
Effective hair masks with burdock oil: recipes, rules of use


Burdock oil for hair loss is recognized not only folk, but also traditional medicine, as one of the effective means in the fight against alopecia. It is sold in free access in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, and it is easy to prepare at home. The oil is applied in its pure form, is part of the shampoo and masks.

What is the value of burdock?

Burdock oil for hair loss is prepared on the basis of burdock roots by insisting on vegetable oil, usually olive oil.

Substances contained in the composition:

  • squirrels,
  • inulin
  • acids,
  • flavonoids,
  • vitamins B and C,
  • essential oils.

Burdock contains up to 45% inulin. This substance improves metabolic processes in the skin cells, moisturizes, promotes renewal, strengthens weakened follicles. Proteins are necessary for the hair shaft as one of the building materials, and the follicles are directly dependent on vitamin deficiency.

All of the above properties have a therapeutic effect for hair loss:

  • helps against skin dermatitis and dry skin,
  • fights split ends
  • increases growth rate
  • strengthens the hair, making it smooth and elastic,
  • enhances skin microcirculation,
  • nourishes the bulbs with microelements and vitamins,
  • protects tips from delamination and cross section.

Burdock oil for baldness shows its effect with prolonged use. Treatment may take up to 1 year or even two years. In addition to the therapeutic effect of the liquid is an excellent preventive agent.

Self cooking butter from burdock root

To be sure that the cosmetic product is completely natural, it can be made at home. To do this, you will need in the spring, even before the leaves have grown large, and the burdock has bloomed or in the fall after flowering, to prepare its roots. They are thoroughly washed, crushed and dried in a dark, well-ventilated area. Then take one part of the roots and two parts of the oil. For these purposes, suitable olive, almond, sesame, sunflower and flaxseed. Raw materials are placed in a container, preferably of dark glass and pour oil. In order for the burdock to transfer all the beneficial substances to the oil, it will take two weeks of exposure in a dark place. After filtering the infusion through cheesecloth, it is ready for use.

Recipes based on burdock root extract

Most often, the component is used as an ingredient in a cosmetic mask, but it can also be used as a single agent.

The oil on the basis of burdock roots is heated to the temperature equal to the temperature of the human body. This can be done by lowering the bottle into a container with hot water. Then the hair is distributed on the strands, and the tool is applied on the partitions with massage movements. This procedure should take at least 15 minutes. After which the liquid is distributed over the entire length of the strands, the head is covered with polyethylene and a thick towel. The exposure time is from 1 to 2 hours.

The mask for hair loss with burdock oil will be more effective if it is supplemented with other equally effective ingredients for baldness. In order for masks, where the basic component is burdock oil, have a healing effect, they must be properly prepared and tested for the presence of allergic reactions to any component before they are distributed over the entire surface of the head. To do this, apply the prepared mixture on your wrist and wait about 10 minutes.

The components from which the masks are made must be in a warm form, so all chemical reactions pass faster.But it is very important not to heat such additional ingredients as honey and essential oils above 40 degrees - all the useful substances evaporate at this temperature or, worse, turn into carcinogens.

The first tangible results from cosmetic procedures will be noticeable after about 7 weeks, while if the masks are used 2 times a week. In solving the problem of hair loss is not the frequency of use of funds, and regularity.

For breakage

The most effective remedy for fragility and hair loss is a mask based on honey and burdock oil. This takes 1 weight part of honey and 3 parts of butter. Honey, if necessary, is melted in a water bath to a liquid state, the oil is heated. The mixture is distributed by massaging movements over the entire head and strands. Matured hour.

There is another kind of this mask, when onions, ground into mush are added to the above described ingredients.

To enhance the results from the use of burdock oil will help the following components:

  • yolks,
  • yeast,
  • pepper tincture,
  • mustard,
  • cognac,
  • lemon juice.

Tincture of hot pepper, mustard powder, brandy act as skin irritants. They cause redness, and, consequently, the flow of blood and with it the oxygen and nutrients with which burdock extract, honey and eggs are so rich.

Good results were noted with the pepper tincture. If you take 50 ml of burdock oil for the weight part, then the remaining ingredients are taken in the following amounts:

  • yolk,
  • honey - ½ weight parts,
  • pepper tincture - 1/10.

Products are mixed warm, evenly distributed over the surface of the head, create a greenhouse effect with polyethylene and towels and stand for an hour. The yolk in the composition of this mask helps to quickly flush the mixture from the hair.

Against loss, it is also an effective remedy, which equally contains burdock oil, castor oil and pepper tincture. The mixture is kept for an hour on the head and washed off with barely warm water.

Mustard powder and extractive squeezing of burdock root are active growth stimulants, as they enhance the nutrition of the follicle.

To prepare you will need to mix the following ingredients:

  • mustard powder, burdock liquid - 3 tablespoons,
  • yolks - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - 3 tsp.
  • water or herbal decoction - 50 ml.

All components are introduced without a certain sequence and thoroughly mixed. The mixture is distributed on the partings with a paint brush. Half an hour after aging under polyethylene is washed off with shampoo.

From falling out

The following mask is considered effective from falling out:

  • burdock oil, honey, brandy - 1 part by weight,
  • yeast with sulfur (sold in a pharmacy as a dietary supplement) - 0.5 weight parts.

The yeast is ground into a fine powder and mixed with heated liquids. The mixture is applied to the head for half an hour.

Growth stimulation

Strengthen the growth will help the mixture, for the preparation of which for 100 ml of burdock extract, take 2 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice and 2 yolks. But the addition of three capsules of vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy) will increase the strength of the effects of the basic ingredients.

A mask based on sea salt, burdock oil and honey can improve blood circulation and stimulate the vital activity of the hair follicles. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and whipped with a mixer until foaming.

Salt is a very active component, so these masks are not suitable for people with wounds to the head, combs and very dry skin. The tool is applied exclusively on the scalp parting. Exposure time - half an hour, but with a strong burning sensation and discomfort, you should immediately wash the tool with water. Hair after such a mask is better to rinse with a decoction of chamomile or sage, which have a calming effect.

Burdock based masks are a very effective remedy for hair loss, but it is recommended primarily for dry and brittle strands.Heavy hair, prone to fat, oily liquid will further weight and thus contribute to their loss.

General rules for using burdock oil

Methods of use and recipes burdock hair masks a huge amount. They add a variety of ingredients: oils, dairy products, tinctures, eggs, herbal teas. The choice of components depends on the purpose of using hair products, but the basic rules do not change.

  1. Apply masks on dirty hair before washing, the effect will be more noticeable.
  2. To burdock oil better penetrated into the structure of the hair, you need to wear a warming cap. You can wrap the hair package, pull the old hat on top.
  3. Masks are applied on hair only in the form of heat. You can warm the mixture in the microwave, but it is more useful to use a water, steam bath of two vessels of different sizes.
  4. To achieve the maximum effect from a home remedy of burdock oil, you need to keep it on your hair for at least one hour.
  5. Wash hair from oil mask with shampoo. You may have to foam it 2-3 times, so that as a result, the hair does not hang icicles.

You should not hope that the result of applying the burdock mask will be immediately noticeable. The first really visible changes can be obtained in 5-6 procedures. It is important to note that the tool with a cumulative effect, it is desirable to use it at least twice a week.

Important! Burdock oil, like any cosmetic product, can cause allergies. Individual response is more common in mixed purchaser. To eliminate intolerance, you need to lubricate a small area in the crook of the elbow and in an hour to track the reaction. Ideally, the skin should not change.

Recipes masks with oil from burdock

For hair, burdock oil can be applied in its natural form. It is enough to warm the product, rub it first in the palms, then apply it to the length or rub it into the scalp. The result from a natural product in any case will be positive, but masks from several ingredients work much better. In addition to the cosmetic effect, you can see the therapeutic effect: eliminating dandruff, preventing early gray hair, strengthening the roots, reducing the section.

Arab mask for hair loss

Prevents and treats baldness, strengthens hair.

Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
Honey - 2 tbsp. l

Put everything in a bowl. Put a pot of water on the stove, put a bowl into it and slowly heat the mixture to a warm state. Ensure that the temperature does not exceed 60 ° C. Remove the bowl from the pan, stir. Rub into the skin, make a light massage. Hair covered with a layer of ordinary oil of burdock without additives. Wear a warming cap on the hair, hold for 2 hours.

Tip! If you add to this mass 2 drops of tea tree oil, you get an excellent tool for the treatment of dandruff. It is necessary to use it similarly.

Split ends hair mask with castor oil and glycerin

Increases elasticity, nourishes and moisturizes, improves the appearance of hair.

Burdock oil - 40 ml
Castor oil - 20 ml
Honey - 20 g
Glycerin - 5 ml

Connect all components, warm the mixture to 40 ° C. Alternate the mask of burdock oil strands, at the end comb through the comb. For roots, you can also use this tool. Hair to collect, to warm the head.

Hair loss mask with red pepper and yolk

Prevents and eliminates hair loss, increases blood circulation, strengthens the bulbs.

Burdock oil - 4 tbsp. l
Yolk - 1 pc.
Hot red pepper - 1 tsp.

Pour over burdock oil, immediately add red pepper to it. It uses a ground product, but you can chop a fresh or dry pod yourself. Stir, heat in a convenient way. Add raw yolk, let loose.Rub into the skin of the scalp, massage, cover with a film, warm and leave for half an hour. If after a time an intolerable burning sensation is felt, then wash off earlier. It is very important not to use hot water, which will increase the discomfort, ruin your hair.

Mask with bow and burdock hair

Acceleration of growth, fortification of the bulbs and hair shaft, strengthening.

Burdock oil - 50 g
Onion Juice - 35 ml
Aloe juice - 15 ml

Squeeze out fresh juice from chopped onion and aloe leaf. Connect all, send to the bath, warm up, the mixture should be warmer than body temperature. To reduce onion flavor, you can add citrus or mint oil. Rub the prepared mask into the hair and scalp. Hold under the hood for at least an hour.

Vitamin burdock mask

It nourishes, moisturizes, prevents cross-section, gives shine and shine to hair.

Burdock oil - 4 tbsp. l
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
Jojoba oil - 1 tsp.
Vitamins E and A - 1 ampoule

Pour the oil into a small bowl, stir, put in a pan with hot water, hold for a few minutes. If necessary, you can use the microwave. Cut the ampoule, add ampoule vitamins. Apply a mask of burdock oil on strands of hair, rub in carefully. Cover with a towel, hold for at least an hour.

Mask with burdock oil "invigorating"

Improves the appearance of hair, makes them alive, accelerates growth, stimulates the awakening of the bulbs.

Burdock oil - 30 ml
Castor oil - 15 ml
Bee Honey - 30 g
Cognac - 8 ml
Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
Brewer's yeast - 1 tsp.

Combine oils, pour brandy (can be replaced by another alcoholic drink with a similar strength), put honey. Warm up the mask in any way. Cover brewer's yeast, set aside. Beat raw egg yolks with a fork. Add previously prepared mixture. Grind until smooth. To process the hairy area of ​​the head, comb the strands with a comb, distributing residues along the length, to collect hair in a bun. To put on a polyethylene cap, to warm. To sustain 1-3 hours.

Dandruff hair mask with burdock and coconut oil

Eliminates dandruff, nourishes hair, heals the skin.

Coconut oil - 2 tbsp. l
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l
Tea tree oil - 3 drops
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l

Combine the ingredients for the mask, heat to a very warm state, but the mask should not burn. Rub into the skin. All that remains is to distribute the ends of the hair. Hair to collect, to warm for 2 hours.

Universal green mask with nettle and burdock

It nourishes, vitaminizes, gives shine to hair, improves appearance.

Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l
Nettle - 2 tbsp. l
Water - 120 ml

Pour nettle leaves for the mask with boiling water. You can use dry or fresh ingredient. Cover, leave for 30 minutes. Or pre-brew in a thermos for several hours. Strain the water infusion, add burdock oil to the warm liquid, shake well. Rub the mask into the roots, spread along the length of the strands, hair to collect.

Precautionary measures

Burdock oil rarely causes allergic reactions, but additional ingredients (lemon, honey and others) often lead to itching, rashes and other unpleasant manifestations. Before you prepare a mask, you must carefully examine the composition and eliminate allergies to its components.

If burning substances, for example, pepper, mustard are used in the composition of the homemade mask, then only the root part needs to be processed, paying special attention to the skin. The exception is greasy hair. In other cases, the length of the aggressive ingredients is dry, a section may appear at the tips.

Use of burdock oil for hair

The unique properties of the oil have been used for centuries. Luxurious thick curls have always been the main decoration of girls.Used healing tool to enhance growth and give softness and shine. Normalizes metabolic processes in the follicles, enhances capillary circulation, allowing nutrients to saturate the root system.

Useful composition of the oil:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • tannins,
  • a complex of vitamins of group B, A, C, E,
  • mineral salts,
  • ether,
  • inulin

Healing properties for hair:

  1. Moisturizing and nutrition,
  2. Restoration of blood flow
  3. Normalization processes in the follicles,
  4. Increased growth
  5. Soldering the cuticle, preventing fragility and porosity,
  6. To strengthen hair,
  7. Alopecia treatment.

Contraindications to use:

Important editorial advice

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where Mulsan Cosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • individual sensitivity
  • the presence of wounds, cracks, burns of the scalp.

You can buy a natural product both at a pharmacy and at a cosmetics store. Price will depend on the manufacturer and volume. The assortment can be found with the addition of vitamins, plant extracts, for example, with aloe vera or pepper tincture. The average cost of 100 ml - 120 p., 250 ml of about 230 p.

Methods of application of oil of roots of burdock for hair

It is possible to use a herbal product to create home cosmetics or to enrich pre-made care and medical products. Stop falling out, strengthen, enhance growth and moisturize along the entire length easily with your own hands, without resorting to expensive procedures. Particular attention should be paid to the strands after dyeing, perm and build-up, preventive procedures with healing oil prevent the occurrence of porosity and delamination. It is also recommended for the treatment of dry scalp, itching, irritation, dandruff.


Can be used for the treatment of very damaged, dry, brittle strands with regular irritation of the scalp to introduce burdock oil into balsam and shampoo. Three / four drops per ten ml of the finished product is sufficient. Use for a month, after a break, for the prevention of washing your hair with a nourishing shampoo once a week.

How to use in its pure form

Apply the oil should be and as an independent caring product. Make applications for sleep time, rub in carefully, and warm. In the morning, rinse thoroughly with shampoo, rinse with water with lemon or apple / wine vinegar. On literally brittle tips, put literally a couple of drops, for a uniform distribution it is better to use a wooden comb.

Scalp massage

To improve blood flow and nutrient supply, sufficient oxygen saturation, affecting all intracellular processes, it is worth regularly massaging the scalp.In equal proportions, mix with olive oil or sunflower oil (five ml each), and also enrich with mandarin, patchouli, calamus or bergamot esters, three / four drops is enough. To carry out the procedure before washing, thoroughly massage the skin, after leaving another ten / fifteen minutes.

Useful video: How to grow thicker hair and stop hair loss

How to make homemade burdock oil

By the cosmetology of natural home recipes is not difficult and independently prepare a valuable liquid. This will require burdock root, you can use fresh, dried or frozen. Apply homemade oil is recommended for massage, nourishing and moisturizing masks, as well as in the complex treatment of baldness. The rich composition quickly restores the curls to the very cuts, cares for the scalp.

Manufacture and method of application:

You can replace any unrefined plant - sunflower, peach, jojoba, almond, peach, linseed, rapeseed. Finely chop the root, put in a bottle, pour warm oil and seal tightly. Insist on for fifteen days, regularly shaking vigorously. After you can enrich the nutrient balms, serum, used as a basis for head massage. To prevent the sections of cuts, rub a couple of drops on fingertips and spread them on the tips.

Tips and rules for using burdock masks

For maximum effect, burdock oil should be used, following simple guidelines:

  1. To prepare a mask depending on the length of the curls, the recipes usually indicate the volume for medium ones, it will take twice as much for Rapunceli braids, and for neat quads a little less, you can not keep the compositions after cooking for more than a day
  2. Before applying to wash the curls optional, you need the shampoo to remove the oil mixture after the procedure, wash off the oil of the burdock, it will turn out from the second soaping, if fixing agents were used, just rinse the curls with warm water and then start caring
  3. How much to keep on the hair depends on their condition, the average duration of the procedure is from an hour to three, if the mixture was applied to the roots, forty minutes is enough to restore dry, weakened, blond hair, and leave baldness in the treatment complex for the night,
  4. Repeat for prophylaxis every two weeks, with a recovery course, sessions are held for a month, and also during this period no curling irons, hair curlers, a hair dryer, or hard metal hairbrushes are used.

Growth Mask

The problem of slow growth is associated with a lack of life-giving substances due to nutritional deficiencies, as well as microcirculation disorders. The burdock oil for hair growth helps in its solution, saturating the root system with necessary elements. To grow long, flowing strands, you can perform a caring procedure once / twice in ten days.


  • 100 gr. burdock root,
  • 250 ml of olive oil.
Manufacture and method of application:

You can replace any unrefined plant - sunflower, peach, jojoba, almond, peach, linseed, rapeseed. Finely chop the root, put in a bottle, pour warm oil and seal tightly. Insist on for fifteen days, regularly shaking vigorously. After you can enrich the nutrient balms, serum, used as a basis for head massage. To prevent the sections of cuts, rub a couple of drops on fingertips and spread them on the tips.

Tips and rules for using burdock masks

For maximum effect, burdock oil should be used, following simple guidelines:

  1. To prepare a mask depending on the length of the curls, the recipes usually indicate the volume for medium ones, it will take twice as much for Rapunceli braids, and for neat quads a little less, you can not keep the compositions after cooking for more than a day
  2. Before applying to wash the curls optional, you need the shampoo to remove the oil mixture after the procedure, wash off the oil of the burdock, it will turn out from the second soaping, if fixing agents were used, just rinse the curls with warm water and then start caring
  3. How much to keep on the hair depends on their condition, the average duration of the procedure is from an hour to three, if the mixture was applied to the roots, forty minutes is enough to restore dry, weakened, blond hair, and leave baldness in the treatment complex for the night,
  4. Repeat for prophylaxis every two weeks, with a recovery course, sessions are held for a month, and also during this period no curling irons, hair curlers, a hair dryer, or hard metal hairbrushes are used.

Burdock hair masks - the best homemade recipes

Plain prickly plant is a real find for the beauty of curls. Magic oil is a unique natural product, a balanced composition of which has a tremendous effect on the hair. As a result, they will become strong and elastic from the roots to the very cuts.

Growth Mask

The problem of slow growth is associated with a lack of life-giving substances due to nutritional deficiencies, as well as microcirculation disorders. The burdock oil for hair growth helps in its solution, saturating the root system with necessary elements. To grow long, flowing strands, you can perform a caring procedure once / twice in ten days.


  • 15 ml of the main ingredient
  • 5 gr. garlic,
  • ampoule of cyanocobalamin.

Preparation and method of application: mix garlic gruel with burdock oil, add vitamin B 12. Rub in unwashed roots for five / seven minutes. After another quarter of an hour to get rid of the specific smell will have to use shampoo two / four times.


  • 10 ml of the main ingredient
  • 35 gr. colorless henna,
  • 7 drops of cedar ether.

Preparation and method of application: mix the steamed powder with oils. Liberally spread on the dirty strands at the roots, wrapping the film to leave to act all night. When awake, rinse thoroughly.

Burdock oil - means №1 to strengthen hair

The composition of the product includes a variety of herbal ingredients necessary for the health of curls.

It contains vitamins, minerals, acids, flavonoids, tanning elements, protein, essential and fatty oils.

One of the remarkable components is inulin - a polysaccharide, which absorbs poisons, cleanses the skin, improves skin immunity by stimulating the reproduction of beneficial microflora, and normalizes fat metabolism.

The peculiarity of inulin is to increase the ability of the skin to absorb beneficial substances. As you can see, the composition of burdock oil ensures an effective result.

Application allows you to strengthen the hair follicles (bulbs), respectively, to prevent hair loss and baldness. Fat seborrhea and dandruff also disappear, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Procedures with it increase blood circulation, which allows useful substances to achieve the goal - the roots. Using it is especially useful when heavily damaged strands, for example, after bleaching, perming, painting. After application, the tip section, fragility, dryness, dullness disappears, shine, silkiness and obedience return.

Due to this effect, burdock is used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Home masks based on it will restore the condition of the skin of the head and hair.Burdock extract is included in many industrial cosmetics, but they also contain chemical components. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically independently prepare masks based on it, using only natural products.

Burdock oil can be purchased at almost any pharmacy at an affordable price. You can also choose a pure product, as well as a mixture, for example, with the addition of tea tree, train, field horsetail, propolis, hops, calendula, nettle and chamomile.

Need to focus on the additional ingredients:

  • nettle gives softness and silkiness, has therapeutic and prophylactic properties,
  • propolis is used to strengthen, stimulates the regeneration of damaged areas,
  • Vitamins A and E nourish and strengthen,
  • horsetail restores strength and elasticity,
  • chamomile will help get rid of dandruff, allergies, return silkiness, shine and softness to light curls,
  • the series has anti-inflammatory action, relieves from burning, itching, peeling, suppresses negative skin reactions.

Method of application and create burdock oil to strengthen hair

An effective tool can be made independently at home. This requires burdock root (burdock) in an amount of 100 g and vegetable oil to choose from (200 ml). Fresh root finely chopped, placed in a suitable capacity for cooking and pour oil (sunflower, olive, almond or other). The mixture is left in this form for a day. After the time has elapsed, it is boiled for a quarter of an hour on a small fire, then filtered, cooled and poured into a glass container with a lid.

Use the resulting tool a maximum of 3 times a week. The course is 1-2 months. Between courses take a break for 2-4 weeks.

How can you strengthen your hair burdock

Regular procedures are done for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Curls after wrapping will be soft, docile, smooth and shining. Masks will accelerate the process of growing long strands, make them thicker and more elastic.

You can add to the mask yolks of chicken eggs, onions, mustard, the first tincture, yeast, brandy, honey. Burdock in itself is more effective for any type of scalp and hair. However, owners of oily skin should not use it too often.

The classic version of the mask and at the same time the fastest: heat it up to an acceptable temperature and rub it into the roots, leave it for at least an hour, or better overnight, wash it off under running water using shampoo. The latter will need to be used several times, as this tool is poorly washed off.

Mask to strengthen and enhance hair growth with burdock oil: options

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of oil and ½ tsp. powder hot pepper. Mixed ingredients are tightly sealed and left for 1 month. After a set time, it is ready for use. They rub their skin once a week. Wrapping time is a quarter of an hour. With the composition you need to be extremely careful, do not use if the skin is damaged,
  2. Ready spirit tincture of hot pepper, burdock and castorc. The components are taken in equal proportions, for example, 2 tablespoons. After treatment of the scalp and warming, the composition is held for 1 hour When a burning sensation occurs, it is removed,
  3. Ingredients: liquid vitamins A and E - 10 drops each, olive oil and burdock oil - 30 ml each. A warm remedy is applied to the head, spreading from root to tip. Remove it after 60 minutes. This method can be applied every other day. Reviews show that curls after such an event grow by 4 cm per month,
  4. Ingredients: mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l., whipped egg yolk, burdock - 30 ml, sugar - 2 tsp., warm water - 2 spoons. To apply this tool is recommended to use a brush or roller. It is applied to the roots and to the middle of the length of the strands, but the tips are better treated with pure burdock oil. The procedure time is 30 minutes.How often to make a mask: normal scalp - once a week, oily - once in 5 days, dry - once in 10 days. Systematic use allows you to accelerate the growth of 3 cm per month,
  5. Combine honey with burdock oil in the ratio of 1 to 2, heat them up so that the honey becomes liquid, then add the juice of one onion. The resulting tool rubbed the skin, while doing massage. The composition is held for about half an hour. After shampooing, use a solution of mustard powder, lemon or apple cider vinegar to get rid of the characteristic onion smell,
  6. Ingredients: whipped yolk, honey - 10 ml, cognac - 10 ml, onion juice - 10 ml, burdock - 15 ml. The resulting composition is applied from root to tip, paying attention to the skin. Leave it for a few hours. It is recommended to rinse the curls with a decoction of burdock after shampooing. It will give them shine and radiance,
  7. The mask consisting of burdock and aloe juice in a ratio of 2 to 3 will help to increase growth. The composition is kept on the head for 30 to 60 minutes. The procedure with these components can be done up to three times a week. Course - 1 month
  8. Ingredients: castorca and burdock - 15 ml each, essential oil of choice - 3-5 drops, liquid vitamins A and E - 10 ml each, dimexide - 10 ml. Composition process skin and roots. Remove it after 1 hour. During wrapping may be mild discomfort. The procedure with dimexid do only once in 7 days. The course lasts 2 months. Dimexide is a substance that improves the permeability of cells, respectively, nutrients are more likely to reach their destination, namely, the hair follicles. These masks guarantee increased growth to one and a half centimeters per month.

Burdock masks for hair loss

Recipe number 1

Combine burdock, whipped yolk and brandy. Blondes can add a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice or lime. Put a mask from root to tip. Wash it off after 1 hour.

Recipe number 2

Burdock and honey, mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. The resulting product is processed roots. Hair, as in the previous recipe, washed after 1 hour.

Recipe number 3

Make nettle tincture (2 spoons per 200 ml of liquid). After cooling and filtering, about 30 ml of burdock oil is added to it. The procedure with this mixture can be done twice a week. The course consists of 10 procedures.

Recipe number 4

Combine in an equal ratio of honey, brandy and burdock. The tool is applied from root to tip, paying attention to the skin.

Wrap can be done twice a week. The maximum course duration is 2 months.

Let your curls be strong and healthy!

Causes of Alopecia

Causes of excessive hair loss are different. The most frequent of them are:

  • lack of vitamins, especially in the spring,
  • unbalanced diet, which may be associated with a person being on a diet,
  • stressful situations
  • wrong hair care
  • genetic predisposition
  • too frequent hair dyeing or perm,
  • hormonal disruptions.

To get rid of the problem of baldness, you need to eliminate the root cause of its occurrence, as well as revitalize the curls with useful vitamins and trace elements that make up the various masks.

Use efficiency

Burdock oil, which is made from burdock roots, is capable of nourishing curls with the following substances:

  • proteins
  • trace elements
  • vitamins
  • flavonoids
  • stearic and tannic acid,
  • inulin of natural origin,
  • minerals.

All these useful components penetrate not only into the hollow structure of the hair itself, but also into the hair follicle. Will this oil help? Of course, yes. The follicles feed and activate, so the hair begins to grow faster, and the “sleeping” bulbs awaken, throwing out a new, strong hair.

Do not think that the effect will come immediately after 1-2 lessons. It should take at least 1.5-2 months for you to notice an improvement in the condition of the hair. That is how long it takes to strengthen the hair follicle, which will be able to throw out a new, stronger and more beautiful hair.

In this way, burdock oil contributes to:

  • activation of hair growth by feeding the follicle and improving microcirculation,
  • the establishment of metabolic processes at the cellular level, as well as improved regeneration of the epidermis,
  • eliminate dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis,
  • getting rid of the microbes on the scalp
  • better natural brilliance and color activation,
  • thickening too soft hair
  • eliminating the split ends,
  • formation of the immune response of the skin to an external irritant.

Indications for use

The use of an extract from a burdock is shown in the presence of any problems associated with the scalp. It can be rubbed into the skin and children, and pregnant women, and people in years.

In the case of alopecia, burdock oil can help in the initial stages. Unfortunately, if the disease is neglected (partial or total baldness), it will not be able to return the dead follicle. Therefore, you can not run the disease. As soon as you notice hair loss above normal (100 units per day), immediately begin therapy with a healing suspension of burdock root.

An important point! Burdock oil is perfect for dry curls and scalp. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, helps moisture linger for a long time in the hair. Greasy curls can also be used to squeeze burdock, but in this case there is a risk to oil the head even more and look untidy. So you decide: treatment or beautiful, well-groomed appearance of curls.

Trichologists say that making masks on the basis of burdock or applying pure burdock oil on the dermis of the scalp should be 2 times a week. The course of therapy is 2 months. If in the initial stages you notice an improvement, and then the hair again began to fall out hard, cut and dim, stop using the burdock for 2 weeks for a while. Most likely, the skin and hair are accustomed to it.

Effective masks

There are various options for masks that contribute to the accelerated growth of hair and makeup of the follicles. In addition to burdock oil, they include:

  • mustard,
  • hot pepper,
  • honey,
  • eggs,
  • dairy products
  • essential oils,
  • and some other components.

Vitamin Cocktail Firming Mask

This miracle remedy helps to strengthen the locks, normalize the metabolism and prevent loss. In addition, after several applications, the locks of dull become beautiful and rich color.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp olive oil (can be replaced by almond),
  • 1 tsp jojoba oil,
  • 3 tsp. burdock oil,
  • a few drops of vitamin A and E (purchased in ampoules at the pharmacy).

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine all the oils in a ceramic bowl.
  2. Place the container in a water bath and heat to 45 degrees.
  3. When the mixture has cooled slightly, enter the vitamins.
  4. Apply the liquid mass to the roots of the hair, and distribute the remains over the entire length.
  5. The cap can not be used because you have warmed up the oil. Wait 40 minutes.
  6. Wash off with plenty of running water.

The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. A week is recommended twice to carry out a similar procedure.

Council of cosmetologists. Oil when applied to the skin must be actively rubbed. Use circular massage movements, while moving along the massage lines of the head.

Honey burdock mask

Quite easy to prepare, but at the same time highly efficient mask, which has positively established itself among users. Especially it helps in case of weakening of the curls with frequent use of a hair dryer, aggressive dyes and exposure to the sun. Fits any type of hair.


  • 2 tbsp. l burdock oil,
  • 1 tbsp. l natural honey
  • 2 egg yolks.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine all the ingredients.
  2. Preheat them in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  3. Spread the mixture on the dermis of the hair, and then comb it along the hair - along the entire length.
  4. Wait 30-40 minutes.
  5. After this time, rinse curls with the addition of shampoo.

The recommended course is 2 months with the use of a mask every 7 days.

Mask with burdock and hot pepper

If there is a serious problem associated with loss of curls above the norm, try a mask, which includes hot peppers. It is this component that will improve the microcirculation of the skin, facilitating the delivery and penetration of beneficial components into the hair follicle.


  • 2 tbsp. l squeeze of burdock,
  • 1 tbsp. l tincture of hot pepper,
  • 1 tbsp. l castor oil
  • 1 egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Beat the yolk slightly in a ceramic bowl.
  2. Enter into it burdock oil and pepper tincture.
  3. Spread the mixture on the head. Apply it only on the roots, because you can dry the tips and worsen the condition of ridge.
  4. Massage the hair a few minutes for better penetration of the components of the healing suspension into the layers of the epidermis.
  5. Place a plastic bag on your head and then a towel.
  6. Wait 30 minutes. If the pepper is very tingling, wash before.
  7. After the specified time, use the shampoo and rinse curls with copious amounts of warm water.

Such a mask can be done only once a week, since it is considered somewhat aggressive due to the infusing hot pepper tincture.

Onion burdock mask

Onions are an aggressive vegetable, sulfur and acids which are able to penetrate deep into the skin. That is why the microcirculation of the dermis of the hair and the supply of hair roots with nutrients are improved.

The only drawback of such a mask is the pronounced unpleasant smell that accompanies the hair even after shampooing.


  • 2 tbsp. l onion juice,
  • 1 tbsp. l burdock oil,
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. l honey
  • 1 tbsp. l kefir.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grate the onion or chop in a blender. Squeeze the juice using gauze folded into several layers.
  2. Preheat burdock oil in a water bath.
  3. Combine onion and lemon juice with burdock oil. Enter them in honey. Add kefir.
  4. Place the prepared suspension on the scalp. Put on a swimming cap and build a towel turban.
  5. After 40 minutes, rinse off the oil.

An important point! To eliminate unpleasant onion scent, dilute 15 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water. It also removes a good onion smell decoction of oak bark, nettle, chamomile.

Mustard mask

Mustard - an excellent tool that promotes better penetration of nutrients by heating the skin. That is why the symbiosis of this product and burdock oil is considered successful in terms of treatment of alopecia in the initial stages.


  • 2 tbsp. l burdock oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l mustard powder
  • 2 tbsp. l warm boiled water
  • 1 yolk,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix mustard with water.
  2. Enter in the mixture of burdock oil.
  3. Beat yolk with sugar.
  4. We combine the ingredients.
  5. Apply for 30 minutes.
  6. Wash off with shampoo.

Make sure that the mustard does not burn the scalp. Light tingling is normal, but a serious burning sensation is a signal to immediately flush the mask ahead of time.

Universal kefir-oat mask

This tool is suitable for all types of hair. It not only perfectly feeds the curls, but also returns the former beauty to them. After regular use of such a mask, the strands are strengthened, so that the problem of their excessive loss will soon come to naught.


  • 2 tbsp. l oatmeal,
  • 2 tbsp. l burdock oil,
  • 100 ml kefir,
  • 1 tbsp. l castor oil
  • 1 yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the oatmeal into a ceramic or enamel pot and cover with kefir. Expect swelling flakes.
  2. Preheat burdock and castor oil in a water bath. Avoid boiling oils.
  3. Whisk the yolk.
  4. Combine the ingredients.
  5. Apply this mask not only to the roots, but to all the curls.
  6. After 40 minutes, rinse with the addition of shampoo.

This procedure is repeated once a week for two months.

Broth against increased loss of curls

This tool is recommended to rinse curls after each wash. But the procedure is not reduced to the standard shedding of decoction on the hair, but to retaining it on the scalp (as much as 30 minutes). Such actions will help the dermis to cleanse itself of toxins, which will contribute to accelerated hair growth.


  • 2 tbsp. l nettle (better fresh than dried),
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 tbsp. l burdock oil.

Preparation and use:

  1. Crush the nettle. Fill it with boiling water and boil over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  2. Let the medicine stand and cool for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Filter the broth through a sieve or gauze, folded in several layers.
  4. Add burdock oil to it.
  5. Apply the mixture to the hair roots.
  6. Rinse after half an hour with plain warm water.

To evaluate the results, it is desirable that at least a month of regular use be used.

Self use

Burdock extract can be applied to the hair itself. For those who seek to get rid of alopecia, you need to distribute the healing suspension on the scalp (one tablespoon will be enough). Do not forget to heat the oil in a water bath to 45 degrees for better absorption.

On the dermis keep the tool for 30-40 minutes, then wash off.

Burdock tincture

It is rubbed into the hair roots, for example, at night, and then washed off with the addition of shampoo.

Preparation and use:

  1. Take 300 ml of burdock oil and 50 g of powder extracted from burdock root.
  2. Put them in a dark bottle and close the lid.
  3. Leave in a secluded place for 3 weeks.
  4. As soon as the remedy is infused, rub into the roots.
  5. Close the hair with a plastic hat.

The course of therapy is 3 months. After half of the term you need to stop using the tincture for at least two weeks, and then resume therapy. Feedback from the use of such procedures in most cases is positive.

Sea salt based scrub with added oil

If you clean the skin well of various impurities and dandruff, then improve the metabolic processes of the dermis, thereby contributing to a better penetration of beneficial substances into the hair follicle. This sea salt is an excellent peeling agent and absorbent that absorbs subcutaneous fat and various impurities.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind the salt in a mortar to a fine crumb. Enough 2 tablespoons of natural mineral.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l burdock oil.
  3. Place the product on the head and perform light massaging movements.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.

Remember! Such scrubbing can be done only once a week. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to apply salt in the presence of scratches and wounds on the scalp.

Shampoo with burdock oil - an excellent tool for the prevention of hair

During the shampooing, we also have a light massage when we beat the foam. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend adding 20-30 ml of burdock oil to the shampoo container. You can not worry about the shelf life, the main thing is not to leave the bottle in the sun.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of burdock oil:

  • rich in nutrients composition
  • the relative cheapness of the product and its availability,
  • a protective film is created around each hair, which acts as a barrier to exposure to aggressive environmental factors,
  • complex solution of numerous problems
  • eliminates many problems in a rather short period of time,
  • ease of use.

Among the minuses emit:

  • formation of additional fat content of curls,
  • need a large amount of oil,
  • pore clogging (to avoid this, it will be necessary to rinse the product well with shampoo and not to hold it on the dermis for more than 50 minutes),
  • the possibility of the opposite effect (in case of individual intolerance).

It happens that after the first - the second procedure of applying the squeeze of a burdock, you began to notice even greater hair loss. You should not be afraid, because already dead hairs are burdened by an oily base and begin to fall out actively. When this process continues, discard the funds and be sure to contact the trichologist.

We fix the result

Does burdock oil help with hair loss? The answer to this question is affirmative. The extract of burdock root has positively proven itself in terms of restoring the beauty of hair in women and in the fight against baldness in men.

The result from use will appear in 1-2 months, when the hair follicles feed on the right ingredients and get stronger. You will also see lightning growth of curls with an increase of 1-1.5 cm per month and the formation of small hairs at the roots.

To fix the result, you will need:

  • eat right and balanced
  • to refuse from bad habits,
  • minimize stressful situations
  • go to natural cosmetics for hair, selected according to their type,
  • trim the split ends regularly,
  • wear a hat in winter and summer
  • use a hairdryer and styling tools only when absolutely necessary
  • to refuse ammoniac dyes.

Observing these tips, you will forget about the problem of severe hair loss and finally stop worrying about the possible formation of bald patches.


You have probably heard about the benefits and benefits of burdock oil for the structure of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. This unique elixir is considered one of the best products that stop the strands from falling out and speeding up the growth of curls, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of beauty and health experts. The tool is an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures and cosmetic products for hair care.

The oil extract from the burdock (burdock) is made by insisting the crushed roots of this plant in liquid vegetable oils. Olive, almond and sunflower oils are most often used for its preparation. The resulting product is widely prescribed in traditional medicine for those who have problems with baldness. Its healing properties to strengthen the hair roots and create favorable conditions for their active growth are recognized as traditional (scientific) medicine.

The effect of the use of burdock oil for hair

The easiest way to improve the state of hair is homemade hair masks with burdock oil. After the course of procedures in the amount of at least 15-20 with an interval of 1-2 times a week (without gaps and excuses), your hair will change and shine health.

Applications, wraps and hair masks with extracts from burdock rhizomes enrich the scalp, follicles and hair lobes with proteins, amino acids, natural inulin, essential and fatty oils, PUFAs, tannins, salts of rare minerals and vitamins.

Here are the improvements you can see after the systematic use of masks based on burdock elixir:

  1. Your hair will harden and grow faster,
  2. Skin itching, dandruff, seborrhea, excessive dryness of the scalp will disappear,
  3. The shine of weak, lifeless hair hanging down like a tow after unsuccessful chemical experiments with them (permanent, perm, bleaching, coloring, etc.) will be restored,
  4. The amount of hair remaining on the comb after daily combing and washing will decrease,
  5. An invisible protection against adverse effects (ultraviolet, dust, wind, frost, styling products, thermal styling and blow-drying) will appear, wrapping around each hair like a keratin cocoon.

Mask recipes for different hair types and problems

burdock masks recipes for home

In order for the oil extract of burdock root to bring maximum benefit to your hair, you should choose the right wrap recipe for regular procedures. For example, a hair mask of burdock oil and an egg is a universal basis for applications to any hair, as the yolk and white slightly defat the spruce and improves its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin.

We offer you a choice of the most effective special-purpose masks, and you will select the one that your hair will respond with gratitude by using the sample method.

Universal anti-fallout mask

This composition is suitable for hair of any type and is used in cases of intense loss of strands. Pepper tincture increases blood circulation in the scalp, thereby providing additional nutrients from the inside and from the burdock oil.

Grind white egg yolk in a ceramic bowl, add a tablespoon of burdock oil and the same amount of pharmaceutical tincture of chili pepper (chilli peppers) to the foam. Rub the mixture into the skin and roots, massage in circular motions for 5 minutes, distribute residues to the root zone of the hair.

The mask is kept on the head under a warming cap (plastic cap + warm scarf or towel) for about an hour, after which it is washed off with a head with a soft organic shampoo or just warm water (for a dry type of hair).

Firming and anti-dandruff hair mask

In this recipe, the beneficial properties of burdock oil and yolk enhance bee honey with antimicrobial, disinfecting and nourishing properties. The mask is recommended to hold 1 time per week for 3.5 months.

In a glass bowl mix 2 egg yolks, 2 teaspoons of natural honey or melted in a water bath and 2 teaspoons of oil elixir from burdock roots. The resulting product is rubbed into the hairy part of the head and kept under the cap for at least 40 minutes, after which the planned washing procedure is carried out.

Hair mask with burdock oil and vitamins

Experienced hairdressers and trichologists everywhere recommend to their client patients to add ready-made pharmacy vitamins, packaged in capsules, ampoules, or sold in the form of oil or water solutions (retinol, tocopherol, B vitamins) to their caregivers.

Burdock oil, enriched with vitamin, is indispensable for hair, as a powerful nutritional effect is added to its strengthening properties.

Hair mask with vitamin E and burdock oil against baldness

This mask will help with hair loss and slow hair growth. All components of the product have effective healing properties for the hair follicles, and vitamin E contributes to intensive nutrition of the skin and strands.

Mix 35 ml of fresh juice of onion, 15 ml of juice of the lower fleshy leaves of agave (aloe) or 2 ampoules of aloe extract, 45 ml of burdock oil heated in a water bath and the contents of 1-2 capsules of pharmacy vitamin E.

Apply the composition to the skin, gently rub into the roots, distribute the residue on the strands. The procedure time is from 2 to 12 hours, that is, the mask can be left under the hood for the whole night.

Mask with vitamins for hair after dyeing and perm

Thinned and brittle hair will help to restore the following composition: beat a chicken egg, add 2 tbsp. spoons of warm oil of burdock and 1 teaspoon of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (Vitamin A).

For intensive restoration, the mask is applied twice a week for 1.5 hours before washing the head under a warming cap.Particular attention in the distribution of the composition is given to the lower part of the hair and the tips.

Medical mask wrap for dry and damaged hair

In those cases when the scalp is too dry or your hair resembles a lifeless wig, you should use a combination of burdock and castor oils, especially if dryness is accompanied by increased loss of curls.

Oil wrap is recommended to do 1 time in 7-10 days for 3-5 months. Burdock and castor oil are mixed in equal proportions, heated in a water bath for better penetration of the mask into the skin and the structure of the strands, gently rubbed into the roots, spreading hair over the parting, and applied along the entire length of hair, paying special attention to the ends.

Elixir is actively working on your hair for 2-3 hours. To enhance the effectiveness of the application, a plastic bag is put on the head and wrapped in a towel heated with a battery on the battery, which heats up again as it cools. Wash off the composition from the hair several times to completely remove the remnants of a greasy film.

Mask with burdock and coconut oil for seborrhea and dandruff

Experts advise using this recipe for those who suffer from dry dandruff. Coconut oil enriches the hair with additional phytonutrients, olive seed oil protects the strands from damage, and the ether of Australian tea tree eliminates the cause of seborrhea, inhibiting the vital activity of fungi and microbes that cause it.

Melt 2 tablespoons of solid coconut layer in a water bath, add the same amount of burdock oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, mix thoroughly and add 3-4 drops of pure tea tree oil into the mixture. Rub the oil mixture into the skin, dividing the curls into partings, smear the rest of the length, collect the strands in a bun, warm with cellophane and a scarf and hold for 2 hours.

Mustard masks to accelerate hair growth and degreasing

Hair mask mustard and burdock oil is best suited for women with oily hair, because mustard powder dries the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

According to the experience of many women, mustard is one of the most powerful hair growth stimulants, because its biologically active components, by irritating the epidermis, improve the blood supply to each hair bulb.

Here is one of the most beloved beautician recipes of mustard-burdock mask to enhance the growth of normal and oily hair:

  • tablespoon of mustard powder diluted with the same amount of warm bottled water,
  • enter into the composition of a tablespoon of burdock oil and sour cream medium-fat,
  • The remedy is used only for hair roots,
  • procedure time from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the intensity of burning.

Sour cream in this mask mitigates the irritating effects of mustard and prevents skin drying.

Cognac-mustard mask for oily hair

Procedures with this miraculous composition degrease the skin, preventing excessive congestion of curls due to the normalization of the fat balance of the epidermis, as well as enhance the natural sheen and silkiness of thin strands.

Melt a teaspoon of honey and a similar amount of burdock oil extract in a water bath. After the mixture has cooled slightly, add a tablespoon of dry mustard powder. Next, add yolk and 15 ml brandy or brandy to the application. The tool is applied to the roots, gently rubbing. The procedure takes 15-60 minutes.

1. Mask with burdock oil

Burdock oil - a popular cosmetic for dry hair. It contains palmitic acid, which is the best helper in the fight against falling hair. Additionally, burdock oil will relieve dandruff, moisturize the scalp and reduce the process of dissecting the tips.

The classic recipe implies only one component: the oil itself. It is necessary to warm it in a water bath.Dipping a comb or a toothbrush in warm oil, distribute it over the hair roots. It is necessary to apply burdock oil before washing the head, i.e. on dirty hair. Keep from 1 to 3 hours (no less and no more) under a plastic bag and a thick towel. Then rinse with running water, soaping the head with shampoo twice. Apply this mask should be 1-2 times a week.

By the way! To enhance the action of the mask against hair loss with burdock oil, honey, egg yolk or vegetable oils are sometimes added to it.

2. Hair mask with mustard

There are a lot of vitamins in mustard, each of which brings its own benefit to the hair:

  • D - restores and strengthens
  • E - improves blood flow,
  • A - strengthens the roots
  • B - stimulates intensive hair growth.

Regular use of homemade masks with mustard will strengthen the hair, give it a brilliant smoothness and prevent graying.

The recipe is simple. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions mustard powder, olive oil and warm boiled water. For short hair take 1 tbsp. each ingredient. For medium - 3, for long - 5 and more. Mask applied with hands, rubbing it into the roots and spreading it through the hair. Wrap and hold for up to 25 minutes. If it starts to burn, wash off earlier. It is not necessary to use shampoo, because Mustard perfectly cleans hair from dirt, and oil softens them.

3. Hair mask with castor oil

Castor oil was used for cosmetic purposes in ancient Egypt. Today, it is also used in the preparation of effective hair masks, because it is an excellent stimulator of blood circulation. For the scalp, it is useful because with increased blood flow to the roots more nutrients are supplied, and the hair becomes stronger and grows faster.

Make a mask easy. You just need to rub heated castor oil into the hair, touching the roots. Then wrap the head with polyethylene, a towel and hold for 50-60 minutes. Rinse with shampoo, because it is still oil. You can add other vegetable oils (flaxseed, olive, corn), but their proportional amount should be 5 times less. This is a very good mask that should be used once a week. Hair will fall out less after 4-5 applications.

4. Yeast Mask

Yeast - a source of B vitamins, so this mask is very useful for hair loss. Yeast mask will make hair stronger, relieve dandruff, dryness and prevent early alopecia.

Recipes for masks, in which the main component is yeast, a lot. Among the additional components can act:

  • honey (liquid)
  • honey and kefir
  • honey and mustard,
  • egg white.

In all 4 cases, the yeast will need 1 tablespoon, and the rest of the components in a teaspoon. Yeast must first be dissolved in water to the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the hair roots and to the length. Left for an hour. Wash off with shampoo. Regular use: before each wash. It is enough to make 10 of these masks in a row, so that the hair becomes much healthier.

5. Bread mask

Another economical recipe, which allows not to disappear old products. Stale rye bread can be used to prepare a natural mask against hair loss. The effect will be almost the same as with a yeast mask.

To prepare the bread mask, you need to soak the bread in boiled water for several hours (the more the better). Then take the slurry and rub it straight into the hair for literally 10-15 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Attention! If the hair is long (below the shoulder blades), then it is better to use only liquid pressed from the bread for the mask. Otherwise, it will be difficult to wash the crumbs.

6. Kefir mask

Masks with kefir girls sometimes do spontaneously when a long-time kefir remains in the fridge, which is a pity to pour out. And such a gesture is very useful for the hair, because kefir not only prevents hair loss, but also moisturizes the scalp.But even if you make such a mask for oily hair, it will not become worse. You just need to choose the right yogurt fat content:

  • dry hair - 3.2-4%,
  • normal hair - 2.5%,
  • greasy hair - 1%.

We distribute kefir at room temperature (it should stand outside the refrigerator for an hour). Wrap your head with plastic and a towel. Wash off preferably with baby (mild) shampoo.

With a strong hair loss, the regularity of the kefir mask is once every 2-3 days. For preventive purposes, it is enough to carry out the procedure every 14-18 days.

Attention! It is undesirable to make kefir masks for colored hair. Otherwise, the pigment will come down 2 times faster.

7. Mask with an egg

Egg is found in many recipes for hair masks, because there are many valuable amino acids in this product. Any mask in which there is an egg white or yolk, suitable against brittleness and split ends.

By the way! Rinse the egg mask with cool water. Under the influence of hot and warm water, the protein will boil, and it will be very difficult to wash off the white particles from the hair.

To keep your hair smooth and radiant, you can apply a mask of whipped eggs alone. But if you add a few more ingredients, you can get an excellent firming mask. Ingredients for her:

  • 2 egg yolks,
  • on a tablespoon of castor and burdock oil,
  • 1 tsp brandy
  • 2 tbsp. liquid honey
  • 1 tsp yeast.

Mix and reheat. Apply the mask to the hair, warm and hold for 2 hours. Rinse with shampoo. It is enough to make a mask through one shampooing.

8. Mask with oils

Any hairdresser will say that any oil is the best friend of the hair. And if you combine them correctly, it will bring invaluable benefit to your hair. You can get the best masks for hair growth and thickness using the following compositions:

  • burdock and olive,
  • clove, cinnamon, juniper, ylang-ylang,
  • olive, peach pits, vitamin E oil,
  • eucalyptus, coriander, mint, rosemary.

If you do not find any oil, you can replace it with another. Applying a mask is simple: the mixture of oils is heated and distributed through the hair with a comb. Hair wrapped warm for 40-60 minutes. Then the mask is carefully washed off with shampoo. It is enough to make regenerating oil masks once every 2 weeks. But if the hair is in critical condition, the procedure can be accessed up to once a week.

9. Onion mask

Masks with the addition of onions do not like because of the characteristic smell that remains on the hair after the procedure. But in the onion bulb a combination of useful substances that is not found in other products:

  • zinc,
  • calcium,
  • iron,
  • phosphorus,
  • folic acid,
  • vitamins A and C.

Such a composition nourishes the hair with substances necessary to ensure the healthy functioning of the hair follicles.

To reduce the aggressive effects of onions and to compensate for its smell, it is necessary to add additional ingredients to the mask.

  1. Mask for hair growth: mix 2 tbsp. onion juice with the same amount of brandy plus 1 yolk.
  2. For dry hair: Mix one medium onion juice with 1 yolk.
  3. Moisturizing mask: mix 2 tbsp. Onion juice with 3 tbsp. burdock oil.

Any mask of onion is applied under insulation (polyethylene and towel) for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with shampoo. To reduce the smell, you can optionally use conditioner or balsam.

10. Mask with vitamins

Folk recipes were good decades ago. Today, when there are ready-made vitamin formulations for sale, you can make masks directly from vitamins.

Useful for hair vitamins that can be bought in ampoules:

  • A - makes hair elastic, resilient, protects from ultraviolet radiation,
  • B - B2, B5, B6, B8, B9 - are good for strengthening hair,
  • C - suspends alopecia,
  • E - positive effect on blood circulation.

Vitamins are produced in the form of liquid oils, so they can be immediately used. Vitamin formulations are usually rubbed into the roots without aging.But there are masks that require wrapping and rinsing. More information can be found in the instructions. Ampoules with vitamins for hair are sold on the Internet and specialized stores of professional cosmetics.

Vitamin masks give quick results, therefore they are sometimes used in hairdressing salons. If you need to urgently bring the head in order, making the hair more beautiful and strong, you can contact the salon, where you will make a mask with vitamins.

Even the most healthy hair sometimes needs extra care. The sun, the wind - all this negatively affects the structure of the hair itself. And stress and poor nutrition can adversely affect the condition of the roots. Because of this, hair can start to fall out. Not allow this to help simple masks that are easy to prepare with your own hands. Do them as a preventive measure 1-2 times a week, alternating recipes.

Cooking recommendations

When certain simple conditions are met when using and manufacturing the mask, the effectiveness of the composition, supplemented with various useful components, can be improved. Useful mask with burdock oil is prepared in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to take into account the type of hair and to add to the burdock oil such components that will not stimulate the production of subcutaneous fat for oily hair, dry curls will not overdry, and maintain balance with the normal type of strands,
  • in order to create a useful mask, it is also necessary to use only fresh ingredients, checking the shelf-life of pharmacies and observing all storage rules,
  • You need to mix the ingredients in a glass or ceramic container, preheating the burdock oil - this will activate all the beneficial substances,
  • put a mask on the entire length of the hair, otherwise the recipe will indicate that the composition is applied only to the roots or to the tips,
  • the exposure time of the mask with burdock oil - 20-30 minutes,
  • to enhance the effect, it is recommended to warm the head with a food film, wrapping it on top with a towel,
  • it is necessary to apply the mask with a course that lasts a month, after its expiration you need to take a two-week break and repeat,
  • frequency of use depends on the type of hair: dry need more frequent use (three times a week), oily - no more than 4 times a month.

Pepper mask for hair loss

Half a teaspoon of red pepper extract is added to the burdock base (for this purpose, 2 or spoons of the main component are taken). This composition is very important not to overdo it on the head, otherwise it may burn hair or skin.

Drop Recipe

Prepare the pepper tincture - 2 pods of hot pepper pour 0.5 liters of vodka or medical alcohol. Remove for a week in a cool place. After this time, divide the tincture into an equal number of servings, sufficient for washing the hair and pour in a spoonful of burdock and castor oil before use.

With nettle decoction

2 large spoons of nettle pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Add the main component, mix thoroughly and use.

Broths and extracts from many medicinal plants can stimulate hair growth, benefiting the entire composition of the strands.

Chamomile Recipe

Flowers of chamomile drug pour hot water (1 tbsp), hold under the lid for 20 minutes, pour 2 spoons of burdock extract.

Tip: in pharmacies and specialty stores, it is better to purchase whole chamomile flowers, rather than crushed ones, so the opportunity to buy a lower-quality product decreases.

Garlic composition

Prepare a liquid mixture of raw eggs, freshly squeezed lemon juice, juice from a pair of agave leaves and a spoon of burdock oil. Squeeze 2 garlic teeth into it. To neutralize the unpleasant smell, which this mask will supply the hair with, wash off the mixture with lemon or acetic water at the rate of 1: 5.

Decoction with chamomile

A good result for restoring the structure of oily hair is decoction from medicinal herbs. The combination of calendula and chamomile can eliminate fat and give shine to the curls. To do this, mix both dried flowers in equal parts, pour boiling water, and leave for 20 minutes. Soak a couple of whole-grain bread in water for an hour in advance. Then strain the liquid through cheesecloth and combine with herbal decoction. Pour in a spoonful of burdock oil.

Before and after pictures

In the photos you can see the striking result that occurred with different types of hair after a long use of burdock masks for hair.

Bring back the health of curls, stimulate their growth and protect against baldness can burdock oil, which is part of numerous home masks. Its useful components affect the entire length of the hair, strengthening it and eliminating brittleness.


  • 10 ml of the main ingredient
  • 4 yolks,
  • 20 gr. beer yeast,
  • 3 drops of bergamot ether.

Preparation and method of application: preheating the oil, add hammered yolks and yeast powder, mix everything thoroughly, inject ethereal drops. Apply to hair, and hold for two / three hours, rinse, leave to dry on their own.

Dandruff mask

The recipe with dimexidum is effective for use in the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea. And also accelerates hair growth, restores processes in the bulbs, affects the blood flow. It is better to prepare a mask in the evening that hair after dried up in the natural way. Carry out caring manipulation costs two / four times a month.

Mask with burdock oil and red pepper

It has a stimulating effect on follicles burdock oil with pepper. Helps to strengthen and accelerate growth, activates dormant bulbs hot mask. Thick and shining strands please their brilliance after the first application.

  • 10 ml of the main ingredient
  • 5 ml pepper tincture,
  • 5 ml of rapeseed oil
  • 5 ml of aloe juice.

Production and method of application: combine the ingredients, using a sponge to evenly distribute the mixture with pepper tincture at the beginning of growth, put on a plastic cap. There will be a feeling of warmth, keep the composition for about twenty minutes, then rinse in the usual way.

Burdock mask with mustard

Effective for enhanced growth, normalization of metabolic processes, as well as cleansing the scalp. Use no more than twice a week for a month.

  • 5 ml of the main ingredient
  • 10 gr. mustard powder
  • 15 gr. Sahara.

Production and method of application: mixing mustard powder and sugar, dilute with water, add oil. Apply to the scalp, evenly distribute, wait about ten minutes. Rinse without shampoo.

Mask with burdock oil and vitamins

Home treatment with burdock oil with vitamins, allows to avoid loss, is an excellent alternative to salon mesotherapy. Feeding elements make up the deficiency of life-giving substances for normal growth.

  • 15 ml of the main component
  • 5 ml of vitamin e,
  • 5 ml of vitamin A,
  • 5 ml of pantothenic acid.

Manufacturing and method of application: based on stir the complex of vitamins, apply on the main growth zone and the ends after washing. Warm, leave for half an hour.

Burdock & Cocoa Mask

For split ends it is recommended to apply a moisturizer. Restoration of the structure, soldering of the layered cuticle is provided.

  • 5 ml of the main component
  • 20 gr. cocoa,
  • 5 drops of wheat oil.

Production and method of application: dilute the powder to the consistency of sour cream, introduce unrefined oils. Having distributed, departing from the basal area, hide the curls under the shower cap. Complete the manipulations in forty minutes.

Comments on the use of burdock oil

Convinced of the effectiveness of hair masks with burdock oil on her husband. Remarkably helps with baldness, literally a month managed to fix the problem. I use it myself, massage it and put it on the ends, even after wrapping my hair look alive.

Often I tint the roots, I noticed that recently the hair has begun to thin. Turning to the popular recipes, not regretted. Hair after burdock oil, acquired density, easily combed, pleased with elasticity and silkiness.

Finally I managed my hair problems! Found a means to restore, strengthen and grow hair. I have been using it for 3 weeks already, the result is there, and it's awesome. read more >>>


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