
4 3 ways to make a bundle with a donut: secrets and video instructions (photo)


You will not believe it, but you will need only a few minutes and a minimum number of tools to create this stylish styling. It's just the perfect solution for a morning or a quick party charge.

So, you will need:

  • Hair comb,
  • 2 elastic thin elastic bands,
  • Invisible
  • Sophist twist (aka twister), a bagel (aka roller), haagami or the usual thin sock - to choose from,
  • Varnish medium fixation
  • Studs
  • Ribbons, bows, rims, patch braids and other decor.

Bundle with a roller or a sock - option 1

This option is the undoubted hit of the last two seasons. How to properly twist it and what have the sock? Everything is very simple. The most common thin sock can calmly replace a purchased bagel - the effect is the same, but what a saving!

  1. We trim the toe at heel level.
  2. Turning the product inside out.
  3. Roll it up into a tight and tight roller.
  4. We comb the hair and collect them in the tail. Low or high? It all depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.
  5. Place the cushion on the base of the tail on top of the gum.
  6. Straighten your hair in the same way as shown in the photo.
  7. Fix the bundle with a thin elastic band.
  8. From the free ends we make two braids - neat or careless, classic or French.
  9. Each pigtail is wrapped around our beam and fastened with pins or stealth.
  10. Carefully correct all the flaws.
  11. Want to make a tight bun with a donut? Spray it with varnish. For artistic clutter, loosen some strands with a pencil or other fine tool.

To create a bundle of hair can be a little different. You will need the same materials, only the procedure will look different.

  1. Combing hair and collect them in a high tail.
  2. Raises tail up and pushing its tip into our donut.
  3. We begin to turn the bagel until it reaches the base of the tail.
  4. We correct deficiencies in the form of spaces or strands overlapping each other.
  5. Fix styling with hairpins and varnish.

How to make a bun (video):

This is a great way to make buns of medium length.

Step 1. Combing hair and collect them in the tail.

Step 2. Put on a donut or toe at the base of the tail.

Step 3. Separate the not very thick strand, comb it with a thick comb to achieve maximum smoothness. You can use mousse, foam or gel.

Step 4. We wrap the strand around the sock, gently tucking the tips inward (under the base of the sock). We fix everything invisible.

Step 5. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the hair.

Step 6. We form a flower from the middle part. Fix the beam with varnish.

How to make a laying with a bagel for an evening out? Nothing is easier!

  1. Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail.
  2. We put on the roller on the base of the tail.
  3. We distribute the hair around the donut and smooth it from all sides.
  4. From above we put on a thin elastic band.
  5. The remaining strands are divided into two equal parts.
  6. We braid one of them, we wrap it on the appropriate side and fix it with an invisible one.
  7. From the second part we make a bow. Divide the strand into three parts. Extreme slightly combed hair and twisted into a ring. We fix it invisible in the middle and straighten it.
  8. The middle part is braided into a pigtail and wrapped around the other side of the beam. We fix the invisible or hairpin.
  9. Spray hair with lacquer and decorate with rhinestones or beautiful hairpins.

What is good with a bagel?

How to easily and hairstyle with a bagel, 4 ways

Stylish and practical bagel hairstyle is a universal solution for many fashionistas.

It is perfect for a strict business dinner, and for a beach party.

Learn about the merits of a hairstyle and experiment with its decor to choose several options at once. Consider all the secrets of hairstyles in more detail.

Let's start with a discussion of the merits of this hairstyle and then move on to its implementation in various variations.

The base of the donut is a sleek and properly knotted tail. But how to make a beautiful tail described in this article.

Look before you start creating a bagel hairstyle.

Useful skill - weaving braids, it is used as an addition to the bagel hairstyle.

What variants of braid weaving exist and how to add a bagel hairstyle described at this address.

How to make a braid of tails with elastic bands without weaving easy, fast, easy in this article.

Advantages hairstyle bagel:

  1. Hair collected and securely fixed.

During the day or evening, your view will be perfect. You can easily forget about loose strands or drop curls.

Many variations from placement to decoration.

The height of the knotted tail determines the current hairstyle context.

  • It will suit both hairstyles with bangs, and without.
  • The density of the hair is not important.

    Depending on the structure of your hair and their interaction with hairbrushes, you should choose when to do this haircut.

    For example, hair is especially hard to "push" after washing your hair, and multi-layer haircut only aggravates the situation.

    Owners of hair that are not prone to puffing or of one length are recommended to make a bunch of clean and only washed hair.

    What is the length of hair needed to create a donut?

    Feature of a bagel hairstyle: in a few minutes it will be able to make owners of both long and medium hair length.

    To create such a hairstyle will not require clever hairdressing accessories.

    Hair of different lengths can cause some difficulties, experiment with how beautiful it is to put the strands that are not reaching the bundle.

    We recommend to see many variations of styling bangs.

    What is needed to create a bagel hairstyle? Without which you can not make a bundle?

    You will need to wash and dry your hair well. You can use styling products: gel, mousse or hair wax. They will make the curls softer and more pliable.

    If you are the owner of luxurious curls, then you will have to part with them for a while. Before creating the hair, it is better to align the hair with a flat iron, so they will lie flat and allow you to make your donut without any irregularities.

    It should be used in the final stage of creating hairstyles.

    List of hairdressing tricks or photo bagel for hair

    Photo bagel for hair, hairpins, combs, invisible and styling products

    • one or two thin elastic bands,
    • invisible,
    • studs
    • decorative items
    • small foam donut (or sock).

    How to make a beautiful bunch of gum?

    Terry gum or any other thick, if not, take a few at once, thin. The task to get a bulk gum, the thicker it will be, the more spectacular your bagel will turn out. Look at the photo, here is the usual thick terry rubber.

    Make a similar to a terry sock or towel, belt.

    The photo shows step by step how to use it and the finished bundle.

    Bundle bagel out of a sock or How to make a bagel for the hair with your own hands?

    Sock hair bagel

    We take a rather thick sock, and carefully cut off a part, so that you have formed a soft tunnel. Carefully fold the edges of the sock to the place when it turns into a small neat bagel.

    The classic version of the hairstyle with a bagel for the hair or How to use a bagel?

    Bundle Bagel with Sock

    1. To collect hair in a high horse tail, removing all the "roosters".

    Make sure that the hair was collected carefully, but if there were tattered strands, try to eliminate them by combing with a fine comb. The location of the tail depends on where your bagel should be located.

  • Tie the tail with a thin rubber band.
  • Carefully put on a foam bagel (thick gum, folded toe), which will be the basis of the hairstyle, on the tip of the tail.
  • We twist the hair around the base, and, holding the tips with our hands, carefully begin to wind the hair on the base, gradually twisting it from the inside to the outside.
  • Gradually we bring our base, which is already completely covered with hair wound around it to the base of the tail. Fix a bagel stealth.
  • How to make a bagel on the head with braids? or Making a bagel for long hair

    Bagel hair how to use?

    1. Tie a high tail and put on a foam base on it, lowering it to the base of the tail.
    2. Distribute hair evenly throughout the base so that it is completely closed.
    3. Tie over another thin elastic band. The result was a beautiful neat bagel and a large number of loose strands.
    4. We carefully assemble them, twist them a little into a bundle (or weave a couple of braids) and wrap them around the base of the donut, fixing them with stealth or hairpins.

    Bublik hairdo with hairpin twister

    This type of hairpin is undoubtedly known to all. This is a fabric barrette on a wire frame with a small hole in the middle.

    1. To make a bagel with such a hairpin, pass the tips of the tail into its slot, fix them with your fingers.
    2. Gradually twist your hair with a hairpin.
    3. When you bring it to the base of the tail, connect the ends of the barrette, forming a bagel.
    4. Carefully distribute the hair evenly over the entire barrette, and fix it stealthily.

    Watch the video to learn a bagel hairstyle made with a hairpin twister.

    Hairstyle bagel with pigtails

    Pigtail Bagel - an original hairstyle that will surely set you apart from the crowd.

    Pay attention to the placement of the donut. If you do not plan to use other decorative elements and want to draw attention only to the donut, then place it the same way.

    If you want to add a braid hairstyle and shift the emphasis towards the decor, make a bagel lower closer to the back of the head.

    In this embodiment, it is located as high as possible on the crown.

    Using the knowledge obtained above, form a bagel in one of the previously mentioned ways.

    Step by Step instructions 1 option:

    1. While winding the hair on the base, leave the center, rather thick strand. You will have a donut with a tail hanging from its center.
    2. Carefully separate the small strand from the main and braid the pigtail. It should be put on one of the sides of the donut, fixed invisible, and the remaining tip wrap around the donut, or just hide under it.
    3. We braid pigtails from the left central strand. We arrange them evenly over the whole bagel.

    Detailed instructions on how to make a bundle with a bagel in the video:

    Video master class for a more visual development of instructions for creating a beam with a bagel.

    For a lush donut, use a larger sock or donut.

    Decorate your hair with a bow or other hairpin, if you want to enhance the showiness of this hairstyle.

    Treat your hair with gel or wax so that clean hair is docile and weave without roosters.

    Place the braids close together so that there is no distance between them and a bagel is not visible.

    In this case, it is extremely important to choose a bagel exactly to match the hair.

    If the lower fluff hair from you falls out, sprinkle it with varnish and smooth the comb with rare teeth.

    Teaching video with step by step slow action to create a donut with pigtails:

    Third option

    A bagel made with the help of a sock, we add braids to it, leaving several strands in the center that are not collected in a bun.

    Then we weave a braid from 1 strand and shift it while holding it for 1 strand. So we do with all 3 strands.

    We obtain another version of the bundle with braids, which differs from the usual ones.

    Bagel hairstyle with harnesses

    More sophisticated and stylish hairstyle option. It is important to accurately follow the instructions and put the harnesses beautifully to make it beautiful and without loose hair.

    This option, although it will require more time than the classic one, but its beauty is beyond any competition.

    We recommend using it for evening exits or holidays.

    • tie a high tail
    • wear a foam base on it
    • place it at the base of the tail.

    1. We take from the tail strand of medium thickness and twist into a bundle.
    2. Then we wrap the tourniquet around the base so that its tip is connected to the main tail. We supplement this tip with a thin strand, twist it again and thread it under the base.
    3. The harnesses should be stacked so that they are very close to each other on the base.
    4. We cover the whole foundation with strands.

    Master class in video format to create a donut with harnesses:

    Hairstyle bagel braided oblique

    Unusual and refined, with a hint of a classic.

    Will be appropriate and in school and under an evening dress.

    Spit in the center is the best decoration.

    Lovers of hairpins or other jewelry, in this hairstyle should be restrained.

    Since then both the donut and the plait will be lost.

    Step by step instructions with video:

    1. Making a ponytail.
    2. We put a foam bagel base on its base, cover it with hair evenly, and fix it with a thin elastic band.
    3. Further, it is necessary to start weaving a light braid from the strands located above. It should gradually add strands that surround the bagel.
    4. It turns out the spit, which seems to cover a bagel.
    5. Weave into it all the free strands. When the entire bagel is covered with a scythe, its tip should be wrapped around and fixed

    The video will show how to make a donut braided oblique.

    Hair Style Jewelry with Bagel

    a bunch of hair with a bagel, decoration options

    A bagel hairstyle allows you to use a huge amount of decorative elements. These can be: beautiful elastic bands, hairpins with original beautiful heads (pearls, rhinestones), artificial or even fresh flowers. Such jewelry will give your hair special charm and beauty.

    Bublik hair will help you become irresistible, do not go unnoticed at any event.

    Ease of implementation and a small amount of necessary accessories make it very popular.

    Your goal to create your own beautiful, spectacular hairstyle?
    How to decorate it and diversify the range of your hairstyles?
    This article considered the use of a donut in version 1, and there are many of them.
    Those wishing to learn more about evening styling and creating beautiful beams will help this article.

    By clicking on this link you can easily complement your skills with a braid weave with grabs (with lower, upper, two-sided), it allows you to complement the evening hairstyle, adding zest to the whole image and emphasizing your style.

    Bagel decorated with ribbon or bagel + waterfall of ribbon

    The advantage of a donut is almost unlimited space for the flight of fantasy. Enough to make only a little effort, and you can create a unique stylish hairstyle.

    Try today a spectacular bagel hairstyle and amaze everyone around you with your chic look!

    Hello! I also do this hairstyle from a bagel, looked at your site in detail. Thank you for being and teach us to be beautiful.

    Tatyana, use on health. Come to us again, glad to all our readers!

    I can't do anything
    my hair is too long and thick
    how can I live in this world, if I don’t even get a bagel bump with hair
    I'll go and see ...

    I have medium-sized hair and not very thin and thick, you can cut it like in the photo in this article.

    I did to my sister, it turned out great. It is a pity that the shortest hair

    Try options for medium-length hair, maybe you will succeed! Good luck with your implementation.

    I finally learned how to make a bagel. Thanks for the simple and clear review!

    To suit the hairstyle with a bagel

    Bublik bundle is a universal option for any occasion. It is suitable for every day, and for work, and for the evening, and for the beach, and for cafes and all kinds of events. Her secret is in perfect smoothness of the beam. Unlike a bundle twisted with a bundle of hair, the bundle of hair with a bagel has a smooth, even surface. Therefore, it looks neat and elegant. And if you add it with beautiful decorations or elements of weaving - the evening version is ready!

    Among the advantages of this hairstyle include:

    • Securely fixed hair does not bother you during the day.
    • With this hairstyle, you can even swim and play sports.
    • Strands are not knocked out.
    • The height of the landing donut you adjust yourself.
    • Suitable for girls with any face shape.
    • The density of the hair does not matter.
    • Looks good with bangs and without it.
    • You can choose a bagel for any hair color, it will be invisible.
    • A wide selection of decor hairstyles.
    • Suitable for long and medium hair.
    • With the help of a donut, you can make a bun that will disguise slightly contaminated hair if you do not have time to wash it.

    What you need

    To create a hairstyle bun with a bagel, you will need simple accessories that are in any house. If you have not got a foam roller or a donat for hair yet, we will tell you how to choose it.

    1. Bagel for hair - foam rubber round roller, it is also called Donat.
    2. Hairbrush.
    3. Gum 2 pieces.
    4. Studs.
    5. Hair spray.
    6. Jewelry at will.
    7. Spray for hair - at will, if the hair is pushed to make it more docile.

    If you do a haircut on day 2 after washing your hair, you will not need styling.

    How to choose a bagel for hair

    The bundle on the head is performed with the help of a donut - a foam rubber round roller. He puts on his tail and closes his hair. Rollers are different. With the right selection, it will be invisible.

    Types of bagels for hair:

    • Foam rubber of different colors - it is white for blondes, brown for brown-haired women, black for brunettes, red for red-haired girls. In general, you will not be difficult to find your color.
    • Different sizes - they are also different in size. Small suitable for medium hair and a small largest beam. Big donats are suitable for long hair and creating voluminous bunches.
    • Bagel covered with artificial hair - donuts are sold already covered with hair of different colors. They are needed for bunches of sparse, thin and short hair. with it, you can make a bundle, even if you have a thin tail. Hair will immediately appear more voluminous.
    • Make a bunch without a donut - also possible. It can be replaced by a twister, a thick rubber band, a toe cap.

    How to make a bun with a bagel - the classic version

    This hairstyle looks best on straight hair, so strong curls should be straightened first.

    So, how to make a bun using a donut:

    1. To begin, comb your hair and collect a high horse's tail.
    2. For this laying all cocks should be removed, combed smoothly comb.
    3. Secure the tail with a thin elastic band.
    4. Wear a foam roller on the tail.
    5. Spread your hair evenly over the surface of the donate, smooth it with your hand.
    6. On top of it, put on another thin piece of rubber to match your hair color.
    7. Twist the remaining hair ends with flagella and wrap around the bundle.
    8. Hide the tips and secure them with pins.
    9. Sprinkle with varnish.

    Beautiful evening hairstyle with a bagel

    For a solemn occasion, you can make an evening beam on your head with a donut and jewelry.

    1. Tie a low sleek tail to the back center or behind one ear.
    2. Leave two thin strands free from all sides.
    3. Put on the foam rubber donat.
    4. Spread the hair evenly over the surface of the roller.
    5. Put the elastic on top and hide the hair ends under the base of the beam.
    6. Now from the remaining strands braid 2 thin pigtails.
    7. Wrap them around the bundle, secure with studs.
    8. Decorate your hair with a beautiful hairpin or rim.

    Bundle without a donut

    Of course, you can also make a haircut with a bun without a donut. To do this, you will need a twister, a long foam roller on magnetic snaps, a thick elastic band, or even a sock. How to make a bundle with a sock, we have already written in our article. You can also watch videos of hairstyles, which can be done with or without bagels.

    Necessary to create hairstyle fixtures

    Before making a bundle on the head with a donut gum, you should prepare the styling tools and tools. You will need:

    • comb or massage brush,
    • invisible,
    • to choose from: donut, roller, sock, twist sophist device,
    • lacquer fixing
    • studs
    • any jewelry as desired: ribbons, scarf, hairpins with decor, bezel, clips.

    One likes to braid thin braids around the beam, others like to curl a long bang, and pre-make bouffant for volume. Such actions will allow each time to transform a simple hairstyle in 3-4 minutes, without bothering yourself with complicated manipulations with the head of hair.

    Bundles of hair with a bagel or a toe for long hair can be supplemented with unusual weaving of braids, braids.

    What are the advantages of a bagel hairstyle?

    • Reliable fixation of your strands, which completely eliminates the possibility of their falling out and unaesthetic appearance of the hairstyle in the future.
    • You can choose not only the height at which the tail will be tied, but also experiment with fixing the decorations. These nuances affect the perception of your hair around.
    • This hairstyle goes well with bangs.
    • It does not matter what your density and structure of hair. If the bagel is chosen correctly, then even with a thin tail, you can create a wonderful hairstyle.
    • It will take several minutes to create an original and stylish hairstyle.
    • Owners of long hair like to use a bagel in the summer, as walking with a flowing hair is not very convenient.

    Professional stylists advise you to do a bagel hairstyle no earlier than on the second day after washing your hair. During this period, hair easier to handle, they are more obedient.

    How long should the hair be to create a bagel hairstyle?

    Optimal are medium length or long hair. With a very large length, the remaining strands can be fixed around the donut in various ways, which will give the hairstyle even greater refinement and beauty. To make this hairstyle you need quite a few hairdressing accessories.

    What should be on hand to quickly create a beam?

    If you decide to make a bunch of freshly washed, very fluffy and unruly hair, you can not do without specialized cosmetics. This may be a mousse, styling gels, and wax. After applying them, the hair will become softer, which will greatly facilitate your work. Girls with curly curls are recommended to straighten them before creating the bundle. To do this, it makes sense to use special cosmetic products for straightening or take a hair straightener. When the hair is straight and smooth, the hairstyle is much more luxurious.

    Do not forget about the lacquer for fixation. They will need to use after the completion of the creation of hairstyles, securing the resulting result.

    Making a bagel at home.

    In order to make a bagel at home alone, it will take quite a bit of time and one knitted sock. It is necessary to cut off a part of the sock into toe levels, and twist it 3-4 times, which will make it look like an elastic band.

    What tools to prepare for hair?

    • 2-3 small gum,
    • Few invisible
    • A few studs
    • Bagel,
    • Jewelry for the beam.

    How to make a hairstyle without a donut?

    There is such a thing as a perfect tail. It should be located on the line drawn from the cheekbones to the crown. Hairstyle with this arrangement of the beam looks especially impressive.

    If you do not have a donut, you can not despair and use a wide elastic band.

    The main task is to create a volume rubber band, so you can take a few small ones for this. Also for this hairstyle used hairpin twister.

    Bagel classic. Stages of implementation.

    There is a great variety of hairstyles using foam rubber. Choosing for yourself some of the most suitable, you can be beautiful in any situation.

    1. It should be high and neat tail. It is necessary to pay attention to the fine strands that should not stick out. To get rid of protruding strands, you can take a fine comb. The further location of your beam depends on where you made the tail.
    2. Put on a hair bagel and push it to the base of the tail.
    3. The hair should wrap the foam rubber, and the remaining curls should be carefully secured with invisible hair, tucking them under the beam.
    4. To complete the hairstyle should be using varnish to fix it.

    A bunch with a scythe for fashionable women for long hair.

    1. Make a classic tail on top. The height of the tail can be chosen independently.
    2. Further, a braid is made of hair. It is necessary to slightly fluff up her strands so that it looks more voluminous.

    Here are some of these rules:

    • With thinned and brittle hair, a bagel will help you curl curls, as the application of curling in this case is unacceptable.
    • It does not matter which bagel you use, bought in a store or made with your own hand, it should be well masked with hair strands and fastened with hairpins.

    Here are some of them:

    • The use of bows, which are fixed to the beam with the help of studs or stealth.
    • Hairpins decorated with pearls or multi-colored stones look very impressive, they will help to create an elegant evening hairstyle.
    • Headbands made of artificial flowers will also be able to visibly decorate your hair.
    • Ribbons and scarves made of satin fabric will help create an image in retro style. The presence of bangs in this case is welcome.
    • A bundle made of braids can be decorated with hairpins and rhinestones, which only further emphasizes its sophistication.
    • You can experiment and make a bunch in grunge style. To do this, the bun needs to be made more careless, and the curls out of the hairstyle should be dyed with crayons for the hair in some bright color.

    Hair, made with the help of donut, a real find for fashionistas. Spending a few minutes, you can create for yourself a luxurious and unusual image. Keep experimenting, choosing for yourself more and more new hairstyles!

    Bundle with a roller or a sock - option 1

    This option is the undoubted hit of the last two seasons. How to properly twist it and what have the sock? Everything is very simple. The most common thin sock can calmly replace a purchased bagel - the effect is the same, but what a saving!

    1. We trim the toe at heel level.
    2. Turning the product inside out.
    3. Roll it up into a tight and tight roller.
    4. We comb the hair and collect them in the tail. Low or high? It all depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.
    5. Place the cushion on the base of the tail on top of the gum.
    6. Straighten your hair in the same way as shown in the photo.
    7. Fix the bundle with a thin elastic band.
    8. From the free ends we make two braids - neat or careless, classic or French.
    9. Each pigtail is wrapped around our beam and fastened with pins or stealth.
    10. Carefully correct all the flaws.
    11. Want to make a tight bun with a donut? Spray it with varnish. For artistic clutter, loosen some strands with a pencil or other fine tool.

    To create a bundle of hair can be a little different. You will need the same materials, only the procedure will look different.

    1. Combing hair and collect them in a high tail.
    2. Raises tail up and pushing its tip into our donut.
    3. We begin to turn the bagel until it reaches the base of the tail.
    4. We correct deficiencies in the form of spaces or strands overlapping each other.
    5. Fix styling with hairpins and varnish.

    How to make a bun (video):

    This is a great way to make buns of medium length.

    Step 1. Combing hair and collect them in the tail.

    Step 2. Put on a donut or toe at the base of the tail.

    Step 3. Separate the not very thick strand, comb it with a thick comb to achieve maximum smoothness. You can use mousse, foam or gel.

    Step 4. We wrap the strand around the sock, gently tucking the tips inward (under the base of the sock). We fix everything invisible.

    Step 5. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the hair.

    Step 6. We form a flower from the middle part. Fix the beam with varnish.

    How to make a laying with a bagel for an evening out? Nothing is easier!

    1. Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail.
    2. We put on the roller on the base of the tail.
    3. We distribute the hair around the donut and smooth it from all sides.
    4. From above we put on a thin elastic band.
    5. The remaining strands are divided into two equal parts.
    6. We braid one of them, we wrap it on the appropriate side and fix it with an invisible one.
    7. From the second part we make a bow. Divide the strand into three parts. Extreme slightly combed hair and twisted into a ring. We fix it invisible in the middle and straighten it.
    8. The middle part is braided into a pigtail and wrapped around the other side of the beam. We fix the invisible or hairpin.
    9. Spray hair with lacquer and decorate with rhinestones or beautiful hairpins.

    Any questions? Watch the video:

    Unusual sock bun

    Ordinary bundles had time to get you tired? Diversify this hairstyle with pigtails. This option looks very nice, and it is even easier to perform than the classic version.

    Step 1. Comb the strands and tie them into a high tail.

    Step 2. Putting a donut on the base of the tail.

    Step 3. Distribute the hair around it.

    Step 4. Separate a not very thick strand and weave a pigtail from it - regular, reverse or fishtail.

    Step 5. Wrap it around the sock. No need to do this very tightly.

    Step 6. Attach the tail from the pigtail to the next strand. Weave the second braid and wrap it around the sock again.

    Step 7. We repeat this algorithm of actions with the rest of the hair.

    Step 8. We tie the last braid with a rubber band and wrap it around the sock as many times as necessary to hide it.

    Step 9. We stretch the weave so that the braids completely cover the sock. We connect them with studs among themselves.

    Step 10. Decorate the bunch with a ribbon, bow or decorative hair clip.

    Twisted Strand Bundle

    Another evening styling, which is not ashamed to go on a date or a romantic dinner.

    1. Comb your hair and divide it in two parts by a horizontal parting.

    2. Tie the second part in a low tail.

    3. Put on a roller on the base of the hair.

    4. We make easy bouffant.

    5. Distribute the hair around the donut and put on a thin elastic band on top.

    6. The upper part of the hair is divided into three thin strands. Each of them is twisted into a bundle.

    7. We fasten the harnesses with stealth at the base of the tail.

    8. Hair left over from the bundle is twisted into another bundle and wrapped around the bundle.

    9. Fix hair with lacquer.

    Twister - a worthy alternative to a bagel

    Twister - foam clip with a slot in the middle and thin wire inside. Known since Soviet times, it has been unfairly forgotten for many years. Now the twister is back in fashion. Let's try and we make a beautiful bundle with it.

    one.Comb the hair and collect it in the tail at the place where the beam will be located.

    2. Thread the end of the tail into the hole in the barrette and wrap the hair up to the very base.

    3. Install the hairpin horizontally and bend it so as to completely close the base of the tail.

    4. Distribute the mane around the twister. Hair is ready!

    Hayagami for stylish bunches

    Heagami is a device of two plates fastened on one side only. Using this device, you will easily collect strands in a bundle.

    1. Combing strands and collect them in the tail.
    2. Clamp the tips between the plates.
    3. Rotate the hairpin, dragging her all the hair, to the very base of the tail.
    4. We bring together the ends of haagami.

    A bunch of haagami is not so lush, but more natural. And he does not weigh down his hairstyle, which will surely be appreciated by the owners of a long and thick mane.

    This concludes the theoretical part of our master class. It's time to start its practical section. Successful to you images and beautiful bunches!

    • High and low beam in the frame of curls - you look like a goddess!
    • How to cut your hair
    • What hairstyle to do to work in the office?
    • Spit with rubber bands

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    Read more about how to apply it.

    How to make a hairstyle with a bagel for long and medium hair

    Bublik is a foam accessory that holds the shape of hair. Its use allows you to form a voluminous hairstyle and create the effect of long, thick hair, even if it is not really so. In addition, through the use of donut and other accessories, you can create hairstyles, both casual and festive. As well as the undeniable advantage of styling bagel hairstyles is the simplicity and speed of execution.

    This article will contain information about how to make a hairstyle with a bagel in the form of a bun. Several embodiments of the beams will be proposed, taking into account the different lengths of hair, since hairstyles with a bagel can be made for both long and short hair.

    Step by Step Master Classes

    In the first master class will be described how to make a hair in the form of a beam using a bagel according to the classical scheme.

    1. The first thing you need to comb your hair, they should be perfectly smooth.
    2. Then you should think about the location of the beam, it can be fixed at the crown, side, bottom. Depending on this, it is necessary to collect the hair in the tail, respectively, either at the crown, or from the side, or from the bottom.
    3. Then you need to wear a bagel on the tail.
    4. Next, each strand of tail must be wrapped around a donut. For strength, each strand should be fixed using stealth.
    5. At the final stage, it is necessary to fix all the loose strands, fix them with invisible hair, if necessary, and spray the hair with varnish.

    In the second master class will be described the process of performing hairstyles for long hair with a bagel in the form of a beam, decorated with a braid.

    1. First you need to comb your hair and make it smooth, either with the help of ironing or using styling tools.
    2. Then the hair should be divided by side parting, distributing the strands into two parts unequal.
    3. Then, on the left side above the ear, it is necessary to separate the strand, divide it into three parts and braid the braid to the end of the length of the strands.
    4. Next, the remaining hair must be combed again and collected in a low tail. Then stretch a bagel through it.
    5. After that, the hair in the tail should be divided into strands and tucked each strand under a bagel to form a bundle.
    6. The previously braided braid must be laid around the beam and secured with stealth arms.

    In the third master class, the embodiment of the beam based on the weaving of the spike will be described step by step.

    1. First of all, the hair must be combed, gathered in a ponytail at the crown and secured with a bagel.
    2. Then the hair in the tail should be divided into several strands, then each strand should also be divided into three parts and braid pigtails.
    3. Then the resulting pigtails must be tucked gently under a bagel and secured with stealth.

    On medium hair

    For medium hair, you can make a hairstyle with a bagel in the form of a high beam. First, the hair must be combed and collected at the top. Then it is necessary to pass the tail through the bagel and evenly wrap the hair around the bagel as far as the length allows. Then from above it is necessary to fix a thin elastic band. All loose and protruding strands must be carefully tucked under a thin gum.

    It is also possible to do low tufts, in this case, the protruding strands can also not be refilled under the elastic band, which will make the hairstyle negligence and make it suitable for the casual style.

    Bagel for hair and an unusual bunch

    At the word bagel, most women close their eyes and imagine a soft and tasty gingerbread with a hole inside. And only the owners of long hair are porous gum to give volume hairstyles with a bun. We will tell you how to make a bunch using a bagel: step-by-step instructions, photos will greatly help in creating a stylish image.

    What is a bagel

    Bublik - the perfect elastic to create a beam on the hair. It got its name due to the similarity with your favorite pastry. The structure of the gum resembles a sponge - softness is necessary for the best distribution of hair on the surface of the accessory. Bagels are presented in a different color range, but all they are as close as possible to the natural shades of hair. It is better if your donut does not clash with the hair: in this case, the hair shift and the exposed surface will be invisible and will not attract attention.

    It is important to consider that the donut is not tied by the type of gum. He wears a ready, preformed tail.

    Pluses hairstyles with a bagel

    Bundles formed with the help of a donut, have a number of undeniable advantages. Consider them:

    • The use of porous elastic increases the thickness of the hair. Giving shape hairstyle.
    • Hair tight to the head, due to good fixation they keep their shape all day.
    • It is possible to create a lot of hairstyles. from everyday to festive and wedding.

    Recommended hair length

    It's obvious that car owners and boyish short haircuts will not be able to make a bunch of bagel. If your hair is medium length or lumbar, then you ideal candidate for the installation of volumetric hairstyles. In this case, the density of the hair does not matter - make a bunch with thick or liquid hair and you will look great .

    Hairdressers advise owners of long hair not to bundle a bagel after washing their hair. In this case, to cope with the hair will be much more difficult. Do the hairstyle on the hair washed the day before, but do not let the bun look dirty.

    Tools and accessories

    Despite the fact that the bun is a very simple hairstyle, for its production will need some additional elements. If you do not dry your hair naturally, then the first thing you need is a hairdryer. Need a flat iron, electric tongs: with these tools you can create amazing hairstyles. Also, the iron will need girls with curly hair - bundle per bagel performed on straight hair. Otherwise, the appearance of the hairstyle will be spoiled by irregular curls.

    Of the required items to create a volume beam:

    • Several invisible hair color
    • Comb with large teeth and massage brush
    • Several thin "cash" gum
    • Bagel

    To decorate hair, use accessories. The most popular: hairpins, bows, invisible beads with pearl heads, artificial flowers.

    Alternative donut

    What to do if you really want a voluminous hairstyle, but there is no donut at hand? The master class will show you a few lessons on creating hairstyles from available tools.. These include:

    • Sock - the most popular alternative to adaptation for volume. Cut off the finger and heel part: roll the resulting long tunnel into a single elastic band. Make sure that the protruding part of the turn-up is in the inside of the sock-gum. It is better if the sock will be terry .
    • Part of the towel. Cut off a strip of the necessary size from an unnecessary towel. Sew the edges, getting an enlarged circle. Use instead of gum.
    • Any thick gum. In case of insufficient volume, use several pieces.

    Classic bun with donut

    To get the perfect beam, use the instructions below. She describes as accurately as possible the process of creating a standard hairstyle that will look perfect both on a walk and in an evening setting.

    1. Make a tail on the head. Depending on the idea, it can be high, medium or low. The main task that you need to achieve - smooth the strands to the head. Peeping roosters will make a hairstyle untidy. Avoid them. If the hair is curled by nature, then use foam. to fix loose hairs on the hair.
    2. Secure the tail with a thin, "money" elastic. If the hair is very long and heavy, use a few rubber bands to prevent the tail from disintegrating.
    3. Put a bagel on the tip of the tail. Ideally, when performing this procedure, you will hold the tail straight up. This will provide a better fit of the hair to the foam rubber.
    4. Curl your hair from top to bottom. Make sure that when winding the hair on a bagel does not form voids. The hair is twisted by turning the bagel inside out and back.
    5. Maximize the volume beam to the surface of the head. Secure with studs. If necessary, correct the hair on an elastic band and straighten it so that the hair envelops the bagel completely.
    6. Spray varnish to secure the result.. Decorate with your favorite accessories.

    Pigtail Bundle

    This version of the beam requires more time and imagination, but the result is staggering. With some simple actions, you can turn your hair into a festive hairstyle and look like a real princess. Consider step by step instructions from the video:

    1. Make a tail and secure it with a thin rubber band. Put on a bagel, like the first gum, tightly pressed to his head.
    2. Hair from the tail, close the foam rubber. You should have a neat bunch, completely covered with hair and secured with a thin elastic band. Hair from the tail should fall from the head, from the place of re-consolidation.
    3. Braid any pigtail from the strands or twist the braid. Wrap around the bundle.
    4. Secure lost locks invisible. Spray your hair with lacquer.

    Bundle with harnesses

    A rather complicated hairstyle for independent execution. After several sessions of training, it will undoubtedly turn out for you no worse than at the hairdresser. Read the instructions carefully before proceeding:

    1. Perform steps similar to step 1 of the instructions for creating a braid beam.. The bagel should fit snugly to the head.
    2. Highlight not too thick strand from tail and twist into bundle.. Wrap the finished bundle around the future bundle, returning the tip to the beginning of the weaving. Secure.
    3. Do the same with all subsequent harnesses. Place them parallel to each other, straight or tilted.

    There is a more complex way, which means the absence of invisible. It is good that you do not have to wear a lot of iron on your head all day. In this method, the bundle wraps a bagel, and, when returning to the starting point, picks up the next strand. Thus, the whole weaving continues until the hair runs out.

    Bagel with a scythe in the center

    Gorgeous hairstyle that will be appropriate in the daily version and will not lose appeal in a festive atmosphere. You can do your hair thanks to the video and detailed description:

    1. Perform a standard action on tail formation and bunding. Make sure that the foam accessory is evenly covered with hair.
    2. Start weaving braids from the upper strands. In the direction of the downward movement, add strands that are on the sides of the beam.
    3. In the process of weaving, you will see that the braid, like a spikelet, covers the bagel completely. Finish it. Secure the free edge of the hair under the beam, or wrap around it.

    Bagel with a scythe for girls

    If you are a young mother, you just need to please your child and send him to school with a beautiful bagel braided with pigtails. Read the detailed instructions and watch the video to understand the process:

    1. Place the bagel as close to the head as possible.. Create a standard bundle, leaving a thick central strand. She will go to the pigtails.
    2. Braid many small braids of loose hair. Fasten a donut around the entire circumference, if possible not leaving any space.
    3. Secure pigtails by wrapping around the trigger or stealth. In the second case, fasten the free edges in groups - this will reduce the number of invisible heads.

    A bagel is a universal remedy for giving a volume to a beam. It is suitable for very young princesses, for young girls or business women. We hope that our article on how to make a bun using a donut and step-by-step instructions with photos helped you learn how to make beautiful hairstyles yourself.

    Tips for creating styling

    The easiest way to make a bundle of purchased donut and sock. In the first case, you need to purchase such a gum, fasten it on your head and twirl the curls.

    If nothing happened at hand, the tip of the tight toe is simply cut off, the resulting segment is twisted in the manner of a donut. Some skilled workers even twist curls on their socks, replacing them with curlers or curling, so that the device is in demand.

    Here are some recommendations:

    • Before you make a beautiful bun, your hair should be washed and dried. It is advisable to apply a mousse, so that the hairstyle keeps its shape for a long time.
    • Curls must be combed so that the strands are not knocked out during the collection and not fluffed.
    • Those who have sparse hair, thin, you can pre-pile at the roots or curl curls.
    • A bagel from a sock or a donut needs to be firmly fixed with invisible hairpins, so that it does not move when laying, otherwise the hairstyle will come out careless.
    • The tail for the beam can be collected on the back of the head, the crown, even at the base of the neck.

    Some simple ways to do the styling.

    You can make a bunch with a bagel or a toe in several ways. Hair, depending on the length of the hair will look bulky, smooth or high. Consider the most original options for how to make a bundle of hair in 5 minutes.

    1 way - for the order of medium length

    Knowing how to make a bundle of socks, even a girl with shoulder-length curls will be able to twist her hair, remove sticking locks under the gum. It will take only mousse, comb, made from a sock bagel.

    A phased analysis of the way with the photo will help to understand the technology:

    1. We take a previously prepared sock, cut, twist in the manner of a dense roller.
    2. We gather curls in a high or low tail, we drag together with a thin elastic band.
    3. We put a cushion on the tail, fix it on the head with pins
    4. We take thick strands, winding each in turn on the sock, hiding the tips inside.
    5. Result we fix varnish, invisible.

    This simple styling with a bagel on medium hair looks original and stylish. You can add a bunch of socks with a barrette or a beautiful rubber band.

    2 way - with two braids

    Many girls know how to wind their hair on a roller, decorating it with a rim of thin braids. For those who still do not understand the technology of installation, will help step by step instructions on how to make the beam.

    1. We collect a long tail on the crown, put on a bagel or a twisted toe.
    2. We evenly distribute the curls around the entire circumference of the roller, put on a thin elastic band.
    3. We hang the hanging strands on the sides in two tails, weave pigtails of them.
    4. We twist the braids, hiding the ends inside. Fix the studs.

    To smooth the volumetric bundle with any device, spray it with varnish. Those who like easy negligence, you can slightly pull a few strands from the bun to the side with a pencil. In any case, the hairstyle will look collected and beautiful.

    3 way - a festive version with braids

    A solemn bundle with a sock or donut can be made with the help of braids. You just need to know how to make a bagel for hair, have 15 minutes of free time.

    Step-by-step instructions with photos help to understand all the steps:

    • We comb long curls, we collect in a high tail, we put on a dense donut.

    • All hair evenly distribute hands.
    • We take one strand, weave a braid from it, we wind it around a donut. Tip hide or attach to another strand in the process of weaving.

    • Repeat the same with the rest of the hair, trying to fasten the pigtails at the same distance.
    • Twist the last braid around the base, fix it with the invisible one.

    This hairstyle is suitable for a school holiday, a solemn event or a date.

    4 way - for every day

    The option is suitable for those who are constantly wondering how to make a hair in 3 minutes. You can make a bun without a donut, using a sock, or buy a donut of the right size.

    1. Combing curls collected in a high tail, lift it up.
    2. We push the donut through the tip, gently twist the fixture until it reaches the base of the head.
    3. We correct strands, we fasten stealth, studs.

    Such a quick hairstyle will last all day, will look collected in any weather.

    Briefly about the subject

    The original foam rubber device has the shape of a donut, only a hole in the center of a small diameter. The volume and size can be different. A large gum resembles a ring from a children's pyramid, soft, but at the same time, elastic.

    Under this adaptation hair are turned, an illusion of volume is created. The basis of the perfect beam is completely invisible under the strands.


    Why do girls love the original bagel? There are several reasons:

    • ease of use
    • it is easy to choose the device of the desired diameter in a specialty store,
    • You can make the basis for a stylish hairstyle yourself,
    • the ring adds volume to even the thinnest and rarest strands,
    • hairstyle does not look boring
    • it is easy to create several options - from the classic, smooth "bun" to the playful, slightly tousled beam,
    • volumetric gum allows you to do hair with different length curls,
    • In the summer heat styling allows you to look stylish. You will not suffer from unpleasant sensations that cause loose hair on a sweaty back,
    • in 5–10 minutes you can create a daily hairstyle, in 15–30 minutes - a festive masterpiece,
    • Various accessories are combined with the original styling - scarves, headbands, barrettes, hairpins with beads, live and artificial flowers.

    How to make a bagel with your own hands

    The original device for creating a super-hair can be made by yourself. There is nothing complicated about it.

    Bulk gum can be done in 5 minutes, spending a minimum of money.

    • take a clean sock
    • scissors, cut the "nose"
    • turn the sock several times to make it look like a rubber band,
    • tuck the edge inward
    • all home bagel ready.

    Little tricks:

    • Take socks in which a high percentage of synthetics. So the bulk gum will be more elastic,
    • the longer the sock, the larger the device will be. To create a large retro-bundle on the back of your head, buy socks (of course, of reasonable length),
    • Prepare three - four variants of rings of different sizes. You can easily make a bunch of the right size.

    Hairstyles and ideas

    How to make a hairstyle with a bagel? Spectacular styling is desirable to do on clean hair. If you do not have time to wash your hair, and urgently need to go out, hair donation will help you out. Pick up strands, make the usual “bun” with a foam base inside and feel free to go on business.

    Learn all about the properties and application of sandalwood oil for hair.

    Looks at this article for the variants of beautiful and light hairstyles with flowing hair.

    Basic styling method


    • wash hair, blow-dry or air dry, comb well,
    • collect pony tail,
    • take a ready-made fixture or, through a sock, pass it through a taut tail,
    • close the bulk gum or foam fitting with hair, reinforce the finished “bun” with a thin elastic band,
    • for loyalty in a circle place the studs
    • hide the tips inside the lush beam,
    • decorate the laying as desired, respectively, together.

    How to make a hairstyle with twister

    Surely, most girls know that a twister is not only a popular game, but also an original hairpin for creating spectacular hairstyles. In the central part there is a hole where the strands are passed. Inside is a special kind of wrinkled wire that easily assumes any shape.

    With the help of a twister it is easy to create an original styling. The operation will take no more than five minutes, at first - 10 minutes, until you get the hand to quickly twist the hairpin. It is most convenient if the curls go down below the shoulder blades.

    Twister is inexpensive. The hairpin is sold in specialized stores for hairdressers. You can order a useful thing on the Internet.


    • gather clean curls in a tight tail,
    • take a twister, pass the strands through the hole,
    • do not wear a hairpin to the end, leave closer to the ends of the hair,
    • now twist the twister as if you were using curlers,
    • reaching the top, fasten the hairpin with a rivet,
    • the curls were twisted on a twister,
    • to shape more like a "bun", move the hair to the bottom,
    • give the ring of hair a beautiful shape, fasten in a circle with ordinary go decorative hairpins.

    Hairstyles for hair of medium length

    Not only luxury long curls can be collected in a perfect bunch. Styling using foam bagel can be done on shorter hair. Try this option, for sure, you will succeed.


    • Check if there are enough curls for styling. Collect the tail on the back of your head, measure how many centimeters strands back away from the elastic. If there is 12–15 cm - feel free to start work,
    • Try creating a bundle if the curls are 2–3 cm shorter. You will have to tinker, tucking the strands on the bulk gum and fastening them with pins. Try once to make hair. You will immediately understand your option or not.

    Step by step:

    • make a parting on the head not in the center, with a shift to one side. One part of the hair should be bigger than the other,
    • separate a small strand from above, start to weave a French braid,
    • at the end of weaving secure the end with an elastic band,
    • fingers gently stretch the braid, give a larger volume,
    • in the back of the head, collect the rest of the strands in the tail,
    • put on a voluminous gum,
    • use a comb to make a volume,
    • then wrap the strands around the donut, pin up the pins,
    • smooth out loose hair
    • sprinkle with strong hold,
    • decorate the original “ring” with studs with beads on the ends or delicate flowers if desired.

    Little tricks

    Bright accents and original hair accessories will transform a regular bun, formed on the basis of a voluminous elastic band, into original styling for everyday life or a festive event.

    Useful tips:

    • with a triangular face leave your bang,
    • the correct oval allows an open tuft (without a bang) of any size,
    • when tall, make a ring of strands on the side or on the back of your head,
    • to the tall girls, on the contrary, a high beam at the top will add a few centimeters,
    • with wide cheekbones, add vertical parts, do not do the bulk beam from the side. Put on long earrings - so the face will visually stretch,
    • for a perfect figure, choose an average volume styling that emphasizes the proportionality of your body.

    Retro style

    How to act:

    • make a big, volume bagel,
    • make the ponytail high on the crown, sweep the strands through the bulk gum,
    • pull a bagel to the main elastic band on the tail, in turn hide strands under the device,
    • fix the tips with stealth, if necessary - with pins,
    • a little strong hairspray won't hurt
    • wide satin ribbon or scarf, folded in a triangle, wrap around the ring of hair (a wide section of the scarf is on the side of the neck, tie the ends on top),
    • it will be decor and additional fixation,
    • get the perfect hairstyle for every day.

    How to decorate styling

    Bagel-based styling decoration options are many:

    • The bow can be placed on top or closer to the back of the head:
    • beautifully look studs with pearls, hairpins in the form of flowers of different sizes. This arrangement is suitable for a bride or a little princess for a holiday,
    • a ring of locks with a hoop, satin ribbon or a bright kerchief looks luxurious,
    • if there are no decorative pins or a beautiful hoop at hand, decorate the volume “bun” with ordinary braids. Depending on the thickness of the strands, weaving technique, you will get different options,
    • strict style will appreciate business women. Hair looks neat, gives freedom of movement. Another plus: you do not need to constantly fix loose strands,
    • long bangs, laid on one side, will create a romantic, fashionable image,
    • Gather half of the hair at the crown, and the lower part of the curls in turn wrap on each side around the beam, hide the ends. Laying get stylish and original,
    • with sparse, thin hairs, lightly wiggle the front strands,
    • For some hairstyles, you can slightly comb the hair that you are going to wrap around a bulk gum. But, this option is used infrequently. Basically, the hair for the “ring” should be smooth.

    Tip! For long curls, ask a friend or mother for help a couple of times the first time. When you “fill your hand”, laying even the longest strands will not cause difficulties.

    Bagel hairstyle: video

    A few more hairstyle options with a bagel:

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    Watch the video: How to do donuts in a Subaru! (June 2024).