
The appearance of lice in the nervous system: myth or reality?


Pediculosis or lice infestation is a very unpleasant disease.

It always appears unexpectedly and is accompanied by discomfort and irritation.

Sometimes people even can not assume where this attack came from.

One popular assumption is that lice have appeared on nerves.

This is a decent explanation for others, but can it be true?

What makes a person lice?

Lice are parasitic insects that feed exclusively on human blood, and therefore can only live on the human body.

Lice do not know how to jump like fleas, fly and run fast. These insects can only crawl on any surface. They have three pairs of paws, at the ends of the paws have the shape of a hook, thanks to which the parasites grasp the hair very well and can hold tight to it. After that, such procedures as combing and washing their heads are not terrible.

Under what circumstances lice infestation may occur:

Use alien comb, gum, hairpins. On these objects there can be both live individuals, and nits. Getting on a healthy person, lice infection occurs.

  • Through the towel, clothes and bedding. A living individual can live up to two days without a human body.
  • After trying on or wearing someone else's headgear (wig, chignon and so on). Most often, lice are found on fur hats, as they initially take fur for a person's hair.
  • Swimming in an open pond with large crowds. Louse, falling into the water, can hold on to the surface for up to two hours. During this time, she needs to find a new victim or she will drown.
  • Public places (swimming pool, sports club, beauty salon, transport, sanatorium, kindergarten, school). With a large crowd of people, pediculosis spreads very quickly, reaching the scale of the epidemic.
  • Nervous pediculosis - myth or reality?

    Can lice appear on nerves? Myth or reality? The answer is simple - a myth!

    If a person has not been in contact with an infected person or his personal items, then he does not have lice.

    Popular, absurd assumptions about why lice can start after a lot of stress:

    1. In a quiet person, insects are at rest, but after the release of adrenaline into the blood (nervous shock or severe stress), the parasites begin to multiply sharply and feed more often. In humans, there are numerous bites on the scalp, severe itching and live nits on the hair.
    2. Lice can pick up bio-pulses or the energy of a person in a state of chronic stress. And if the insect is given a choice: to settle down on the head of a healthy and calm person, or nervous and depressed, then the louse will certainly choose a nervous one.
    3. Such parasites as lice live under the skin until a certain point, as soon as a person has suffered severe stress, they are immediately activated, go to the surface of the scalp and begin to multiply.
    4. During a period of severe stress, the body releases more sweat and subcutaneous fat, which causes the hair to quickly become soiled, become unkempt and attractive for lice.

    All these absurd assumptions have no scientific basis.

    Adults do not live under human skin, they can only be on the surface. These parasites do not capture the mood and energy state of a person, it does not matter to them: the new owner has experienced stress or not, for them the only thing that is important is the presence of blood (this is their food) and hair (a place where you can lay the nits for the continuation of the genus).

    What kind of ailments can itch scalp?

    The most common phenomenon in psychosomatics associated with nerves is itching of the scalp or hair loss (partial baldness). But the itch, most often, is not associated with the appearance of parasitic insects, it is just a psychosomatic reaction to a nervous shock.

    Also, itchy scalp may indicate other diseases, such as:

    Psoriasis. For this disease is characterized by a wavy sensation of itching. During the period of stress or immediately after it, itching becomes more intense than at rest. So it may seem to a person that he has got head lice, and in fact this skin disease occurs against the background of a nervous shock.

  • Scabies. Itch mite lives under the skin. The movements of this insect cause unbearable itching. Most often, a scabies mite lives on areas of the body where there is no hair, but sometimes it occurs on the scalp. It can be identified by a specialist in characteristic moves that remain on the skin.
  • Dry scalp. The lack of moisture and nutrients in the scalp causes it to dry out. A person feels a slight itch, dry dandruff appears, hair becomes dull and brittle.
  • Who is at increased risk of infection?

    Most people assume that head lice suffer from disadvantaged people leading an immoral lifestyle. But this is not always the case; there are several categories of people who are at risk of infection more often than the rest of the population. So, to such categories include:

    1. Children attending kindergarten, school and going to a sanatorium for the summer period. Children are very active and inquisitive, they often stay in close contact with their peers, so outbreaks of pediculosis in children's groups are not uncommon.
    2. Refugees, prisoners, soldiers. All people who are forced, due to life circumstances, to stay in closed rooms at the same time with a large number of other people.
    3. Social workers. By virtue of the profession, social workers have to constantly have contact with disadvantaged citizens, often suffering from pediculosis.

    Pediculosis in the early stages is impossible to detect. After all, to find two or three living individuals is extremely difficult. After 10-14 days, when the population of parasites will increase by several dozen times, the symptoms will become more pronounced, it will be possible to make the diagnosis on their own without visiting a specialist.

    Perhaps it is precisely because pediculosis always appears unexpectedly with so many myths and assumptions. But do not believe everything. It has been scientifically proven that lice can only be transmitted from one person to another and nothing else. Even animals such as dogs, cats, rats, mice are not carriers of head lice. Even as a result of a strong nervous shock, no lice or nits can appear on a person’s body.

    The main ways of infection

    Lice can appear on the nerves of the soil - is it a myth or reality? Scientists have long announced that people can become infected with head lice only for the following reasons.

    Close physical contact with carrier. Particularly often, parasites appear in children of primary school age, since babies play together and are in close contact. The likelihood that head lice from stress in the presence of favorable factors may appear in a child increases several times as the children's body is more vulnerable.

    Use one comb. Adult lice and nits can be transmitted through a massage comb, so combing hair with the help of someone else’s comb is strongly discouraged. Parasites can also occur when using common pillows and hats (fur products are especially dangerous).

    Sexual intercourse with a carrier.

    Active sports games.

    Lice from the nerves can not appear and insects are transmitted to humans only from another infected person.


    Can lice appear on nerves? Only because of the experiences pediculosis does not occur. If during stress a person suffers from severe itching and combs the epidermis of the head, this does not affect the appearance of skin parasites.

    If there is no lice initially, the only thing that will complicate a person’s life is the appearance of sores on the head due to scabies. This reaction is psychosomatic and is considered natural. There are erroneous assumptions that lice can appear on the nerves of the soil due to concomitant factors.

    In the absence of experiences, the eggs of the lice and the parasites themselves are asleep. It is impossible to learn about the appearance of sleeping hypodermic parasites until they wake up and start to fiddle. After activation, the patient begins to experience severe itching and other symptoms of pediculosis.

    With strong experiences, the body begins to excrete sweat, contributing to the awakening of real lice. After awakening, the parasites begin to actively multiply and bite.

    Nit comes from the fact that a person ignores the rules of personal hygiene and rarely washed. Dirt is one of the main sources of emerging lice.

    A louse is a cancer cell derivative that is awakened by stress. Even modern medicines are powerless against such parasites. This opinion is shared by 10% of people surveyed.

    None of these assumptions about the appearance of lice does not have scientific evidence and is a delusion; believing in theory does not make sense.

    Who is at risk?

    Who can get head lice? There are several populations prone to parasite attacks.

    Indulgent sexual partners and frequently changing partners. Neglect of health will lead not only to pediculosis, but also to more dangerous infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis).

    Kids - children are in close contact with each other, if one child is a carrier, the parasites will be passed on to other children.

    People staying in small rooms (prison cells, common rooms, shelters).

    Lice do not tend to fly, they lead a sedentary lifestyle. The only thing that can cause parasites during stress is another carrier.

    What is a head louse?

    Head lice (lat. Pediculus humanus capitis) dwell in the hair on the human head, in his hair, mustache and beard. In addition, they can live for up to two days (but not more) on personal items (comb, towel, headgear) without power.

    They do not die in the water when washing the head. It has been proven that head lice prefer clean and healthy hair for sowing with their eggs (nits).

    The length of an adult male is 2-3 mm; females reach a length of 4 mm. After the fresh blood is absorbed, the gray of the body of the lice changes to red or purple. During the day the parasite drinks up to 1.2 ml of blood in 2-3 doses.

    A - male, B - female

    Unlike body lice, headache is less dangerous for humans; it is not a carrier of such diseases as typhus. However, the itching that occurs as a result of the ingress of saliva into the wounds leads to irritation, and the likelihood of infection through the damaged parts of the scalp increases.

    Head lice breed under favorable temperature conditions all year round. An adult female lays up to 100 eggs for a short life of 27-46 days. The entire development cycle of an ectoparasite from an egg (nits) to an adult insect takes place on the host and lasts about 20 days.

    Head lice are wingless insects that can only distinguish light from darkness. Therefore, the main sense organ is their sense of smell. Lice can neither fly nor jump, but move fairly quickly: at a speed of up to 23 cm / min. Therefore, they are able to quickly change the owner, moving from the head of the patient with head lice to the head or clothes of the uninfected.

    Head Lice: Myth or Reality

    Many believe that head lice can appear on the nerves of the soil: allegedly they are either in the form of larvae or in a dormant state for the time being, and when a person is very nervous, they wake up and multiply.

    All this is nothing more than a myth. It has been scientifically proven that lice appear only through direct or indirect contact with a patient with pediculosis. By direct contact is meant the contact of the hair of a healthy and sick person or getting lice on healthy clothes, from where they quickly find their way to the head. But there is also indirect contact:

    • Use of personal belongings of an infected person (comb / hairbrush, towel, headdress, hairpins, etc.):
    • The use of bed linen, in particular, pillows after a patient with pediculosis,
    • Head restraints in public transport and other surfaces on which lice or nits may end up.

    The myth of the appearance of lice on nerves is most likely due to the fact that stressful situations do cause various diseases, and when a person cannot understand where his lice came from, he assumes that they have been negatively affected. In addition, the symptoms of nervous itch and pediculosis are very similar.

    Transmission of parasites contributes to stay in large groups, mass concentrations of people.

    Infections with pediculosis are easiest in the subway, bath, hospital, pool, hairdresser, even in the elevator. The main method of lice movement is running, which is why pediculosis is so easily transmitted.

    It is enough to touch clean hair to an infected head.

    Often, the source of infection of the whole family with pediculosis is children, who, due to close communication in the children's team, are especially susceptible to this disease.

    However, oddly enough, there is a grain of truth in the connection between the “nervous soil” and the appearance of lice, and the whole thing is in smell.

    By long-term observations of the parasite's behavior and scientific experiments, it was found that different people are not equally attractive to head lice.

    Of the many nearby applicants for the role of master, they choose those whose smell most attracts them, and these are people who are under stress.

    And this is not about ordinary experiences, but about situations accompanied by severe nervous breakdown. Indeed, during a period of severe stress, immunity drops sharply and certain hormones are produced. There is a theory that it is a special smell, the appearance of which contributes to the release of "stress hormones" - adrenaline, norepinephrine - and attracts lice.

    However, spontaneous appearance of lice in the absence of a carrier is impossible. Exposure to infection with head lice is only more vulnerable to people in a state of stress when they are transferred from an existing carrier.

    Can there be lice on the basis of nervous child

    According to statistics, every fifth child in the world was sick or has pediculosis. Children are considered a risk group for pediculosis, because their bodies are much weaker than adults, and they are also less picky about contacts. However, pediculosis infection in children is exactly the same as in adults.

    The children's organism is also not adapted for hidden head lice, like an adult, so this problem can not appear only because of stress. Regardless of the age of the patient, the answer to the question of whether there are lice from the nerves, is unequivocal - this can not be.

    Eggs on a child's head

    How to treat pediculosis in humans

    Pediculosis can be managed quickly and efficiently with proper use of antiparasitic agents, so read the instructions for each drug carefully.

    But we begin with folk remedies that are far from harmless to the body, especially children’s.

    Long since lice were taken out with kerosene and vinegar, however they often cause chemical burns of the scalp, especially if the proportions are not correctly calculated.

    If the substance gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, mouth or nose, the patient is guaranteed serious problems with these organs.

    Vapors of kerosene and vinegar are very toxic, especially for children and pregnant women. Such folk remedies also have a detrimental effect on the hair itself: they change their structure and color.

    In this list, you can separately note the ancient remedy for the treatment of head lice - chemerichnoe water. This alcohol tincture of the roots and rhizomes hellebits Lobel.

    The alkaloids contained in this solution have a neurotoxic effect on lice and nits. Chemerica water also has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it is strictly contraindicated in children up to 2.5 years, pregnant and lactating women, as it has a teratogenic effect.

    The easiest way to get rid of pediculosis is to shave the hair off. This method is perfect for young children, the use of insecticidal drugs that are contraindicated.

    Nowadays, there are a number of modern anti-pediculosic drugs in the form of shampoos, aerosols, emulsions, creams. Each such product sold in pharmacies is accompanied by detailed instructions that must be strictly followed, especially given the restrictions regarding children, pregnant and lactating women.

    However, when using these tools more than three times, the parasites become resistant to them. In such cases, lice can only be removed by combing:

    • The hair is well washed, slightly dried.
    • Apply conditioner to a slightly damp hair coat.
    • It is combed first with a comb with large teeth, then with a comb with small teeth (for reliability it is worth strung with cotton). Rinse the brush periodically.
    • Dry your hair and repeat the combing procedure.

    In the treatment of pediculosis is an integrated approach. It is necessary not only to destroy the adult, but also its eggs - nits. All family members, even if no lice are found, are treated on the same day.

    Protivopedikuleznye funds are divided into several subspecies:

    • Drugs containing permethrin - the most famous insecticide,
    • Medicines based on other antiparasitic drugs (phenotrin, fenthion, etc.),
    • Means, enveloping and suffocating parasites (with essential oils and dimethicone).

    Permethrin Based Means

    • Veda, Veda-2 - shampoo, sold in bottles of 100 ml.

    • Nittifor - preparation with a disinfecting action, is available in the form of a lotion (60 ml) and cream (115 g),

    • Medyfox –5 is the percentage concentrate from which you need to make an emulsion yourself. Volume - 2 ml and 24 ml. The tool is prepared immediately before application: 8 ml of Medifox diluted in 200 ml of warm boiled water,

    • Pair Plus - a combined preparation, in which, besides permethrin, there is malathion (organophosphorous insecticide) and piperonyl butoxide (enhances the effect of the previous ones). Available as an aerosol (116 g).

    Products containing antiparasitic substances

    • Medilis-SUPER - Available in the form of an aqueous emulsion in bottles of 50 and 500 ml. 1 ml of product diluted in 83 ml of water

    • Parasidosis - based on phenotrin. Release form - lotion,

    • Pedilin - shampoo, which included malathion.

    Means mechanically acting on lice

    • Here - two-phase spray based on Dimethicone,

    • Paranit - another non-toxic agent in the form of a spray, shampoo, lotion,

    • Paranit Sensitiv - for children up to one year old, pregnant and lactating,

    • Full Marks - a solution for topical application based on cyclomethicone and isopropyl myristate, complete with a comb for combing.

    Defeating the parasites is possible!

    Tips from our readers

    I got rid of parasites in just a week! I was helped by a remedy that I learned from an interview with a parasitologist.

    Unitox® - parasite medicine for children and adults!

    • Released without a doctor's prescription,
    • Can be used at home
    • Clears parasites for 1 course,
    • Due to tannins, it heals and protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites,
    • Eliminates rotting in the intestines, neutralizes parasite eggs due to mollecule F.

    Certified, recommended by helminthologists means to get rid of parasites at home. It has a pleasant taste that will appeal to children. Consists exclusively of medicinal plants collected in ecologically clean places.

    Now there is a discount. The drug can be bought for 196 rubles.

    Appearance of complications

    If lice appear, it is necessary to immediately consult a physician, the lack of timely treatment is the cause of the disease becoming more severe.

    Self-treatment without the use of competent measures will lead to complications and will also cause skin lesions, especially if aggressive agents were used for therapy.

    Knowing the answer to the question, lice may appear due to nerves, you should not immediately acquire insecticidal preparations, because itching is often caused by other factors.

    Nerve scratching of the epidermis of the head

    The sensations of the disease are almost the same as those of lice. Emotional instability causes similar sensations, but is treated differently.

    To eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to use sedatives prescribed by an experienced physician. The effects of stress are easy to eliminate with yoga classes.

    People may suffer from constant pruritus due to the presence of subcutaneous mites. Identify them yourself is impossible, for this you need to do scraping. Removal of parasites is carried out by taking acaricidal drugs, rubbed into the epidermis of the head. A positive effect will have and medications, strengthens the immune system.

    Pruritus on the head often occurs due to the use of poor-quality hair care products. If the original source is the wrong choice of shampoos, they must be replaced with hypoallergenic. For a speedy recovery it is recommended to use antihistamine medicines.

    Fungal diseases

    They are often caused by a weakened immune system, which can occur due to stress. The main characteristic of the disease - the appearance of dandruff and increased fat content of the hair roots. People can get rid of the misfortune only with the help of medical cosmetics and pills.

    Can head lice appear from stress? Definitely not. To avoid the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to monitor personal hygiene and avoid physical contact with unfamiliar people.

    Conditions of infection and reproduction

    Lice are bloodsuckers, whose nutrition is completely dependent on the host on whose body they inhabit. So, the source of food and the owner of comfortable conditions for their vital activity is man. If there is nothing to eat, then the individuals die on the second or third day.

    Under favorable conditions, the parasite lives for thirty-eight to fifty days. An adult individual lays eggs at the end of a molt. It moves along the hair from the roots and fastens the nits with the help of a sticky substance.

    The period of development of the larvae is small and a maximum of eight days. The external environment should be conducive to the process, the most optimal temperature is thirty-one degrees. When the temperature decreases in larvae, the metabolism slows down. When lowering it below twenty degrees the process stops completely. High temperature, with a critical point of forty-five degrees, is also disastrous for nits.

    The larva comes out of the cocoon, intensively swallowing the air, which provokes gas formation in her body, contributing to the forward movement of the jolts and the successful exit to the outside. An empty cocoon remains on the human head. All of the above suggests that the disease is brought in from the outside, and its nucleation in the skin is impossible, because in them the temperature regime is higher than necessary, and there is no air for the development and ejection of the larva. The parasite is not capable of fading. The life cycle must proceed continuously, otherwise the death of the larvae is inevitable.

    Infection process

    The only way is infection when lice is exposed from the outside. Only adults can infect. Insects indulge in man:

    • in close contact with an infected individual,
    • with general use of hygiene items,
    • when swimming near in the same aquatic environment.

    The first method is the most likely and leads to an absolute guarantee of infection. The other two are less effective, since the insect does not live long without a host.

    Stress and parasites

    Why the view that the lice from the nerves, has received the right to life? From a scientific point of view, a person during stress becomes especially attractive to insects. Nervous overexcitement is accompanied by a specific odor, an elusive human sense of smell, but easily recognized by lice.

    Sweat glands activate work, flavoring the surrounding space, and making a person a desirable object for parasites, based exclusively on smell. But the lack of wings and anatomical opportunities for a jump make infection unlikely.

    Slow movement through the hair to move to a new owner requires close and prolonged contact with the carrier of head lice. For example, if a child scratches his head, it does not mean that he became ill from nervous exhaustion at school, but simply talked tightly with an infected comrade.

    Precautionary measures

    If your belief in the possibility of infection "from the nerves" is strong and of particular concern, increasing the stress state, observe the following precautions:

    • frequent change of bed linen
    • high temperature mode when washing,
    • use only personal hygiene items
    • exclusion of contacts with people from the risk category,
    • drug prevention from lice,
    • anti-stress medication.

    What can confuse pediculosis?

    The prevalence of myth among various strata of the population, including its educated representatives, depends on the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. What makes the head itch if there are no lice? From allergic reactions or dermatitis on the soil of nerves. It is easy to take for lice the signs of a skin disease such as psoriasis, with characteristic undulating itching. The intensity of the manifestations coincides with the moments of emotional arousal.

    When the nervous system is unstable, a child may develop dermatitis, which is also similar in symptoms to the presence of lice in the hair.

    Scabies, the causative agent of which is a tick, despite the usual localization on the skin of the body is possible manifestations of itching in the head. It is easy to diagnose due to the absence of nits.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, you must visit a dermatologist. And not after removing the lice that exist in the imagination, but before the implementation of an unnecessary procedure.

    Could nerve contamination occur?

    It is known that some pests (for example, subcutaneous mites, certain types of protozoan parasites), once in the human body, remain there forever in sufficient quantities to maintain health. They are not completely removed, but they do not cause any harm until the exacerbation occurs. On the basis of this fact, a theory emerged that nerve pediculosis develops in the same way: when the immunity is weakened, the louse is activated, and young individuals begin to appear from the nits. About how insects got on the human body, in such cases, no one talks.

    The only way to get lice on a person’s head or body is to carry it directly from another person.

    In fact, the answer to the question whether lice can appear from the nerves will be negative. This assumption is not justified. Blood-sucking insects are not able to suddenly appear even with a weakening of the body, as is the case with some parasites, if there was no reason for this (for example, direct contact with the patient). Neither a child nor an adult in this situation can arise.

    When thinking about whether head lice can appear from stress, it should be borne in mind that in difficult situations, when global problems have to be solved or a person faces great sorrow, experiences daily stresses, changes occur in the body. In particular, the glands (greasy, sweat) begin to work harder, producing a specific, heavy smell of sweat. At the same time, a person on nerve soil becomes a more attractive object for insects, and they occasionally colonize the body of a new host.

    So the answer to the question whether lice can appear by themselves will be negative. They come from somewhere, from the previous owner.

    Ways of infection

    Louse in a child, as well as in an adult, can appear in several ways:

    • First of all, this happens through direct contact with the patient. Without touching the infected area (head, groin, etc.), the parasites will not be able to move to a new host, even if it is experiencing nervous stress. Direct contact is provided during children's games, hugs, kisses, while playing sports, having sexual intercourse.
    • Louse is able to stay in the water for up to 2 days, so sometimes the infection occurs while swimming in the reservoirs.
    • If you use accessories of a patient with pediculosis, hairpins, hairbrushes, first one louse will appear on the head, and soon a whole brood.
    • While using one towel you can become infected with pubic parasites. The same disease develops if you spend the night on an infected bed (for example, in a hotel).
    • When using someone else's headgear, provided that the owner of the thing is infected with parasites.

    As you can see, a person’s lice do not appear from nerves In order for an infection to occur, it is necessary to provide for this opportunity, namely, direct contact with the sick or his things.

    Signs of the appearance of lice under stress: is it lice?

    In part, this theory has a base, albeit a ghostly, but a foundation. Parasites really attract people experiencing a nervous shock due to the processes that occur in his body. However, in the case when the question of whether lice can get on the nerves of the soil, it is necessary to take into account another point - the appearance of signs similar to the symptoms of lice. When this occurs, itching, redness on the skin, it becomes dry, flakes.

    Often another parasite - subcutaneous mites are confused with subcutaneous lice.

    When deciding whether head lice can appear from stress, on nerves, sometimes these manifestations are mistaken for real pediculosis. However, in the absence of factors that lead to infection, in such cases, a common allergy is diagnosed.

    In addition, the symptoms described gives any skin disease: dermatitis, psoriasis or seborrhea. If unconfirmed information is being heard from various sources that the parasites are infested in stressful situations, over time the person will begin to wonder, and really, can lice from nerves appear.

    Dermatitis may also appear on the nerves of the soil, and lice have nothing to do with them.

    The danger of this assumption is that you can miss the time for the treatment of allergies or skin disease. As a result, the symptoms will appear stronger and it will take more time and effort to recover.

    By the way, dermatitis and other skin diseases (for example, scabies) really begin to develop in stressful situations, which is caused by a decrease in immunity.

    Pondering whether lice from nerves can appear, it should be taken into account that quite often the activity of the subcutaneous tick provokes the appearance of similar symptoms, as in the case of pediculosis: severe itching, wounds on the skin, changes in its properties (dryness, peeling).

    Interesting video: Lice in humans - causes, symptoms and treatment

    What are the myths about lice?

    There are a lot of false ideas about pests. The most common of them include the myth that lice and nits are different insects, unrelated to each other. In fact, they are representatives of the same species, only they are at different stages of development. A louse is an adult, and an insect egg, which is attached to the hair, is called a nit. When answering the question whether lice can appear on the nerves of soil, one should know that nits are the result of the vital activity of sexually mature insects and do not occur on the hair by themselves.

    It is considered that pests can appear only in unsanitary conditions, when a person ignores the rules of hygiene. However, it is not. Lice can also appear in clean people, who by chance happened to be near a source of parasitic disease. Hence another myth: pests can appear exclusively in the mud. He has no rationale.

    In addition to the question of whether lice can appear on nerves, there are other misconceptions. For example, there is an opinion that nits can appear only in cancer, as these tumors consist of cancer cells and are destroyed only after the death of a person.

    Myths are different, however, you need to be guided by logic and think sensibly, based on proven facts, and not speculation. You should know that lice tend to appear only in cases when conditions are created for this - when touching the patient. These pests cannot materialize from the air, even if a person has nervous stress.

    Causes of Pediculosis Infection

    Like mosquitoes, flies, lice are insects. They are unable to inhabit the human body. Even the stage of laying eggs, the maturation of the larva occurs exclusively on the surface of the body (hair of the wearer). Therefore, there are no additional phases in the development of lice with delayed insect development.

    Transmission of parasites from a patient to a healthy pediculosis occurs by contact method. A person whose carrier of parasites is confirmed, making close interaction with other members of society, inevitably "transmits" insects. Lice crawl from one hair to another. Close contact is a prerequisite for the transmission, since jumping, insects are unable to fly. Louse can not lead in other ways.

    Contactless methods of insect transmission recognize the use of things of the patient. This is a focused, random borrowing of other people's things. Pediculosis is infected anywhere: childcare facilities, hairdressers, hotels, and sporting events.

    Non-contact method of spreading the disease is called lice transmission through water (swimming in standing sources). Parasites perfectly tolerate a wet environment, while maintaining viability. Fear should baths, pools, open ponds with water without active movement. This is where infection is possible.

    The most common infection with pediculosis occurs in the following cases:

    • hair contact (hugs, close proximity in public places, outdoor games),
    • the use of other people's things, household items, personal hygiene, jewelry, clothing (bedding, combs, gum, hats).

    The appearance of lice can not always be clearly controlled. Friction in public transport (especially peak hours), interaction during sports competitions, and active contacting of children is not easy to envisage. More details on where lice come from a person, you will find on our website.

    Given the above methods of infection, Nervous pediculosis seems like a delusional assumption. However, opinion exists. Version of the appearance of stress lice is widespread among the masses. Take it seriously is not worth it. There is a grain of truth here, even considering the absurdity of speculation.

    Scientific rationale for the "stress" appearance of lice

    Pediculosis is a well-studied disease. It is proved that among the modes of transmission, the appearance of lice from the nerves does not exist. All myths, speculation - a relic of popular beliefs.

    The lack of close contact with the sick, the use of their belongings, bathing after them in standing water is not observed. So, to become the owner of lice is impossible.

    Supporters of the existence of a "stressful" infection support science only in that during a period of unstable mental state, the internal processes of the body contribute to a change in the natural smell. The body more intensely secretes sweat, saturated with special volatile compounds.

    Scientists suggest that the strong flavor is attractive to insects. Leave the "hatched" host lice causes the luring smell of a new victim. Consequently, the probability of “catching up” parasites increases. Other popular versions of the appearance of lice from the nerves are absurd according to scientific judgments.

    Scientists say that during stress, a person is tense, the body's defenses weaken, and susceptibility to various diseases increases. Nervous overstrain provokes concentration on a specific problem. Vigilance is reduced. Often at this moment there is a neglect of important rules of personal hygiene. As a result of any of the proposed factors, the risk of lice infection becomes greater.

    Doubtful people tend to write off all the troubles of stress. Fear of infection is so great that itching, stirring in the hair is felt by the breath of the wind. The psychosomatic of the disease, the unstable psyche of individuals is to blame. The tendency to suspiciousness becomes another source of "tales" about the emergence of lice.

    In the masses, the tendency to discuss, exaggerate (gossip) great. Having received information, a ground for reflection, individuals can invent completely unexpected versions. Hence a high amount of questionable assumptions.

    Claiming lice to appear from nerves is stupid. Such versions have no scientific basis.

    Lice from stress or other diseases

    Often a suspicion of lice expressed only by the presence of itching. As mentioned above, the symptom is characteristic of many diseases besides lice (including the consequence of stress). If it is impossible to cope with a psychosomatic problem on your own, you should seek help from specialists.

    Doctors will help to reveal the true causes of the unusual phenomenon. To cope with stress, cure other diseases.

    Many associate the characteristic manifestations on the skin (bites, rashes, sores) with the presence of lice. You should not panic without a base. Most cases are accompanied by symptoms of completely different diseases.

    Council It is worth more carefully examine the scalp, adjacent skin (neck, ears, shoulders) for insects. The presence of lice will definitely present itself (adults, nits, larvae)

    Pediculosis risk area

    The distribution of lice is extensive, but we cannot talk about a surge in morbidity and widespread distribution. Not everyone is faced with pediculosis. At risk are people:

    • with unfavorable living conditions (homeless, antisocial individuals),
    • with an active lifestyle in relation to disadvantaged citizens (employees of medical institutions, receivers, shelters),
    • in cramped habitat (prison, barracks, refugee camp),
    • with a penchant for erratic close relationships (sexual or social).

    In addition to the above groups of citizens, Children are in the zone of particular risk of pediculosis. Lack of vigilance, spontaneity, predisposition to close contacts (active games) create a favorable environment for rapid infection.

    In most cases, head lice occurs unexpectedly. Do not panic, attributing mystical properties of stress. The disease is not known to 1 thousand years, can be treated. The main thing is to identify the problem at the early stage of the infection, start to act immediately. This will help avoid the worsening of the problem, the resettlement of parasites. Contact transmission is the main mode of insect propagation. Stress lice - a myth, not confirmed by science.

    Useful videos

    What causes head lice?

    Head lice: causes, symptoms, stages.

    Myth or Reality

    So in reality, lice from the nerves - the myth or reality, interests many people. After all, quite often a nervous person experiencing stress suffers from intolerable and prolonged itching.

    The opinion that nerves from nerves appear has existed since the time of our grandmothers. You can hear a similar theory today. Someone denies it completely, but there are people who believe that it is right. There are several versions of this nature:

    • Lice on the head are constantly present in humans, while in hibernation mode. They become more active when a person is very nervous.
    • In stressful situations, the human body produces a special sweat, the smell of which is very attractive for lice. Being on the human body, they feed on his blood, resulting in unbearable itching.
    • Pediculosis can be transmitted at the genetic level - the person has lice in the person from birth, but they come to the surface after strong nervous shocks.
    • Negative exciting emotions cause the formation of elastic painful tubercles, which are the habitat of the parasites. The appearance of insects contribute to the state of prolonged depression and nervous fatigue.
    • Nervous lice appear like cancer cells. During heavy excitement, they develop rapidly, turning into insects.

    These assumptions are not scientifically based, as for the full existence of the parasites need to regularly feed on human blood. Therefore, head lice nervosa is nothing but an invention of people. Surprising is the fact that this is claimed by quite educated residents of the metropolis.

    Eggs lice in humans do not live. Insects are also not transmitted from animals and do not start from dirt. And unbearable itching is nothing but the development of a skin disease. Psoriasis, dermatitis - diseases that can cause a similar sensation of itching. However, they have nothing to do with bloodsuckers.

    Ways of infection

    However, lice cannot appear by themselves. The main causes of human infection with lice are:

    • physical contact with the carrier of parasites - during a game, struggle, close communication, kiss or sexual contact, because insects simply cannot jump and fly,
    • the exchange of things that are the source of infection with lice and head parasite,
    • using other people's hairbrushes, hairpins and other hair care products, as well as hats,
    • visiting public places with low sanitary and hygienic standards,
    • swimming in stagnant waters can cause pubic lice - the louse is sufficiently resistant to hypoxia, so it can exist in the water for two days.

    It is necessary to take into account the fact that during nervous disorders a person really changes the composition and smell of sweat. That he attracts parasites. A person who is in a calm state is less attractive to bloodsuckers.

    On the nerves of the child also can not be lice. Despite the fact that children are infected with head lice more often than adults. Children's collective, different families and their social level are the main causes of the spread of the disease. In addition, lice in a child appear due to the fact that children often change headgear and hairbrushes, without attaching special importance to this.

    Lice themselves can not disappear, but pests multiply quickly enough. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment of head lice. The process of removing lice is quite troublesome. In the old days used kerosene to fight lice. They were treated with the head of an infected person, after which for some time they wrapped the package. Such a “bath” was destructive for parasites. The hair was washed with detergent and combed with a special comb.

    Today, there are many lice products that contain components that are poisonous to insects. For humans, they are practically harmless.

    Pediculicidal shampoos are in great demand among consumers. The tool is applied to the hair massaging movements. After 3-5 minutes, the hair is washed with running water using a daily shampoo. After that, parasites are combed out using a special comb, which has thin and frequent teeth. However, to achieve a full effect after the first treatment is not always possible. Among the lice shampoos, the following stand out:

    More effective in the fight against parasites sprays. One of these is the Pair Plus. The composition of the aerosol means includes permethrin - a toxic substance, detrimental to insects. Spray sprayed over the entire length of the hair, and left on the head for 10 minutes. After that, the product is rinsed with water using ordinary shampoo. Get rid of dead insects will help comb from lice. The following formulations are also used:

    Folk remedies

    Many people struggle with pediculosis with the help of folk remedies. An example of this is rubbing cranberry or mint juice into the scalp.

    Wormwood has excellent deterrent properties. From it prepare a decoction (1 liter of water 1 tbsp. L. Grass), which wash the head. Triple Cologne has similar properties. It is applied on the hair and skin of the head, then covered with a film. This “mask” is held for no more than an hour, after which the hair is thoroughly washed and combed off the dead lice and nits.

    Dustov soap - another popular remedy for lice, which people use for many years. However, finding it on sale is not always easy.

    Also popular are such folk remedies as:

    Stress lice is just a myth. Parasites are not on the nerves of the soil, they can only start when in contact with an infected person. Self-extinction of pests is also impossible - they will not disappear if a person already infected with head lice restricts communication with other people. Only the adoption of real timely measures will help eliminate pests.

    But in order to prevent the occurrence of pests, you must follow the rules of hygiene, use only your own combs, hats and things. Experts also recommend braiding long hair in crowded places and avoiding casual sex.


    Watch the video: 7 Things You Probably Don't Want to Know About Lice (June 2024).