
Hair curling


Curling hair, subsection: bio-perm hair. Information on the subject of biowave, biowave hair.

Hair biowave is a great alternative for standard perm. In the hands of an experienced master this procedure will not cause any harm to the hair. Properly selected composition, taking into account the peculiarities of the type of hair, will improve their structure and make the curls as natural as possible. Turning to the master in a beauty salon, you can be assured of special care and attention in relation to your hair.

What advantages can boast of biochemical hair curling?

In the first place - this is the absence of a negative impact on the hair structure. The standard technology of permed hair has many drawbacks. In particular, dry and exhausted hair that needs to be repaired for a long time. Bio-perm hair is made using a special composition that has at least harmful substances for the hair and scalp. This has a very positive effect on the condition of the hair after the procedure.

Due to the preservation of the hair structure, the border between grown and curled hair remains imperceptible. Therefore, you can not worry that the curls will stand out strongly against the background of regrown roots. It is worth considering that over time, biological hair curling will straighten. The term preservation of tight and neat curls will depend on the type of hair, the experience of the wizard and the quality of the composition for curling. On average, the hair straightens over three months. However, after six months, you can restore a beautiful curl, just having dried your hair and adding special cosmetics for styling.

Biochemical wave: follow-up care and hair care

The biowave will be the ideal solution for creating elegant curls and curls. Reviews of satisfied girls are the best recommendation for its implementation. Despite the fact that hair care after a perm with a bio-composition does not require the use of any specific means, additional moisture will not prevent them. Moisturizing is necessary to prevent excessive hair dryness. It will come in handy masks and balms, thanks to which the curls will fit better.

Qualitatively carried out biowave for hair does not adversely affect their structure. For this reason, it can be combined with other procedures: highlighting, staining, lamination, and many others. However, it is worthwhile to wait with all the procedures for at least two or three days after curling - this will allow the hair to get stronger and recover fully.

Bio-perm at home can be performed only by a professional master. This will avoid damage to the hair and the need for specialized follow-up care. A couple of hours a hairdresser and reward patience will be beautiful and elegant curls. Hair curler will no longer harm your hair!

If you are looking for an opportunity to quickly get curls that can for a long time please others around with a beautiful view, the bio-perm hair curtain will be an ideal solution. The price of the procedure is not much different from standard chemistry, while the damage to the hair is much less.

Chemical or bio-perm hair

Each of us wants to look undeniably amazing. And in this case, as they say, all means are good. Each woman adheres to one rule: curly hair certainly needs to be straightened, and straight curls. Many of us, wanting to stay at the peak of fashion, suffer daily, wind their hair on curlers, use various means to create charming curls on their heads. There is another method of creating charming curls, which is done once and for several months - this is a chemical or bio-curling hair. Chemical perm hair can be used as a basis for styling or as an independent styling.

Boost Up (Bust Up) - basal perm

Bust Up is a procedure for hair curling. Due to the tight curling at the root, hair acquires volume and very qualitatively keeps its shape from washing to washing. Wrapping occurs according to a certain technology on the pins, then a special composition is applied, and after that the pins are removed. As a result, we get a zigzag-like chemical perm at the hair root, which gives a stable, long-lasting volume for 4-6 months. If necessary, after the expiration of the procedure, the procedure is repeated, and the hair affected by the composition is restored and straightened with keratin.

This procedure today is very popular in beauty salons in St. Petersburg, including those held in the “Julia” salon. Our masters do the perm professionally. Call and sign up!

Should I do a perm?

Opinions about the chemical perm hair varied. Some women are very frightened by one reminder of the perm. After all, this procedure is not new and very spoils the hair. But today things are a little different: modern technologies have made so much progress that the curl has become very gentle and is no longer so harmful to your hair. There are also various bio-formulations. The most striking difference in today's procedure for curling hair is that the choice of composition depends on the type of hair. Previously, it was one composition for any hair, today manufacturers of curling materials took care of all types of hair, including heavily damaged and dyed hair.

Perm is a fairly time-consuming process of turning straight, liquid hair into thick, fluffy, wavy or curly hair. And it should be done only by an experienced master, in order to avoid cases of poor-quality results.

With the help of chemistry, you can achieve the effect of wavy curls or small curled curls on your curls. The only drawback of this procedure is that the hair after a perm requires regenerative care.

Hair care after a chemical or bio-perm

After a chemical or bio-perm hair needs special care to minimize the negative effects of harmful drugs. To do this, follow some simple rules.

  • To wash, use a special shampoo that is designed for hair after a perm, or a shampoo for loose and damaged hair. After each wash, apply a mask or a moisturizing indelible product on your hair.
  • Regularly trim the tips of the hair so that they do not break off or dry out. As a comb, use a comb with wide teeth - this will help not to injure your hair. Also use a special cream, apply it on damaged and lifeless ends.
  • Another very important point - after curling you need to use conditioners, balms, rinses that promote hair restoration. It is also very important to choose a good moisturizing hair mask.

If you adhere to the above rules, your hair will shine with health even after the most cruel chemical perm. And you will always look perfect.

Hairdressing guide: biowave

"Angel Curls"
Gentle curls, especially beautiful looking blond hair. Popular styling for romantically-minded young girls. Free flowing curls really make them look like angels.
"Large curls"
Volumetric curl - an option for healthy unpainted hair. It looks natural, but the hairstyle can quickly fall apart. Our masters will tell you how to save it with the help of special tools. A good option for business lady every day.

"Hollywood Wave"
Nostalgic curls that take us back to the times of Vivien Leigh and Greta Garbo. They look very natural. For owners of thick and medium-thick hair. Give the appearance of mystery and chic.

"Vertical biowave"
For long hair. Created with the help of bobbins of different diameters, depending on the desired size of the curl. It looks very interesting in the form of a set of spirals that are not intertwined with each other. Requires blow-dry with diffuser.

The effect of naturalness is created by winding the strands on hair curlers of different sizes. Hairstyle requires careful styling after each shampooing using special tools.

Youth option: a lot of small curls create a feeling of cheerful disorder on the head and look provocative and attractive.

Resistant styling in the cabin or at home?

By meeting women who want to change their appearance on their own, many hair products manufacturers make popular treatments available for home use. So is it worth contacting the salon if you can do everything yourself? Judge for yourself.
The sequence of actions in biowave:

Washing head
For this, shampoo is best suited to give hair volume so that it is slightly raised from the roots. In our salon, masters select a cleanser that is most suitable for a particular type of hair. This allows you to qualitatively prepare even heavy and naturally unruly hair for a biowave.

Twisting the strands on the bobbins
Having dried a towel and combed hair, the master wets them with a solution for biowave. Then it neatly divides into zones: occipital, parietal, temporal. Gently highlighting the strands with a comb, wound them in turn on the bobbins in turn, while observing the tension force, which ideally should be uniform and strong enough for the curls to turn out beautiful and elastic. At home, even with great skill, it is almost impossible to accurately perform the stage.

The biowave agent is distributed over the entire head so that each curl is soaked with it. Only after the master makes sure that the liquid drains from the bobbin, that is, the amount of the biowave preparation is sufficient, he puts a hat on the customer and voices the exposure time.

Check result
The recommended time to get strong, steady curls is up to 25 minutes. However, 10 minutes after applying the composition, our masters must check the condition of the hair. To do this, they carefully remove the bobbin from the parietal area and look at what a curl has turned out. If it is close to the size of the bobbin, the exposure time is reduced, if the curl is weak, the procedure continues, and the checks are repeated every 5 minutes.

Applying neutralizer
After the exposure time, the composition of the hair is thoroughly washed off, while the bobbins are not removed. Then the master applies 1/3 of neutralizer to them for 10-15 minutes. Then gently removes the bobbins and spreads the rest of the neutralizer into curls for 5 minutes.

Finishing and styling
At the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed, a conditioning agent that does not require rinsing is applied to them and dried. Laying ready!
It would seem that everything is simple. Maybe all the same can be done independently at home?
To get a result that will please you for a long time, you need special skills, first of all, the ability to properly twist the strands on the bobbins (this is the basis of success!), And attention to the features of your hair type. The exposure time of the composition on the hair, the intensity of its action with maximum accuracy can only be determined by a specialist.
If you do not possess this knowledge and skills, it is better to trust the masters of our salon. They will not only competently organize the process of curling, but will also advise you on issues of everyday hair care, show you how to style them yourself, so that the effect will be preserved as long as possible.
Yes, and the process of biowave in the cabin occurs quickly and efficiently. We have the necessary professional equipment, a choice of means for conditioning and styling, so that the road to your new image will give you relaxation and pleasant sensations.

Chemistry - an auxiliary way for hair styling

She prepares her hair for perm. It is recommended to those who daily resort to the help of curlers or curlers. In addition, thanks to chemistry eliminates the problem of oily hair.

Perm hair was very popular in the 70-80 years of the twentieth century. However, by the end of it, this method of curling began to rapidly lose its popularity, and not so much because of fashion trends, but because women understood that this procedure is a disaster for hair, and if it is used often enough, then hair weaken, dry up, break down and fall out.

A perm damages hair already if only because it changes its structure, and this procedure will never become completely safe. Due to the disruption of molecular bonds, chemically curled hair becomes, as it were, porous: despite the fact that after fixation of the curl new molecular bonds arise, and the hair freezes in a new position, it is no longer the same, but becomes glued together. Even if the hair looks shiny (which means only that the scales protecting its core are smoothed and standing still), due to the influence of chemicals on its structure, it becomes fragile and vulnerable. And, of course, the more aggressive means were used in chemical perm and the less attention was paid to the process of restoring the “bridges” in the keratin of a hair, the more damage will be inflicted on the hair and, accordingly, it will look worse. Curled with outdated "nuclear" drugs strands often look lifeless, confused, sloppy.

Technology evolves

In the 21st century, ladies can turn their attention to numerous types of gentle curls, preparations for which are developed by the leading cosmetic companies in the world. For example, cysteine ​​curling is extremely popular now. When using it, the amino acid component of cysteine, related to the hair, gently and precisely destroys the sulfur bridges responsible for the hair structure and helps them to “grow together” correctly, taking a new form. Cysteine ​​perm is also called “biowave” and it has been known in Asian countries for many decades, but it came to the European part relatively recently.

For the first time the biowave appeared in 1999, and interest in it immediately began to grow. The principle of action of such a perm differs from the chemical one in that its main component, cystine, does not destroy the hair structure, but rather strengthens it.

Biowave firmly kept about six months. Hair retains its structure, color and shine, curls remain strong and soft at the same time, and due to the conditioning effect they look free, natural and attractive.

What is the difference between biowave and perm hair

What are the main differences between biowave and perm, which was even called "classic"? In addition to the biowave contains cystine, it does not contain such aggressive components as ammonia and thioglycolic acid. It is these substances that cause the hair to change its structure in the process of perm, having a destructive effect on it.

Therefore, you can safely curl your hair and not be afraid of drying and destructive effects. After the biowave procedure, you should not wash your hair and use the hairdryer for at least two days, otherwise the effect will not have time to gain a foothold, and its premature destruction will begin. Today, brands that specialize in the release of products for perm, offer us the latest developments that allow you to make the process of curling more delicate and high-quality.

At the disposal of the modern “barber” a whole arsenal of miracle means by which a professional master will turn your absolutely straight hair into charming curls and curls.

If you decide to curl your hair, you need to remember that it is better to entrust such a responsible procedure to a specialist in the salon, and not to the neighbor Lenka from the 10th apartment, who at a leisure trades nail extensions and shears her household.

In modern salons, the choice of hair curlers is so great that it is easy for a professional hairdresser to choose a product that suits your hair type.

Currently, there are a lot of products specifically designed for their use on different types of hair, as well as products specifically designed for melirovannyh, bleached or dyed hair. In the composition of such funds can be detected keratin and silk proteins. Such products for perm not only do not harm your hair, but, on the contrary, make them shiny and naturally soft.

Myth number 3. Hair spoils from biowave

In principle, yes, they can spoil. But! To avoid this, you should find a good master who will professionally assess the condition of the hair and select the appropriate type of composition for the procedure.

The fact is that each type of hair responds differently to aggressive external effects. For example, healthy hair will be able to withstand such a powerful alkaline effect without consequences. At the same time, thin, weak, split hairs can become even more problematic from the lightest biowave, which does not contribute to the opening of scales.

That is why it is so important to find a real professional who will strictly comply with the biowave technology and select the necessary composition individually, based on the needs of the hair and the client's desire.


Many professional cosmetic brands have released several types of hair curling compositions that meet the needs of different types of hair. For example, the famous brand Paul Mitchell created a line of TEXTURE products, in which the active ingredient is an amino acid derivative, which is part of hair keratin. It was a real breakthrough in the chemical curling of hair - the procedure changes the structure of the hair, but it does not damage it!

Three types of hair biowave products are available:

  • Acid - for blondes and owners of fine hair
  • Exothermic - for normal, dry and dyed hair
  • Alkaline - for gray and thick hair

Thus, a professional can easily choose the composition for any type of hair, without exception.

Biowave result

Each of these products contains useful oils, vitamins and extracts that allow you to successfully solve many problems of the hair after the biowave:

  • The effects of interference with the hair structure are eliminated.
  • Appears smooth and soft
  • Hair easy to comb, no fluffiness
  • The procedure takes from 8 to 15 minutes!

Curls hold up to 3 months.

The opinion of a professional about biowave hair

Olga Luzhnova, hair stylist, social networking page

“Hair biowave solves several problems in hair care at once:

  1. hair does not lose beauty and strength
  2. laying minimum
  3. curls look very natural
  4. the effect comes off gradually
  5. the procedure can be repeated even if the previous perm has not yet completely disappeared.

As you can see, the advantages on the face! "

Reviews of biowave hair

“I first made a biowave about a year ago and I really liked the effect. By nature, my hair in Asian style is smooth and straight, from time to time I make curls with the help of various stylers, but not everyone will be able to give good curls - my hair straightened out quickly, or even not curled at all.

The biowave made of my straight boring hair a real tumult of curls! This beauty lasted for about 2 months, and none of the new acquaintances even believed that these were unnatural curls. Perhaps, when I want a change, I will repeat it again. Recommend!"

“Since my childhood I dreamed of elastic beautiful curls, but my hair, naturally wavy, never wanted to do it on my own, without the impact of an ironing board or a playboy, to please me with a curly hairdo. Mom at one time frightened us and dad with the effects of a perm, so when I found out about the appearance of the biowave, I was skeptical. But when I learned from my friends that it was a gentle procedure, I decided. And not for a moment regretted!

He repeated the biowave several times in a row. Oh, how surprised at the new job, when my hair turned into light waves, when I decided to give them a rest! ”

Examples of the work of masters of biowave hair

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Prices: from 500 to 1300 / sr.

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Prices: from 2500 to 5500 / sr.

In St. Petersburg, biowave hair has long replaced the classic "chemistry." Modern masters use sparing means that do not damage the curls, preserving their natural color, silkiness and volume. This image update helps to make the appearance more expressive. After the procedure, you can not wash your hair for 48 hours, so that the effect has time to gain a foothold. Biochemistry lasts from 3 to 6 months, then it can be repeated without the risk of damaging the hair structure. The average cost of the service in the city is 3000 rubles, the final price depends on the length of the strands.


Watch the video: HOW TO CURL YOUR HAIR LIKE A PRO! TIPS + TROUBLESHOOTING! Brittney Gray (July 2024).