Tools and facilities

Andrea - means №1 for hair health: the secrets of proper use


Andrea Hair Growth Serum is an effective natural remedy.

It allows you to accelerate the growth of curls, heal and make the hair more thick and beautiful.

In the article we will talk about what is Andrea serum for hair and how to apply it correctly to get the best result.

Oil / serum for hair growth Andrea. What is the feature?

The composition has warming components that improve blood flow, thereby stimulating the growth of the bulbs.

The main feature of the tool is its versatility. Serum and Andrea oil for hair, the use of which is absolutely possible for any hair: dry, normal, oily, suitable for prevention of hair loss, and for medicinal purposes.

Andrea serum should be applied when:

  • the hair has become too brittle, and the ends are split,
  • curls can not be put in the hair,
  • it's sunny outside to prevent dehydration of hair shafts,
  • need treatment curls,
  • strands became stiff and dull.

Serum can be combined with other therapeutic drugs.

Consumers appreciate this product for high quality, natural composition, real results. They also like convenient packaging, ease of use, the ability to use for all types of hair.

Composition and action

The composition of the product is completely natural, so the tool fits almost everything. The exception is made by people with individual intolerance of any component or several at once.

The composition of Andrea for the growth of curls includes:

  • ginger root, which increases blood circulation and improves the flow of lymph,
  • Flinkenflugel, prevents balding and strengthens the bulbs,
  • ginseng root nourishes moisture and nourishes them,
  • grape seed oil, betrays luster and strength, restores damaged hair.

Andrea hair growth remedy - application / instructions - approximate course. When, how and on how to apply?

Andrea serum activator for hair growth, instructions for use of which are recommended by the manufacturer, is applied as follows:

  1. Wash your hair in the usual way.
  2. Take your shampoo, squeeze the part into the container and add the serum there. If you have short hair, you will need 100 ml of shampoo and 3 ml of serum, which is about 2-3 drops. For a long hairstyle, take
  3. 100 ml of shampoo and 5 ml of serum (4-5 drops).
  4. Mix everything well.
  5. Rub the mass into the scalp for 5 minutes.
  6. If the problem of baldness is serious, you can leave the mixture on the head for 15-30 minutes.
  7. Then rinse with warm water without shampoo, and then with shampoo.

For dry hair, you can use the serum with each shampooing. For fatty, reduce intake to the 1st time per week. The course is at least 2 months.

If you want faster results, it is recommended to make masks from serum, applying it in its pure form, alternating with shampooing. Ideal would be the combination with Andrea oil for hair growth, the method of use of which is simple and convenient.

You can not pre-mix the shampoo with serum, as well as store an open bottle for more than 4 months.

After the procedure, be sure to apply a balm or conditioner on the hair, this will improve the result.

Effect - what effect can be expected from the drug? How many cm per month will hair grow?

Reviews of the drug are different, mostly positive. There are some negative ones, and this is quite normal. The same tool can not help absolutely everyone.

Basically, after applying the serum, the following results are noted:

  • the tips have become less dry
  • brittleness has decreased,
  • the hair has become more healthy and well-groomed appearance
  • the curls became soft,
  • hair fall out less often.

If you use the product according to the instructions and regularly, as well as Andrea oil for hair, the use of which is recommended by experts, then the growth of strands per month is 0.5 cm.

Serum to accelerate hair growth Fndrea is a good, and most importantly natural remedy. With its regular use in combination with the hair growth oil, Andrea curls will accelerate their growth. Even if for 3-4 months of growth is not visible, the therapeutic effect will still appear.

The composition of the drug "Andrea"

Today in the cosmetic market a large number of different products that strengthen the hair, promote their growth, give them vitality and shine. Surely, every woman has already proven and beloved drugs. Interestingly, unlike similar products, Andrea for hair is 100% made up of natural ingredients, namely:

Useful qualities of ginger root are explained by the fact that it contains chromium, silicon, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, nicotinic acid, potassium. All these substances are indispensable in the fight against hair loss. Ginseng is rich in vitamins and resins that promote growth and strengthen hair. Grape seed oil gives them softness, shine and silkiness. As for coriopsis, which the Japanese called the kamikaze flower, it protects against various pathogenic and bacterial influences, has an immunostimulating effect, and promotes the regeneration of hair follicles.

Thus, Andrea hair product is a real gift of nature, which can be used by both men and women.

Let out it in bottles with measured droppers, 20 ml volume. Droppers help to maintain accurate dosage. During the course of treatment, it will be necessary to purchase more than one bottle, but for each it will be an individual amount, it is impossible to give exact recommendations in this matter.

Among consumers there are two names of the product: serum and oil. Therefore, it is possible to meet both Andrea's hair serum and Andrea hair oil.

How does Chinese oil

Andrea for hair "works" simultaneously in several aspects:

In addition, Andrea for hair growth promotes deep cleaning, so the need for frequent washing of the head is eliminated.

Indications for use drops

Instructions for use Andrea for hair advises to apply the serum in cases of excessive hair loss, dryness, brittleness, as well as head itching, dandruff, dry skin, baldness. In addition, Andrea is recommended to use with slow hair growth. All these problems are comprehensively solved with the help of a miraculous drug. It is very important that Andrea hair oil acts only locally, it does not need to be taken orally, which means that there are practically no side effects. The only contraindication to the use of the drug is the individual intolerance of its components.

How to use Andrea serum for hair growth: instructions

It is necessary to use Andrea for hair according to a specific scheme:

Important: Before using Andrea’s hair oil for the first time, an allergy test should be performed. Make it easy. It is enough to put a small amount of oil-serum on the inner fold of the elbow and leave for a few minutes. If there is no redness on the skin, then the drug can be used.

Expected results after using Andrea

Many women who used Andrea's hair product claim that their hair begins to grow faster than usual, while acquiring a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance. This is because one component of the drug complements the action of the other, saturating the skin with oxygen, eliminating inflammatory processes, improving blood circulation in the tissues.

Manufacturers warn that such an effect does not occur immediately, but after regular use of the product for one, maximum two months.

Andrea - means №1 for hair health: the secrets of proper use

Posted by Oksana Knop Date May 22, 2016

The French claim that it is worth washing your hair - and all problems will be forgotten. To paraphrase this wisdom, then we can say that washing your head with Andrea will make you forget, if not all of the problems, then excessive hair loss and their fragility - for sure. It is enough to open any site to make sure that there are a lot of positive reviews about Andrea. What is this miracle drug? An answer to this question will help the analysis of its composition.

Serum for hair growth is very popular

What is Andrea serum for hair growth?

This product is a mixture of natural herbal ingredients that help strengthen and nourish the hair follicles. The product includes the following components:

  • ginger root,
  • ginseng root,
  • tubers of the Chinese rune plant Fleeceflower (the roots of this plant often resemble sculptures of people),
  • grape seed oil.
Andrea hair serum is recommended for slow hair growth, or if you want to speed up normal hair growth, with baldness (when the bulbs are in the sleep phase and new hair does not appear), people with thin and unruly hair, with long hair avoid tangling and fragility.

As a rule, we buy this tool for accelerated hair growth - sellers promise that with regular use of this tool hair growth accelerates two to three times.

Indications and Contraindications

Gorgeous serum Andrea is intended for use in the event of the following problems that are associated with hair:

  • Noticeable hair loss, even when gently combing,
  • Spinning does not grow as fast as desired
  • The tips of the curls noticeably flowed,
  • Fragile and dull curls and curls
  • Wets are constantly confused and pushes,
  • Dry scalp, resulting in dandruff and itching.

As for the main contraindications, this includes individual intolerance to any components that are part of the Andrea. Experts strongly recommend that immediately before using the tool, first test it for the possible appearance of an allergic reaction.

In order to test your sensitivity to the drug, it is enough to put a few drops on the inside of the elbow and leave it for ten minutes. If in the process of checking on your skin does not appear redness, and you do not feel an itch, then the tool suits you and you can safely use it.

Hermetically sealed vial with a serum is able to retain its properties for up to two years, however, after opening it, the agent must be used within four months. At the end of the specified period, the oil loses its properties and becomes useless.

The use of Andrea serum has a positive effect on the external state of the hair. The main advantages of the remedies are the disappearance of dandruff, itching and dryness. It is able to have an effective effect on weak and lifeless hair, making it lively and strong. Hair loss stops and the hair follicles are strengthened.

No less important is the stimulation of blood circulation, due to which hair growth is doubled. This serum really gives hair the nutrition that they need so much, especially in conditions of constant stress and adverse environmental effects. Numerous reviews suggest that if you constantly use Andrea oil, the hair becomes larger, which is noticeable to everyone around you.

Application Methods

Hair serum can be used in several ways, so you should stop and consider them in more detail:

  • The first way to use serum for hair growth is to add it to your shampoo. This is done quite simply - add oil to the shampoo in the ratio of 3: 100, in other words, 3 ml of Andrea is taken per 100 ml of your detergent. It should be borne in mind that this ratio is designed for medium-length curls, if you have long hair, the dosage is increased to 5 ml. It is not necessary to apply such a shampoo every day, but as needed. After you have applied such a remedy on your head, leave it for a few minutes so that the active ingredients can have a positive effect on the hair structure, then wash it off like a regular shampoo,
  • Serum can be used as a firming mask. Carefully rub the emulsion into the hair roots, warm with a bag of polyethylene and wrap the head with a towel. Leave this mask for twenty minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water.

This emulsion rightly deserves its positive feedback from men and women who have already experienced its amazing properties. For obtaining visible result it is necessary to use means regularly for two months.

It is worth noting that for the complete passage of the course you will have to spend about three bottles of oil. It all depends on the length and thickness of your hair. The volume of each bottle is 20 ml.

Despite such a huge amount of positive feedback, there are some not quite enthusiastic. Some girls are happy that the serum really strengthened curls and influenced their growth, while others did not feel any effect even after several procedures. Some complain of an unpleasant smell, in their opinion, instead of a pleasant and light aroma that medicinal herbs have to emit, they felt anything but a non-plant composition.

But in any case, do not forget about individual tolerance, each individual has its own characteristics of the organism, so finding a tool that would be ideal for everyone is simply impossible. But do not be upset, if after several procedures you realized that Andea does not help your curls or curls, then use another option.

Nowadays, there are really quite a lot of different means for hair growth, moreover, each has its own positive and negative sides. Before you buy this or that serum, it is better to get acquainted in advance with the reviews of girls who have already managed to try it on themselves and can share their visible results.

After seeing another advertisement about a new hair care product, experienced experts recommend not to run and buy it right away, but first examine its composition and find out if it will be able to benefit your curls or vice versa.

In addition, everything also depends on how much money you are willing to spend on improving your hair. There are quite expensive tools that far from everyone will afford, but the numerous positive reviews that can be heard belong to them by right. There are inexpensive oils, but the effect of them may not appear even after completing the full course.

It is worth noting that in addition to expensive hair growth products that are sold in our stores, you can use cheap but effective hair masks prepared in the usual home environment.

Reviews of such masks are very enthusiastic, for example, from red hot peppers, which strengthens and stimulates the growth of strands. To prepare it you will have to work a little, because the pepper must insist on vodka for at least two weeks. But believe me, the result is worth such actions, the curls become stronger and stronger.

The best pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

Baldness, premature hair loss are not uncommon. Among the reasons lead hormonal disruptions of the endocrine system. Baldness is easier to prevent. It is necessary to identify the problem in time and start treatment.

Many companies produce cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to solve the problem of hair loss.

  • Exiderma,
  • Zhangguing
  • Andrea (Andrea),
  • Alerana (Alerana),
  • Evalar,
  • Esvitsin,
  • Minoxidil,
  • Pantovigar,
  • Yuda
  • funds companies Vichy, Loreal.


After 7 days, baldness will completely overgrow hair, if for the night ... On the 7th day, the hairline will completely overgrow with hair. Girls! Tortured bald head? This tool will make hair thick and lush Effective spray for hair growth. 100% result!

Girls! Bald and thin hair? There is a proven way to grow a thick head of hair per WEEK! Fast Hair Restoration ... VICHY has introduced a new development - Dercos Neogenic. The product is based on the revolutionary discovery of scientists about the STEMOXYDINE molecule and its effect on the hair follicle, reducing the resting phase. The hair in this phase begins to grow rapidly.

As a result, the strands become thicker, the number of new hairs increases. The product is applied to the skin with a convenient applicator and does not require rinsing. Apply Dercos Neogenic once a day, spreading it over the surface of the head. For the result to appear, the course of treatment must last at least 3 months.


Recently, scientists have discovered the properties of minoxidil as a stimulant for hair growth. Drugs based on it have a vasodilating effect, and the roots are better supplied with nutrients, vitamins and oxygen.

The effect is proven in regard to baldness of the head in men, along the entire hairline in women. The drug is applied twice a day only on the scalp. The beginning of the growth of new hair will be noticeable after 3-7 months.

If baldness has already reached grade 6, the application becomes useless.

Pantovigar for women and men

It is a complex preparation containing cystine, amino acids, thiamine mononitrate, calcium pantothenate, para-aminobenzoic acid, vitamins B1 and B5, medical yeast and keratin - the most important substances for accelerating hair growth.

The tool must be taken on a capsule three times a day, necessarily during the meal. The duration of treatment is 3-6 months. Temples grow over, hair becomes luxurious, for this you need ... Tired of losing hair? Just use it. Restore hair at home! Without operations. How to grow thick hair per week? Fast hair restoration ... I solved the problem of hair loss in just 1 week!


The main active ingredient of the line is the aforementioned minoxidil. The series includes shampoos for all hair types, conditioners, serums, tonics, masks, vitamin-mineral complex, sprays of various concentrations of the active substance. This will help solve the problem in a complex.

The duration of the course is long - from three to seven months.

Yuda - Chinese remedy for men

The drug is created according to traditional Chinese recipes. The composition of the spray includes 10 effective Chinese herbs. This tool for the resumption of hair growth created specifically for men. Yuda prevents the process of hair loss, promoting the growth of new ones. Once or twice a day it is necessary to apply 1 ml of the product to the problem areas. The minimum rate is 3 months.

Andrea (Andrea)

Japanese serum to accelerate hair growth Andrea (Andrea) has proven itself as a moisturizing drug and is able to stimulate their rapid growth. Safe natural composition, ease of use exclude side effects. Enrich the shampoo with serum (3-5 ml per 100 ml of shampoo), which should be used for shampooing. The result will be noticeable within 2-3 months.

Loreal (Loreal)

The world-famous company has released a spray against progressive baldness Renaxil. The tool removes micro irritation of the follicle, stops hair loss and stimulates the growth of new ones. Spray needs to be rubbed into problem areas daily. At the end of 1.5 months, the result becomes visible to the naked eye: hairless parts of the head are covered with fuzz, and new hair is slowly becoming stronger.

Aminexil ampoules - a drug that can stimulate the roots, which leads to intensive hair growth and an increase in their number. Amineksil is effective for hair loss due to stress, changes in hormonal levels, hereditary hair loss, as well as weakening them as a result of exposure to aggressive means from the hairdressing arsenal.

Method of administration serum Andrea

Wash your hair with shampoo once, and the second time, after collecting the shampoo in your hand, add a few drops of syorta to your palm. Apply on the head and massage for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse hair with water.

Leave the product for 20 minutes, then rinse with a shampoo or other detergent. With dry and normal hair, serum can be used with every hair wash, with fatty bands once a week. For maximum results, we recommend using Andrea serum for at least two months.

Precautions for use

Refrain from the use of the drug is necessary when establishing cases of intolerance to the components in the form of an allergic reaction. For the timely detection of such facts, it is recommended to conduct an allergotest. It is enough to put a drop of money on the elbow bend from the inside. After 10 minutes, inspect the area of ​​the skin at the site of application. If redness is not detected, feel free to start using the healing product.

How to distinguish the original Andrea from a fake

Today, many buyers complain that it is very often possible to find a fake product on Andrea's hair growth tool in online stores. Woe-sellers convince of the authenticity of the goods sold, citing vague arguments.

Fake serums often cost less than the original, which undoubtedly attracts buyers. Having bought a fake, you can, at best, DO NOT get any result, and at worst, harm the hair and sensitive scalp.

And so, in order not to have to throw away money for a fake, we will tell about the signs of a fake and the main differences between the original and fakes.

One of the easiest ways to distinguish is to check the unique individual number that is on each bottle on the manufacturer's website.

In order to avoid buying counterfeit handicrafts, the manufacturer Andrea encrypted a 16-digit numeric combination on each box. You can only see it by rubbing a coin on the foil portion of the protective stamp. Before you open 16 digits, then you need to check this code on the official website of the manufacturer.

To do this, go to the site to check the code:

You will see a page with two fields:

  • A more reliable field is a field for entering a 16-digit code from a tool box.
  • The bottom field is a field for checking that you are not a robot. There will be numbers that you need to enter.

Below these fields there will be two buttons in Chinese, you press the first left (which means verification), after filling in all the fields.

And if your product is original, a yellow quality assurance label with a ribbon should appear. If you have a fake, respectively, will give an error that this code is not in the system.

In addition, there are more simple signs of fakes that are easy to check without a computer:

  1. Consistency: in the original - oily, in counterfeit - watery.
  2. The mark on the paper: the original has an oily stain, the counterfeit has a water stain.
  3. The smell: the original - a light citrus scent, a fake - floral more saturated, even with the scent of men's fragrance.
  4. Barcode: Original 6921505100078
  5. The shelf life indicated on the packaging: original - 2 years, fake - 3 years.

Effective home remedies to accelerate hair growth

Even the ancient Egyptians knew how to accelerate the growth of hair on the head with home remedies. The most famous beauty Cleopatra used chicken yolk as a care product for washing her hair.

Herbal decoctions and masks prepared at home - natural and cheap, can compete with industrial and medical products for effectiveness.

There are recipes that can improve the structure or accelerate the growth of new and existing hair.

To strengthen

Among the most effective means to strengthen the hair I want to note the following:

  • The mask with kefir is an effective means for improving the structure, the hair becomes as soft as silk.

This mask can be applied even to a child. Heat the kefir and apply on highly moist hair, cover them with film for 1.5-2 hours, and then rinse with shampoo. Contraindications - dark colored hair.

  • Mask with banana and beer.

Beat 1 egg yolk, 1 small banana, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and half a glass of dark beer. Spread the mixture through the hair, after 30 minutes - 1 hour rinse. Use weekly.

  • Vitamin mask with natural honey and burdock oil.

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of warmed honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of burdock oil, yolk from 1 chicken egg mixed with 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice, add 5 drops of vitamins B1 and A in ampoules. Apply the whole for an hour, wrapping your head in a towel.

This is a great inexpensive tool that can strengthen hair and improve its structure. Plain henna dyes the hair. If this is an undesirable effect, then colorless henna can be used. The tool should be boiled with boiling water and applied for 1 - 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly.

To stimulate new hair growth

To “wake up” the follicles, you need to use irritating agents to enhance hair growth. Stimulation of blood flow to the scalp, enhancing the power of the bulbs, contributes to the appearance of new hair. Here are some effective recipes:

  • Onion juice, obtained from grated fresh onions, is rubbed into the scalp; after 30 minutes, wash the hair with shampoo.
  • Tincture based on hot pepper, purchased at a pharmacy or obtained at home, diluted with oil (for example, burdock) or water (and even better with chamomile or nettle decoction) 50% to 50%. Rubbed into the skin, aged for about 60 minutes. Hair washed with shampoo.
  • Rub garlic juice into the skin, wrap the head in polyethylene for 1 hour. Wash with shampoo.

Beneficially affect both the growth of new and the condition of existing hair masks with the addition of oils. Linseed, olive, coconut, almond, mustard, castor and burdock oils not only nourish the roots, but also have the properties of protecting them from adverse external factors.

Castor oil is used in rehabilitation after chemotherapy, restoring not only the hair on the head, but also eyelashes and eyebrows.

Base oils should be heated to a temperature of 36-38 ° C, applied to the roots and hair ends. Head massage will enhance the effect of this procedure.

Essential oils have a positive effect on the growth and condition of the hair, so they should enrich the shampoos, masks, rinses. Essential oil is a concentrated remedy, its amount must be strictly metered!

Good results give all sorts of masks based on mustard and sugar. Sugar, powdered sugar or honey is added to ensure that mustard has a stronger effect on the skin. The mask improves blood supply to the hair follicles, improving their nutrition. Mustard has an undesirable effect: it dries hair, “degreasing” it. To minimize this, base oils and essential oils are added to the mask.

However, there are contraindications:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the scalp,
  2. Sensitive skin or a tendency to allergies,
  3. Blondes should carefully apply these masks, as mustard can give the hair an unpleasant greenish tint.

Andrea serum reviews

Marat, the city of St. Petersburg (05/10/2016 22:51)

Pros: In a short time you can really grow hair, while not risking anything.

Cons: Everything is written in Chinese, but I would like in Russian.

I bought this serum for such a favorable price in this online resource, and I want to share my impressions. Serum really well affects the process of hair restoration, more importantly, it affects for a short time. If I honestly admit, I noticed improvements literally in 6 days, and this is to say that this serum works. I do not know, I'll try another couple of days, if I’m sure to accomplish something.

Davron, Moscow (04/28/2016 1:05)

Pros: Probably it is that the serum does not have an unpleasant smell and will be washed off very well.

Cons: Of the minuses, nothing has yet been found, to be honest.

Hello, I want to leave a review about this unique hair serum Andea, which was acquired just a few days ago in this Internet resource. Serum is a very good thing in terms of growing hair, especially if you have bald spots. I've started to use it for a couple of days, and the result is visible. I think a couple more cans of this serum and I will have absolutely normal thick hair. Even speaking, even he did not expect such a specific effect from it.

“In our family, all men go bald early. I awaited my fate with bitterness. As soon as I noticed the beginning of the process, on the advice of my friends, I acquired a Japanese tool to activate hair growth Andrea. Also when washing my head with shampoo enriched with this wonderful product, I used a Japanese massage comb. My problem is solved! ”

The composition of hair products Andrea

Andrea is a means for hair growth in the form of an oily serum, the method of application and instructions for use of which are placed on the package. Serum is produced in China, from where it is distributed to all countries of Europe and Asia. The product is completely natural and made from the pressing of several medicinal plants.

Because of the oily consistency, whey is often called butter (although this is not entirely true). Despite the fact that the tool is popular, there are still questions about how you can use Andrea oil to restore and actively grow hair.

The composition for Andrea hair includes a squeeze of grape seed and three medicinal roots:

  • ginger hair
  • ginseng,
  • tokkobany or, as it is also called, fleece.

Learn about Azumi hair restoration product: composition, action.

Read how to use ampoules and Kerastaz hair oil: composition, effectiveness, recommendations.

The principle of the components

Ginseng nourishes the strands and scalp, strengthens the rods and bulbs, resumes regeneration processes (awakens dormant bulbs), due to which the volume increases significantly, the curls become more luxurious, they appear healthy glow.

Ginger promotes healing of the scalp, destroys the fungus, increases blood flow, softens the scalp, makes it more elastic, strengthens hair follicles.

Tokkobana accelerates the growth process, makes the strands strong and silky, has a protective effect, envelops each hair with a thin protective film. The natural remedy prevents the incision of the tips, and softly glues the already existing damage.

Grape bones add shine and silkiness to the curls, nourish the scalp and strands themselves. At the cellular level, rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the bulbs, enriches the locks and scalp with oxygen, actively moisturizes.


Andrea serum has a natural composition, therefore the main contraindication is individual intolerance to one or several components. You can check for an allergic reaction by dropping a small amount of serum on the back of your hand. If after a few minutes (1-2 minutes is enough) irritation appeared, it is better to refuse the remedy.

Also not recommended the use of funds during pregnancy (the first and last trimester) and during the lactation period (breastfeeding).Avoid the use of serum is necessary for wounds on the skin, the presence of ulcers or ulcers.

Andrea hair oil: method of application №1

In the first embodiment, Andrea's oil can be compared with the usual shampooing. A few drops of the product are added to the shampoo and wash your hair in the standard way. Thus, the shampoo from a cosmetic product turns into a therapeutic one.

There are two possible options - add directly to the palm with shampoo or immediately into the bottle and ensure regular use. In any case, the proportion should be 5-6 drops of serum per one shampoo for a single shampoo.

How to use the serum for hair Andrea: method number 2

Those who do not know how to use serum to activate growth or restore the structure of Andrea's hair as a mask are invited to explore the second option: 5-10 ml of serum (depending on the length of the strands) should be applied to slightly wet or dry unwashed curls.

Apply starting from the roots, gradually moving to the tips. After create the effect of a bath: put on his head a shower cap (can be replaced with a plastic bag) and wrap the head with a towel. Wash off with regular shampoo in 20-30 minutes. Balms after the procedure is undesirable.

The third option: apply 2-3 ml of Andrea hair product to the tips of the curls and begin the styling process. The effect is similar to the use of the gel or mousse, but at the same time there is a recovery. Means is applied on slightly wet clean curls.

Important! Expect an instant and long-term result after a single use of serum is not worth it. This is possible only after regular use within 2-3 months. In case of serious problems, the time of use can be increased up to six months. After a break of 3-6 months, the course can be repeated.

Experts recommend that owners of a fat type of hair use serum no more than once a week, and for ladies with a dry type, they can be used daily. In the second case, it will help to strengthen the hydration of the scalp, relieve irritation and itching, strengthen the bulbs. In women with bold type, the curls will be too shiny, they will become harder and more stubborn.


Nutrition curls should be methodical, focused and complete. And although Andrea hair serum has a composition that is unique in its nutritional elements, trichologists recommend alternating it with other means for an optimal result, but it is advisable to use natural, time-tested formulations. For example, you can make honey masks, or rinse curls after washing with herbal decoction.

It is also important to be attentive to your health and follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • balanced diet,
  • reasonable exercise
  • daily walks in the fresh air
  • regular intake of vitamin preparations
  • the use of gentle hair colors, preferably with a natural composition,
  • lack of stress.

These simple recommendations will help the body to cope with emerging problems or to reduce such probabilities to a minimum.

Serum "Andrea" for hair growth: method of use, features of funds, experience of use

HomeHow to grow hairMeansAndrea Serum for hair growth: method of use, features of funds, experience of use

Recently, on the Internet, it is increasingly possible to find information about a unique serum for hair growth Andrea.

It is produced in China from local components.

The manufacturer of the product promises that the use of serum allows you to quickly restore lost hair to hair.

But how effective this cosmetic is, you can find out from the following information.

  • Feature of Andrea serum for hair
  • Composition and active ingredients
  • Andrea for hair growth: how to use
  • Efficiency
  • Useful materials
  • Useful video

Feature of Andrea serum for hair

The product has an oily structure due to extracts and extracts of medicinal plants. Due to the presence of components warming the scalp, the product is able to enhance the flow of lymph and blood, which prevents hair loss and greatly enhances their growth.

The undoubted advantage of a cosmetic product is its versatility. It can be used by people with any type of hair for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

The use of Andrea hair oil is also recommended in the following cases:

  • with brittleness and dryness of the curls,
  • with disobedient strands,
  • to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation,
  • to restore the structure of curls,
  • to eliminate fading and stiffness.

Andrea serum can be used with other cosmetic products for hair care.

Important! Andrea leaves marks on clothes, so be careful when opening and using them.

Read more about the use of various oils to accelerate hair growth: burdock, castor, jojoba oil, olive, sea buckthorn, almond, lavender.

Composition and active ingredients

Being a completely natural remedy, this product is completely safe to use, but only if you do not have individual intolerance. The composition of cosmetic oils for hair includes the following types of plants and their extracts:

  • ginger root, amplifying the flow of lymph and blood,
  • ginseng root, due to which nutrition and hydration occur,
  • Chinese plant Flinkenflugel, which strengthens the hair follicles and prevents baldness,
  • grape seed oil, which adds shine and strength, and also restores the hair structure.

Important! Carefully read the product before use to ensure that all products are portable.

On our site you can get acquainted with a huge number of recipes for homemade hair growth masks: with nicotinic acid, from coffee grounds, with vodka or brandy, with mustard and honey, with aloe, with gelatin, with ginger, from henna, from bread, with kefir, with cinnamon, egg and onion.

Andrea for hair growth: how to use

Apply the oil in three ways:

  1. In a 200-300 ml shampoo bottle, pour 10 ml of serum and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid is formed, then use the resulting product in your usual way when washing your hair.
  2. Apply a small amount of oil to the tips on clean, damp hair and start styling; in this case, it is not necessary to wash off the product.
  3. Apply serum to dry or wet hair along its entire length, rubbing it thoroughly into the roots and scalp. After 15-30 minutes, depending on the severity of the hair problems, wash the oil first with warm water without shampoo and then with it.

After use, be sure to apply conditioner or balm to enhance the effect of the active ingredients on the hair follicle and additionally soak the scalp.

For a more durable result, oil should be applied for at least two months. Repeat courses of therapy can be three months after the last procedure with serum.

Important! It is better to use oil in the combined way. Twice a week, make masks with Andrea in its pure form, and at other times use the product with shampoo. From this result from the use of cosmetics will be more noticeable and faster.

Try another effective serum "Grandmother Agafi".


Buyers leave after using serum not only positive, but also negative reviews. This is due to the fact that oil, like any other product, cannot be universal and suitable for absolutely everyone.

Despite this, all buyers noted the following points after using Andrea's hair growth product:

  • improved overall hair condition
  • dry tips are gone,
  • there was a shine and softness of curls,
  • brittleness disappeared and the condition of the scalp improved.

Important! On the market there are quite a few fakes that can greatly harm your curls. Regardless of the place of purchase, it is recommended to pass a small test for allergies before use.

The average increase in hair length per month when using the product was 0.5 ml, which is quite a good result.

To do this, use the classic method of applying funds to a closed area of ​​skin. If within two days there is no reaction, you can be sure of the safety of the purchased product.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on hair regrowth:

  • Tips on how to grow curls after a square or another short haircut, return the natural color after staining, speed up growth after chemotherapy.
  • Lunar calendar haircuts and how often do you need to cut your hair while growing?
  • The main reasons why strands grow poorly, what hormones are responsible for their growth and what foods affect good growth?
  • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
  • Means that can help you grow: effective hair growth serums, Estelle and Aleran products, cemeric water and various lotions, Horsepower shampoo and oil, as well as other growth shampoos, in particular Golden Silk activator shampoo.
  • For opponents of traditional means we can offer folk: mummy, various herbs, tips on using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes for making homemade shampoo.
  • Vitamins are very important for the health of the hair: read the review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the features of the use of vitamins of group B, in particular B6 and B12.
  • Learn about the various preparations for enhancing growth in ampoules and tablets.
  • Did you know that means in the form of sprays have a beneficial effect on the growth of curls? We offer you a review of effective sprays, as well as instructions for cooking at home.

Useful video

An example of using serum on thin, sparse and naturally modest hair:

So, today we discussed Andrea's hair growth serum, its composition and action, and led to the opinions of customers. And also in the article there is an instruction for using the product.

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Andrea serum for hair growth: reviews, useful properties and rules for the use of hair for beauty

Means Andrea for hair growth - a quality product to combat the problems of hair. Serum contains only natural ingredients, heals the scalp, accelerates the growth of curls.

The active ingredients have a positive effect on hair follicles and rods. The magic effect of the use of serum is noted by thousands of men and women. How does a unique product work? Let's figure it out.

Means Andrea produced in China. Some people mistakenly believe that innovative serum is one of the means of popular Japanese cosmetics. New Chinese product for hair growth is of high quality. The effectiveness of the means is confirmed by positive feedback from both genders.

In the composition of the serum - natural ingredients with an active action:

  • ginseng root,
  • flowers growing in ecologically clean regions of the Middle Kingdom,
  • grape seed oil,
  • ginger root,
  • fleece flower root.

For thousands of years, eastern healers have used valuable roots, oils, flowers with a unique composition for healing the body. The secret of shiny, long hair is the regular use of the gifts of nature for hair care.

Useful properties of Andrea serum:

  • blood circulation is activated in the upper layers of the epidermis,
  • improved supply of hair follicles, rods with nutrients, oxygen,
  • itching gradually ceases, the epidermis is actively cleared from the accumulation of dead flakes,
  • accelerates hair growth
  • softens the scalp, dandruff disappears,
  • bulbs, hair rods strengthened,
  • the curls take on a healthy, radiant look
  • hair loss is gradually reduced,
  • the quality of the hair is improved, the hair becomes denser, more elastic,
  • passes the cross section of the tips.

Find out the best recipes for homemade hair shine masks.

Reviews on the result of the use of vitamin Volvit for hair, read this article.

The reasons for the active effects of Andrea on hair follicles and rods:

  • extracts of ginger root, ginseng, fleece flower stimulate blood circulation, nutrition, active moistening of the rods, strengthen hair follicles,
  • grape seed oil smoothes cuticle scales: rods retain more moisture, smoothness and pleasant shine appear.

Indications for use

Use a herbal product from China for the following problems of the scalp:

  • the dull color of lifeless strands,
  • excessive dryness, dandruff, irritation, itching,
  • thinning, dryness, breakage of rods,
  • deterioration of the quality of the hair after regular thermal laying, frequent dyeing, use of hairspray, perm,
  • “Dandelion effect” (hair pushes), strand confusion,
  • poor growth of strands, noticeable hair loss,
  • cross section of the tips.

Gentle oily liquid with a pleasant odor is suitable for the prevention of skin and hair diseases. Owners of thick, healthy curls noticeably accelerate the growth of hairs, additionally sate bulbs and rods with useful substances.

Instructions for use

Carefully read the recommendations, find out the optimal course duration. Owners of dull, damaged strands, it is desirable to visit the trichologist.

Be sure to perform a simple test for allergies:

  • Apply a few drops of oily liquid to the area behind the ear, wait half an hour,
  • Watch how your skin reacts. The absence of redness, discomfort, pruritus - “green light” for the use of vegetable serum.

The shelf life of the healing Chinese product is 2 years. After opening, use the contents of the vial for 4 months.

There are two ways to use the natural product Andrea. For mild to moderate hair problems, use method # 1, for more active exposure, select method # 2 plus enriched shampoo.

Enrichment of finished formulations

Add 3 ml of healing agent per 100 ml of shampoo that you use. With the length of curls from the blades and below, change the ratio: for 100 ml of cleansing agent, take 5 ml of serum.

Use enriched shampoo 2-3 times a week. After applying the composition, wait 3-4 minutes for the active substances to penetrate into the epidermis, the bulbs, hair shafts, massage your head, rinse.

Mask for hair recovery

Process the roots of the vegetable product, actively rub, wrap the strands in a plastic bag (wear a shower cap), warm with a towel. Under the warming cap plant extracts, valuable substances from the healing oil penetrate the cuticle more quickly, act more actively.

Keep the strengthening mask for 20 minutes. After the specified time, rinse abundantly with curls of non-hot water.

Tip! To enhance the therapeutic effect, wash your hair enriched with shampoo. How to prepare the composition described in the recipe number 1.

The minimum rate is a month. To consolidate the results, many girls use the plant product Andrea up to three months. After the wellness course, make an appointment with the trichologist, ask when to repeat the sessions.

Order a quality product on one of the Chinese sites.Check with friends and acquaintances who used Andrea's tool for hair growth, which online store is trustworthy.

The estimated cost of a 20 ml bottle is from 250 to 400 rubles. A bottle of whey is enough for three to four months, if you enrich the shampoo, occasionally make firming masks. For active treatment for the course requires 3 bottles.

This product is a light oily liquid. If there was translucent water in the bottle, it means that you got a fake. Order innovative serum only on the recommendations of friends from proven Chinese sellers.

Reviews about the tool Andrea confirm the effectiveness of Chinese herbal product. Many have noted that hair really grows faster. Miraculous emulsion - an excellent tool to restore the quality of hair.

Learn about effective anti-baldness in women.

What to do if hair breaks down badly? The answer is on this page.

At, read about the benefits and use of vitamin D3 for healthy hair shine.

To enhance the impact, use natural serum with a mezoroller. Manual roller accelerates the absorption of nutrients into the skin, affects certain points, as in an acupuncture session. Thin needles massage the head, improve blood circulation. Hair recovery serum plus home mesotherapy is an effective tandem in the fight for the beauty of hair.

A unique combination of natural extracts, biologically active substances have a positive effect on the skin and rods. Even if for 3 months the hair has not grown back, as if by a wave of a magic wand, the healing effect still appears.

With regular use, Andrea has a significant therapeutic effect to accelerate hair growth. Thick, strong curls, healthy scalp - a reward for the attention to the hair.

Useful information about Andrea serum in the following video:

Will Andrea help grow hair?

Serum andrea hair growth today is very popular in the market of cosmetics for the growth and strengthening of hair, that is, it is designed to solve the problem of hair loss and slow growth. This is very important for modern girls, who could strengthen their hair without spending a lot of time and effort, as well as accelerate growth. We decided today to disassemble the tool Andrea on all counts, and find out whether it makes sense to buy this tool.

Andrea serum for hair growth

The manufacturer says that the tool Andrea will help solve almost any problem with the hair. Andrea hair serum is recommended for slow hair growth, or if you want to speed up normal hair growth, with baldness (when the bulbs are in the sleep phase and new hair does not appear), people with thin and unruly hair, with long hair avoid tangling and brittle hair.

Andrea perfectly nourishes and deeply moisturizes the hair, and also heals their tips. With regular use of Andrea serum (from 1 month), a two or threefold acceleration of hair growth occurs, and combing and styling is facilitated. Hair become healthy and shiny, becoming much thicker.

Serum enhances blood circulation, contributing to better hair nutrition, improves the supply of hair follicles with oxygen, stimulates hair growth, acts as a moisturizing agent. The result: hair gets more nutrients and grows faster.

Promises of the manufacturer: acceleration of hair growth by 2-3 times, smoothness of hair, conditioner. Tangible result in 2 months.

Expiration date: 2 years, and after opening to use within 4 months. The smell means light, citrus, the consistency means light and oily.

Composition and properties means Andrea

All information about the tool comes in Chinese, so it’s not so easy to study the properties and composition of Andrea. Active substances means Andrea:

Ginger root - actively influences the hair structure, strengthens the roots, promotes hair growth, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the hair with beneficial substances.

Ginseng root - has good strengthening properties, has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, adds smoothness and shine, at the same time intensively restores the structure, heals and strengthens the whole.

Grape seed oil - helps to save hair from damage, protect it from the negative effects of the external environment, normalize sebum production, and significantly speed up growth. The active substances of the oil nourish the hair by improving its structure.

Fleece flower root (Japanese Tokkobana flower) is the main component of the serum with which the maximum result is achieved. The flower has a beneficial effect on both the scalp and hair length.

Main properties of Andrea serum

  • Hair grows twice as fast as usual.
  • A lot of new hair appears.
  • Strengthen hair follicles.
  • Head less fat.
  • Hair becomes thicker.
  • Improving the structure of the hair.
  • There is no need to use hair conditioner.
  • Excellent nourishes and deeply moisturizes the hair, and also heals their tips.
  • Combing easier.
  • The tool is very economical.
  • Hair become healthy and shiny, becoming much thicker.

Andrea serum can be used for the following hair problems:

  • slow hair growth,
  • if the “young” hair completely stopped growing,
  • increased hair loss
  • dry and fragile hair
  • if the tips of the hair are prone to cut,
  • lifeless and dull hair,
  • dry scalp, dandruff and itching.

As for contraindications to this remedy, this includes individual intolerance to any components that are part of the Andrea serum. Manufacturers recommend immediately before using the tool, first test it for the possible appearance of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a few drops of serum on the inside of the elbow and leave it for ten minutes, if the skin does not appear red, and you do not feel an itch, then the tool suits you and you can use it.

How to use the Andrea tool

How to use: add 3 (3-6) ml of Andrea serum per 100 ml of shampoo and mix well, or add 3-6 drops to the shampoo with each wash

Wash your hair with shampoo once, and the second time, after collecting the shampoo in your hand, add a few drops of syorta to your palm. Apply on the head and massage for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse hair with water.

You can also use Andrea as an independent tool as a nutritional mask. Andrea serum can be added to any mask that you apply to the scalp. For example:

  • 1 tablespoon mustard oil,
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil,
  • 5-8 drops of essential oil beat,
  • 10 drops of serum Andrea.

Mix olive and mustard oil in a glass container and heat it in a water bath, add essential oil and Andrea serum to the heated mixture. Apply to the scalp before washing hair. The mask should be insulated and kept for at least one hour, and it can be longer if there is time. The mask is washed off with two washes of shampoo.

  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil,
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger (you can take raw, grate and squeeze the juice, but dry ginger warms up more strongly)
  • 1 teaspoon aloe juice,
  • 10 drops of serum Andrea.

The mask is done before washing the hair. Mix all ingredients and apply on the scalp from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The mask must be insulated: wrap with plastic wrap and insulate with a wool cap or warm towel. Then wash your hair as usual.

  • 2 tablespoons of chilli red pepper tincture,
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil,
  • 3-5 drops of bay oil or rosemary essential oil,
  • 10 drops of serum Andrea.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass container. Apply mask on partings on the scalp, you can apply the favorite base oil on the tips. We warm with a shower cap or cellophane film, we wrap it with a warm towel, you can wear a warm wool cap. Keep somewhere from 40 minutes to 1 hour (should warm up and pinch a little). Next, wash off with shampoo, preferably twice. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week for no more than two months and take a break.

With dry and normal hair, serum can be used with each shampooing, with fatty bands once a week.

Reviews for Andrea: a means for hair growth

Responses to Andrea's remedy are ambiguous, some simply delighted with him, while others did not notice any effect. I will say this, if hair loss is associated with hormones or the thyroid gland, then no remedy for hair loss will not help if you do not cure the thyroid gland or bring hormones back to normal. And if hair loss is due to stress, improper care, frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing, then the tool will fully help to return the old hair. As for hair growth, the tool really accelerates growth with regular use.

And one more thing, a lot of fakes of this tool, so order in proven online stores!

Reviews of those who used Andrea serum:

To be honest, I didn’t wait for any special effect, but when I reapplied, the result surpassed all my expectations, I had to look for hair all over the bathroom, they fell out one by one ... no strands, no shreds ... well, I washed and ran, rather, singing the praises of narrow-eyed comrades .

Andrea's hair oil is recommended for anyone with hair problems. This inexpensive means favorably influences hair and stops loss. With this expense, you can use the whole family. In addition, this tool does not cause any inconvenience.

My hair almost stopped falling out! However, I did not use any other hair products. Of course, they did not grow as quickly as the manufacturer writes, but maybe I had a running stage.

What can I say, I didn’t notice intensive hair growth at all, however, as well as not intensive hair, both grew and grew - slowly!

There is no effect on my hair, as hair grew up to 1 cm per month and grows, serum does not accelerate hair growth, although I have been using it for more than two months.

The oil is really dummy. Why do I speak with confidence? I was at the reception of the trichologist and asked him, showing this oil. In 99.9% of cases, this oil works like a placebo. This is not a medicine, not a dietary supplement, so it can not stop hair loss. If we are talking about alopecia, then it is generally a waste of money in the bin.

How to use Andrea for hair growth?

If you ordered this serum, then it should be used as follows. Add in vegetable soy shampoo at the rate of 3 ml per 100 ml of shampoo (in a standard 250 ml shampoo bottle you will need to add about 8 ml of product). Even use a shampoo for its intended purpose - wash your hair as it is contaminated. Be sure to rub the cleanser well into the scalp so that the herbal ingredients can affect the hair follicles.

You can also use ANDREA as an independent tool - as a nourishing mask. To do this, repeat the remedy in the scalp, put on the shower cap and wrap the head with a towel. If you want to moisturize long hair - apply serum over the entire length. Leave the agent for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

To see the result (in our case, faster hair growth) means you need to use at least two months. A standard bottle of 20 ml should be just enough for this period. Like any other herbal remedy, this drug does not give any guarantee that your hair will react positively to this remedy (i.e., to accelerate their growth). However, if you have purchased a quality product, the composition of which is as described above, in any case, your hair will receive additional nutrition and conditioning.

Since we are unlikely to be able to check the composition of the serum on our own, be sure to perform a sensitivity test before the first use - apply some pure serum on the skin on the neck (along the hairline). Leave on for 5-10 minutes and evaluate the reaction of the skin. If immediately or after a day you feel an itch or redness appears on the skin - refuse to use this remedy.

The shelf life of serum ANDREA is 2 years from the date of production. After opening the bottle, the agent is recommended to be used within four months.

ANDREA for hair growth - buy or not?

We hope that our reader understands that there are no miracle products that could significantly accelerate hair growth. The maximum possible effect is the additional nourishment of the hair follicle and, as a result, a healthier look and perhaps a slightly faster hair growth.

As we wrote at the very beginning - the price on Chinese websites is quite low and you do not risk losing a lot of money even if the tool did not bring the expected result. Well, if you do not have the opportunity to order this serum, then we advise you to try the more usual for Russian women effective hair growth masks from the oils available to us - burdock, castor and tinctures on red pepper and the same ginseng root and ginger.


Watch the video: 3 Hairstyles in 1 Haircut - Men's short hair - Professional hair inspiration (June 2024).