
Surfer girlfriend or how to make beach curls at home?


Today we want to share the secret of how to independently make the most popular styling of this summer - beach waves, which looks equally relevant at work and at the wedding of the best friend. And also looks amazing on both long and short haircuts!

The concept of "styling" most girls associate with some special occasion, such as the New Year or birthday. In fact, styling is just as natural a routine of self-care as underlining the eyes with mascara or cheekbones with blush. Natural styling brings your hair in a more favorable light, adds volume and shine to them and, after several trainings, will not take much time.

How to make beach curls at home:

1. Wash your hair with your favorite products and dry your hair with a towel.

2. Apply to the ends of the moisturizing serum or any other indelible means - it will make the hair denser and more obedient.

3. Gently comb the wet hair and spray a small amount of spray with sea salt on it, which will add texture to the hair and create the same hair effect after bathing in the ocean. Salt spray without difficulty can now be purchased at any specialized hairdressing shop or in salons!

4. Dry your hair with a hair dryer and comb the dried hair to make it easier to work with them.

5. Further, in a free order, highlighting the individual strands, wind the hair on the tongs or round curling iron of large diameter. Start from the face to the back of the head.

6. Start the curl from the roots to the ends, the direction of the curl from the face, the number of revolutions of the strand around the forceps from two to three. A prerequisite - the ends of the hair should remain almost straight, as this will avoid the effect of puppet stubs. Do not try to wind each strand perfectly smoothly, because the most important thing in this arrangement is just carelessness.

7. After all the curls have cooled, thoroughly shake the whole mass of hair with your hands. And again, spray the entire length with a small amount of spray with sea salt, which will fix the styling and give your hair a matte texture.

8. To make your hair look natural and careless, slightly dry your hair with warm air to loosen the curl.

Who will fit the beach curls?

When creating a hairstyle, you can show all your fantasy. Hair can be collected in a ponytail or dissolve so that the strands lightly fall on your shoulders. The shape of the curls should be careless. Here there is no need to observe accuracy and any rules. The main thing is freedom. It is she who gives the image attractiveness, a touch of romance and negligence.

Going with such a hairstyle to the beach, you should not be afraid that sea water will spoil the strands or dispel the wind. Beach curls are playful and at the same time elegant, not striking, but at the same time attracting attention. A girl with such a hairstyle will look elegant. And even slightly negligent waves will give the image a well-groomed look.

You can not curl your hair. Waves should be soft, light, almost invisible.. Beach curls can be made independently on any length of hair except a short haircut. They perfectly emphasize the image of both young girls and women of more mature age. No matter what hair color. Curls look great on bleached, red and dark hair.

Despite the name of the hairstyle, you can stack your hair in the form of small waves at any time of the year. This is ideal for easy styling that will be appropriate in any environment.

Photos of beautiful styling

See how chic the beach curls look.

How to make at home?

There is a wide variety of ways in which you can create beautiful curls on your own at home. The styling is quite simple. It does not require any professional tools and appliances. It is enough to prepare:

  • Scallop that has rare teeth.
  • Clamps or elastic bands for strands.
  • Spray.
  • Hair dryer
  • Curling out.
  • Headband or plait for hair.

For installation it is also necessary to prepare a special spray.which will help create beautiful waves. This composition is ideal for girls who have very thick and tough hair. For 20 minutes, it can be used to easily model a hairstyle, having originally styled the strands.

We use spray

The preparation of the spray is carried out as follows:

  1. Prepare a spray, a few spoons of sea salt, coconut oil, gel, to fix the curls.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of sea salt into a container and add a glass of slightly hot water.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Next, add a teaspoon of coconut oil. It will protect the hair from a solution of salt.
  5. In order to model the hair well, add a teaspoon of gel to the mixture for fixation.
  6. Shake up the whole mixture well and add any essential oil to it for aroma.

After preparing the spray, you can start creating curls.

  1. The strands are sprayed in such a way that they become wet, but there is no excess composition on them.
  2. The head of hair is divided into strands using a comb.
  3. Each strand is strongly compressed and held for several minutes. You can wind strands on your finger. You should get light curls in the form of waves that fall beautifully.
  4. Comb curls can not. They are just lightly whipped with their fingers.

Braid pigtails

This method will allow you to create natural, slightly curly hair.

  1. You need to wash your hair.
  2. Hair should dry naturally. To create waves, they should be a bit wet.
  3. On the hair put a thickening shampoo, which will create a wavy.
  4. The hair is divided into 8 parts, each strand is combed.
  5. Braid plaited from the very roots of the hair.
  6. In this form, the hair is left for 5-6 hours.
  7. Pigtails unravel and comb with fingers.

Beam Method

  1. Slightly wet hair combed and divided into strands. Width can be any.
  2. Each strand with elastic bands to collect in a bunch.
  3. Keep your hair in this form from 6 to 8 hours. The ideal option would be to leave bundles for the night.
  4. Remove the gum and beat the hair with your fingers.
  5. You can put a little lacquer weak fixation.

Arrange the bunches so that they are comfortable to sleep if you leave them at night.

Experiment with the number of bunches, see what result you like more.

With bandage

  1. Put a bandage on your head.
  2. The hair is divided into strands and wrapped around the headbands.
  3. Apply varnish and cover your head with a handkerchief.
  4. After 3-5 hours the hairstyle will be ready.

This method requires training, you need to try to curls turned out evenly. Try not to be zealous with varnish, keep your hairstyle at ease.

Harnesses and iron

  1. Thermal spray is applied on the hair.
  2. Twist the strand into a bundle and hold it with a hot iron. So you need to do with all the hair.
  3. Hold the iron on each harness no more than 5-7 seconds.
  4. To make the waves more natural and soft, it is recommended to make the wiring thin.
  5. Instead ironing can use a hair dryer. After processing, the hair should be slightly damp.
  6. To preserve the waves for a long time, process each strand with gel or mousse.

Those whom nature has awarded with wavy hair, you can use the following method to get the effect of hair on the beach. It suits blondes and those with bleached hair. To do this, wash your hair and lightly dry the hair. Cut the lemon and carefully treat them strands. It is necessary to stay in the sun for about an hour for a visible result to appear.

Real beach waves

Hairstyle beach waves

Real “beach waves” are made on the basis of salt water spray, which can be prepared independently. To do this, mix in a container a glass of hot water, half a teaspoon of sea salt and half a teapot of almond oil. Then this saline solution is applied to the washed hair to the full length up to the tips, the strands are compressed with your fingers, thereby creating curls. Hair is better not to dry with a hair dryer, as they can straighten up in this case.

How to make waves on the hair without salt water

how to make waves on hair

Many believe that salt water can be harmful to the hair. This view is based on the fact that there is an association between the use of salt and the harm from an excess of cosmetics on the hair. But in fact it is not so. Just look at how the hair changes after a rest at sea. But there they are exposed to strong effects of sea water and salt. Yes, after bathing in the sea it is worth rinsing your hair, otherwise the salt will make it hard. But when using diluted sea salt, it will not so settle on the hair and harm them.

But still, let's try to understand how to make waves on the hair without using salt, because in any case, it is worth thinking about how to make waves on the hair as safe as possible for them. To do this, let's see what the waves are. In fact, it is slightly curled locks. And you can make them with a curling, if its impact is minimal. Try to separate the hair into separate curls and slightly curl them. Actually the whole recipe is simple.

"Pin method" with beach waves

Great hairstyle "beach waves"

This hairstyle will look especially natural on a cascading haircut. Another popular way to get curls is the “pin” method, which is ideal for girls with thick and long hair: a slightly wet strand wraps around the index finger in the shape of a curl and is placed between the heated platinum ironing.

Give the naturalness of the beach waves

Hairstyle option beach waves

To make the hairstyle seem as natural as possible, it is necessary to fix the hair with a spray and shake the hair with your hands. To get a hairstyle with natural strands, a curling iron is often used, but in this case it should not be very hot to avoid too pronounced strands. To obtain the desired result, a curl of hair is wound onto a heated curling iron, held for only a few seconds and fixed with a spray.

Making the beach waves larger

Hairstyle option beach waves

If you want to get curls larger, strand of hair should also be correspondingly larger. It is worth noting that such a feminine hairstyle, which is suitable for all types of hair, is particularly fond of world stars, who prefer to wear it not only on secular parties, but, for example, on the red carpet during the receipt of the Oscar, Emmi, Grammy and so on. . She gained particular popularity due to such famous personalities as Jennifer Enniston, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Madonna and others.

Using salt water

This is one of the most common ways in which you can get the effect of beach hair. Spray based on sea salt you can find on the shelves of the store. An alternative is to do it yourself. This will require an empty bottle, spray nozzle, sea salt, natural coconut oil, hair gel, a special measuring cup and a teaspoon.

  1. We take 1 teaspoon of sea salt and pour it into a bottle in which 1 cup of warm water is already pre-poured.
  2. Stir thoroughly until the salt dissolves.
  3. Then add half a teaspoon of coconut oil to protect the hair from the brine and a third of a spoonful of gel for additional fixation.
  4. Screw the nozzle with the sprayer onto the bottle and sprinkle the hair abundantly with the resulting composition. Do not overdo it - strands should be wet, not wet.
  5. To make the pomp and volume, as well as to create the appearance of real sea waves, the strands must be squeezed by hand, and then, slightly holding them in this state, release. Beautiful light strands are obtained.
  6. Without combing, let the hair dry. Your romantic and most natural styling “beach waves” has been successfully completed!

It's all very simple. First wash your hair and let it dry for a while. Hair should be slightly damp, but not wet. If you washed your hair yesterday, then just thoroughly moisten it with a spray bottle filled with water. Then divide the hair into eight parts (the smaller the pigtails, the tighter the curls will be). Do not forget to comb each strand. Cover up the braids and leave them for five or six hours or for the whole night.

Rip up the pigtails. Brush your hair with your fingers, because the comb will tangle the curls and they will look messy. If desired, you can spray the hair with a spray, just a little.

In order to achieve the best possible result, your hair must be completely dry when you untie the pigtails. If you perform this procedure on wet or even wet hair, the waves will not work.

With forceps

Choose tongs depending on what size you want to have beach waves. You can take both with small and with a large heating element.

Divide the hair into several strands, and then each wrap around the working surface of the forceps at an angle of 45 degrees and hold for about a minute. After carefully releasing the curl obtained in this way and letting it jump off the curling. With the rest of the strands doing the same operation. Tousle our hair with your fingers. For a more visible result, use a spray or mousse that contains sea salt.

How to make curls of papillotok known to all. Did you know that the effect of beach curls can be achieved with ordinary socks? For this they will need 6-8 pieces. The longer and thinner the socks are, the more convenient it will be to fix them on the strands.

Wash and towel dry your hair. Separate a small strand of hair. Put the sock under the strand so that they are perpendicular. The sock should be in the middle of the strand. Wrap the end of the hair around the sock. Leave about three or four centimeters free at the end. It remains to roll the sock up to the very roots, and then fix it, tying the ends into a knot. Give hair dry and gently release the strands. Shake your hair with your hands and apply a little spray - the beach curls are ready.

Pin method

The pin method is another popular way to get beach curls. Most of all it is suitable for girls with thick and long hair: a slightly wet strand wraps around the index finger in the shape of a curl and is placed between the heated plates of the iron. To make hair look as natural as possible, you need to fix the hair with a spray and shake the hair with your hands.

How to make beach curls

Option one. The easiest way to make beach waves on your hair does not involve the use of any tools like curlers or ironing. However, this will require a special structuring spray.

You can buy it (we will make a review), but you can prepare it yourself by mixing a spoonful of coke oil, a spoonful of sea salt, a spoonful of hair styling gel and warm water.

Spray it all on slightly damp hair, spread the product with your hands, and you will get a slightly wavy hairstyle with the effect of wet hair. This method is suitable for girls with a rather stiff and thick hair structure, if the hair holds different styling well.

Another option. To make the beach waves, apply a heat-protective spray on your hair, curl the curls into braids or pigtails and iron them over them, holding the iron in one place for a few seconds. This method is suitable for girls with thin and sparse hair.

As you can see, it is very simple to make the most stylish styling of this summer, and besides, it does not take much time. Be sure to try!

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1. Laying with forceps

If you competently take care of your hair and are not afraid that frequent use of forceps, curling iron, hair dryer or iron can harm them, and you have about half an hour of free time in stock - then you will be fine with styling tongs. First you should rinse and dry your hair well, then divide them into even strands. Each strand must be carefully wrapped around the working plane of the forceps (45 degrees of rotation) and then held for about a minute. To give the hairstyle the effect of negligence, you should slightly ruffle all the strands, and then fix the styling with a spray or mousse. We recommend using tools from the new line of Wella Wellaflex Curls and curls.

2. Curls with salt water and a comb

This method of creating curls will take you no more than five minutes. After you wash and dry your hair, you should break them into strands and sprinkle each of them, then squeeze them for a couple of minutes. Slightly combing the strands with a wide sparse teeth will be possible only after they have completely dried after the spray treatment. We recommend using a texturizing spray based on a complex of plant extracts and exotic oils to create the effect of “beach” styling from Oribe.

3. Curls with the help of braids

This variant of laying will suit soon owners of long hair. Clean and dried hair should be treated with a texturizing spray or mousse for styling, then tightly braid into several braids from the roots, paying particular attention to the tips. It is better to do beach curls with the help of braids for the night, as in the braided condition the hair dries much longer. In the morning, spreading the braids, you will become the owner of beautiful beach curls, which will also need to be slightly combed and varnished. So your hairstyle is long and you will be at your best all day. For perfect durability of hairstyles, we recommend using hairspray from the new got2b line. Glam agent is an ultra-resistant lacquer for invincible styling without gluing the hair, which does not weigh down the hairstyle, leaving the curls natural.

4. Curls with a beam

This easy way has long been known to many girls who always have not enough time. In order to make careless curls with a beam, it is enough to get good hair products. For example, Taft Power “Express styling” spray with an activator of quick styling significantly reduces the time for a hairstyle, turning a boring daily procedure into an exciting experiment. Spray on wet hair, make a bunch on the top of the head and dry it with a hairdryer. When the hair is dry, dissolve it, apply a little mousse on the palm of your hand and press the strands to your head. A little ruffle hair at the roots and sprinkle hair spray finished hair.


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