
Modern hair perm


Perm Procedure allows you to get the most resistant curls and curls, but it is not safe for the condition of the hair.

In order to minimize any risks, It is important to choose only the highest quality and reliable formulations..

On October 8, 1908, Carl Ludwig Nessler fulfilled the dream of many women about curly hair.

Hairdresser first made hardware perm. Today, being curly is no less relevant than many years ago.

Modern compositions for perming hair

All modern preparations intended for chemical hair perm must meet several important requirements:

  1. ensure stable and long-term preservation of curls - no less than three months.
  2. Do not affect the natural color of the hair.
  3. To contain in its composition special substances designed to ensure proper wetting and soaking of the strands.
  4. Have a slight odor of perfume and do not cause allergic reactions.
  5. Be easily washable.

The higher its value, the more active it has an effect on the state of the hair structure, and, consequently, is more conducive to the destruction of keratin.

Depending on its composition and nature of the impact on the hair, distinguish the following types of compositions for permed hair:

  • alkaline permanent
  • acid-balanced permanent
  • soft alkaline permanent
  • gel means
  • foamy permanent

For each of the listed types characterized by its individual characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of each type of drugs

Alkaline permanent is the classic version agents for perming curls of any type. It is based on thioglycolic acid. Depending on the amount of ammonia content, the pH of such formulations can vary from 8.5 to 9.5.

Alkaline permanents apply to extremely healthy hair. The main advantage of this composition is creation of elastic curlsthat do not lose their appearance over a long period of time.

However, these drugs have several significant drawbacks:

  1. a sharp and unpleasant odor resulting from substances such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan.
  2. Aggressive effect on the hair structure - thinning and weakening it.

Acid-balanced Permanents based on glyceryl monothioglycollate. They begin to act only after mixing with the activator - as a result of this a chemical reaction occurs, during which a significant amount of heat begins to be released and the composition heats up to about 40 degrees and, therefore, Curl curling process is greatly accelerated.

Among the main advantages inherent in this type of compositions, it should be noted:

  • pH level, as close as possible to the natural - from 5 to 7,
  • softer and more gentle action than alkaline variants,
  • possibility of use for weakened, as well as often exposed to hair coloring,
  • getting a beautiful and lasting result.

The lack of acid-balanced permanents lies in slow action, due to which the procedure lasts a long time.

Soft Alkaline Permanentbased on amino acids, has the following advantages:

  1. lack of unpleasant pungent smell and harm to the respiratory system,
  2. soft and gentle effect
  3. the most natural result.

The disadvantages of this type include the low resistance of the result, as well as the occurrence of allergic reactions in the presence of individual intolerance to the components.

Permanent remedy with a gel-like textureIt is widely used in cases where it is necessary to curl the regrown roots.

The advantages of this type of curling means include:

  • maximum ease of use - it is enough to squeeze out the necessary amount of money from the tube and evenly distribute it over the hair with a brush.
  • Use a comb instead of bobbins to form curls of the desired shape.
  • The absence of aggressive components in the composition.

Disadvantages this tool does not have.

The best remedies for the procedure

Many famous manufacturers offer high-quality products for chemical wave, which can be successfully used both in professional hairdressing and at home. Consider which options are most preferred.

    Neutral Curler Exothermic wave perm from the famous American manufacturer Paul Mitchell belongs to the category of exothermic products.

It is based on amino acid derivatives that do not harm the hair structure.

This product is suitable for normal hair type, strong and healthy by nature. Due to the absence of ammonia, even owners of sensitive hair and skin can use this neutral remedy. As a result of its use, curls become shiny and retain their natural color. The Italian company Nouvelle offers a series of lotions Volumizing modifier for perming hair of different types - normal, hard, damaged and dyed.

Nouvelle hair perm treatments are characterized by their mild effect on the hair and easy application, which can be compared with the “biowave” due to the conditioning agents that make up the composition.

Included with the lotion comes neutralizer. The use of these tools provides a beautiful and lasting result. It is recommended to apply lotion to owners of dyed and tinted hair. Londawave s from the German brand Londa Professional.

The tool will carefully and effectively care for the strands. Complex Aqua Care and natural ingredients protect hairs along the entire length, not making them heavier, but making them elastic, silky and shiny.

Its main features are the presence of betaine and the Lift-up formula, due to which the charming volume of curls lasts up to eight weeks. The Italian agent has excellent properties. Farmavita the permintended for long-term curling.

A powerful tool for permanent curling, allowing you to get elastic curls, permanently preserving the shape and volume of hair, without damaging the hair structure.

Having a pleasant floral aroma, this tool does not adversely affect the structure of the curls, but, on the contrary, makes them flexible and gives vitality. High quality Russian product Concept Bio Curl Former Style contains in its composition cysteamine, which ensures not only the resistance of curls, but also careful care of them.

Contains allantoin and keratin complex, which moisturize the hair, relieve irritation of the scalp and restore the hair structure.

The effect of curling persists for 3-6 weeks.

Harmful thioglecol acid this product does not contain.

When choosing the best option for yourself, you should consider the type and characteristics of your hair.

Technology performance perm.


Modern compositions for perming hair have a delicate composition and do not destroy their structure. In the assortment of many manufacturers are quality compositions that each lady will be able to apply even at home. Choose the best option and fascinate with flirty curls!

Modern types of perm hair

Over the past few years, there have been many new technologies for curling and compositions, with the help of which it is possible to create beautiful large curls or small curls for several months. All types of waving, which offer today in the salons, can be divided into two types - classic and light (gentle).

The main advantage of curling using gentle formulations is that the drugs used do not harm the hair. They allow you to create curls of different shapes and sizes, providing a mild effect and without destroying the hair structure. But at the same time, modern chemistry for hair has a significant drawback - a short-lasting effect. After a light curl curls hold on average for 2-3 months.

Despite the appearance of sparing drugs, classical chemistry has not lost its relevance. Curling with the use of potent chemical compounds is very popular due to the long lasting effect. Curls retain their shape for 6 months, which is the main advantage of such chemistry.

But since preparations containing ammonia and other aggressive chemical components are used to create curls, there is a risk of side effects. Potent drugs destroy the hair structure. Because of this, the hairstyle after washing the composition looks lifeless, the hair becomes brittle, dull and thinned. Therefore, after such a procedure, it is imperative to observe all the rules of care and to make regenerating hair masks.

Acid Chemistry

This is one of the most popular methods of creating curls. The essence of this procedure is the use of drugs based on a substance called glyceryl monothioglycolate. The active ingredients get inside the hair, changing its structure. A significant plus is that the active ingredients do not damage the protective scales. This minimizes the damage caused by the hair. Hair does not swell much, which allows you to wind the strands with tension.

Strong tight curls are created by exposure to high temperatures. Additional heating also has a negative effect on the strands. Therefore, this type of chemistry can not be called harmless. Due to the effect of drying, these compounds can not be applied to thin dry hair. Only owners of strong and healthy hair can do this perm.

Alkaline Curling

Alkaline permanents are used to create curls for a long time. But modern sparing drugs have not supplanted this type of chemistry. Such a perm provides a less lasting effect than the acid. But it is suitable for dry hair. Also this type of chemistry solves the problem of disobedient strands. As a result, it is possible to create elastic and natural curls.

For this perm use drugs in which the main active ingredient is ammonium thioglycolate. After application to the strands, the composition reveals a protective layer of scales. Because of this, it is possible not only a change, but also a violation of the structure of the hair. There is a risk of fragility, dryness, the appearance of split ends, the effect of "washcloth".

If you choose between acid and alkaline chemistry, be aware that alkaline preparations act more gently.

Neutral Chemistry

This modern perm is suitable even for soft hair, because it does not have a devastating effect. Used drugs contain keratin, which smoothes the scales, restoring the protective layer. The duration of the effect of this chemistry exceeds alkaline, but inferior to acid.

It should be borne in mind that neutral chemistry has one feature: after this procedure, it is necessary to use hair products with a neutral pH level. Otherwise, the curls will quickly straighten, and the effect will be short-lived.

Amino Acid Chemistry

To create curls are used drugs with amino acids and proteins. The composition also contains chemicals, which ensure the formation of curls. Amino acids and proteins neutralize the negative effects of chemical active ingredients. In addition, such compositions have a healing and healing effect.

The only drawback of this procedure is that curls hold up to 2 months.


This modern technique of creating curls is popular among women of different ages. Such a curl has 3 main advantages:

  • curls hold up to six months,
  • the shag looks natural
  • hair structure is not damaged.

In the formulations used there are no aggressive components, such as ammonia. This minimizes the harm caused to the curls. For biowave use drugs whose composition is similar to the hair molecules. They gently and carefully affect the strands, forming tight beautiful curls. Hairstyle gets extra volume, curls look luxurious and well-groomed.

Biochemistry will be a good solution for owners of hair that is naturally curly. As a rule, natural curls are formed only in the lower part of the strands, and in the radical zone the hair is straight. The biowave will give additional basal volume and make curls neat, uniform.

Such a perm involves the use of three compositions. First, the protein composition is applied to form curls. Then strands wound on bobbins or curlers are treated with a means for thickening protein. At the final stage, the composition is applied to fix the curls.

The biowave is worth choosing girls with normal or oily hair. For owners of dry loose strands, this is not the best kind of chemistry.

Hair carving

This is another modern curling technique that allows you to create small curls, large curls, and even vertical spiral curls using gentle formulations. Carving is the safest procedure for hair. By the time it takes 1.5 hours. Such a perm is performed in several stages:

  • Hair combed and divided into several sections.
  • One section is treated with a special gentle composition.
  • Thin strands wind on curlers.
  • The same is done with all the strands.
  • After a certain time, the hair is washed with plenty of running water and dried.

Easy chemistry looks natural. Another advantage of this procedure is that the curls straighten evenly. This eliminates the need to adjust the hairstyle. After a complete washout composition of the hair looks like before curling.

Like any type of chemistry, carving has limitations. It is not recommended to perform on long thick hair. Sparing composition is not able to form tight curls that will hold on such heavy strands. Also, this perm is not recommended for dyed and bleached weakened strands.

Carving is suitable for medium strands and short haircuts. Duration of effect from 4 to 8 weeks. The formulations used have a drying effect.

Acid in the fight for curls

The most proven and perhaps the oldest way to create a perm. The procedure gives a stable and long lasting result. Chemical acid perm hair lasts up to six months, and with proper care even more.

However, this way of giving the hairstyle a neat look has a number of drawbacks. The main one is dehydration. Curls become dry and tough, as the tool used penetrates deep into the hair and spoils it (broken bonds in proteins).

Acid perm is suitable for all hair types, and does not become less popular.

Alkali - opposite effect

In comparison with the previous ways to create beautiful curls, alkaline curls are more gentle.The effect of the procedure lasts about 3 months and does not damage the hair structure. Curls look natural and natural, which can not but rejoice the beautiful half.

Unfortunately, this method of applying chemistry to the hair does not suit everyone. It is better for owners of straight and hard strands to use another method of curling, since after treatment with alkali they return to their former shape after a month.

Neutral curling

The most versatile way to get gentle, natural curls - a neutral way to curl. It suits absolutely everyone, especially in the presence of structural damage.

Regardless of the type of hair, the result will be positive and long lasting.

Neutral hair curling allows you to create large curls on the basis of allantoin, avoiding overdrying and pH balance.

Thioglycolic acid based wave

The safest acid perm method is performed using thioglycolic acid. Specialists allow the procedure even on colored strands. The process occurs due to the swelling of the hair, which protects them from injury.

The only drawback of the service is that the pomp disappears after 5 weeks. On hard and straight hair, the effect will be less noticeable, so you will have to resort to a second procedure earlier than usual.

Amino Acid - Protein-based Health

Amino acid form perm - the most optimal way to create romantic strands on short hair. The invasiveness of this procedure for the hair is minimized, which allows them to keep their structure healthy and complete.

The composition of the drug used contains proteins. They nourish hair, are completely harmless and create a natural protective sheath. The weighting effect does not allow the use of an amino acid perm for long and thick hair.

Carving - fashion trend

A completely new and unique way of laying was recently patented by Schwarzkopof. Carving is done with sparing means that do not harm either the hair or the scalp.

The method of creating strands will help to solve even such problems as confusion, lack of volume and difficulty with combing. Suitable for everyone with any type and length of hair.

All types of perm were repeatedly tested and are fully available in any specialized institution. However, before exposing your hair to chemical or medical treatment, you should consult a professional, determining the type and extent of damage to the structure.

Standard scheme perm hair

The first thing a hairdresser does is to thoroughly wash the client's hair with a deep-cleaning shampoo before performing the procedure. Then the future curls are wound on special bobbins. Their size is determined by the length of the hair and your preferences. So, if you want to get large curls in the process of curling hair, you will need adaptations of the maximum diameter and vice versa.

After the preparation is done under the hair, the hair is quickly treated with a chemical solution or with special harmless preparations. Each bobbin is treated separately and covered with a warming cap.

Chemistry on hair must be kept from 20 to 35 hairs. More accurate data determines the master for each type of hair separately. After the time, the bobbins unwind in several places to check the effect of the curl.

At the end of the procedure, the hair is washed from the remnants of the drug and treated with a fixative. After 5 minutes, the bobbins are removed and the finished curls are again processed by the fixing agent. After a few minutes, the hair must be rinsed thoroughly again.

The main mistakes of the masters or how to understand that you did bad chemistry

After the procedure, many are faced with the fact that I do not know how to determine the quality of the procedure.Wizards often hide their mistakes and, ultimately, the client does not get what he saw in the photo in the service catalog.

Having come to a salon or a hairdresser, first of all ask about the experience of a specialist. Remember that you trust a person to your hair and image. A good master must offer you a curling method that suits your hair structure exactly. To do this, he will have to conduct a strand break test and a drug sensitivity test.

If your hair is not suitable for perm, then the master has the full right to refuse you the procedure. This applies to bleached, unhealthy curls, recently painted with henna.

The following facts will help you determine the wrong procedure:

  • the composition flows to the scalp, causes irritation,
  • the master uses very tight gum, pulls too hair,
  • hair is divided into large strands,
  • expired remedy
  • the use of metal utensils and tools.

All these minor trifles in the work of a hairdresser will certainly affect the final result. Hair can become brittle and dry, or many strands will remain uncoiled. Improper perm hair will only exacerbate existing problems and deprive the locks of structure and luster.

These simple recommendations will help you always stay on track even with a famous stylist, as the health of your hair is in your hands.

After the procedure

Even if you did the perm on the most modern methods, the hair still requires special care. To preserve the effect it is not recommended to wash your hair for at least two days after the procedure. Hair should remain in a state of rest, which will allow keratin to consolidate on the newly-made curls. In the future, protect them from exposure to the sun, wind, chlorinated water.

Washing hair after perm

After a specified time after the chemistry, all the attention and care should be focused on the hair. New suitable products should appear in the bathroom. The best option is a complex of shampoo and hair balsam with a permanent. For lack, you can use a mild gentle shampoo.

Starting from the 4-5th wash, it is advisable to start using medicinal cosmetics. This will prevent the formation of split ends and help to restore the hair structure. To curls retain their shape, gently blot them with a towel and form curls with your hands. Try not to resort to rectifiers and hair dryers. Go to bed necessarily with dried hair.

Hair restoration

First of all, perm deprives hair moisture. You can fight dryness with the help of both pharmacy and store, and home remedies. The main thing - all means must be of high quality. Minimum course - 10 sessions.

Restore water balance will help homemade masks for damaged hair or burdock oil. Dehydrated hair should be washed with shampoo with proteins. This will give them back their lost nutrients.

Remember that it is best to perm on healthy hair. Then they will not have to be treated and restored for a long time. It is better to do the opposite: cure, and then curl. Believe me, you will enjoy the effect much more!

Testing tool

By purchasing such a complex, first of all make an allergotest on the components of the drug. Soak a cotton swab in the product, and wipe the skin behind the ear. Leave on for 10 minutes, wipe with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide.

It is also necessary to test the perception of the drug by hair. To do this, it is necessary to moisten the order with liquid, leave for a few minutes and try to break it. If the hair feels normal, then such a perm is suitable for your hair type. If the curl has become brittle and breaks, then dilute the product with water and conduct a similar experiment on another strand.

Do the perm yourself

The first stage is cleansing.Wet and clean hair wind on hair curlers of this size, whatever strands you would like to wear the next few months. Twist the hair, not too pulling it.

Liquid for a chemical curling of hair pour in a ceramic or plastic ware. Moisten the foam rubber sponge in the solution and apply on the curlers. Moving from the neck to the forehead, distribute the tool. Cover the hair with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel. Hold the time specified in the instructions.

Rinse the hair with warm water, not unwinding curls. Blot your hair curlers with a towel. Then apply fixative and leave for a few minutes. Remove the curlers, re-apply fixer at the same time. Rinse hair with warm water.

The procedure is done, it remains to rinse the hair with an acidified solution and apply a nourishing mask. When the hair is dry, you can enjoy delicious curls.

You will have cute little curls and "Hollywood" curls, this hairstyle is always stylish and emphasizes the feminine beauty. Now, perm hair does not just help women to refresh and diversify the everyday image, but also helps to improve their structure. Do not be afraid to experiment, follow all the recommendations and rules and enjoy your reflection in the mirror!

Modern silk perm with natural silk

Can chemistry be absolutely safe for hair? Yes. An example of such chemistry is “silk wave”. This procedure involves the use of the drug, in the composition of which silk proteins are present. They do not contain hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and other potent substances that have a negative effect on hair. After curling, even damaged strands, devoid of gloss, will look healthy and beautiful.

Curling with natural silk is ideal for short haircuts and owners of strands of medium length. Silk is a fiber whose structure has many similarities with the structure of the hair. The proteins of this fiber have a healing effect, restoring the integrity of the structure of each hair at the molecular level.

This modern type of wave not only allows you to create beautiful elastic curls, but also to regain lost health and beauty of hair. Silk chemistry is suitable for owners of weak hair. It can be done during pregnancy, during lactation. There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Therefore, the silk perm can be considered universal.

How long the curls will last depends on the thickness and length of the hair. On average, curls retain their shape for 1-2 months.

Japanese chemistry

Listing modern methods of perming hair, it is necessary to mention the Japanese technology. It was first developed by Goldwell. But today similar formulations from other manufacturers are available for sale. The main active ingredient in such preparations is the matrix. The same component is present in human hair. The matrix acts on the hair structure, restoring s-bonds.

In addition, the preparations used contain keratin. This amino acid makes hair strong and elastic. Betaine, which is also present in these formulations, nourishes the curls and gives them an attractive shine. A fixed shape curls due to the presence in the composition of silicon-cystine. The unique formula of the drug allows you to simultaneously form tight curls and restore damaged hair structure.

There is only one limitation: a perm according to Japanese technology cannot be done more than once every 6 months. It is necessary to let the hair rest for at least 1 month after straightening the curls. It is also worth considering that this is an expensive procedure. But the safety of the hair and long-lasting effect fully justify the cost.

American Chemistry

The types of curls differ in the composition used, as well as in the technique of twisting the strands. One of the modern varieties is perm on American technology. Strands cheat on special curlers or knitting needles. As a result, after the procedure, beautiful large curls are formed. Bio-sparing compounds are used for this curling. Therefore, do not worry about damage to the hair.

As the chemical is leached out and the roots grow, the border between the part of the strands and the roots treated with the bio-composition is imperceptible. Therefore, even after many months your hairstyle will remain neat and showy.

Perm as a process of change mechanism ...

Perm as a process

The mechanism of changing the shape of the hair during chemical perm. Perm is a process that results in hair becoming luxuriant and pliable, and the strands curl into curls of varying size and hardness. On the basis of perm made a variety of styling. The main objective of this procedure is to make hair capable of maintaining a given shape. The principle of action of any of the permanents entering the market today is the same as 60 years ago.

Human hair consists of keratin - a water-insoluble protein containing spindle-shaped cells. In turn, keratin consists of amino acids, one of which is cyst n, which stabilizes the protein structure, but under the action of preparations for chemical perm, it disintegrates at the cystine bond site:

S - CH2 - CH (NH2) - COOH

S - CH2 - CH (NH2) - COOH

After breaking this bond, the hair becomes supple. Since the hair is wound on the bobbins, then in cross section they take the form of an ellipse. It is known that straight hair in cross section is round, wavy, have the shape of an ellipse, and strongly curly hair - a flattened ellipse.

To restore the elasticity of the hair, it is necessary to perform oxidation, for example, with a weak 1–3% hydrogen peroxide solution or with a ready fixer. When this happens, the cystine bond is restored. However, due to the hydrolysis of keratin amino acids under the action of a chemical perm preparation on them, irreversible processes take place - the reduction of hair mass.

The chemical process takes place at pH = 9 - 11, the higher the pH of the composition, the more it affects the hair. The hair swells faster, the cystine S – S bonds break faster, but the amino acids of the hair hydrolyze more actively. Therefore, to

The choice of exposure time and concentration of the drug should be approached individually, depending on the Hair, Their structure, condition (dry, oily, normal), from the effects of oxidative dyes on the hair.

Stages perm. There are three stages of perm. On First stage Produce a chemical effect with the help of compounds and physical impact with the help of whooping cords. These two processes are called plasticization.

On Second stage Produce a chemical effect - fix the newly formed connection with fixer.

On Third stage Produce neutralization - the hardening of keratin.

The principle of perm. The strength of the hair is ensured by the presence of double-grained bridges, which create an internal connection in keratin chains and give the hair its shape.

AT first phase perm is a chemical process of deacidification. The scavenger brings hydrogen to the hair, which breaks the two-sulphurous bridges. In this phase, chemical exposure occurs.

In second phase Cheat happens. Hair changes shape when wrapped on bobbins. Broken bony-grained bridges in keratin chains are shifted, and hair takes the form of a bobbin. At this phase a mechanical action takes place.

AT third phaseFixation occurs.

Thanks to the oxidizer contained in the retainer, oxygen is released. Combining with hydrogen, it restores the two-grained bridges.Hair is fixed in the new form. Its integrity and strength return to it, but in a new form. In this phase, chemical exposure occurs.

The ideal percentage of deoxidation is 30% of destroyed double-bodied bridges, which allows you to get an elastic curl and maintain the quality of the hair. On average, this means that every third bridge must be broken. To do this, it is very important to choose the right chemical composition and precisely observe the exposure time. For example, if you choose too strong chemical composition or increase the exposure time, the hair will become sensitive and will not keep its shape. Conversely, if you choose a weak chemical composition or reduce the exposure time, the curl will be very weak, and such a perm will remain for a very short time.

Alkalinity and acidity of solutions. The chemical indicator of the acidity or alkalinity of the solution is expressed in terms of pH. PH scale inclusive

It ranges from 0 to 14, pure water, considered Neutral Substance, corresponds to a value of 7 in the middle of the scale. The solution with a pH below 7 is Acid, and the index above 7 is Alkaline. The alkaline solution causes softening and swelling of the hair, while acidic causes contraction and hardening. There are devices and paper indicators with a special composition for determining the pH of various solutions. So, when immersing a piece of paper impregnated with salts of nitric acid in an alkaline environment, it darkens. In an acidic environment, the color change is not so much or completely absent. If you wet your hair with water and check the pH, then the resulting figure in the range of 4.4 to 5.5 will correspond to the rate of weak acid reaction. Chemical perm compositions have a pH of about 10 with a shift to the alkaline side. The acidity index in neutralizing substances is about 3, this indicator is located in the acid part of the scale. Until the master studies the condition of the client’s hair and does not have data on previously performed cosmetic procedures, do not use solutions with a pH closer to 7. Lack of awareness can cause damage to the client’s hair.

Alkaline perm. The main active ingredient of the composition for alkaline curling is ammonium thioglycolate, a chemical compound resulting from the reaction of ammonia with glycolic acid, the pH of the alkaline composition of curling lotion is usually 8.2-9.6 depending on the amount of ammonia. This composition penetrates hair faster than acid-balanced. Sometimes an alkaline perm is performed using a water-based curling compound, with a plastic hood for some hair, but not for others.

The advantages of alkaline perm are Strong curls (usually last longer), the ability to process at room temperature.

Alkaline perm is used for styling hair that is difficult to process, as well as to get a curl if the client always has a permanent that is too weak.

Acid-balanced perm. The main active ingredient in acid-balanced formulations is glyceryl mono-glycolate. Its pH is lower than that of the alkaline composition. This composition has a softer effect on the hair and usually gives less tight curls than the alkaline cold curl. In an acid-balanced lotion, the pH is about 4.5-6.5, the composition penetrates the hair more slowly than alkaline, so the treatment of the hair lasts longer. The heat used can be of two types: from the chemical reaction itself (exothermic

Chesky method), from an external source - usually it is klimamon or an infragrelk (endothermic method).

Recently, new acid-balanced formulations have been developed that allow perm at room temperature. They have a slightly higher pH than normal, and their active ingredient is the same.

The advantages of acid-balanced perm are softer curls and longer, but controlled processing time. An acid-balanced perm is done if the hair is fragile by nature or dyed, in order to get curls or waves that are close to natural, the perm serves as the basis of the hairstyle. The disadvantage is that the chemical perm on an acidic basis is less durable than the classical one (on an alkaline basis), after 4-6 weeks the hair becomes not so lush.

The composition of neutralizers. Neutralizers for acid-balanced and alkaline perm perform the same function: permanently fix curls. Neutralization is a very important stage. If the hair is not properly neutralized, the curl may weaken or develop after washing the head. Most neutralizers consist of a relatively small amount of hydrogen peroxide, an oxidizing agent, and an acidic pH. Methods of use of neutralizers vary.

Neutral perm. Like the alkaline-based perm, it has a pH of 7.4, but acts much more gently than acid-based chemicals.

Scientists have developed a method of neutral chemical perm taking into account the fact that there are so-called hydro-branch zones (water repellent) in the hair that easily absorb excess liquid for chemical perms, unlike hydrophobic zones. Neutral perm smoothes these differences. It protects sensitive areas, while healthy areas begin to more actively absorb the liquid. As a result, the hair does not experience additional stress, as it does not swell too much. Neutral perm is ideal for customers who have rough hair after perm and need greater protection. A special keratin complex, already during a perm, smoothes the damage that has appeared in the stratum corneum and takes care of the elasticity and stability of the hair.

The choice of permanent. The decision on what type of permanent should be applied (acid-balanced or alkaline) is made based on the type of hair.

Modern tools for the permanent represent a wide choice. There are alkaline compounds for bleached Hair and acid-balanced - For tough, naughty. Each of them gives excellent results, provided the right choice and compliance with instructions.

Preparatory work. By the preparatory work for chemical perm include:

* Preparation of the workplace

* Inviting a customer to a chair,

* Washing hands and disinfecting tools

Preparation of devices: two non-metallic pans (one for the composition, the second for fixing), two sponges (small for the composition, large for fixing), applicators, gloves, measuring cup, a warming cap and bobbin,

Combing hair and diagnosis: determination of hair condition (natural, dyed, bleached), textures (thick, medium, fine), structures (oily, normal, dry), lengths: up to 15 cm or more, sensitivity (test: on the elbow or behind the ear) composition and incubated for 5-10 min),

Covering the client with laundry

Perform hygienic washing.

All haircuts clear, geometric shapes are performed before perm.

Types and size of bobbins. The sticks are concave and straight. Concave Sneakers in the center already, towards the ends gradually

Expand, as a result, the curl turns out to be steeper at the end and free at the roots of the hair. The diameter of the Straight Koklushki is the same along the entire length, and the curl is smooth. The cock is equipped with an elastic band (elastic) attached to one end and secured to the other when the hair is already twisted.

When choosing the size of the bobbin one should take into account the desired number of curls and the physical characteristics of the hair. The number of waves, curls and hair splendor are determined by the master and the client in a preliminary conversation. Type of hair depends primarily on the size of the bobbins, their number and placement on the head. When choosing the size of the bobbin, hair characteristics such as length, elasticity and texture are taken into account, the latter being the most important. So, with a rough texture and good elasticity, it is necessary to divide the hair into small strands and take large bobbins. Medium texture and elasticity require separation of hair into medium strands, bobbins should also be of medium size. With a fine texture and poor elasticity, the hair should be divided into smaller strands than with an average texture, the bobbins should be small to medium to prevent damage to the hair. For curling hair on the back of the head take the smallest strands and the smallest bobbins. To make a permanent perm on long hair (longer than 15 cm), they are divided into small strands, wound evenly and close to the head. The division into small strands promotes uniform wetting.

Perm hair

Many women dream of beautiful curls, but not every nature has curly hair. One option to achieve the desired effect - perm.

Many of us, for sure, had a chance to survive the disappointment of the “classic” chemical perm. Damaged, incomprehensible color of hair sticking out in all directions and one dream - quickly cut it all off. Now there are opportunities to minimize the adverse effects of chemistry on hair, it is possible to choose a perm not only in external indicators, but also according to the type of your hair.

True, a lot will depend on the master, who will do you the perm. From my own experience I can say that the most successful of my perm was the very first. It was done with the soul, but in completely unthinkable conditions, the most common "Lokonom". I didn’t manage to achieve more of this result, which is a pity.

A true professional will make an analysis of the type of your hair, and will select the perm according to the results. For example, for tired hair, a gentle acid perm is suitable. In contrast to conventional chemistry, acid perms have a pH between 6 and 7, which almost corresponds to the natural acid protective covering of the skin and hair. This means that the acid perm does not tire the hair too much. If you have sensitive skin on your head, a biological curl containing sulphides will suit you and will very gently affect the scalp. Conventional chemistry is suitable only for healthy or very thin hair. Her only virtue is that she lasts at least a widow longer than any other waving option.

And, nevertheless, the choice is yours.

So, what to consider when making a choice:

Negative points:

Any hair requires care and care, perm does not save you from the hassle of styling and care, rather the opposite. In spite of the fact that sparing variants of chemical perms are now developed, nevertheless, the hair is stressed and negatively affected and needs regenerative treatment. Hair with a chemical wave requires careful combing and styling.

Gentle perm keeps less than the classic.

In many ways, success will be determined by the professionalism of the master. He will not only make a perm quality, but will also help you decide on the type of chemical perm depending on the structure of your hair, their health, the expected size of the curls and their hardness. If you are not sure about the master, you risk ruining your hair and mood.

There are a lot of unwanted moments that can reduce the results to zero. More on this later.

You may have to tint your hair, as they can still lose their original color.

If you live in an area with a hot, dry climate, this may also have a bad effect on the condition of your hair. They will require more thorough care.

Constancy If you change your mind, you will have to wait a long time until the hair becomes natural, and perhaps part with their stubborn part.

And now about the positive points:

If you have a humid climate, and at the same time you like curls, you should choose a perm, because in the rain, in wet weather, curled hair will be only clearer, which is not true of curls laid on curlers or curling.

Hair styling can be done less often.

Hair becomes more "obedient."

If you have oily hair, chemistry will dry them.

Perm gives volume to the hair.

Constancy This may be a positive quality, if you make the right choice.

If you unbearably want to do chemistry and this just becomes calmer in the soul, do it, taking into account all the necessary information for the right choice.

Do not perm if:

  • your hair is depleted, sick, and requires restorative treatment.
  • your body is weakened by illness or stress.
  • you are pregnant or are taking hormones that affect the hormones of your body, so to speak, creating the effect of "imaginary pregnancy."
  • you are breastfeeding.
  • you have critical days.
  • you have high blood pressure, with a lower try to raise it by drinking a cup of coffee.
  • in the room where the perm is performed less than 24 ° C in winter and 22 ° C in summer.
  • you are allergic to the drug.
  • You recently shaded or dyed your hair. After dyeing hair, you must wait with a perm for 2-3 weeks. Spend this time on intensive hair care.
  • the day before you treated your hair with a composition containing metal or urzol (for example, “Hair Color Reducer”, etc.)
  • You are constantly using products containing silicones. If these are shampoos with conditioner, then the silicones contained in it are dissolved in water, just warn the hairdresser to remove the remnants of this product with a peeling shampoo. Read more about silicones below.

"Killers" perm?

Silicones in combination shampoos

(The material is based on the book "500 hairstyles and make-up tips. Professional tips.")

Products called Two-in-one (two products in one bottle) are becoming increasingly popular. Are they to blame for the failed perm?

Silicones are different

1. Water-soluble silicones form a stable foam and are specifically used in shampoos. They are not deposited in the hair.

2. Silicone oils enhance shine and make hair easier to comb. They are contained in rinses, medicinal products and in many combination products. These oils do not dissolve in water, but are washed off with shampoo. With frequent use, they accumulate in the hair.

3. High-polymer silicones glue the split ends of the hair. Silicones, especially those that are part of the liquid to care for the tips of the hair, are deposited in the form of a dense film on the hair and are removed with great difficulty.

Weak perm, boring dye and hair hanging helplessly after each wash — many women face these difficulties. But few know how to handle it.

Meanwhile, the use of combined means simplified hair care. Shampoo and rinse in one bottle - a wonderful discovery. Time is saved, and often this type of hair care e0e and cheaper costs. It is not surprising that two-in-one products have now won about 15% of the sales market. However, the growing popularity of these products scares many hairdressers.“Perm, coloring and tinting hair does not work as it did before. Hairdressers are increasingly complaining about this,” says B. Muller, chairman of the Central Union of German Hairdressers. Hairdressers suspect that the cause of the aforementioned ills is the silicone contained in many products.

Silicones are widely used in hair care products and, in essence, are harmless. In many combined shampoos their share is negligible. Silicone drops, which are deposited on the hair, make it softer, shinier and better styling. However, with the continuous use of shampoo on the hair, more and more silicone droplets are deposited, which form a film and close the pores. Further types of chemical treatment, such as toning or curling, can no longer affect the hair. First of all, delicate thin hair becomes heavy, and perm on them does not hold.

H. Daniel from the Union of industrialists, manufacturers of hygienic and detergents, protecting new shampoos from attacks, refers to the inter-company tests and studies that were conducted in New Zealand and the Scandinavian countries and did not find any deterioration in the quality of perm and toning. But since the studies were started quite recently and the results of longer tests have not yet been obtained, hairdressers' doubts do not seem to be unfounded.

Undoubtedly, certain types of silicones are always deposited on the hair. Silicones are specially added to the liquid to care for the tips of the hair in order to achieve exactly this effect. Therefore, if you intend to do a perm, you should not often use products containing silicones.

Recommendations for the use of combined shampoos:

  • apply the combined shampoo should not be daily, but not more often than two times a week. For the rest of the time, use regular shampoo.
  • You need to buy a combined shampoo according to the type of hair and spend a small amount for each wash.
  • for washing delicate fine hair only in exceptional cases, you can use a combination of shampoos. Hair quickly covered with silicone and become sluggish.
  • For silicone-saturated hair, the cosmetic industry produces special neutralizers that prevent the deposition of silicone on the hair. These tools are convenient for those who do not want to hesitate with a perm.
  • referring to the hairdresser with a request to do a perm, toning or coloring, be sure to tell him about the previous hair care.

About chemical perm

What is a perm?

Perm is a common name for the process, as a result of which hair becomes luxuriant and pliable, strands curl into curls of various size and hardness.

What happens to hair during a perm?

The hair substance softens under the action of acid (thioglycolic), its natural sulfur compounds dissolve. At this stage, waving hair with a curler or papillotok take a new form and are fixed in it.

Which perm is suitable for your hair?

It depends entirely on their thickness and condition.

It is believed that the thinner the hair, the more they are demanding to the means for perm, as the hair itself is thin, soft, weak and quickly sag. Therefore, the curler should be strong enough to fix the thin hair in a new shape. Thick, thin hair is inherently stronger and keeps its shape better, so there is enough for them more “easy” chemistry. Classical perm is best suited for healthy hair. If it is done correctly, it lasts for three to six months.True, it is harmless to the hair, so that they retain their shine and healthy appearance, it is necessary to use special rinses and balms.

If you have sensitive scalp, it is better to choose a biowave, which instead of thioglycolic acid contains sulfide and acts on the hair and scalp gently and gently. A new remedy is pleasant for the skin: foul-smelling and burning ammonia is not included in its composition. Instead, natural urea is used, under the action of which the hair swells before curling. This substance is almost odorless and does not pollute the environment. But all the same, without a peroxide of hydrogen-oxidant, which is part of the cream for bleaching hair, no long lasting curling can do. And this operation also tires hair.

For tired hair suitable chemistry with an acid base. In contrast to the alkaline composition for the classical chemical perm, the acid composition has a pH of pH + 6-7, which is approximately equal to the pH value in the anti-acid coat of hair and skin, which naturally facilitates the penetration of acids into their structure. The lack of acid composition is that it is less resistant than alkaline. The wave is held about two times less than the usual chemical perm with a classic composition, about 4-6 weeks. Unfortunately, acid perm is not suitable for all hair types. For example, it is useless to try to make an acid perm on so-called durable hair - so smooth and so straight that after each attempt to make waves, they return to their former state. They simply do not perceive the chemical curling fluid. If your waves do not hold at all, ask your hairdresser to test your hair with a special device or just to do a test curl on one strand.

And finally neutral perm - new. It has a neutral pH value, less damaging the scalp and acts equally well on all areas of the hair. On each person's head there are areas where the hair is either too recalcitrant or damaged. Thus, one part of the hair lends itself well to perm, and the other does not. And the consequence of this is uneven waving, often without gloss. Neutral perm has a uniform effect on the hair and is suitable for all hair types. It is also ideal for those who want to perm their own perm: it is sold as a wave foam with integrated nutrients. A special keratin complex, already during a perm, smoothes the damage that has appeared on the stratum corneum and takes care of the elasticity and stability of the hair.

When making your choice, consult a professional hairdresser. It will help to figure out what is right for you.


Curling on papilotki

This type of curling creates the effect of naturally curly hair, creates light wavy curls.

For curling on papilotki upper hair is divided into "steps". This gives the hair extra plasticity. The barber separates the correspondingly wide strands and winds them into large papillots. You need to arrange them randomly. Strands of hair should be twisted in one direction, but not parallel. This will create a picture of beautifully curly hair that falls beautifully over one another. Then apply a perm. It is selected according to the structure and condition of your hair.

Spiral waving

Perfect for long hair, but can be performed on the length of the hair to the earlobe.

The peculiarity of the spiral "chemistry" is in the form of curls. Long hair is twisted into small spirals in small strands. After curling, they curl into rings, not twisting with each other. The same effect is achieved by a hairdresser with the usual curling, if he previously twists the individual strands into bundles.Spiral chemistry is recommended to be dried at room temperature or with a hairdryer with a diffusion nozzle. It acts as a filter, passing air through many small holes, and does not entangle hair.

Perm "on the pigtail

Suitable for hair up to the shoulders and below. The peculiarity of this wave is that the chemical composition of the strands are braided into small tight braids, the ends of which are twisted into bobbins. But you can also twist the whole pigtail. This achieves an interesting effect.

Perm "per hairpin

Looks good on the hair, shoulder-length.

The peculiarity of this waving is that the hair strands are screwed onto a hairpin made of non-metallic material.

Perm with twisting second tookryushki

The peculiarity of this type of perm is that the part of the strand is twisted into one bobbin and then "twisted" into the second. As a result, curls of various size are obtained.

Children's chemical waving

Recommended hair length - to the middle of the ear.

The purpose of the "child" perm is to eliminate formulations on the scalp and hair roots.

Performs such a perm so. The head is covered with a plastic cap. The usual crochet hook draws strands through the holes in the plastic cap, made by the same crochet. Next is the usual perm.

Perm "Gemini

Recommended hair length is up to shoulders and below.

This type of perm differs in the shape of a curl: half of the strand has curls in the form of vertical curls, and half - in the form of horizontal curls.

Radical Perm

It is used in cases when it is necessary to perform a perm on a part of the strand adjacent to the scalp, for example, to create pomp at the roots or to get curls at the hair roots in the case when the hair that was previously subjected to chemical perm has grown back. The length of the strand to be curled is selected as desired.

In order to preliminarily determine the intended shape of the curl and the appearance of the hairstyle using non-traditional types of chemical curling, you can curl it, moistening the strands of hair with plain water with beer added in a 1: 1 ratio or with citric acid (add 1/2 cup of water to the tip of the knife).

After performing a perm, it is recommended to trim the ends of the hair.

Recommendations for hair care after performing a perm:

A few hours after performing the perm, rinse the hair with acidified water (a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water),

Do not brush your hair on the day of curling

Do not wash your hair for 2-4 days and do not heat them, for example, using a hair dryer, heated hair rollers, etc. is not recommended.

Do not use electric pliers,

Do not brush your hair. For this more suitable comb or comb with rare teeth,

Do not overdry your hair, try not to fall under the direct rays of the sun, after swimming (in salty or chlorinated water), be sure to rinse your hair,

In order to improve the structure of the hair, do not use urinotherapy, as the curl may soon "develop",

Use special nourishing shampoos and balms to wash your hair,

It is advisable to conduct a health and rehabilitation course for hair.

Gentle wash hair. Ideal for washing super shampoo for damaged after permed hair or shampooing with air conditioning. Hair less torn, as they become more elastic. Shampoo lather need scalp and hair roots. Long hair is enough to clean the remnants of shampoo flowing down the hair.

Recovery at night. The effect of chemicals during the curl affects not only the external, but also the internal structure of the hair.Protein compounds are lost, which give strength to hair and at the same time make hair elastic. The consequence of this is dry, brittle hair without shine. A special treatment in ampoules restores damaged hair for seven days. They use ampoules as follows: liquid from the entire ampoule is applied to dry hair in the evening and combed. During the night, it will be absorbed into the hair and will begin to restore the destroyed compounds. In the morning you need to wash the hair well.

The course of treatment between cases. Instant action, ideal for women who have little time. To do this, just sprinkle hair with a moisturizing fluid. Awesome double effect: nutrients are injected into dry hair and at the same time, perm is “refreshed” through massage For those who are particularly affected by hair perm, it is necessary to apply an aerosol with nutrients daily.

Regular energy saturation. Regardless of whether the hair after the perm is faded or not, after each wash it should be rinsed well. Masks for hair should be done after every 3 or 4 washing of hair. New products for perm contain light nutrients such as moisturizing panthenol and keratin that enhance hair growth, collagens and silk proteins. They also give curls elasticity.

Soft styling is permissible. This applies mainly to long hair. Keep in mind: the hot air of a hair dryer is poison. Dry the hair only with warm air, using a scattering nozzle, otherwise the hair will be tangled and the curls will not be able to roll the form. Novelty: Drying under the infrared lamp - as in a barber shop. A more gentle way of drying is difficult to imagine. If you want to make fashionable "big waves", wind on the preheated heated hair curlers "Soft Styler" large strands of hair. The advantages of this method: the hair remains dry, the curlers are cooled for 20 minutes and do not need clamps or hairpins.

A great effective remedy is hot oil. This is the latest novelty: it strengthens the hair, leaving no trace of fat on them. Its secret lies in the new combination of ingredients from keratinates and protein hydrolysates and thermal action. Closed vials of oil should be heated for 2 minutes in hot water, then uncorked and injected into wet hair. Due to the heat, the ingredients are evenly distributed on the surface of the head and have a better effect on the hair. Let the oil soak a little and then wash it off with shampoo. Hair thanks to this treatment course becomes healthier and more elastic.

Preliminary preparation

Chemical perm on medium and large curls can be done with your own hands, but only if you strictly follow the instructions. First, let's look at what a drug is and what kind of preliminary preparation you need to do.

In the photo - packaging with the drug "Magic curl"

So, this tool is intended for cold curling and is ideal for any type of hair:

  • normal
  • fine,
  • tough
  • colored with both henna and basma colors,
  • discolored and so on.

Note. But if your strands were processed with a special reducing agent, then the perm will not work right away. It will be necessary to wait until the hair grows and will be completely trimmed. It is also possible to use the preparation for chemical perm only after the previous chemistry is completely cut off.

The drug is suitable for both long and short hair.

The best result is fashionable to achieve, if the length of hair is from ten to twelve centimeters.

It is also possible to curl:

  • long strands,
  • tips of long strands.

When performing the procedure it is strictly forbidden to use certain items:

  • metal containers for mixing means
  • metal curlers and rubber curlers, if they have metal parts and parts,
  • metal combs.

This is due to the fact that the contact with the metal reaction is possible, which will reduce the effectiveness of the tool.

Note. The composition of the curl for chemical waving is such that if you use it for the first time, be sure to conduct a preliminary test for possible allergies. To do this, on the inner fold of the elbow, you need to put a little money and wait a day. If during this time there was no irritation, redness, then you can safely apply the Lock.

Do not use metal objects, and the curlers are best to choose completely wooden

By the way, when carrying out a chemical perm hair, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves, which will avoid irritation of the skin of the hands and damage to the nails. But if due to negligence the mixture got into the eyes, then they should be immediately washed with plenty of cold running water and seek help from a doctor.

There are some more tips and advice to keep in mind:

  • do not use a hairdryer to dry your hair in order to speed up the process of creating curlsbecause it will negatively affect the structure and health of the hair,
  • do not do stacking on critical days
  • keep the agent in a dark place and always in a tightly closed container.

During menstruation it is better to refuse perm.

Do not use the drug if the scalp has:

Only when they completely disappear can you apply a cold perm.

How to create a hairstyle

For the hairstyle, you will need, in addition to the drug Lock, the special devices and items, including:

  • capacity for the mixture - not necessarily metal,
  • the comb is also not metal,
  • cotton wool
  • hair curlers without metal inserts,
  • small towel
  • thin oilcloth cape,
  • durable rubber gloves
  • kerchief of waterproof material, and ideally made of polyethylene,
  • six grams of ordinary medical hydroperit (these are four pills),
  • a couple of small spoons of regular, edible citric acid.

Items and accessories that are needed in the process.

Note. It is not always possible to find hydroponite, although this remedy is not scarce. It can be replaced with a thirty percent solution of conventional hydrogen peroxide.

When you have everything ready, you can proceed with the perm:

  • wash your head
  • dry it with a towel, but not completely, but to keep the hair slightly wet,
  • take the curlers
  • twist the strands on them, but do not pull too much hair, otherwise they will be damaged,

You can position the curlers in different ways, it depends on the desired hairstyle.

  • tie a thin, coiled towel around the hairline,
  • Using a cotton swab, distribute the product over twisted hair,
  • cover the head with a kerchief and warm with a towel.

For the quality of the procedure, call an assistant.

Note. Avoid contact with skin. If, however, he got on the body, then immediately wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab.

Retention time depends on the type of hair.

How to neutralize the drug

Hydroperit is necessary to neutralize the drug.

The following actions are necessary for neutralization:

  • take half a small spoonful of citric acid,
  • dissolve it in one-quarter cup of warm water,
  • add hydroponic,
  • share water to make it half a cup
  • add half a teaspoon of traditional shampoo to your mixture,
  • thoroughly moisten the hair with the prepared mixture - ideally, you should go through the hair twice, but so that you still have half of the prepared remedy,
  • wait 10 minutes - this is enough time for the neutralizer to work,
  • gently remove the curlers,
  • the remaining solution neutralizer again promagte all hair
  • wait about seven minutes
  • rinse the hair with warm running water
  • wait for the hair to dry and comb it.

In conclusion

Following the instructions guarantees a cloud of elastic curls!

Our detailed instructions on how to use such a tool for curling, as "Curl", will help you in creating an attractive, charming hairstyle.

Cognitive and detailed video in this article will provide an opportunity to better understand all the tips and recommendations, but if you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments under this material.

Benefits of Chemistry and Lokona

Hair after perm

This preparation for a cold chemical wave - a lock of hair, as a rule, does not spoil. It is a pleasure to create hairstyles with its use.

Strictly speaking, this tool is intended to create a foundation for laying, but it will definitely be firm and long-playing.

Here are some benefits of a perm:

  • permanent saves time during installation, skillful care allows you to refuse this procedure,
  • Curling is stable even in wet weather and keeps hair constantly - where other means surrender without a fight,
  • helps to realize the dream of a lush hairstyle for owners of thin hair with high fat content,
  • The effect can stay on the hair up to six months.

How to use Curl and do chemistry

Compliance with the rules and instructions leads to an excellent result.

Instruction in any business, like a bible for a believer, requires strict application and implementation. Especially in such an important matter as your appearance.

At strict observance of the stated rules - the ideal result is guaranteed,

  • do not be upset if the hair is colored or discolored - Locke will help in this case,
  • normal hair is perfect for curling
  • subsequent chemistry can be done only if the previous one is completely gone or cut off,
  • when working with the drug you need to think about protecting the skin of the hands. Rubber or plastic gloves are suitable for this,
  • One of the most important moments - the ban on the use of metal objects.
    A complete taboo lies on all metal products and with the slightest sign of its presence in the structure:

  • comb,
  • dishes,
  • curlers.
  • air quality affects the quality of work, therefore the bottle with the agent must be tightly closed,
  • hair, as always, should be clean and dry,
  • Initially, Lokon is a colorless drug, but over time some tint appears. In this case, the manufacturer gives a guarantee that this does not affect the quality and does not bring you any harm.
  • Tip!
    If you are offered to do chemistry in the cabin with the help of metal bobbins - smile sweetly at these “professionals” and find yourself another place.
    Otherwise, your hair will suffer greatly, and the money will be spent in vain.

    Magic Curl by Galant-Cosmetic

    Convenient to use, reliable tool suitable for the salon and for independent use. The composition includes a unique medical complex, including natural keratin.

    Magic curl transforms the look of hair, makes hair healthy, obedient. Thanks to the biologically active components, a thinnest protective film appears on the strands after the procedure, reliably protecting after the chemical procedure. Want shiny, silky curls? Choose the Magic Curl.

    It costs 100 rubles.

    Curl from the company Freedom

    Svoboda Company has developed the Locke tool, which today beats all records in popularity. The modern preparation allows to receive both elastic curls, and light, slightly noticeable curls.

    By following the instructions, you can create a light effect of naturally twisting strands. The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of the effect after the procedure for six months.Suitable for thin, bleached, hard, normal hair.

    The composition, in addition to chemical reagents, includes protective components. After the procedure, strands will be shiny and healthy. Suitable for self use. Used by salon specialists. Price Loch 135 rubles.

    Curl from Aromaks

    Aromax offers a Curl Remedy, which contains a strong reagent that guarantees a lasting effect after the procedure. Suitable for self application. Used by masters of beauty salons.

    Can be used for all hair types. The average cost is 45 rubles.

    Curl from the concern Kalina

    Concern Kalina is a means for cold curling Lokon.

    The concern is known for high quality products. Was no exception, and the means of Lock. It can be used at home, it is suitable for all varieties of hair.

    It is worth 70 rubles a bottle.

    What you need for home use

    The work will require the following tools:

    • a comb with sparse teeth, pointed opposite edge,
    • bobbins of the required diameter or curlers with a lock. It is enough to have on hand from 50 to 80 pieces,
    • plastic containers
    • gloves, cap and a few towels.

    Prepare a remedy of Curl, Vinegar 9 or 6%, conditioner and petroleum jelly.

    Attention! All items purchased for the procedure must match the type, length.

    Curling Procedure

    1. We do a sensitivity test. All drugs can cause an allergic reaction. Before the procedure, apply a few drops on the back of your hand. If there is no redness on the arm after 15 minutes, the product is suitable for further use.
    2. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Dry your head with a towel.
    3. Wear rubber gloves, start preparing the working solution. To do this, pour a small portion of the contents of the tube with the working solution into a plastic container.
    4. Carefully separate the small strand. Using a foam sponge, beat the product and apply it.
    5. The width of the strand should be selected in accordance with the length of the bobbin. First, the upper part of the head is wound, and the frontal and temporal head last.
    6. When all the curls are wound on the bobbins, you need to moisten them again with a sponge, avoiding getting the product on the scalp and face.
    7. Close the plastic cap.
    8. Aged tool for 15-30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the length and condition of the hair, as well as on the desired elasticity of the future curls.
    9. To determine the required time, spin a few bobbins on different parts of the head, see the result. If the curl is weak, increase the effect of the drug.
    10. Remove the bobbins, rinse the strands with warm running water, without violating integrity.
    11. Take the fixative, pour it into a glass dish. Foam foam sponge. Carefully handle fixing each strand.
    12. The fixative lasts 5-10 minutes.
    13. Rinse the hair with warm running water, apply an indelible balm.

    For several days, try not to touch your hair, do not use shampoos.

    We recommend to read: how to make a perm at home.

    How long does the effect last

    The procedure performed by professionals, will continue for six months. The result depends on compliance with the process and the type of hair. Tough, naughty hair straightens faster. Thin, colored strands retain the effect of curls long enough. Affects natural predisposition.

    If the procedure was performed at home, the duration may be significantly reduced.

    Remember that it is impossible to repeat the procedure until the curls take on a natural look and shape.

    Trim the regrown ends. They will not return form. Appearance of the ends will spoil a hairdress.

    Effects and hair care

    Manufacturers are constantly improving formulations. After the procedure, curls can not only acquire the desired shape, but also improve the appearance. But, we can not exclude from the attention of individual features of the hair.

    Follow all instructions and requirements of manufacturers, listen to the advice of experts. Simple actions will help to avoid negative consequences. which should be done after curling:

    1. Do not use shampoos for 48 hours. This time is enough to fix the result.
    2. Combing is desirable with a wooden comb with long, rather sparse teeth. If the curling was done on long hair, this comb should be used constantly, and not the first few days.
    3. After each wash, use masks, conditioners and balms. You can rinse the hair infusion of chamomile or mint. This is a very important point! During the procedure, the strands change their natural structure and become rough. Protective equipment will help make the strands healthy and smooth, which will favorably affect the appearance of the hairstyle.
    4. Do not forget to cut the tips at least once a month. Haircut will help revive the hair.
    5. Chemicals destroy the structure. After the procedure, they can not be painted over several weeks. Ideally, do not do the dye and a month before curling.
    6. Curling should be carried out in rooms with air temperature not exceeding 22 degrees Celsius.

    Observing these simple, but very important, rules, you can keep your hair in excellent condition even after exposure to chemical reagents.

    Learn more about the rules of hair care after a perm on our website.

    What kind of curlers to use

    Perm sticks

    It is quite clear that curlers for curls for perm should not be metal:

    • It is recommended to use special curlers made of plastic or hard wood, the latter include oak, beech, hornbeam,
    • there are diameters of bobbins from 4 to 12 millimeters. For short hair and small strands - the thinnest, larger - when creating hairstyles for long and semi-long hair,
    • classic bobbins have a narrowing in the middle (waist),
    • the bobbin is fixed with a rubber band or hairpin, the latter is preferable, it does not leave wrinkles,
    • hedgehogs and stickies are not suitable for a permanent because the hair is tangled, and the curl turns out to be sloppy,
    • for curling, you can use curlers of irregular shape, most importantly, not metallic:
    • long thin bobbins with grooves - for spiral forms,
    • without “waist” - for waving in Japanese, to create curls with the same diameter,
    • Olivia Gаrdеn - hair curler-lego, forms a multi-tiered construction on the head and is used for the “American” curling,
    • Fantasy forms are designed individually for exclusive hairstyles.
    • The number of curlers varies depending on the condition of the hair, usually using from 50 to 80 pieces of different diameter.

    Metal products should not be used!

    Whatever curlers you choose, the result depends on the level of professionalism of who takes up your head.
    Master of the highest category and with the usual bobbins turn you into a beauty queen.

    How to do chemistry

    Perm is a difficult process

    Perm requires carefulness, care and accuracy.

    Especially if everything happens for the first time.

    1. We prepare the necessary tools and materials:
      • hairbrush,
      • gloves,
      • cotton swabs
      • bobbin paper,
      • plastic cap,
      • curl,
      • neutralizing solution
      • fixer.
    1. We're going to wash our hair. At the same time use balms and conditioners can not.

    We wash out the head without using balm-conditioner

    1. Dry blow dryer or naturally, depending on the time.
    2. Clean and dry hair is divided into strands and, using Curl for a cold chemical perm - hair is carefully processed.
    3. We twirl hair on bobbins.

    Classic curler curler

    1. We put on a plastic cap.
    2. We wrap the head with a towel or a soft scarf.
    3. We maintain from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the type of hair:
      • hard - 10 to 12 minutes
      • normal 16 to 18 minutes
      • soft - 18 to 20 minutes.
    1. How much to keep Curl for chemical waving, should be written on the package. We maintain the composition on the head for the allotted time.
      We take out hair curlers from one curl, if the quality of the curl does not suit - time is extended.
      At the same time, it is necessary to restore the protection of the head against air penetration, that is, to put on the airtight cap and warm scarf (towel) again. The process ends with the appearance of elastic curls. The main thing is not to overdo it.

    Assistant in this matter does not hurt

    1. After this time, we wash the drug off the head, without removing the hair curlers.
    2. Soak the head with a towel.
    3. We carry out the neutralization of curls with a special solution, which is prepared immediately before use and kept on the head for at least 15 minutes.
    4. Apply fixative, withstand it for 5 minutes and wash off.
    5. Only after these actions, the curlers are removed and the fixer is applied again for five minutes, and then it is washed off, and the care agent is applied to the hair.

    The result of curling "Lock"

    At hit of means of the Lock on skin it is necessary to remove it with a cotton swab moistened with water

    Curler location patterns

    Proper location of bobbins on the head is the main task of the master.

    Bobbin layouts

    The figure shows the layout of the bobbin:

    1. Classic. Screw from the face to the head.
    2. The direction is consistent with the future hairstyle.
    3. Only part of the hair is twisted.
    4. Chess scheme.
    5. Alternating hair curlers by diameter.
    6. Using two bobbins for one strand.
    7. Use three bobbins.

    Before you do your own curling using chemicals, we recommend that you practice to evenly distribute and wind the hair.

    How to wind the hair on bobbins

    Photo: hair wrapping scheme with paper

    To get the perfect curl, you must follow the basic rules:

    1. The thickness of the strand is two times thinner than the diameter, and the width is slightly less than the length of the bobbin used.
    2. In the process of wrapping a little strand is delayed on the face.
    3. When winding the strand move a little to the right and left, but not back and forth.
    4. Cheat is performed smoothly and tightly.
    5. The best way is using paper. We take the tracing paper, cut into small squares of 4 * 5 cm in size. Form the curl as shown in the figure. Paper facilitates the work and ensures an even distribution of strands.

    Elastic curls under the power to make their own hands

    Preparatory training

    Chemical perm on medium and large curls can be done with your own hands, but only if you correctly follow the annotation. To begin with, let's see what is a product in general and what preparatory preparations need to be made.

    In the photo - packaging with products "Magic curl"

    So, this tool is designed for cool curls and is perfect for any type of hairstyle:

    • ordinary,
    • narrow
    • tough
    • colored with both henna and basma colors,
    • discolored, etc ..

    Direct attention. But if your strands were processed with a special reducing agent, the curl will not work out right away. It will be necessary to wait until the hair grows and will be completely cut off. It is also possible to use the product for chemical waving only after the previous chemistry has been completely cut off.

    The product is suitable for both long and small hair.

    A rational result is stylishly achieved if the hair length is from 10 to 12 cm.

    With all this, you can also curl:

    • long strands,
    • tips of longish strands.

    When performing the procedure it is strictly forbidden to use certain items:

    • iron tanks for mixing means
    • iron curlers and rubber curlers, if they have iron parts and parts,
    • iron combs.

    This is justified by the fact that contact with the metal is likely reaction, which will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the tool.

    Direct attention. The composition of the curl for chemical waving is such that if you use it for the first time, by all means conduct a preparatory test for possible allergies. To do this, on the inner bend of the elbow you need to apply a little money and wait a day. If during this period of time there was no irritation, redness, then you can safely use the Lock.

    Do not use iron objects, and the curler is best to choose one hundred percent wood

    By the way, during the chemical curling of the hair, it is imperative to wear rubber gloves to avoid irritation of the skin of the hands and nail damage. But if due to negligence the mixture got into the eyes, then they should be washed here with a huge amount of cool running water and seek help from a doctor.

    There are still a few tips and advice that you need to consider:

    • to dry hair to speed up the process of creating curls, do not use a hairdryer, as it will badly affect the structure and health of hair,
    • do not do laying in critical days,
    • keep the agent in a black place and always in a tightly closed container.

    During menstruation, it is better to turn away perms.

    Do not use products if the scalp has:

    Only when they are completely gone will you be able to use a cool chemical perm.

    How to neutralize the product

    Hydroperit is needed to neutralize the product.

    To neutralize need the following actions:

    • take half a small spoonful of lemon acid,
    • dissolve it in one-quarter cup of warm water,
    • add hydroponic,
    • share water to make it half a cup
    • add half a teaspoon of shampoo to your mixture,
    • moisten your hair with a prepared consistency - in the standard, you need to walk through the hair twice, but so that you still have half of the preparation prepared,
    • wait 10 minutes - it’s still enough for the neutralizer to work,
    • gently remove the curlers,
    • the remaining substance neutralizer again promagte all hair
    • wait about 7 minutes
    • wash your hair with warm running water
    • wait for the hair to dry and comb it.

    In the end

    Following the instructions guarantees a collection of elastic curls!

    Our detailed annotation on how to use a curling tool such as “Lokon” will help you in designing a cute, lovely haircut.

    Informative and detailed video in this article will provide an opportunity to better assimilate all the tips and advice, but if you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments under this material.


    Watch the video: GETTING A PERM IN 2019! HAIR TRANSFORMATION! (July 2024).