Eyebrows and eyelashes

3 preferred options for choosing the appropriate eyebrow shape for chubby beauties


It is sometimes difficult enough to correctly identify your face shape, many confuse a round face type with a square or oval face. But after all, it is on the type of face depends on the optimal shape of the eyebrows, as well as makeup options.

To determine the shape of the face you need:

  1. Remove hair in the tail and stand in front of the mirror.
  2. To clear a face from a make up.
  3. Reflection in the mirror on the contour circle lipstick or a pencil.
  4. Depart from it and determine what kind of figure resembles the reflection in the mirror.
  5. With a round face type, the image is visually similar to a circle.
  6. To check, measure with a ruler the lower and upper half of the circled contour.

A round face is characterized by almost the same width as the upper part of the face (forehead) and lower (chin).

Girls with a similar face shape have a soft chin line, hair grows also along a rounded line. The width of the face is almost equal to its length. Because of this, the fair sex makes a lot of effort to the person acquired the desired oval shape. Eyebrow correction, properly selected under the type of face shape, will help in this difficult matter.

Raised, broken eyebrows should have a small descending tail - they are best suited for this shape of the face. They visually lengthen the face, focusing on the vertical, instead of horizontal.

The width of the face is emphasized by rounded eyebrows, this form should be avoided if possible.

Eyebrow shape modeling

How to determine the contour of the eyebrows?

In order to accurately and correctly simulate the shape of the eyebrows, it is necessary to note three points:

  • start of eyebrow growth.
  • break point (highest point), which is located above the end of the iris.
  • ending eyebrow growth.

To determine the first point, a pencil or a thin ruler is applied to the wing of the nose: the beginning of the eyebrow is marked where the straight line intersects with it. The second mark is determined by applying a pencil from the wing of the nose right through the middle of the eye. The break point is marked at the intersection of the line with the eyebrow. And finally, the final mark is also calculated from the wing of the nose - the outer corner of the eye serves as the boundary. After that, we connect the dots into one beautiful line - this is exactly the contour of the correct eyebrows for a round face.

We leave the beginning of the growth zone until the break unchanged, but the tail is gradually narrowed. The hairs that grow beyond the start and break point lines are gently removed with tweezers. If the width on the contrary is not enough, then you can draw the missing part with a pencil. In this case, a tattoo will help.

Eyebrows grow very quickly, and in order to preserve the shape that you have chosen, you should subject your eyebrows to bi-weekly correction.

Eyebrow correction with tweezers

Eyebrow collection process

Eyebrow correction with tweezers is the most important part of the procedure. Remove hairs should be carefully, one by one, until the eyebrows do not get the desired width. Those hairs to be removed can be painted white, and the outline of the eyebrow can be cut around with a dark pencil.

Only those that grow at the bottom of the eyebrows, and not at the top edge, can be plucked out. It is here that they are most brightly colored, and by removing them, you risk leaving your eyebrows colorless and shapeless.

To reduce the pain of sensations, you can make a hot compress before the procedure. Also, if you rub the skin well, you can slightly reduce its sensitivity. In this situation, a piece of ice will not be superfluous, which will reduce the pain threshold.

Some useful tips:

  • Special gel will help smooth sticking hairs.
  • with a round face type, do not leave the sharp tips of the eyebrows.
  • a strong difference in the color of the eyebrows from the main tone of the hair is not permissible
  • Initially, many people have different shapes of eyebrows, so correction should be carried out carefully in order to get full symmetry.

Giving the eyebrows the desired shape, remember that you want to harmonize them with your face.

Eyebrow shapes for round face

Eyebrows like Cameron Diaz

Consider the shapes of eyebrows for a round face.

Winged eyebrows are eyebrows that look like birds in flight, such eyebrows narrow the face well and therefore are considered the best option. But here you should avoid extremes, because with an excessively broken eyebrow line, you risk becoming like an actor with an eternally tragic facial expression. If we talk about celebrities, then Cameron Diaz and Christina Richie flaunt such winged edges.

Eyebrows without sharp corners - a very risky option, since it does not suit everyone. Eyebrows referred to in folklore as a crescent, and considered to be incredibly beautiful, are not always the standard of beauty in life. You can take Mandy Moore as a sample - she managed to find harmony between the winged bend and the arc.

Straight eyebrows - they should be treated with caution, since with an incorrect ratio of length and width they can widen the face. The ideal even form can sometimes look strange, it is better to give a slight graceful bend to the eyebrows, which looks very mysterious and feminine. Actresses Kirsten Dunst and Kate Winslet achieved such a beautiful deep look with the help of eyebrows.

Now there are templates that copy the shape of the eyebrows of celebrities and actresses, and which can be purchased in stores of professional cosmetics. Such templates have become very popular in America and in Europe. But if you are not ready for bold experiments with the shape of your eyebrows, it is better to use the services of a beauty salon.

Eyebrows also need care. For their good growth and rich color, it is necessary to take such vitamins as A, E and D. Before bedtime, apply warm castor or other oil to your eyebrows with a brush. So the hairs will not bristle and grow faster.

Much in appearance depends on the proper selection of decorative cosmetics - black eyebrows are peculiar only to brunettes, and such bright and defiant color is categorically contraindicated for fair-haired or red hair. The color of the mascara or pencil should match the tone of your hair shade.

Always remember that the harmony and moderation of the overall image is most important. Graceful and beautiful eyebrows will decorate and emphasize the attractiveness of any woman.

And what eyebrows for a round face would you pick up? Share your ideas with us in the comments.

What face should be considered round

If the contour has approximately the same dimensions of the height of the face (from the upper line of the forehead to the lower part of the chin) and its width (along the lines of the cheekbones), then the girl is chubby. The outlines of the face are usually soft, with smooth transitions, rounded cheeks and chin, with a predominance of horizontal lines, in the absence of well-defined reliefs and angles.

Choosing the right size

Most importantly, eyebrows on the type of person should be distinguished by a small kink. To determine the ideal size of the lines, you can use a regular pencil:

stand in front of the mirror, outline and delineate future lines, according to directions.

The length of another arc is also defined. When markings are drawn, draw beautiful lines.

How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows can favorably beautify the face, but if there is not enough confidence in self-correcting, the first correction is best carried out in the salon.

Beauticians recommend choosing one of three types:

These directions are not a standard at all, draw with a pencil other shapes, but with a visual lengthening for a round face, eyebrows with a high relief are suitable. They perfectly smooth out excessive plump cheeks and narrow the width of the cheekbones. In addition, the required clarity of lines and color design.

Selection of a suitable eyebrow shape

There are certain universal requirements that are suitable for all types of face. First of all, eyebrows should be neat and with a clear line. Separately growing hairs will not decorate the face and will give the girl an untidy appearance. In addition, it is important that the hairs are thick enough. "Liquid" eyebrows will not look harmonious.

It is also very important to clearly define the length of the eyebrow. In order to determine it, draw a visual line from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye, and the second line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. So you will find the start point and the end point of the brow. To determine the points as accurately as possible, use any straight object, such as a pencil or ruler.

When the beginning and the end of the eyebrow line are determined, it is necessary to calculate the bending point. Attach the same ruler to the face vertically so that it passes through the center of the pupil. The break point must lie on this line.

So, what kind of eyebrows for a round face looks the most impressive? Chubby girls have three options that will look equally advantageous. These include:

  • Ascending shape with the tip elevated above the temple.
  • "Wing" gull "(rising form with a break).
  • Rounded shape with a point of bend shifted to the outer edge of the eye.

Tips for self-correction of eyebrows

Now that you know which shape of the eyebrows is suitable for a round face, you need to learn how to properly correct them. Of course, you can go to the salon, but it requires financial and time costs. Therefore, it is much easier once and for all to learn the procedure of correction by yourself and forget about the search for specialists.

The simplest and most accessible correction method is plucking using traditional tweezers. This technique requires compliance with certain conditions to achieve the desired result.

  • Prepare a place to work. You will need a mirror and good lighting. Ideal - bright daylight. Also suitable artificial light, similar in its spectrum with daylight. With such lighting, you will clearly see every detail and do not make irreparable mistakes.
  • When the place is ready, get ready to prepare the necessary equipment. In addition to the mirror mentioned above, you will need a few different tweezers, alcohol, and some soothing face lotion. It is very important to thoroughly process the tweezers with alcohol to avoid any infections. Do not ignore this item, even if no one except you is using tweezers. Lotion is needed in order to process the skin immediately before the procedure.
  • Well and, at last, be engaged in preparation of eyebrows. First of all, wash with soap and water, then wipe your face with lotion and comb your eyebrows along the hairline. If you do not, you can accidentally remove excess hair.

Always pull out hairs only on the bottom line of growth and never touch the top one - this is the most important rule that all makeup artists adhere to. You need to pull out the hairs with sharp movements, tightly wrapping them with tweezers and moving in the direction of growth. This is the way to create the correct eyebrow shape for a round face.

Getting rid of pain during eyebrow plucking

If you really want to create perfect eyebrows for a round face, but are afraid of the painfulness of the plucking procedure, the following tips are what you need. With their help, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations during the correction.

  • Prepare a decoction of herbs, for example, from chamomile and motherwort, pour it into ice molds and freeze. Before starting the procedure, roll the eyebrows with ice cubes. This will help “freeze” pain, lowering the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • You can do the opposite and apply a warm compress to the place of work. Under the influence of heat, the skin will become softer, the pores will expand and hair removal will become much easier.
  • If the pain is too strong and neither ice nor warm compresses help you, buy a special cream in the cosmetics shop that is designed to relieve pain during eyebrow correction.
  • In addition, the next tricky way that professional makeup artists often use will help. It consists in slightly pulling the skin of the eyebrow towards yourself and at the same time sharply pulling out a hair.

Whatever method of anesthesia you choose, remember the main thing: take your time and do not fuss. Removing hair by hair with clear and calm movements, you will avoid strong pain.

How to choose a beautiful eyebrow shape

Even the most delightful eyebrow shape may not suit a certain type of face. With
the choice of shape should take into account everything: the shape of the face, the shape of the eyes, the size of the forehead, nose, chin,
cheekbones. There are certain rules that will help determine the ideal
each face form:

  • It is best to use thin lines for owners of thin features, but
    Those with large facial features are best suited for thick eyebrows.
  • If the eyes are not very large, then it is better to avoid wide shading and use
    lines of optimal density. Intense feathering will highlight the appeal
    big eyes.
  • If the eyes are close enough to each other, then the distance between them can be visually increased. To do this, just pull out the hairs on the nose,
    and the tips on the contrary, a little paint on.
  • For a wide forehead, curved and slightly raised in
    mid eyebrow.
  • For owners of a small forehead, it is better to use arched or straight eyebrows.
  • Highlight graceful cheekbones will help arched bend eyebrows two-thirds of the length.

Important! Do not pull the hair that grows in the upper part
lines. They give the eyebrows a rich color, and after their removal they become colorless.

What are the shape of the face:

  • Round,
  • Oval,
  • Square
  • Rectangular
  • Diamond shaped
  • Triangular.

Signs of a round face:

  • All parts of the face are approximately equal in width,
  • No corners
  • Wide chin and forehead,
  • Big cheekbones, exceeding in length.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows

Choosing a shape for a round face

For chubby beauties the question is very relevant, which eyebrows are most preferable for a round face. After all, with the help of a well-chosen eyebrow shape, you can make a face.
more beautiful and interesting. However, using eyebrows can not only improve
the shape of the face, but vice versa, visually increase the proportions, which is not very well reflected on
image in general.

For the purpose of beneficial underlining of the natural beauty of the face, and visually reducing
deficiencies, you need to know which shape is best for a round face.

Eyebrows in the shape of the face

For the round face is characterized by large cheekbones, wide lines of the chin, often in combination with a raised tip of the nose. For this type of appearance is best to use such
Forms like:

  • Gull wing: the line from the beginning of the eyebrow moves upwards, then a bend of two third length occurs and descends.
  • Rising eyebrows: the line rises smoothly from the beginning of the eyebrow, then ends at the temporal line.
    Here the main thing that the tip was slightly turned up.
  • Curved: A slightly curved line moves upward from the start of the brow, then descends 2 / 3longs.

Eyebrows for a round face

These forms are only advisory in nature, to select eyebrows should be considered
the natural shape of the eyebrows, the incision and fit of the eyes and other features of appearance.

Important! It is not recommended to sharpen the tips too much, and in the presence of very light hairs it is best to use a pencil for

Eyebrow shape for round face with tattoo

Of course, every day to draw the necessary shape for eyebrows is not very easy, and even more so, it takes a lot of time and sometimes nerves. In this case, you can use the procedure of the tattoo and for a long time not to remember the pencil and paint for eyebrows. For a quality tattoo, you should contact a specialist and discuss with him a form that will ideally look on your face. The most successful eyebrows for a round face are curved, with a raised tail.

After agreeing on the desired form, the master must correct the form by removing
unnecessary hairs. This is a very responsible and hard work, because the shape of the eyebrow as a whole depends on it.

After the form is fully prepared, the process of tattooing begins. Firstly
eyebrows are treated with a special disinfectant, and applies anesthetic cream. Then begins the procedure itself tattoo, which lasts from 40 minutes to one hour.
At the end of the procedure, the result will not appear immediately, you must first go through a period of eyebrow adaptation. After 1.5 weeks a beautiful result will appear (photo before and after).

What eyebrows categorically do not fit round face

In addition to the most suitable forms for a round face, there are also such forms that it is strongly recommended not to do, so as not to impair the appearance. These forms include:

Beautifully selected eyebrows

These forms include:

  • Straight eyebrows
  • Eyebrows that are too close to each other,
  • Eyebrow shape with long tips,
  • Arched eyebrows
  • Semicircular
  • Too wide eyebrows.

To create a graceful image, it is important to understand which shape of eyebrows will be most suitable. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is preferable to seek help from a specialist who practices to create beautiful eyebrow shapes, he will help determine the right type of face and choose the most ideal form for them. An experienced master will be able to visually lengthen a round face and tell you which shape to choose for a particular type.

What eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face?

How to choose eyebrows by type? First of all, you need to look for an option that will make the proportions more harmonious. In the past few years, the fashion on the eyebrows, plucked out by a thin thread, has receded into the background. Whatever your face - round, oval or rectangular, they must be wide enough and natural.

The most suitable option for a round face can be called a slightly curved wing shape. Kink should not be unnatural, it will give your face a surprised look. Remember the simple rule: the larger the facial features and the larger the eyes, the steeper the kink can be. If you are the owner of a low forehead, give preference to a more straight line of medium length.

The straight shape is also suitable for some types of round faces: it allows you to balance facial features. In this case, there is a danger of visually making the cheekbones wider, so experiment with the direct form more carefully.

Definitely it can be said that the rounded shape is not suitable for chubby girls. It, like the straight, makes the face wider and even visually adds weight.

3 basic principles of eyebrow care

  1. Find your form. You can do this with the help of a specialist. Even if you plan to care for your eyebrows on your own, the first time you should contact a professional makeup artist who will teach you to apply makeup and correct the shape correctly.
  2. Do not do a tattoo. Examples of a successful tattoo of this part of the face simply do not exist. Most likely, you will be very sorry for what you have done, and your face will look as unnatural as possible.
  3. Choose high-quality cosmetics. A pencil, eye shadow and eyebrow gel - a necessary minimum which will help you to make both a daily, and evening make-up.

What shape of eyebrows do you prefer for a round face?

Eyebrow Care Tips

Ideal eyebrows for a round face are, first of all, thick eyebrows. They are beautiful and based on them you can recreate any shape. Not every girl pays enough attention to the care of this part of her face, and, meanwhile, her eyebrows need different procedures no less than, for example, hair or skin.

One of the most effective procedures for the growth of thick and beautiful eyebrows is to use a carrot mask. To make it you need only two components:

  • tablespoon fresh carrot juice
  • two drops of vitamin A.

Ingredients need to be mixed, dip cotton pads in the mixture and put them on the eyebrows. After 20 minutes, remove the cotton pads and wash off the remnants of the mask with warm water.


Watch the video: HOW TO GET PERFECT SKIN WITH MAKEUP (July 2024).