
Business hairstyles, the best styling for a business lady: 16 elegant options


No matter where a girl is going to - at a festive official event or just to visit friends, each lady wants to look amazing, overshadowing those around her with beauty. We have selected for you 10 stylish classic hairstyles that you can do yourself at home, but they look as if you have been to a very good hairdresser.

All these hairstyles are ideal for ladies and will cause rapturous looks wherever she appears. The festive mood will be even more magical if the appearance corresponds to the event.

What style do you choose, and maybe try all the options? So…

Business hairstyle for short hair

Business hairstyle for short hair involves the choice of the right haircut, which would organically fit into both the office and the casual style of the girl. Even if you prefer ragged haircuts, proper styling will help create an image that matches the working atmosphere.

Haircut under the boy

Under the boy is a versatile short hairstyle that is unpretentious in the daily styling with his own hands and is perfect for young active women.

Page, bob, square

A short business hairstyle page, bob or square - a classic solution for a business woman. Clear lines, parting, open face - all that goes well with a strict style of dressing. Such variations do not create difficulties in self-styling at home, and are also easily transformed into evening hairstyle with the help of bright accessories or relaxed curls.

What to avoid:

  • ultrashort hairstyles hedgehog,
  • boxing,
  • halfbox,
  • decorative ornaments on the occipital or temporal part of the head.

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Business hairstyle for medium hair

Business hairstyle for medium hair does not differ any special requirements. Follow the basic rules listed above and you will always be in trend. Some nuances may be with styling options. The average length of the hair allows you to experiment with hair, creating new stylish styling daily. To get a beautiful business hairstyle for medium hair, take a note and follow the following options and schemes.

Loose curls

Medium-length hair allows you to leave loose curls, if they are not too voluminous, otherwise it is preferable to put them in a “tail” or “bundle”. Loose curls must be clean, shiny, do not be zealous with styling tools, so as not to create the feeling of dirty hair.

What to avoid:

  • lush curls,
  • tight curls
  • asymmetrical bulk styling.

High or low tail, on the back of your head or on the side, curly or straight - choose the one that suits your taste.

What to avoid:

  • high fleece
  • tangled ends
  • bright accessories.

A bundle is a classic of the genre of business style. There are a great many variants of the beam's execution, and this styling looks great on curly locks as well as on straight head of hair. To give volume to thin hair during the formation of the beam, you can use a twist or a bagel hairpin.

Malvinka - the middle ground between loose and tailing strands. Malvinka gives the image of femininity, but at the same time does not go beyond the business style.

What to avoid:

  • excessive volume in the back of the head,
  • tight curls on loose strands,
  • bright hairpins.

Business hairstyles for long hair

Business hairstyle for long hair is not limited to the above styling options.

What to avoid:

  • complex patterns of weaving,
  • fancy styling,
  • lush curls,
  • loose hair.

Business hairstyle for long hair, in addition to those listed above, can be replenished with the following options.

Such styling as a shell suitable for everyday office work as well as for business meetings. The easiest place to make a shell is with a twist sophist hairpin:

  • strengthen the hairpin at the ends of the hair and wrap in the direction of the head, keeping it upright.
  • Secure the ends of the barrette and enjoy the result.

Greek Style Hair

Use for laying in the Greek style tape, which would most closely match the color of your hair. Gradually fill the loose ends of the hair in the occipital-parietal area under the tape, twisting the ends toward the head.

What should be avoided: contrasting combinations of hair and ribbon color.

French braid

The French braid is very comfortable in the performance on the long head of hair, because it removes the strands from the face, firmly securing them in the back of the head. The design of the French braids is quite simple and involves the step-by-step interweaving of the strands into the braid, which is formed from the back of the head. Tightly weaving will help to keep the styling throughout the day, and a bright ribbon or decorative element will help to easily turn a strict hairstyle into an evening styling option!


It would seem that difficult to curl curls, if there is a thermal spray, curling iron, hands, a mirror and patience? Unfortunately, not everyone manages to make neat and symmetrical waves at first. The elastic curls filled with varnish look completely unattractive and will negate all efforts. If you still comprehend the skill of creating waves, then you can try a safe option - to collect curls in his hair. Such aerial and romantic styling is also loved to be called Greek.

To do this, the hair should be divided into strands, each strand from the middle to the ends should be curled with a curling iron. Curls give hair volume. Wear a thin ribbon on your head, skip in front at the level of hair growth, and in the back under the lower strands. Now methodically wrap the ribbon in hair. On the sides, you can release a couple of thin strands.

Simple elegant hairstyles take a little time, but it depends on how you style your hair, what impression your image will make, so they can never be neglected.

Collected curls

It would seem that difficult to curl curls, if there is a thermal spray, curling iron, hands, a mirror and patience? Unfortunately, not everyone manages to make neat and symmetrical waves at first. The elastic curls filled with varnish look completely unattractive and will negate all efforts. If you still comprehend the skill of creating waves, then you can try a safe option - to collect curls in his hair. Such aerial and romantic styling is also loved to be called Greek.

To do this, the hair should be divided into strands, each strand from the middle to the ends should be curled with a curling iron. Curls give hair volume. Wear a thin ribbon on your head, skip in front at the level of hair growth, and in the back under the lower strands. Now methodically wrap the ribbon in hair. On the sides, you can release a couple of thin strands.

Simple elegant hairstyles take a little time, but it depends on how you style your hair, what impression your image will make, so they can never be neglected.

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Classic braids for a young lady

Spikelet, fishtail, French braid ... Weaving technician, a lot of options for festive decoration. Especially elegant brightly look braids with ribbons. They can decorate almost any styling. Thanks to the ribbon, the hairstyle will last even for active children, it will last two or three days.

Long hair can be unusually twisted like a rope, a rope. The weaving technique is similar to the French braid. Flagella allow you to create a variety of wonderful hairstyles: braids on the sides, diagonals, bunches ...

No. 3: Simple and romantic hairstyle with a scythe

This phrase itself - curls for long hair can tell a lot about a girl. First, that she has an iron character, if she has already grown long, beautiful hair, and she also makes an elegant perm on them. Secondly, that she is very beautiful, because well-groomed curls for long hair will make a girl with any appearance beautiful. Curlers-bobbins will help you find exactly such forms. Hairstyle will give a romantic touch. Smooth Hollywood retro - curls will always attract attention to you.

Curls for long hair allow you to do this periodically or at least every day, if you have enough patience, of course. The hairstyle of a bow of long-haired hair became popular just a few years ago, along with the famous singer Lady Gaga, who, in fact, introduced an unspoken fashion for this type of hairstyle.

And if they curl in you, then you also do not need to despair: the hair straightener and wax will not only level the hair, but also give it such a dazzling shine that is important for a high-quality hairstyle. But it turns out that the bow of hair has many options. Hairstyles with flowers today at the peak of popularity. For example, earlier aristocratic ladies built grandiose hairstyles about a meter high, into which flasks for fresh flowers were inserted.

Bow, heart of hair

Perfect princess hairstyle. The bow or hearts from natural hair will create an original accent. Elements of weaving will help to gently remove the hair from the forehead. Loose strands can be curled into texture curls.

# 8: Haircut from braids from bottom to top and bun

Today, the situation is much simpler, any girl or woman can make an original hairstyle using hairpins with flowers or live buds. One has only to learn the technique of modeling various hairstyles. In the winter season, buns, braids and knots, which can later become the basis of your hair, are very popular.

One of the main components of the holiday can be called evening hairstyle. With the help of a luxurious, sophisticated hairstyle, you can turn a modest dress into a festive, and neatly and simply styled hair will simplify a little too gorgeous a dress. Properly chosen hairstyle can emphasize all the advantages of its owner, turning her into the queen of the evening, for example, if you use a tiara as an ornament for hair. A hairstyle with a diadem will help create any image: romantic, bohemian, fatal, mysterious, mysterious or classic.

№41: Chic hairstyle with curls

Never thought how much your image depends on the hairstyle? If you want to be a real lady, explore the variants of evening hairstyles, and you will definitely become famous for your elegance and elegance! Hairstyle, which is the height of elegance, will make you a real princess.

This hairstyle requires smooth hair, so if you have curls, first work on the iron or choose another option for yourself. Remember, evening hairstyles for ladies require accuracy! You think if you have short hair, you just have to comb them and go for the evening? Do not despair, and for you there are wonderful styling!

The modern world of women is so complex that it is sometimes very difficult for us to manage everything and at the same time look your best. In the everyday bustle, we spend a lot of time on makeup and hair styling. Modern bob has distinctive features - the hairstyle has become more careless and flying. It is perfect for a daily look and looks great in casual style.

The advantage of styling is that it fits almost everything. It should only choose the right style of curls and their direction. For owners of an oval face, this style of hairstyle comes in any design.

To hair "Bow" was a success, be sure to need smooth hair. Try this version with a scythe. This hairstyle will help to collect hair in the heat, and it is reliable enough to hold out until the evening. Vintage hairstyles are feminine and chic. Stylish hairstyles from long hair should overlap with the style of clothing. It is on long hair that you can make a wide variety of hairstyles, braid openwork braids, make volumetric bunches, or simply dissolve the curls and attract views.


Asymmetric styling - stylish, fashionable, beautiful

For some reason, all asymmetric styling looks stylish. Even the trivial tail on the side already makes its owner a fashionable person and immediately sets it apart from the crowd.

Hairstyle for medium hair on one side is multivariate. Strands can be: · stabbed, · braided into braids, · twisted into a braid, · curled into large, small or medium locks.

The easiest to perform will be styling with hair falling on one shoulder.

  • Make a side parting.
  • We throw all the hair on the selected side.
  • We fasten the strands in a convenient way.

Elegant styling ready

Popular laying wave to the side.

In this case, you should:

  • Curl curls with forceps on strands.
  • Comb it all to the side.
  • Alternatively, one strand is released and left carelessly hanging from the side.
  • The design is fixed invisible for greater strength.

Another version of asymmetric styling will require a little more skill from you, but after some effort you can quickly and dexterously turn yourself into a stylish lady.

  • Separate the hair on the parietal part.
  • We begin to weave a pigtail in the direction around the head.
  • We gradually weave all the other hair, grabbing them along the way.
  • You can finish the braid with a tail or to weave to the end of the hair and lay the braid around the head.

The strength of such styling is such that even after an intense workout in the gym, the hairstyle remains almost intact.

Hairstyles for business woman

Hairstyles for business women - rigor, simplicity, charm.

Medium length is appropriate and with strict dresscode.

Business hairstyles for medium hair are subject to the standards adopted in the business world and must comply with the rules of etiquette:

  • Performed only on a clean head.
  • Harmony with style and discreet make-up is required.
  • No frills and bright accessories.
  • Clear lines, perfect smoothness.
  • Restrained shades.

The most popular in offices for women with an average length are various variations of bob and bob haircuts:

  • They are universal.
  • Able to hide flaws.
  • Beneficial to emphasize the dignity.
  • Perfectly combined with office dress and trouser suit.
  • They will suit both a young girl and a mature woman who occupies the topmost step in the company's hierarchy.

Before you begin styling, you must visit the hairdresser, and give hair and bangs a certain shape.

Evening options

How you combed, so they look at you

For evening hairstyles, there is only one rule - they must be chic and punish those around them with their magnificence. For this, there are many tricks and highlights in the women's arsenal.

Hairstyles with tiara

Diadem - a symbol of royal power

The diadem is considered to be the most elegant decoration. Hairstyles with a diadem on medium hair are recognized wedding trend.

A bride with a diadem is so beautiful and romantic!

  • The tiara adorns the ladies of high society and the winners of beauty contests.
  • The range of jewelry is wide and varied. You can choose a volumetric, flat, wide or narrow model, decorated with rhinestones, pearls or precious stones.
  • Perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the tiara styling with smooth hair in the frontal part of the head and with a massive design on the back of the head.
  • The tiara looks great, both on smooth and curled strands in elastic curls.
  • The main condition - the tiara must remain open and be located in the very center of the hairstyle.
  • Allowed additional decorations from fresh or artificial flowers.

Feminine hairstyles for medium hair are simple and look very elegant.

For straight hair from nature, we can recommend the following option:

  • Hair pull the iron.
  • Bangs laid on the side.
  • Decorate with a diadem.

If you add earrings and necklaces in a set to the main decoration and a magnificent dress to the floor to such a dressing, then admiring looks are guaranteed to you.

Romance for medium length

Hollywood Wave - one of the most popular romantic hairstyles

To tell the truth, in order to make a romantic styling does not need a special reason. Romantic hairstyle for medium hair is not so much a tribute to fashion as a reflection of the inner world of a woman. When she does this hairstyle, she is transformed into a sweeter and defenseless person.

Romantic forms have a lot of advantages:

  • Versatility.
  • Ease of execution.
  • Multivariance.

Romantic hairstyles for medium hair can be several options.

  • Soft curls:
    • Take a curling iron or large curlers.
    • Curl locks in large curls.
    • In the trend ring-shaped strands.
    • Behind your hair with Malvinka using a hairpin or a rubber band.
    • Sprinkle with varnish.
  • Hollywood Wave:
    • Need a curler with a diameter of 25 mm
    • Curl the waves horizontally.
    • Sprinkle with varnish.
    • Go to a restaurant or theater - do not disappear such a beauty!

Retro is always fashionable.

Yesterday - the peak of fashion. Today is vintage.

Special chic will give your appearance hairstyles in retro style. Retro or vintage will never go out of style. Vintage hairstyles for medium hair are extremely diverse and popular. For this hairstyle you need only inspiration.

We offer several options:

  • · Retro waves.
  • A la Marilyn Monroe.
  • Low folded bundle.

To perform these hairstyles you need:

High hair

Swan neck, gentle profile and you are the queen of the ball

Open neck goes to almost everyone. This option is ideal for an evening out and for a business lunch. Just change accessories.

Raised hairstyles on medium hair give the image of aristocracy and refinement.

If you are ready to experiment, we advise you to try the French beam.

This romantic styling due to the volumetric beam and flowing curls helps to create a sensual image.

To create this masterpiece you need:

  • Wash and dry the head.
  • Apply heat protection to the curls.
  • Split the entire mass of hair into individual strands and curl each with forceps.
  • Disassemble curls with his hands, giving them pomp.
  • Raise curls up and make a high bunch.
  • Sew the bundle in random order with silver or gold thread.
  • Strengthen your masterpiece varnish ..
  • Release some curls from your face.

When styling the hair is better to blow dry, lifting them from the roots.
This gives additional volume.

No less romantic shell.

It fits even easier:

  • Carefully combing.
  • We collect the whole mass of hair in the hand and tightly twist in the back of the head in the form of a shell.
  • Fix the structure at the base with studs.
  • Hiding the tips inside or curling and laying in a romantic mess.
  • Spray varnish.

Haircuts for medium hair

Photo Bob-square without bangs. The easiest installation option.

For the hair of medium length developed an incredible variety of options for haircuts.

Here are just some of them:

  • Cascade - Stylish "layered" haircut.
  • Ladder.
  • Long caret.
  • Asymmetrical bean.

Hairstyle: haircut for medium hair is a great option for daily styling.

Varying the length and shape of the bangs can only achieve their own, individual appearance.

  • The cascade and thick bangs are distinguished by distinct layers. In 2015, the trend of laying such a form with the effect of artistic disorder and slight negligence.
  • Bob-square with bangs equal to the total length of hair (without bangs) - an elegant option for self-confident women. It emphasizes the healthy condition of the hair cuticle. Huge opportunity to experiment with the shape of the installation.
  • Graduated bob and straight bangs - the most acceptable option for hard hair. A practical choice that makes it easy to achieve perfect styling.
  • Caret on curly hair with thick bangs. In this embodiment, the emphasis is on ease and naturalness. Best fit curvy styling with light curls. Bangs can be combed to the side or straight. The price of the question is your mood.

Be careful with the shape of the bangs.
For correction of too narrow and long face, thick, straight bangs are suitable, for round - oblique, asymmetrical.

Sport style

The most favorite sports hairstyles - braid and bun

Sports instructions dictate the convenience of hair. Hair should be carefully removed so as not to close the view and not be tangled at hand. In this aspect, hairstyles for medium-sized sports hair are tails or braids of various weaving.

  • African braids.
  • French braids.
  • Tail with a scythe.
  • Tail flagellum.
  • A bunch.

Particularly useful in sports hairstyles with weaving braids out of hair. This option makes the girl more feminine. Thus, the asymmetrical braid allows you to engage in sports without interference, and at the same time attracts the attention of all men in the gym.


Watch the video: Start Your Week With This Elegant Office And Business Outfits For Boss Ladies By Jessy Styles (July 2024).