roots.

In the same time drugs will be useless in the event that alopecia is associated with impaired blood circulation of the scalp and, as a consequence, the supply of follicles. In general, they do not affect the dermis: it is not worth expecting a positive effect in case of a serious disruption of the sebaceous glands, infectious lesions or problems with the production of collagen.

A unique feature of Dove tools is the patented Trichazole Actives formula. It inhibits the activity of natural enzymes, thus preventing the weakening of the hair. According to the manufacturers, the use of this formula guarantees a long-term effect.

Cocamidopropyl betaine (Cocamidopropyl Betaine), a mild cleansing agent that does not damage and does not desiccate hair, also contributes to the preservation of the hair structure.

However, it should be borne in mind that The shampoos contain a number of potential allergens and skin irritants: DMDM Hydantoin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone.

Where can one buy

Despite the unique composition, means of the “Control over hair loss” line belong to the mass market and available to customers in specialized stores of cosmetics and perfumes, and in the usual food supermarkets.

Shampoo Dove and Dove Man produce in two versions - 250 and 380 milliliters, the price for them ranges from 200-300 rubles, respectively. The mask and rinse produced in tubes of 200 milliliters, their cost is about 250 rubles.

Order all means of the line can be online through the official website Dove, which offers to use the services of a number of partner stores.


Dove shampoos for alopecia are suitable for daily use. After the first application, a positive effect is noticeable - the hair looks less dull, it becomes more docile and shiny, while without weighting, the volume remains at the roots.

A small amount of shampoo is applied to wet hair with massaging movements. The tool is characterized by density and forms a rich foam, therefore, as a rule, a small amount of the product is sufficient for one application.

To consolidate the result, the company proposes using conditioners and masks with a similar composition, which are also aimed at strengthening the hair structure and protect them from negative external factors. The mask is applied to washed hair for 1 minute, then washed off with warm water. The rinse is also used after washing and does not wash off.

Officially, the manufacturer does not provide data on how long it is necessary to apply shampoo for a noticeable reduction in hair loss. However, according to reviews, if alopecia is associated with brittleness, positive effect is noticeable after 2-3 months.

An important point! There are no restrictions on the frequency of use of drugs Dove no.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros shampoo Dove:

  • long-term reinforcement,
  • hair becomes smooth and shiny
  • gives volume at the roots,
  • does not cause itching and peeling of the skin (in the absence of allergy to the components of the product),
  • no sharp odorant,
  • copious thick foam, consistency saves money.


  • includes potential allergens and formaldehyde,
  • exerts only external influence, without improving the functioning of hair follicles,
  • does not simplify the styling process.

Generally Dove shampoo against hair loss is well suited for use as an aid in the fight to preserve hair. However, their application will be ineffective without an integrated approach to the problem.

Hair loss should be fought, first of all, by eliminating the causes of this process, whether it is nutritional disorders or excessive use of a hair dryer and styling tongs. Otherwise, the cosmetic complex will improve the condition and appearance of the hair, but it will not completely solve the problem.

Competent hair care

Hair loss is a serious problem that 60% of women have to contend with. Even healthy hair needs proper care, what to speak about weakened, prone to external negative effects, beginning to fall out of strands.

The importance of hair hygiene is difficult to overestimate, because hairstyle is one of the main factors that affect the impression we make on others, and if lost hair is visible on the ironed, strict suit of a well-groomed business woman, it is clear that the overall impression is deteriorating.

In order for the hair care to be competent and effective, first of all you need to properly deal with the type of your own hair, so that when trying to treat them, the opposite result is not obtained, expressed in the deterioration of their condition. Hair is divided into types:

  • normal (elastic, elastic, shiny, soft. Usually it is unpainted, not curled, in other words - hair not exposed to chemical attack),
  • dry (no shine, brittle and dull, bitten, confused, difficult to comb),
  • fat (there is a characteristic shine, oiliness, strands stick together, the volume does not hold, it is difficult to style, after washing it is quickly salted),
  • mixed (fatty at the roots, and dry at the ends, lifeless. It is typical for long hair).

Shampoo selection

It is important that the selected shampoo matches the type of hair, as the special components are selected for exposure to the hair with a specific problem. Among other things, there are special series of shampoos and balms, aimed at solving the problem of exactly falling hair.

Shampoo for oily hair - there are many washing substances in the composition, the task of which is to clean the hair of dirt and grease. Frequent use of such a shampoo can cause drying or peeling of the skin.

Shampoo for normal hair - contains fewer substances for cleansing, compared to shampoo for oily hair. The task of such a shampoo is to clean the hair and not to interfere with the natural processes inside the hair, such as secretion.

Part shampoo for dry hair includes a moisturizer that prevents excessive hair and scalp dryness. Also in such shampoos there are usually additives of different oils (avocado, jojoba, silk proteins, egg lecithin), due to which the hair is moistened, shine, become more elastic.

Series from hair loss "Selentsin" Energy line.

Shampoo: active ingredients - caffeine, collagen and menthol (menthol gives a mild cooling effect)

Balsam conditioner: the same caffeine, collagen, plus panthenol. Gives shine to hair.

Firming spray against hair loss: Energy line, caffeine, collagen and keratin.

Stimulating lotion spray for hair growth: seviol, caffeine, collagen and keratin.

Biocon. Series "Strength Hair", against loss.

Active ingredients - extract of leech and caffeine. It normalizes the metabolic processes in the follicles and activates the stimulation of the hair roots. Zinc pyrithione - to improve the condition of hair, the obstacles to their loss and fight dandruff.

Panthenol - to moisturize the scalp and improve the structure of the hair. Silk proteins - an obstacle of fragility, smoothing of scales, filling by itself of the damaged sites.

Ducray anaphase

Cream shampoo to strengthen prone to hair loss, and enhancing their growth.

Active substances: tocopherol and ruscus extract, a combination of which affects the microcirculation of the scalp. As part of no silicones, that is, this shampoo refers to natural products.

Ampoules against L’oreal Professional hair loss

Components: aminexil, omega 6 and nutria complex

The product was created to prevent the collagen produced by the body from hardening, which is why the hair does not have time to take root.

It is recommended to enhance the effect to use in combination with shampoo from the same series.

Shampoo Biorga Cystiphane Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo.

The composition of this shampoo has cleansing, ultra-soft components, carefully eliminating contamination, do not violate the natural pH level.

Zinc pyrithione present in the composition eliminates the problem of hair loss due to hormones, and also prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.


Watch the video: My HAIR LOSS story - how I fought it + hair growth tips (July 2024).