
How to use Basma for hair coloring


Today it is difficult to find the fair sex who would never have dyed her hair in her life, and for every second woman this procedure has become as familiar as, for example, haircut or styling. The reason for changing the color of the hair can be anything: dissatisfaction with the "native" shade, inherited from nature, the desire to disguise gray hair or just bring newness and freshness to your image.

Modern manufacturers of hair dyes are constantly competing with each other, creating more and more new palettes of colors and enriching their products with various components designed to provide a stable and at the same time the most careful coloring. But in reality, no one, even the most expensive and high-quality chemical dye, can be considered completely safe, because the substances in its composition not only destroy pigments, but also change the structure of the hair, making it porous and fragile. As a result, the once healthy and beautiful curls become thinner, becoming brittle and dull.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to permanently abandon hair dyeing, just for these purposes it is better to use not synthetic dyes, but natural ones of natural origin. One of them is Basma, a grayish-green powder from the dried leaves of a tropical indigo plant. Basma was originally used for the manufacture of ink and dyeing fabrics in a bright blue color, but later it was used to impart dark shades to hair. What is the use of this tool for curls and how it differs so favorably from synthetic dyes?

Advantages of Basma over Chemical Dyes

The benefit of basma for hair is difficult to overestimate, because in addition to coloring pigments, it includes a whole complex of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the curls, as well as tannins, which have anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. In addition, indigo leaf powder contains wax and gums that smooth the hair and give it a dazzling shine. Another feature of Basma is that it is capable of increasing the volume of hair, which will appeal to ladies with thin and sparse hair. Unlike synthetic dyes, which destroy the natural pigments of curls and damage their structure, basma:

  • nourishes the scalp and hair follicles with vitamins
  • strengthens the hair structure and accelerates their growth,
  • prevents hair loss,
  • gives the hair extra volume and beautiful shine,
  • normalizes the sebaceous glands,
  • eliminates irritation of the scalp and helps fight dandruff.

No less important is the fact that Basma is hypoallergenic, that is, it can be applied even to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to those whose skin is very sensitive. However, after making your choice in favor of this dye, you should know that it, like other means, has a number of drawbacks: firstly, when using basma in its pure form, dark hair can get a blue tint, and light - green, - second, non-compliance with proportions in the manufacture of the dye composition does not allow to achieve the desired effect, thirdly, frequent staining often leads to draining curls and fourthly, if you wash the hair badly after the procedure, it will look untidy, and the color of the strands is likely will receive I was uneven.

How to get different shades using basma

When dyeing hair with basma you can achieve different shades. To do this, the main component is mixed in certain proportions with henna or other natural dyes - berry juices, wine, strong black tea, ground coffee and others. Further, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The most popular colors that can be obtained with the help of Basma are the following.


In order to give the curls a rich chocolate color, you must first paint them with henna (hold for about an hour and a half), and then apply basma for 2–2.5 hours. The number of both components is determined individually, depending on the length, thickness and initial shade of the strands. It is best to dye light colors - light brown, light chestnut or red.

Achieve a pleasant shade of copper with Basma is easy. To do this, mix it with henna in a 1: 2 ratio (1 part basma into 2 parts henna). On very dark hair, the effect will be mild.

In order to paint the curls in the color of the black wing, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of 2 parts of basma (if the hair is blond, you should increase the dosage twice) and 1 part of henna.


Rich dark chestnut color with a pronounced reddish tint is achieved by mixing 2 parts of henna, 1 part of Basma and hot red wine (natural), taken in an amount sufficient to obtain a pasty consistency. Instead of wine, you can also use strong brewing tea karkade.

To get a dark blond shade with a purple tint, you should mix basma with henna in a ratio of 1: 2 and brew a strong broth of onion peel.


Classic chestnut color can be obtained by mixing basma with henna in equal proportions. In order to avoid the appearance of a red tint, it is recommended to add ground coffee (1 part coffee per 5 parts mix) to the dry mix. Dilute such paint with hot water to the consistency of sour cream.

Despite the fact that the basma has a sufficiently high resistance, the shade acquired with its help gradually loses its intensity. In order to preserve the result obtained as long as possible, it is advisable to use a special rinser prepared from a mixture of henna and basma (25 g each) and one and a half liters of hot water. The finished solution needs to be filtered, cooled and applied to the hair. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 1-2 times a month. For additional care of dyed curls, it is recommended to use whey, kefir or sour milk when washing. After natural dyes, it is undesirable to use synthetic dyes and do a perm, as the result of such manipulations can be unpredictable.

How to dye gray hair in Basma

Basma well paints over gray hair, but only if used correctly. If there are few gray hairs, you can use a mixture of basma and henna, taken in equal proportions (you need to do the dyeing in several steps), and in the case when gray hair occupies a large proportion of curls, it is recommended to do the following:

  • you must first dye your hair with henna alone, soaking the paint on your head for at least 60 minutes,
  • then rinse the hair thoroughly and repeat the procedure again, reducing the exposure time to 30–40 minutes,
  • Further (if the desired result was not achieved), the curls should be dyed with basma mixed with henna in a 2: 1 ratio (2 parts of basma per 1 part of henna).

If the color is uneven, repeat the hair dyeing, but not immediately, but after a day. Prepare a portion of the mixture of basma and henna (choose the proportions yourself, depending on what shade you want to get), apply the finished composition to your hair and leave for 2-3 hours.

Creating your own unique image is a complicated process, but very exciting. A little patience and willingness to experiment - and your hairstyle will be perfect. And if you still have doubts about the use of natural dyes or it is difficult for you to choose the necessary proportions for the preparation of mixtures, consult with a specialist.

Basmy usage rules

Basmy hair dyeing has been taken by oriental beauties since antiquity. This dye, when used to dye clothes, gives it a bluish color. The same shade can be obtained on our strands, if you do not know how to use basma correctly. Greenish powder is not always suitable and not for all women as a hair dye, and therefore you need to evaluate whether you are in this group or can afford to use Basma.

  • Coloring with Basma is suitable for owners of dark or dark blond hair. Blondes, using this natural dye, should get ready for the fact that in a few weeks their curls can become greenish.
  • Basma is used only in combination with henna. If you do not follow this rule, then even on dark hair a greenish color will appear over time. Basma can be mixed with henna powder, or used alternately. Usually, at first, the curls are stained with henna, and the next day with Basma.
  • With the help of natural dyes you can get completely unexpected shades. What result you get in the end depends on the proportions, the exposure time, the natural color used before this procedure chemical paints.
  • It is not recommended to dye your hair with basma after chemical perms, highlighting, in the first months after salon dyeing. The interaction of natural dye and chemicals remaining in the structure of the curls, can lead to completely unexpected results.

Proper use of natural dye compounds improves the condition of our hair. Under the influence of the vegetable dye, dandruff disappears, the hair follicle becomes stronger, the curls become stronger, the natural shine appears, the hairstyle volume increases. The effectiveness of staining and the benefits of the procedure increase several times when applying fresh powder, so you should always pay attention to the storage conditions of the purchased product.

Freshness of basma can be checked after brewing the powder. If a black glossy film appeared on the surface of this paint, you can be sure that you have acquired the freshest and most useful dye for your curls.

How to paint Basma

When staining with basma in combination with henna, you can get completely different shades. To say exactly what color will appear on the curls, no one can, therefore, in this case you need to trust your intuition. There are approximate compositions and time of their use, which suggest the obtaining of a suitable result of staining.

  • The dark blond shade on the curls is obtained by mixing basma and henna in equal proportion. At the same time staining - up to half an hour.
  • A light chestnut shade is obtained with the same ratio of dyes, but the exposure time should be increased to one hour.
  • Bronze brown color on the hair is obtained by mixing basma and henna in a 1: 2 ratio. The dwell time of the applied dye is one and a half hours.
  • Saturated warm chocolate color of the curls can be obtained if the basma is mixed with henna in the ratio of 3: 1. The dyeing time is two hours.
  • To obtain black, saturated hair color, it is necessary to dye it in two stages. First, all the strands are stained with diluted henna, it is kept on the head for one hour and washed off. Then, prepared Basma is applied to wet hair, it is washed off after two hours.

The prepared mixture for dyeing must be evenly distributed over all the strands, and it is desirable that your assistant does it, since it is difficult to cope with this task on your own. Both henna and basma are strong enough dyes and therefore their use implies the fulfillment of certain rules. Knowing how to dye your hair using natural dyeing compositions, you will never be disappointed in the result.

  • Natural dyes can leave indelible stains on clothing, leather, and furniture. Therefore, dyeing is carried out carefully - it is desirable to put on old clothes, skin along the hairline is treated with a fat cream, and gloves are put on your hands.
  • Basma is diluted only with boiling water, and it is best applied in a warm form.
  • Henna is required to be diluted with water, the temperature of which ranges from 70 to 90 degrees. Preferably, before applying the diluted henna powder, insist on it for four hours.
  • When breeding natural dyes use only glass or ceramic containers and spatulas. When using metal products, oxidation reactions occur, and the result of staining will change accordingly.
  • After dilution, the mixture should resemble the consistency of a not very thick composition, convenient for application to curls and without lumps.
  • If it is necessary to paint over a gray hair, discolored strands are painted first and only then all the rest.
  • The dyes are washed off with ordinary water in large quantities. The use of shampoo is possible on the third day after dyeing, since all this time the coloring pigments are absorbed into the core of curls.

It will be possible to fully evaluate the hair color after using basma only in a few days. Usually, the entire effect of natural staining appears on the fourth to fifth day after the procedure.

Natural shades obtained when using Basma, and you can diversify. To do this, to the diluted powder, you can add coffee, cocoa, juice from beets, tea. Experimenting, you can get a really completely unusual hair color, emphasizing your appearance from the best side.

Using basma and henna do not forget that these dyes have a drying effect. Therefore, it is worth coloring to limit one procedure per month and it is desirable to use nutritional masks, especially for owners of too dry hair.

Basma Harm

The main harm of Basma is that, without the addition of henna, it gives the curls a greenish or bluish tint. This is especially evident in the light curls. You should not apply it on such hair. And bleached and depleted hair is too brightly stained. Soft and thin hair is better colored than curls with excessive stiffness.

It is too powerful paint. After the first use it turns out an unpredictable shade, it is almost impossible to wash it off. The proportions of the natural dye and the duration of the staining procedure are difficult to determine, since they depend on many factors. The color lasts a couple of months, but over time, the hair will acquire blue-violet and red shades. To support the desired color is important in time to tint the hair.

Remember that any, even natural, funds can be harmful. Proper use will help avoid trouble.

Basma needs to be completely washed off before dyeing with non-natural paint, otherwise the effect is unpredictable: it turns pink, green or blue. In order to avoid a chemical reaction, wait at least a month after applying basma and process the curls in the cabin.

Often the use of Basma dries curls due to the content of tannins and acid. Sometimes the curls acquire disobedience, rigidity, complicated combing.

Useful tips:

    • Keep basma no more than a year or use within a year after the production period. It is usually indicated on the packaging. Over time, Basma loses its coloring ability.

    • Do not store basma in the refrigerator, it will lose the ability to give color. Store the Basma powder in a dry dark place.

    • The same applies to the mixture. It makes no sense to put it in the fridge. Do not store the mixture, use it immediately after preparation.

    • Diluted Basma has the consistency of wet sand. One or two egg whites, oil or decoction of flax seed can be added to the mixture, and it will be easier to apply.

    • Basma dries a little hair. Therefore, hair dyed with basma requires additional hydration. When coloring can be added to the mixture of vegetable oil, suitable for hair.Any suitable - from olive to jojoba. Do not add sunflower, it is useless for hair. For additional moisturizing, use different balms and masks. You can independently prepare, for example, a caring mixture of egg yolks, aloe juice, castor oil and honey.

    • Think carefully before applying basma on blonde hair. It works great on dark hair, blondes can get dirty blue on the way out. If you want to become Malvina, choose the best synthetic dye, special varnish or wig.

    • Before use, it is better to test the effect of the paint on a separate curl and on a separate skin area.

    • Add a teaspoon of salt or ammonia to the paint. This will help to enhance the color, make it more vivid and deep.

    • To get extra copper, golden, red, chocolate shades, mix in different proportions henna and basma, add coffee, red wine, tea, hibiscus, leaves or walnut shells, cloves, cinnamon, cocoa, onion peel decoction, beets, lime color , sea buckthorn, calendula, tansy, chamomile, raspberry, elderberry, saffron, rhubarb - almost any coloring fruits, leaves, roots will do.

    • When mixing Basma with henna and other dyes, remember that Basma usually takes less time to give your hair color.

    • In some countries, chemical dyes or para-phenylenediamine (urzol) are added to enhance the effect and to obtain a bluish-black color. Therefore, be able to distinguish natural Basma from fake.

    • Green is the color of real Basma. When mixed with water, a blue layer will form on the surface over time. If you put the mixture on paper or cloth, a blue dye will leak out. If the powder is dark brown or black, it most likely contains urzol. If you mix it with water, a black-brown liquid will ooze.

    • It is better not to use chemical dyes until the basma is completely washed off the hair. The presence of indigo can change the chemical reaction.

    • To keep the basma longer on your hair, use soft shampoos and caring conditioners and balms.

Like any natural dye, Basma does not affect the structure of the hair, is retained in its upper layer. How much basma will hold on your hair depends on many factors. On average, the paint lasts for about a month, but we can hold out for three, or it can drain off after a week. But during her time in her hair, she conscientiously does her work. And this is not only color.

Basma contains a large amount of useful minerals, vitamins, tannins. This determines the anti-inflammatory and general firming effect of the dye. It allows you to fight dandruff, relieves inflammation and heals wounds, cares for the scalp, makes hair shine, stimulates their growth.

To maintain the color and use of the healing properties of basma you can prepare a caring mixture. Dissolve 25 g basma and henna in 1.5 liters of boiling water, carefully filter, let cool and rinse her hair.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding these shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

Prices for basmu range from 20 rubles. 25 g to more than 500 rubles. per 100 g. At the same time, they can offer you the same Basma: Iranian, Yemeni, Indian, Syrian. The quality of basma is indicated by the degree of grinding and the date: the finer and fresher the better. Study the photo in online stores before you place an order.

Willingly practice coloring Basm beauty salons. And this is not always a budget event. For a service like a fashionable natural procedure or an oriental spa ritual, they will request several thousand rubles. But in the economy barbershop next to the house you will surely find an old master who will offer you her for a few hundred rubles.

A video example of staining with basma and henna can be seen in the video below:

Basmy properties when dyeing hair

To use such a powder began in the old days. It was made from the leaves of a tropical indigofer tree. Flour extracted in this way has a gray color with a greenish tinge. Therefore, it is not recommended to do dyeing with one basma, otherwise you risk turning your curls from natural to blue-green color. And wash off, paint over an unusual shade quite difficult.

Basma use for hair

With proper use of basma dye for hair, you can achieve great results. Even fans of famous brands such as Palette, Casting, Wella, will not be able to distinguish their own and your results of staining. Still, the natural dye has a low cost and a lot of positive feedback because of its cosmetic properties:

    Stimulates hair shine,

It fills curls with various groups of useful microelements and minerals,

It gives the strands softness and silkiness, makes them obedient,

Beneficial effect on hair follicles

Enhances the growth of curls

Has a beneficial effect on the scalp, relieves dandruff,

What the hair looks like after basma

Many girls, having learned about the numerous advantages of Basma, want to try the powder on their hair, but do not rush, but you should carefully study the rules for using Basma, which will determine the type of hair:

    Dyeing strands for the first time, you risk getting the wrong color that you would like. Therefore, it is recommended to use Basma with henna. Mix powders in strict proportions to get the desired tone.

In the presence of gray strands be prepared for maximum effect. Basma will give a bright color to the curls, but in those places where there was no gray hair, spots with different shades may appear. The paint is better to apply to women who have an even tone of hair.

Do not use coloring powder more than once per calendar month. Otherwise, you risk getting the opposite effect, i.e. disturb the water balance in the hair structure. As a result, they will become brittle and take a dull unhealthy look.

  • Do not dye your hair if you have used a different dye or curled it before.

  • Hair Treatment with Basma

    Girls who have problems with curls, it is better not to use chemical dyes with ammonia. But there are times when the dye is indispensable. In this case, you fit Basma. Not only do you get a beautiful color of the strands, but also bring the hair structure in full order. If you do not want to paint curls, then make a mask.

    Basma Hair Mask Recipes:

      Mask for all types of hair. Take two spoons of mayonnaise, basma and vegetable oil to neutralize the dye. Mix in a bowl. Put on curls. Look at a couple of ads on TV, wash the mixture from the head with warm water.

  • For light strands. Mix henna, basma, kefir, lean oil. Apply the composition to the hair for ten minutes. Then wash your hair. The effect will be noticeable almost immediately.

  • What are the shades of basma

    Whoever did not use Basma, he does not know that with the help of it you can get various shades of paint. The main thing is to be able to mix the necessary substances in the right proportions:

      Mixing henna and basma, get these shades: warm blonde, brown with a bronze tint, black and coal.

    For light chestnut color, use henna, basma and green tea.

  • To get a beautiful chocolate hue, add coffee to these two ingredients.

  • How to choose a basma color for hair

    To get the desired color, first of all, buying paint, look at the production time. Feel free to carefully examine the packaging. It is advisable to smell Basma. If you smell damp and feel lumps, then this powder is not suitable for use. When no flaws are found, feel free to buy the goods. To get different colors, except for the basma itself, they take more henna, coffee, elderberry juice and other natural dyes.

    Black basma for hair

    To become a bright brunette, color the curls with henna first. Keep the dye on your head for about an hour. Then wash off the henna and spread the head with basma, commercials, an hour or two. Then wash your hair thoroughly again.

    Basma application for hair coloring

    Basmy's rules for hair coloring are simple:

      Prepare the paint immediately before use.

    Use only high quality raw materials.

    Treat the skin areas near the hair with a rich, nourishing cream, as the dye is poorly washed.

    Wear protective gloves on your hands.

    Use old rags to cover your shoulders.

  • Wear a plastic cap on your head, please note - it will not be possible to wash it after use due to persistent coloring matter.

  • How to choose basma proportions when dyeing hair

    By changing the proportions of the content in the mixture of henna and basma, you can get completely different colors and shades of coloring. The chromaticity is also influenced by the structure of the hair and the time you apply the paint. In some girls, staining takes about half an hour, and to others - an hour and a half is not enough. That is why manufacturers advise to try the mixture on the curl of hair before painting the entire head of hair.

    Now more about the proportions:

      For black, you need to take 2 bags of basma and 1 henna, hold 40-90 minutes.

    For fair-haired, mix 1 pack of basma and 1 henna, hold no more than thirty minutes on the strands.

    For chestnut shades, as well as light brown, the composition of the mixture is one to one, but the coloring time will be 50-65 minutes.

  • For the bronze color, we take 1 packet of basma and 2 henna, hair coloring takes 45-65 minutes.

  • Basma Blend Recipe for Hair Coloring

    Compositions for coloring curls are prepared in the following order, regardless of the recipe:

      Take the components, mix, so that the powder becomes a uniform color.

    When it cools down a bit (up to 90 ° C), gradually add it to the powder and stir.

    It should make a thick gruel, like sour cream.

  • As experiments to give an unusual shade, you can add other natural dyes - nut leaves, shells, coffee, cocoa, black, green tea.

  • How to use basma for hair at home

    Applying natural paint at home, beware - it is badly washed off not only from the hair, but also from other surfaces. Therefore, carefully use, so as not to smear new things, clothes. If you smeared the bathroom, sink, tile, then immediately wash the surface, do not tighten with cleaning.

    How to apply Basma for hair coloring?

    The best option is to use Basma together with henna, since this combination allows you to achieve a greater variety of shades, find your proportions of the ratio of henna and Basma to get the desired shade of hair.

    There are two options for how to dye your hair in basma

      biphasic (or separate) first of all you need to dye gray hair / regrown roots with henna. Apply henna must be neatly, evenly. After appropriate exposure, rinse the hair with cold water, dry slightly with a towel, then apply Basma. Basma, like henna, should be prepared immediately before applying it on the hair (the gruel should be slightly thinner than for henna). Both henna and basma are applied with a brush, starting from the front, gradually moving to the back of the head. After applying basma to cover the head with warming agents is not necessary. The exposure time depends on the condition of the hair and the degree of coloring. Basma is also washed off with warm water without shampoo. If the hair after dyeing turned out to be darker than desired, you can wash it with soap or lemon juice.

    To prepare the paint, dry powder is poured into porcelain, ground well and mixed. Then add hot, but not boiling water and mix the mixture with a wooden spoon to the consistency of thick gruel. After 3 to 4 minutes, when it cools to approximately 40 ° C, it is quickly applied to the hair with a flat brush. This work should last no more than 10 minutes.

    In the manufacture of gruel-paint such errors are possible:

    1. Water temperature too high. At a temperature of 100 ° C, the paint loses its properties. Therefore, boiling water must be cooled to 70-80 ° C and only then pour the prepared powder with it.
    2. Improper mixing of paint components. As a result, lumps are obtained in mush, which, due to lack of water, leave bright spots on the hair.
    3. Gruel mixed too thin. In this case, when dyeing grown hair, the liquid can drain onto already painted hair.
    4. Gruel mixed too thick. In this case, the hair will be painted in a too light tone. In addition, it may happen that the gruel in the hair crumble. Before applying the gruel-dye hair should be washed with alkaline agents.

    Bitter chocolate or black night? One choice - BASMA!

    Natural dyes, such as basma and henna, not only give a beautiful shade, but also care for hair.

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    Basma is used only with henna or coffee, as one basma paints the hair in a green-blue color. Basma has remarkable cosmetological properties: it stimulates hair growth and gives it a natural shine, improves the hair structure and strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff.

    Like henna, basma should be prepared immediately before applying to the hair - paint cannot be stored. Depending on the length of hair, take from 20 to 100g of basma powder and henna. The ratio is determined between them depending on the desired tone and hue intensity. If the powders are diluted 1: 1, you get a beautiful chestnut tint. If you want to get black hair like night, then the proportion should be 1: 2 (henna: basma), but if the proportion of the components is changed (1: 2 basma: henna), you will get bronze hair.

    Creamy paint should be applied to dry or wet clean hair and it is best to start from the back of the head.

    The back of the head has the lowest temperature, so there hair stains longer. Then apply the paint on the parietal and temporal parts of the head, and then - along the entire length. To enhance the effect, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap with a towel. The paint is kept from 20-30 minutes (to get a light tone) to 1-3 hours (to get a dark saturated tone). Areas of the greatest accumulation of gray hair are dyed 2-3 times.

    • According to an ancient oriental recipe, to get a rich dark color, mix in porcelain or plastic basm and henna (1: 1), 4 spoons of natural ground coffee and pour hot white wine. Before the complete formation of a single mass, the mixture is heated on a steam bath.
    • An unusually luxurious chocolate shade of hair will give a mixture of henna, Basma and Usma, the leaves of which were in the arsenal of every eastern beauty.

    Usma dyeing - grassy vegetable plant of the mustard family. The freshly squeezed juice of the usy initially has a bright green color, but it quickly darkens and becomes black with a slight emerald shade. Until now, usmi juice is very popular in Central Asia for coloring eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.

    • If you want to get a trendy shade of “black tulip”, then add 3-4 teaspoons of fresh beet juice to a mixture of basma and henna (2: 1) heated in a water bath. And if you add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, your hair will become much softer and silky.

    However, natural dyes succumb to the "chemistry" in the matter of durability. Therefore, hair dyed with henna and Basma should be spared: wash with soft shampoos (do not use deep cleaning shampoos!) And rinse with the same conditioners and balms.

    In addition, modern industry produces shampoos containing henna pigment, so that those who have chestnut or bronze shades can safely use these tools (Timotei, Home Institut, Shauma).

    You can maintain the intensity of the color by rinsing. To do this, fill the mixture with 25g. henna and 25g. Basmy in 1.5 liters. boiling water. Carefully filter, cool and rinse her hair. To maintain the resulting shine of hair, it is necessary to regularly moisturize and enrich hair with protein masks.

    You can buy a mask or make it yourself by mixing 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of honey, juice of 1 leaf aloea and 1 hour spoon of castor oil.

    It must be remembered that if the hair is dyed with vegetable paint, then it is impossible to use artificial dyes. The reaction of chemicals and henna with Basma can give a completely unpredictable result, up to a blue or green hue. Natural dye should be completely washed off.

    Natural hair coloring is henna and basma. How to dye hair with henna and basma.

    Henna and Basma are the most common natural dyes. Their use at home is not difficult, and the beneficial effect on the hair is great. Hair painted with henna, become shiny, beautiful in appearance. Henna accelerates hair growth, stops falling out, reduces dandruff.

    But before the first use of henna, please note that blond hair, dyed only with henna, acquire a bright carrot color. This explains the fact that henna is used mainly for dark-colored hair.

    The intensity of the impact of henna on the hair is determined by its freshness. The fresher it is, the faster hair will be colored. The second important factor is hair color. Lighter hair will produce a brighter shade, but henna has almost no effect on black hair color.

    In order to give the black hair a reddish tint, they must first be clarified with hydrogen peroxide. In order to give a soft brown hair a chestnut shade, you need to dissolve the henna gruel thicker and keep on the hair for at least one and a half hours. Hard hair must first be softened. To do this, take 5% hydrogen peroxide (about 30-40 g) and add 5 drops of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap. Hair is moistened with this mixture, and henna is applied in about 20-30 minutes.

    All these recipes are suitable for giving the hair red shades. If you want to get a calmer and more natural color, then henna is best used in a mixture with basma.

    It is possible to dye hair with these two dyes in two ways: one after the other or after mixing both dyes. The results will be about the same, but it is better to use henna and basma consistently, because it is easier to control the process. Changing the ratio of henna and basma, the duration of their impact, you can get a very different hair color: from light to black. It is important that after coloring hair have a natural look.

    The result of henna and basma hair coloring is determined by the following factors:

    • natural hair color to be colored
    • preparation of hair before coloring, method of washing and drying,
    • hair structure: their thickness, degree of dryness and other individual features. Thin, soft and dry hair is colored much easier than thick and tough. Hair dyed with hydrogen peroxide, hair with permed hairs dye much faster,
    • quality dyes. The fresher henna and basma are, the faster they will squeeze their hair,
    • the temperature of the water in which the henna and basma gruel is prepared, and the gruel temperature when applied to the hair. The colder the colorant, the slower the colorant,
    • the duration of the effect of dye on hair. The longer the mixture is on the hair, the more they stain,
    • proportions in which henna and basma powders are mixed.

    The dye should be evenly applied to the hair, then the head should be carefully wrapped. The accuracy of these operations will affect the color result.

    This will get rid of fat and other contaminants that prevent the dye from interacting with hair. Here you need to pay attention to the ability of hair to absorb water. The hygroscopicity of the hair increases with the softening of the upper scaly layer. For dyeing hair with henna and basma it is very important, and therefore an alkaline soap should be used for washing hair before coloring.

    Recall that all this applies to normal and healthy hair.

    After that, the hair should be a little dry, wiping them with a towel. You can not use a hair dryer, because of the hot air flakes of the upper layer of hair can shrink and harden tightly, which will reduce the effect of the dye and pre-washing the hair will only worsen the coloring.

    Basma - hair dye.

    Clothing dyed with basma blue was considered a sign of wealth. Basma was used not only as a dye, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes. Today, basma-based paints are very popular. For example, the first jeans were painted with natural Basma, and even now for expensive jeans I use colors based on Basma.

    But most importantly, Basma allows you to dye your hair in various shades, and the hair after applying henna and Basma acquire shine, elasticity, easy to comb. It is noticed, if you add basma to henna, then gray hair sneaks better. Basma with henna strengthens the hair, improves its condition, prevents hair loss and helps in the fight against dandruff. Basma also has remarkable cosmetic properties: it stimulates hair growth, improves their structure and strengthens the roots.

    For dyeing hair, a mixture of henna and basma is prepared (or hair is first painted with henna, and then basma). The ratio of henna and basma, the time of contact with the hair is selected individually.

    For dyeing gray hair, henna contact time is from 40 to 60 minutes, and Basmas - from an hour to an hour, 40 minutes.

    Like with henna coloring - the final color appears after 24 hours. If after dyeing with henna and basma the hair has a red color, it is necessary to repeat the coloring with basma. After dyeing hair with basma - hair is washed with warm water. Wash hair with shampoo after 3 days.

      Dyeing hair with pure henna gives a bright red color.

    Henna hair coloring

    Chemical paints have an excellent substitute - henna for hair, which not only does not harm the structure of your hair, but also contributes to the restoration of their healthy state, and most importantly gives your hair a wonderful copper shade and lasts for a very long time.

    In addition, henna has one indisputable advantage - it is much cheaper than ordinary chemical paint. At the same time, it not only dyes hair in all sorts of shades, ranging from chestnut to black burgundy, but also strengthens the hair root and thickens the hair itself.

    Of course, henna is not suitable for all women. Everything is quite individual. The hair of some of the fair sex in general does not take henna, at least for ten hours hold. In any case, it is necessary to remember some contraindications:

    1. Henna doesn’t fit well with ordinary chemical dyes, so do not dye your hair if you have dyed it with ordinary paint before. Your hair may have a sunny-red color at best, but it may turn out to be green.
    2. You can not do a perm or before you are going to dye your hair with henna, or after.
    3. You will not be able to soon change your color, since henna is not washed off, but tends to accumulate, to hold on to your hair for a long time. Actually it can only be cut off. Therefore, if you like to change hair color often, it is better to refrain from painting with henna.

    How to dye hair with henna?

    The amount of henna that you need to dye your hair depends on the length and thickness of your hair. It is directly proportional to the length of the hair, from one to three.

    Apply henna to dry clean hair, starting from the back of the head. When you put gruel on the whole head, cover the hair with a film, and on top with a towel. Before you start coloring, it is necessary to test for hair strand. Dark hair should be dyed for about 40 - 60 minutes, and maybe longer.

    Hair should be washed until the water is clear. It is quite difficult, because henna quickly dyes everything around, but the beauty and health of hair, require sacrifice.

    It is possible to dye hair with henna no more than once a month, but in order to update the hair shade, it is necessary to rinse the hair with a solution of henna - we take 2.5 liters of boiling water per 100 grams of henna. The mixture should cool, brew, and then we filter it and rinse the hair.

    If it seems to you that the shade of your hair is too bright, you can neutralize it with the help of olive or simple vegetable oil. The oil should be heated and rubbed into the hair with massage movements, and then carefully dry the hair with a hairdryer and wash with shampoo.

    Hair coloring at home. Chamomile for hair. Brightening hair with chamomile.

    Chamomile is often used for home hair coloring. Chamomile is especially good for lightening hair. Chamomile makes hair obedient, shiny. Chamomile is more suitable for owners of greasy hair.

    1. In homemade cosmetics, chamomile is often used to dye gray hair. For painting gray hair 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers brewed 0.5 liters of boiling water. The composition is infused for 2 hours, after which it adds 3 tbsp. spoons of glycerin. The composition is applied to the hair, a polyethylene cap and a warming cap are put on the head. The composition is aged on the hair for 1 hour. The camomile pharmaceutical paints gray hair in a golden shade.
    2. Chamomile hair lightening is possible with the following recipe: 1.5 cups of dried chamomile flowers are poured with 4 glasses of vodka. The composition is infused for 2 weeks, then 50 g of hydrogen peroxide is added to it. The composition is applied to the hair, aged 30-40 minutes and washed off with shampoo water. Lightened hair with this color will have a golden tint.
    3. Chamomile for hair can be used as a rinse after each shampooing. Blond hair will acquire a golden hue.
    4. To lighten dark hair with chamomile: 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers is brewed with 1.5 cups of boiling water. The composition is infused for 1 hour, filtered and added to it 50 g of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the composition to clean dry hair, aged 30-40 minutes. and washed off with shampoo water.

    What is the difference between henna and basma?

    Henna is a natural dye that is obtained from the leaves of lawsonium, drying and grinding them into powder. Fresh powder from the leaves of Lawson is yellowish-green, and the old is red. Henna hair coloring involves the use of only fresh powder. It contains essential oils, tannins and many other useful elements that have a positive effect on the hair.

    Basma is a natural dye, which is obtained from the leaves of indigo, also drying and grinding them into a powder of gray-greenish color. Also from this plant get another dye - indigo bright blue, which dyed fabric. Basma has a positive effect on the condition of the hair: improves their structure, accelerates growth, fights dandruff, strengthens the root system, etc.

    At the same time, henna can be used independently at home when dyeing hair, but basma without henna is not used, as it purely dyes the hair in a greenish-blue tint. However, even when using henna in its pure form, it is impossible to achieve a certain color. The reddish shade will be more intense or weaker, depending on the original natural hair color.

    How to make paint for home dyeing?

    To release the active ingredient of the red-yellow dye, you must mix the powder with a moderately acidic liquid. This will make the color more saturated and sustainable. For example, you can mix henna or a mixture of henna and basma with lemon or orange juice, wine or vinegar, subacid herbal tea.

    It is not advised to mix natural dyes with yogurt and other dairy products, because the proteins that make up them absorb color and interfere with the release of the coloring matter from the powder. It is also worth having that when adding coffee the color will become darker, but the hair will smell bad, which can cause an unpleasant headache. Powder of a carnation also strengthens color, but quite often causes irritation.

    If you do not like the smell of henna or basma, then you can add a spoonful of dry cardamom or ginger to the mixture so that the hair exudes a delicious aroma. If the hair is damaged or dry, you can add 2 tbsp. olive oil. If you want to get a fiery orange color, then dissolve henna with boiling water.

    The mixture is diluted only in china or glassware!

    How much powder is needed:

    • for short hair - 100 grams,
    • for hair to the neck area - 200 grams,
    • for hair on the shoulders - 300 grams,
    • for hair up to a waist - 500 grams.

    1 tablespoon - 7 grams of powder, ½ cup (240 grams) - 50 grams of powder.

    The proportions of henna and basma are selected depending on the desired shade intensity.

    • a 1: 1 ratio will give a rich chestnut shade,
    • proportion of 1: 2 (basma: henna) will color the hair in bronze shades,
    • proportion of 1: 2 (henna: basma) dyes hair in a bluish-black color.

    Prepared according to the selected recipe mixture, you need to close the plastic wrap and leave to stand overnight at room temperature. If the process of release of the dye needs to be accelerated, then place the mixture in a warm, but not hot place. At a temperature of 33-37 degrees the paint will be ready for use after 2 hours. All additives in the mixture are attached immediately before dyeing.

    How to dye hair with henna or basma?

    Before you start dyeing with natural dyes, you need to do a test to find out what color it will end up with. To do this, you need to take a small section of hair near the neck area, apply a little paint, wrap curl with film and leave for 2-3 hours. Then the strand must be washed, dried, wait a few days for the color to settle and evaluate the result. If he did not suit you, then experiment with proportions and additives.

    If the test result is completely satisfactory, then you can start coloring your hair at home:

    1. Cover the collar area with a plastic or unnecessary towel, wear gloves.
    2. Hair must be pre-washed.
    3. Along the growth of hair on the forehead, neck, behind the ears and the ears themselves should be covered with any cream to protect the skin from pigmentation.
    4. Hair should be divided into small strands of 2-3 cm.
    5. The mixture is applied to clean, dry or wet hair, but the dye is better absorbed into wet locks.
    6. Using a brush, apply the composition from root to tip of each curl. If after applying paint on all strands, the mixture remains, then distribute it over the entire length.
    7. Put a film or a plastic hat on your head and warm with a towel on top. When coloring only Basma is not necessary to be covered.
    8. Then you need to wait some time. For light shades, you will have to wait 30–40 minutes in heat or 50–60 minutes at room temperature. Darker shades will take from 45 to 80 minutes. If the hair is long, then - 120 minutes. If only basma was used, then you need to stock up with napkins, as the basma flows.
    9. After the set time, you need to wash each strand with plenty of water, and then all the hair with shampoo and hair conditioner.
    10. Then the hair is dried, combed and placed in the hair.
    11. The hairstyle will get a familiar structure and steady color after the third shampooing.

    Keep in mind! When dyeing gray hair, you first need to make the coloring only with henna, and then with a mixture of henna and basma.

    What you need to know when using natural dyes

    Henna and Basma are permanent dyes that do not fade or wash off hair. At the same time, over time, the color becomes darker, and with each subsequent coloring the hairs will have a more saturated color. After using natural dyes, you can apply a chemical paint, but the shade will be slightly darker (with basma - greener) and will be washed off faster than usual.

    Painting with Basma, as a rule, lasts for several months, but gradually acquires a red or blue-violet tint, therefore, in order to maintain the desired color and preserve the shine of the hair, it is necessary to make hair tint in a timely manner. To refresh staining, dilute 1 sachet of henna or basma in 1 liter of hot water (proportions can be changed). Carefully filter the solution, cool it and rinse it with hair.

    The harm of natural dyes is manifested with very frequent use. Due to the content of acids and tannins in henna and basma, they dramatically dry the curls, make them lifeless and dull, the hairs can begin to split and fall out. Hair oversaturated with these dyes becomes dry, dull and naughty, difficult to style, lose elasticity, become stiffer, it is difficult for them to give volume.

    Also worth knowing that Basma and henna can not fully equalize the color of gray hair with the rest of the mass, especially with the first few dyes. Against the rest of the curls gray strands look much brighter than the rest, acquiring a carrot shade. For the desired result, gray hair will have to be painted over several times, so that the color is fully entrenched and becomes uniform.

    Henna and Basma Hair Benefits

    1. Henna and Basma treat hair by dyeing, without destroying the existing natural pigment, but simply enveloping the hair, leveling it and adding volume, as well as creating a thin protective layer.
    2. Natural dyes make the hair more elastic, dense, and more thick and fluffy hair.
    3. Basma and henna help to cure split ends, dullness and brittle hair, dandruff and seborrhea, excessive dryness or greasy curls.
    4. A mixture of natural dyes regulates the sebaceous glands, normalizes water-fat metabolism, stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the hair roots, promotes the growth of hair rods, nourishes the scalp.
    5. Henna is hypoallergenic: it is suitable for pregnant women, has no contraindications, even when used for children and adults with sensitive skin.
    6. Basma has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, astringent effect, provides a therapeutic effect on the hair and scalp.
    7. These paints can also dye eyelashes and eyebrows without harm to the eyes.

    Thus, the natural dyeing of hair with henna and basma at home is noticeably better in comparison with the use of chemical dyes.

    Traditional Basby dyeing

    If gray hair is about half of the total, then dyeing should be carried out in several stages. First use henna, and then basma. This is done in order to be able to control the process and minimize the receipt of undesirable results.

    So, you should pour the powder in a dish, preferably porcelain, dilute with a small amount of hot water, and stir until the lumps are completely dissolved. Next, apply the resulting gruel to the hair roots. These two dyes are able to stain the skin of the hands, and therefore need to use special gloves. The head should be wrapped to paint evenly. It is important to monitor the time of basma staining in order to control the color saturation, and after its expiration rinse the mixture under strong water pressure.

    It is undesirable to use basma and henna if:

    • The hair was painted very recently with paint containing chemical reagents.
    • Recently a perm has been made. Hair can get the most incredible shade, while not far pleasing to the eye.
    • Hair is very blond. The effect with an unexpected color and here is the place to be.

    Recently, store shelves are full of packages with colored henna. However, it contains cheap chemical components, while the usual henna and basma are only vegetable. It may be better to give preference to proven products that help get rid of dandruff, normalize sebum secretion, and give hair shine, silkiness and strength.

    Basmo staining

    It is impossible to make hair coloring with Basma more than once a month. Especially carefully it is used by those who have dried hair. In the paint in this case, you should add a small amount of cosmetic oils to moisten the curls.

    It is necessary to acquire only a natural product, without inclusion of dyes. Some manufacturers confuse buyers with a name like “black basma”. But this remedy has no relation to natural powder. Always check the composition.

    The composition of the basma is prepared before use. To create the paint powder carefully grind, pour warmed water and mix thoroughly. After this, with constant stirring, bring the paint to a boil over low heat. As soon as the boiling process begins, remove the composition from the fire. With proper preparation, the paint reaches the state of liquid sour cream and quickly thickens. Because of this, it should be more fluid than henna.

    The principle of painting with basma is similar to the procedure for applying henna. Observe time and proportions to achieve the desired shade.

    During the work in the paint will need to add heated water. It is important to prepare enough of it in order to treat all the hair. The greater the length and density of the hair, the greater the volume of the composition needed. The created gruel is applied to the curls on the principle of henna. Only to warm them is not necessary. This is only required to achieve black color. In this situation, the basma is left on the curls for a very long time.

    Rinse with Basma requires clean, warm water. Soap is allowed only after 24 hours. And if the shade turned out to be darker than desired, then immediately wash the strands with detergent. Excessive darkening is removed with lemon juice, as well as a solution of acid. But this does not give a noticeable decrease in blackness. Remember that removing basma is not easy, because it is better to hold less time.

    With a short henna dyeing, long exposure to basma causes a greenish tint. To eliminate the defect, wash the strands with soap and water and paint them for a quarter of an hour with henna. This will give a slightly darker shade.

    Remember that the basma is obtained by the consistency is not too thick, because it flows down with a short haircut. To avoid this, add a binding component to it: decoction of flax seeds, oil, glycerin, etc. This composition is better kept and easier to wash off.

    Cover the neck before staining. And smear your face with petroleum jelly or cream. This will help avoid staining. But remember that the cream should not fall on the curls, because these places are not amenable to paint.

    The duration of the procedure varies from a couple of minutes to 2 hours. Here the result depends on the desired color and its depth. Someone leaves the composition for the night, considering that the color is obtained as saturated as possible.

    Henna and basma proportions

    When co-staining, the required volume of basma and henna is poured into a container, filled with heated water and mixed until uniform. The consistency should be like sour cream. To get the desired color, it is important to respect the proportions of henna and basma:

    To achieve a light brown hair color, a 1: 1 ratio is required. Hold for half an hour
    light chestnut color is achieved by using a similar proportion, but the duration of exposure is increased by 2 times,
    chestnut color will require a ratio of 1: 2, and will have to withstand 90 minutes,
    bronze reflux is obtained by combining henna and basma 2: 1 with a procedure duration of 90 minutes,
    to create black color, the dyes are connected 1 to 3. Hold on the curls will have 4 hours.

    Before the dyeing process, it is important to do a test on an inconspicuous area. It helps to more accurately determine the duration of the paint. The lighter the shade of the curls, the faster the color will work.

    Basma stain result

    If the result of painting with Basma came out not the way you wanted, then sometimes things can be changed. Eliminate too bright color after mixing with henna can be like this: hair smeared with warm vegetable oil. It will absorb henna. Grease the entire length and let it work for half an hour. After rinse with the addition of detergent. If the result is not satisfied, then repeat the procedure.

    If the shade is too dark, then rinse the hair with water using citrus juice or vinegar. When using a mixture of dyes, hair sometimes becomes not black enough, then repeat the painting with basma.

    The final shade from the use of vegetable paints is determined by such factors:

    natural shade of curls,
    thickness, hair structure, lack of moisture and other problems. Soft, thin hair is easier to dye than with excessive hardness. A shorter period for dyeing will be required for hair after bleaching with peroxide or perming,
    the temperature of the water with which the composition is prepared for the paint, as well as the temperature of the agent when used on the curls also have an effect. The lower the paint temperature, the slower the process
    the duration of the procedure. The longer the durability of the dye, the deeper the hair becomes colored,
    proportions of adding basma and henna.

    When using natural paints there are many nuances, the final result depends on them. It will take a lot of experiments to achieve the desired color. Usually, the right shade does not work right away, so if it is not to your liking, reduce it or wash the color by using masks with oils.

    If you want to eliminate the redhead, the painting procedure includes two separate steps: to begin with, hair is stained with henna, and after basma. The validity of Basma is half that of henna. But it is increased to achieve dark shades.

    It is possible to maintain the color depth by rinsing. To do this, 50 g of henna pour 1.5 liters of heated water. Filter the mixture and wash the curls with it. Another option: a rinse of basma and henna. They are combined in a ratio of 1: 1 and poured boiling water.

    Onion Husk for hair. How to paint the hair onion peel. Natural hair coloring.

    Natural hair coloring is possible with onion peel. Onion peel itself is very useful for strengthening hair and dandruff, if its broth just rinse hair. But also onion peel is a wonderful natural hair dye. How to dye hair onion peel? In home cosmetics there are several recipes.

    1. To give blond hair a dark chestnut color, hair is wiped every day with a strong broth of onion peel.
    2. To give blond hair a bright golden hue, hair is wiped every day with a weak broth of onion peel.
    3. Broth onion peel paint over gray hair on dark hair. For these purposes, it is best to use a strong broth - pour half a cup of onion peel with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, drain, add 2 tsp of glycerin.

    In order to dye hair in such a way at home, they are wiped every day with a cotton swab or sponge with a decoction of onion peel until the desired shade appears.

    Hair coloring at home. Walnut hair coloring.

    In the southern regions, walnut is often used for home hair coloring. Walnut hair coloring adds a touch of brown to the hair. Walnut rind for dyeing can be used both fresh and dried. Only green shells are used in walnut hair coloring!

    1. To give the hair a chestnut shade should be mixed the following components: 0.5 cups of olive oil (or other vegetable), 1 tbsp. spoon alum, 1 tbsp. spoon crushed walnut peel. All components are poured 1/4 cup boiling water. The composition is put on a slow fire and kept for 15 minutes, after which it is cooled, wrung out and the resulting gruel is applied to the hair with a brush. The composition is aged on the hair for 40 minutes. and washed off with warm water.
    2. There is another recipe for homemade cosmetics that allows you to achieve the same result. The peel of a walnut is crushed in a meat grinder and mixed with water until thick sour cream. Gruel is applied to the hair with a brush, aged 15-20 minutes. and washed off with warm water.
    3. Combination 2 tbsp. spoons of juice of green rind of walnuts per 100 g of alcohol gives a chestnut tone. Apply the composition to the hair. Keep 10-30 minutes. With this method of home hair dyeing a good, lasting result is achieved.
    4. You can also take 1.5 tbsp. spoons of crushed peel and alum, stir in 50 g of water and 70 g of vegetable oil, slightly heat the mixture, apply on hair and incubate for 40 minutes.
    5. Another way of home coloring a walnut at home is to make sure that 100 g of green walnut peel in 1 liter of water is 2/3 of the original volume, put on the hair. Keep about 20-40 min.

    Coloring hair folk remedies. Linden for hair.

    Linden for dyeing hair was used in ancient Russia. These recipes have not lost their relevance in our day, and they confirm that hair dye using folk remedies brings not only beauty, but also benefits to the hair. Lipa gives hair a chestnut or brown tint.

    1. So, to give your hair a chestnut shade - there is an excellent folk remedy made of lime. 5 tbsp.spoons of linden flowers poured 1.5 cups of water. The composition is put on a slow fire and about 100 ml of water is evaporated with constant stirring, so as to leave about 1 cup of broth. Broth is cooled and filtered. The resulting liquid is applied to the hair and aged until the desired shade.
    2. Brown color gives a decoction of twigs and leaves of linden. Everything else, as in the first recipe.

    Tea for hair. Dye your hair with tea. Folk cosmetics.

    Have you noticed that if you drink strong black tea, our teeth will turn yellow? So with the hair! Tea for hair is mainly used for dyeing. It is easy to dye hair with tea: tea is sold in every store, is affordable, easy to use and effective in dyeing hair. From the experience of folk cosmetics - tea colors hair in shades of brown.
