
Ampoules for hair Kaaral Kaaral K05 Lotion against loss


The problem of hair loss has become common. Both women and men are looking for effective means to prevent the loss of hair. For example, K05 ampoules against hair loss have positive reviews. They contain natural plant components, which in the shortest possible time strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate growth. Ampoules with a mysterious name have a completely directional effect. Of course, their action will be longer if the course of treatment is supplemented with auxiliary means and methods.

general information

The manufacturer of this tool is the company Kaaral, which is located in Italy. It was founded in 1981. Since then, the release of lines of products for therapeutic hair care. This word is key because Kaaral’s goal is therapy, not simple daily care.

The composition of shampoos and lotions include herbal ingredients and other natural substances that are organically combined and in such a complex help to solve many problems associated with hair. Cosmetic products of the company are now widely distributed and in demand all over the world.

The tool is contained in transparent ampoules and is called lotion. It is colorless, transparent, completely non-viscous, and it is similar to ordinary water in its spreadability. Ampoules are packed in cardboard boxes in the amount of 12 pieces. There is a smell, camphor and tea tree stand out. But it is unsharp, pleasant, with herbal notes.

The main active ingredients of the lotion are herbal extracts, the healing properties of which were proven several centuries ago.

Each ampoule contains:

  • distilled water
  • ethanol,
  • salicylic acid
  • camphor,
  • synthetic air conditioner
  • lactic acid
  • benzoic acid,
  • acetic acid,
  • nicotinate
  • nettle leaf extract
  • tea tree oil,
  • hot red pepper extract.

Indications for use

The lotion is not designed for systematic care and shine to hair, like many other shampoos, conditioners and masks. The tool is suitable for those whose hair is noticeably thinning day by day. Judging by the reviews, ampoules help even hopelessly balding people.

Indication for use here is only one thing - long-term, uncontrolled hair loss. Alopecia is determined simply: you need to grab an impressive bundle of hair with one hand, and with the other to hold it from top to bottom.

A large amount of hair remaining in the palm speaks of a problem, because the loss of only 100 per day is considered the norm. If you do not start treatment in time, you can become bald.

Attention! K05 are intended for shock treatment of hair and scalp.

The effect of the application

Based on the composition, declared by the manufacturer, we can say that the means:

  • stimulates hair growth,
  • increases blood flow to the scalp, which provokes the awakening of hair follicles,
  • relieves dandruff
  • treats fungal and microbial diseases of the scalp,
  • stimulates normal blood circulation
  • significantly strengthens hair follicles,
  • restores
  • normalizes metabolic processes,
  • has a rejuvenating effect
  • nourishes the scalp, saturating it with vitamins and beneficial microelements,
  • cleans and heals,
  • soothes the scalp
  • normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands,
  • soothes the scalp
  • prevents cross section of the tips.

The components of the lotion penetrate into all layers of the scalp, normalizing all processes, induces hair to grow, nourish hair follicles, strengthen them.

Where can one buy

K05 ampoules are not sold in ordinary supermarkets and do not stand on the same shelf with the means for daily care. Means can be found:

  • in specialized stores that implement professional and medical cosmetics,
  • in online stores, provided they have a certificate,
  • in hairdressing salons.

The average price for lotion is 1900–2300 rubles for 12 ampoules. Many sellers sell goods in one ampoule, which is very convenient for testing.

Terms of use

According to the instructions, you must use one ampoule once a week. If the hair is thin and short, the content may be enough for three times. It is not necessary to pour the solution over the head with an excess, but it is also not recommended to save money either, since the therapeutic effect will not come. Food should occur on every square centimeter of the scalp.

  1. To open the ampoule, it is better to wear gloves or make it with a cotton swab, as there is a chance to cut your fingers on sharp edges when breaking the tip.
  2. Apply the lotion is necessary after the head washed with shampoo. Ideal if it is a Kaaral shampoo against hair loss.
  3. Hair should be thoroughly blotted with a towel so that they are not too wet.
  4. The lotion is applied evenly between the rows, rubbing it into the scalp with massage movements.
  5. For ease of application, you can do this with a pipette, a small syringe without a needle, or adjust a small bottle with a dispensing tip.
  6. The main goal is uniform application, you do not need to save money.

Important! Do not allow the lotion in the eyes due to the content of the extract of hot pepper and various acids. This can cause their strong irritation. In case of contact with the mucous membrane, wash your eyes immediately.

Frequency of use

The course is measured in twelve ampoules, that is, one box. If you use the recommended dose - one ampoule per week, the therapy will last three months. This period is likely to be insufficient for a permanent result. It is best to spend three courses, completely treat and strengthen hair.

As for ampoules K05, the manufacturer’s warranty and customer reviews are the same. Consumers see the real result:

  • hair loss is reduced several times
  • hair gain vitality and shine
  • new hair begins to grow - this can be seen from the frontal part of the head,
  • hair growth rate increases.

Side effects

Lotion may have minor side effects.that are associated with different sensitivity of people to the components:

  • dry scalp provoked by ethanol and salicylic acid,
  • dandruff
  • dermatitis due to individual intolerance to plant extracts,
  • Burning is an individual phenomenon that depends on the sensitivity of the epidermis and the pain threshold of an individual person.


Do not use lotion for chronic manifestations of allergies. In this case, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.

Important! Do not use ampoules K05, if the fact of hair loss is absent. These can significantly harm the hair follicle and the scalp as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of k 05:

  • quick effect
  • real hair care
  • intensive recovery
  • does not weigh hair.

Disadvantages of Kaaral ampoules:

  • inconvenient to apply without improvised means
  • not available everywhere,
  • causes burning of the scalp,
  • better to take a few courses.

How to fix the result

A single exposure to the active ingredients of the lotion is not enough for a permanent result. The tool will help the hair in the restoration and therapy, but without additional measures, after a while everything will happen again. To avoid this, you must:

  • Do not overdry hair.
  • Avoid exposure to low or very high temperatures, as well as ultraviolet light during the summer hours of sun activity - from 12 to 16 hours.
  • Periodically take fortifying vitamins.
  • Balanced eat.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Time to treat various diseases. For example, pathologies of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, tumors lead to alopecia.

K05 ampoules have proven to be effective and useful. Due to the fact that the lotion has side effects, before applying the advice of a specialist is necessary!

Useful videos

Ampoules for growth and hair loss.

Very strong mask for growth and against hair loss.

that's always the case ... It helps everyone, but I do not :-)) + photo

chose this lotion thanks to numerous positive reviews of girls ... in particular, on this site ...
waiting for a miracle after the first ampoule, the second ... and after the eighth ampoule, I realized that the “shock therapy” was powerless in dealing with my problems
the main problem is simply catastrophic hair loss, and this is despite the fact that I drink vitamins, eat normally, take care of hair ....
I was going to buy a lot of things from Kaaral, but if their most effective means does not help, then what about the rest of the products!

a little about photos:
photo 2 - composition,
photo 3 - manufacturer promises,
photo 4,5 - total 12 amp x 10 ml (in the set there are 2 soft tips with the help of which the ampoules are opened and the product is applied by them),
photo 6 - this effect is given by ampoules upon contact with the skin ....

my impressions:
My head is a special Kaaral ANTI HAIR LOSS SHAMPOO hair loss shampoo (review), I towel my hair with a towel - that is, my hair should be slightly damp). I apply the contents of the ampoule with massaging movements on the hair roots (I am massaging for a few more minutes). Immediately after applying the ampoule, I do not dry my hair, but give a means to soak.

I applied 6 ampoules as advised by the manufacturer (2 times a week) .... total 3 weeks ... Then I got tired of all this and I decided to apply it after each wash (and then it will help) - the result was the same one ampoule ... I look forward to the end ... there is no limit to my disappointment
sorry not for money, but for empty hopes ...

pros still have:
- the tip of the ampoule breaks off easily:
- lotion is easy to apply,
- the composition, though not completely natural, but contains various plant extracts,
- in comparison with many other firms in the package 12 of the capsule (120 ml) it is quite a lot!

minuses cross out all the advantages:
- the absolute uselessness of lotion,
- price (from UAH 290 I found a kidstaff for 220 UAH. checked - original!),
- a couple of minutes after application, irritation occurs (severe redness with unpleasant sensations is not a problem for me .... for the sake of saving my hair I am ready to endure and not that, but if the result is “0” why should I torture myself).

perhaps the uselessness of the lotion was manifested only in one case out of a million ...
It is a pity that this case was I

I wish you beautiful hair and good mood

K05: restoring trichological complex based on tea tree oil

Professional trichological line of products of the latest generation based on tea tree oil. K05 was specifically designed to effectively combat hair loss, imbalance in the secretion of sebaceous glands and dandruff, caused by various external factors, stress or physiological loss of strength.

Lotion Anti Hair Loss Lotion Kaaral K05 is recommended for use with diffuse and intense hair loss. Enriched with chilli extract, nettle, mountain arnica, and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a powerful regenerating agent. It effectively nourishes the skin with oxygen. It has antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, immunostimulating and disinfectant action. Perfectly fights various fungal infections. Contains more than 50 useful organic ingredients.

Chilli pepper extract contains in large quantities vitamins A and C, alkaloid capsaicin, which has a local irritant effect, fatty and essential oils. Causes blood rush to the skin, thereby improving the nutrition of the hair follicles, which helps to strengthen the hair and accelerate their growth.

The extract of mountain arnica has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effect. Contains lutein, faradiol, vitamin C, organic acids. Improves blood microcirculation and skin nutrition.

Nettle extract contains vitamins C, K, B group, chlorophyll, glycosides, lecithin, carotenoids, essential oils, sugar, proteins, tannins, organic acids and a complex of minerals. It is used as a regenerating, toning, stimulating, anti-inflammatory and vitaminizing supplement in hair care products. The extract is useful for strengthening the hair roots and for the scalp. Normalizes lipid metabolism, has a tonic and antiseptic effect, improves skin respiration and metabolism in it, improves blood circulation.

It is recommended to apply after shampoo against hair loss (K05 Anti Hair Loss Shampoo)

Ingredients: contains a complex of active components, tea tree oil, chilli pepper extract, nettle, mountain arnica, camphor, salicylic acid, lactic acid.

How to use: Apply after shampoo against hair loss Kaaral K05 Anti Hair Loss Shampoo on moist skin on partings - 1 drop per 1 cm2. After application, a scalp massage is required for 5 minutes. Do not flush. The course of application is 6 weeks, 2 times a week.

Esvitsin means revealed secrets: long and thick hair in a few weeks

Beautiful, thick hair - is it not a dream of a man suffering from alopecia for a long time? And not only those who are faced with rapid hair loss, but also that part of humanity that nature has dearly cheated. This is especially true for girls who want to have lush, silky curls, instead of sparse and thin hair. Cosmetic preparation “Esvitsin” promises to fulfill any dreams concerning the hairstyle of both women and men, but only on the conditions of regular use.

  1. Description
  2. Composition
  3. How to apply
  4. When to wait for the first effect and reviews

Miracle remedy in a bottle - we represent “Esvitsin”

This drug, referred to as treatment-and-prophylactic, cosmetic with multilateral action, appeared on the shelves of shops and pharmacies for a long time. During this time, he experienced thousands of women and men, and this excitement was due in part to the many mysteries that prevailed around the funds. First, manufacturers do not disclose the composition of Esvitsin to the population, calling this information a commercial secret. Secondly, reading the instructions for the drug, it seems that in your hands came the real panacea for all diseases.

But it cannot be cured with one remedy for all problems - even a child knows this. Therefore, the effectiveness of the drug is most often checked by those who wish to improve the condition of their hair, which is the main task of the product. Even the label is an image of a woman with a shock of thick hair, as if to say that this is it, the fulfillment of all desires. From what manufacturers say and reviews written by people who have tried the product, we can distinguish the following advantages of Esvitsina:

  • low price,
  • economical consumption of the product
  • noticeable result - cessation of hair loss,
  • extraordinary softness and silkiness of the hair when adding a product to the shampoo,
  • good composition: lack of hormones,
  • a small list of contraindications.

However, even Esvitsin has its drawbacks. Pharmacists and doctors do not advise the use of those drugs that are shown for both external use and internal. They believe that the medicine is applied either inside or applied locally, since these two variations imply completely different compositions and concentrations. But Esvitsinu is forgiven, because the remedy is not a medicine. It is rather a dietary supplement from natural ingredients, promising accelerated hair growth.

Before you start fighting the fallout, it is worth examining the composition of shampoos and understand whether the tools you use are safe.The important fact is that 96% of popular shampoos contain very harmful chemicals. These are sulfates, parabens, silicones, dyes.

Sulfates are the main cause of hair and scalp disease, and are labeled as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate.

If you experience any problems with hair, the first step is to refuse shampoos that contain these particular components. Our team of experts conducted a study of natural shampoos. The winner of the rating was the company Mulsan Cosmetic.

Only one manufacturer who has a really safe composition of each product. A simple sign by which quality products can be distinguished is the expiration date.

Due to the use of natural raw materials, Mulsan Cosmetic has a shelf life of 10 months. While other manufacturers is 2-3 years. For those who are looking for quality products, we recommend visiting the official store of the company

The Mystery of the Universal Compound

Sensible people, before taking any product inside, read its composition. Since Esvitsin is shown for internal use, but has a hidden composition, this raises many questions and suspicions. His instructions for use assures: the drug contains only useful micro-and macronutrients needed by the human body. However, this doubtful people are few, so the true composition of the funds was found:

  • silicon 2000-5000 µg / g (microgram of ingredient per gram of solution),
  • copper 300-1000 mcg / g,
  • zinc 50-100 mcg / g
  • manganese 10-50 mcg / g
  • Indium 5-10 mcg / g,
  • cobalt 3-5 mcg / g
  • chromium 0.05-0.1 μg / g.

All of the above components are really useful for skin and hair, which is confirmed by the reviews. Moreover, they are not expensive, which justifies the low price of a high-efficiency tool.

Most people who use the product, can no longer abandon its benefits. Moreover, this is not always a positive opinion due to the rapid growth of hair. In fact, every person Esvitsin works different miracles.

Application: secrets of quick results

When purchasing, the esvitsin also includes instructions for use, which, although rather blurry, reflects the composition, but it contains extensive tips on the use of the product. For those who suffer from baldness, oily scalp, sparse hair and other similar problems, it is possible to apply a remedy for the hair roots up to 3 times a week.

However, each person wants to see the result as quickly as possible, so the instructions also spell out how to speed up the result. To do this, take Esvitsin inside one teaspoonful every day in the morning on an empty stomach. This is already a rather controversial method: not everyone decides to take a cosmetic without knowing the composition. Therefore, those who want a quick result add the drug to the shampoo in the ratio of 3: 1, and the quality of the hair from this really improves markedly, as the reviews prove.

Practically each person, having tried to add Esvitsin to shampoo, cannot already refuse this undertaking.
Hair becomes soft, silky, easy to comb and do not tangle.

Some even note enhanced hair growth after stopping hair loss. By the way, Esvitsin really helps from hair loss, especially in the early stages: almost everyone who tests the product notes this.

How to find and not lose

Previously, Esvitsin was freely sold in supermarkets and pharmacies, but now it is not so easy to find it. There are pharmacists who assure their customers that the product has been discontinued while it is being sold at a nearby cosmetics store. Because of this, it is difficult to buy Esvitsin for hair, but after finding it, you can take several bottles at once: the price for them is very democratic due to the fact that the product is domestic.

It is important to beware of imitations, which are not small for Esvitsin. After all, if you buy a non-natural drug, then there is no guarantee that the effect will manifest itself as it should.

Therefore, before you buy Esvitsin be sure to check the label and the presence of gold ribbons. Often there are simply no fakes, which helps to find the original. It is best to buy the tool in proven places or order in reliable online stores: this way you will save yourself from unnecessary expenses and ensure a good result.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...

When to wait for the first effect

Hair loss is the main problem that people are looking for in Esvitsin. With this drawback, the drug copes in 7-10 days of regular and correct use. In the case of baldness, the remedy takes more time: for women up to 4 months, for men - up to 6.

Nevertheless, a noticeable effect is manifested during this period. And if it is delayed, then it is possible to use Esvitsin an unlimited amount of time. For example, in particularly difficult cases, treatment is delayed up to 1.5 years.

The fat content of the scalp and enhanced growth of hair length is regulated by the drug for several weeks. Moreover, at this time it is also recommended to limit your taste research: sweet, flour and fatty can slow down the arrival of the result. In order to achieve silkiness and softness, shine and strengthen hair, simply wash your head once with shampoo diluted with esvicin. Such a quick effect provides a useful composition of the product.

A couple of real testimonials from girls using Esvitsin:

Esvitsin practically has no contraindications, which is probably due to the fact that the drug has a useful composition. The only thing that excludes the possibility of using the means is individual intolerance, and also pregnancy and feeding the child.

Esvitsin should be tried, because the worst outcome from its use is just the lack of results, but the best is beautiful, thick and long hair.

Lotion for hair loss / K05 Lotion to towel-dried hair 10x12 ml

Lotion ampoules against hair loss Kaaral - another tool from the professional medical series K05 hair carewhich has proven its effectiveness in many laboratory tests. Extracts of plant components, the active substances of which for centuries have proven their ability to reverse hair loss, specialists Kaaral combined in an extremely effective lotion ampoule against hair loss. The principle of its work is the stimulation of the nutrition of the cells of the scalp, the activation of the “sleeping” bulbs due to the rush of blood, the provision of an active metabolism that allows you to resume the process of hair growth. Use lotion against hair loss according to the instructions - and you will be convinced of its effectiveness.

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"Lotion for shock treatment" - justified definition

I always had a thick, thick head of hair on my head. "Mane" was called her friend. Tying a tail is a problem, since only stretched elastic bands could “gum up” the tail.
I do not know from what or from stress, or from improper diet or from improper staining, but the hair began to get out with bunches = (Just a nightmare.
You wash in the bathroom and swim right in this hair like in a sea with algae (((
Comb your hair = bring yourself to tears.
I tried and tried to drink vitamins and eat more fruits and vegetables, and bought shampoos without sulfate - all to no avail. The hair turned into thin broken icicles, an elastic band without effort tightens the tail, and the braid turns out chamoroshny and any weightless.

I do not remember how I came across KAARAL cosmetics, but the K05 series interested me most of all with its description: K05 is a professional trichological line of products of the latest generation based on tea tree oil. K05 was specially designed for those who intend to effectively deal with hair loss ....
The prices for the products were pleasantly pleased, as a result I bought a shampoo for hair loss, a mask with royal jelly and ampoules with lotion.

When buying, I was warned that all peppers of the K05 series included chili peppers, so that “a feeling of warmth or a slight burning sensation” is normal.
I washed my hair with shampoo, opened the ampoule and according to the instructions. "1 drop per 1 square. cm" started to apply. It is not so hot to apply pouring directly from the ampoule so that you can do it with a syringe without a needle.

“Shock treatment” - showed itself immediately))) A drop of lotion on the arm (wrist) after 10 minutes became similar to a mixture of soaked inoculations of mantoux and the bite of a hellish mosquito. The second drop of negligence hit on the neck behind the ear.
Who tried the anti-cellulite cream "Bath, Sauna, Massage" will understand me)))
The feeling was that here that cream was smeared with a thick layer on the head and also burned in addition)) Maybe it’s because I have sensitive scalp ... But there were two desires: to stick my head in the fridge and not to remain bald))) It was so hot that the hair “burned out” from the head.

BUT. Oddly enough, after 10 minutes everything went away. The spots where the lotion got, disappeared in 20 minutes ... probably it would not be worth scratching them - they would have passed faster)))

In the store, I was advised to use one ampoule per week, and I did.
After two ampoules and about 4 head washes with KAARAL shampoo, I comb without tears)) + my usual volume of hair appeared))
After applying the first ampoule, I stopped swimming in the “hair bath,” which could not but rejoice. And along the line of hair on my forehead I started punching guns, I don’t remember anything like that since childhood))

They say these ampoules help even run-bald people.
I will definitely continue to use in the spring and autumn hairfall.

The whole series is just super! Saves from falling out, so also growth is just super! And the price is very cheap, and this is why ... ... (+ PHOTO)

These vials bought after a month of using the same brand of shampoo and a series of It’s not only saved me from falling out, but also OGO-Guo’s hair growth accelerated (whoever is interested in a review has a photo before and after a month of use)! And I just ran to the store for these ampoules, but before that, usually went to this site and read the reviews. And that's what I understood: there are two options for packing this lotion. These are ampoules (like mine) and in a jar with a pipette. By volume, ampoules are cheaper than in a jar. And rubles for 200. I took 5 ampoules (50 ml) for 550 rubles, and in a jar 50 ml cost 700 rubles. I think the difference is obvious. I took the ampoules and just poured them into a free spray can. As a result, in the photo you can see the consumption for the month of use of ampoules. It turns out about 30 ml. This is me by the way, that ampoules are not expensive! And one ampoule is not enough for one application.
And now about the lotion itself. I applied it like this, after washing my hair with wet hair, applied to the roots. 15 minutes after application, they bake, something like a mask with mustard, maybe smaller. Absolutely tolerant, even nice =)
In the end, after a month of applying lotion and two months of shampoo, hair grew by about 5 cm! And this is a huge result! I love this series very much, and I will take more!
If you have any questions, be sure to write, very happy to answer! I can talk about cosmetics forever =)

My salvation in the past, my hope in the present (photo.)

2-3 years ago, due to stress, my hair began to fall out. They did it in a coordinated and friendly manner, but I did not want to let them go, so I flew to the hairdresser. She advised me to this remedy. Having a little doubted, I nevertheless began to search for these ampoules. They turned out to be not the cheapest, but the bitterness of losing frightened me more. I have enough ampoules for 2 times. Then I used them from the power of week 3. During this time, the fallout completely stopped.

It was in the past. Now about the present.

1.5 months ago, on February 14, I managed to paint myself at the nearest hairdresser with Farmavita paint. And my hair has climbed far away from such care. I literally get bald. Already there are not sickly bald spots. Recollecting her favorite vials, she flew to the store.

Now they cost 110 rubles per thing. In the ampoule 10 ml. This volume is enough for me 2 times higher than the roof. The rest is stored in the refrigerator. About the peculiar smell ... Result is important to me. And the smell disappears quickly. Burning…. I do not feel straight burning as such, just warm.

Attached to the ampoule is something like a cap with a spout. It is easy for them to break off the tip of the ampoule and dispense lotion. So far, only 2 times used, but already there was a feeling that the hair climb was less, at least in everyday life. During washing still climb ....

The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks, 2 times a week. I think it will help me again)

A photo:
1.2 - the condition of the hair on 03/22/13
3 - ampoule.

I also use for hair restoration:
Concept Green line Repairing Complex for Damaged Hair Booster with Keratin Extract

So far the best of what I have tried for hair loss !!

Already somewhere half a year I am a maniac on growing hair.

I try to try both natural remedies and purchased cosmetics. Thanks to the girls from this site, I discovered Kaaral, a professional Italian hair brand. I use their mask with bee milk and their thermal protection, I am very pleased with everything.

In early spring, after a lot of stress, my hair began to fall out in bunches (looking at the comb after combing, I was panic-stricken to tears straight.

Leaving for 2 weeks at sea, I realized that the ability to do homemade masks will not. I went to my native beauty industry) I bought 4 K05 ampoules there, the saleswoman told me to use it twice a week. The K05 series is a treatment line for treating hair loss.

I do not know how the others, but I have a lot of one ampoule for one use. Over time, it turned out a little more than half. Put a syringe on the parting. If you accidentally flowed to the face, the skin there immediately reddened. So a good warming effect.

Hair fall out less, it is clear. Also noticed hair growth more than usual with me. Although my hair didn’t stop falling out completely (unfortunately I’m still nervous because of some situations), I’m satisfied with ampules and will buy more. Stand about 100r apiece.

Magic ampoules saved me from balding and added new hair growth (MANY – LOTS OF NEW HAIR)

Good day! I hasten to share my feedback, which may be useful to someone. The hair loss in me began, as I got a touch of paint from Schwarzkopf, I almost became bald, did all sorts of masks, was ready to smear anything, just to pass this high-speed hair fall.During washing and after washing my hair while combing, I lost more than 100 hairs, I couldn't do without tears ... I have blonde experience, and this hair loss made me grow my hair and discouraged my desire to completely dye my blonde. And once a long-time girlfriend came to visit me and shared her experience on how she cured hair loss, advising me of K05 ampoules. Ampoules were immediately bought in a pharmacy, 5 ampoules for about 600 rubles. One ampoule was enough for me once, smeared from my heart ... I used ampoules for the first time three times (then reduced up to two times) a week after each washing my hair rubbed into the roots, I felt a slight burning sensation, I even liked it, because it was spinning in my head the idea that the hairs are already growing ........ Literally after a month and a half, the hair loss stopped, which I was infinitely happy about! ... And new hair appeared !! Hair grew by 4 cm in six weeks. I enclose a photo before and after, a photo with my bald parting. Ampoules K05 is a godsend, and my savior! I recommend to anyone who wants to get rid of hair loss and get thick hair! I will not stop at this; I will continue to use the precious ampoules, combining them with masks. Good luck to everyone and gorgeous hair!

Shock therapy for hair KAARAL. But it does not help with all types of baldness.

So, lotion against hair loss KAARAL.

I continue to struggle with hair loss and this time I decided to try the shock therapy for hair from KAARAL. Before that, I used Rinfontil ampoules and all of them were good, except that they made hair dirty. Therefore, they had to look for an alternative and the choice fell on KAARAL products.

Packing cost 1100 rub. In a package of 12 ampoules of 10 ml.

Instructions for use:

The tool is absolutely transparent:

After applying the lotion, the scalp seems to bake and cool at the same time) I can not describe these sensations, but they are rather pleasant. After the hair dries on them, fortunately, nothing remains. And faster than usual they do not get fat.

After the head massage, be sure to wash your hands! Otherwise, if you suddenly decide to rub your eyes, the sensations will be unforgettable)) Checked on yourself)

As for the action: I personally think it is! I really see improvements, slow, but true) But I do not think that only with the help of this lotion alone can alopecia be cured.

ATTENTION: lotion does not cure androgen-dependent baldness! That is, if you are balding due to hormones, then this lotion will not help.

I comprehensively treat hair loss treatment and also use other means:

Pills for baldness Selentsin.

But with this, be careful, you can completely bald!


Watch the video: Kaaral Hair Care K05 купить в Украине или лечение выпадения волос (July 2024).