Hair Growth

Top 5 recipes of vitamin spray for hair growth, how to cook yourself


Spray bottles, the contents of which so beckons with words like “shiny”, “silky”, “obedient” and promises in half a minute to turn hair from lifeless haystacks into a flowing waterfall ... Surely you wanted to buy this one, this and this spray, true? But they are not only stored indefinitely, and are unlikely to be used on time, if you buy everything you want at once. And there is no space left on the shelves because of the jars ... Yes, and their composition is often so-so ...

However, hair sprays have been and remain one of the most convenient and effective hair care products. First of all, thanks to the most convenient method of application. What to do? Do not deny yourself such joy just because the timing, place, composition. Of course not! Homemade hair sprays - easy to prepare and very effective thing.

Home spray is an absolutely natural remedy that does not harm curls.

Their undoubted plus is that the ingredients can be found in the nearest pharmacy, such a tool will cost ten times cheaper than the store, you will know exactly what is in the bottle, and you can prepare such sprays a lot - to use in the mood and to achieve different goals. We have collected for you the top 5 best homemade hair spray!


Herbs, cardamom and broken cinnamon sticks, put in a saucepan, pour 300 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave until the liquid has cooled completely. Strain the decoction through several layers of gauze or cloth. Add ginseng, shake well, pour into a container in which it is convenient to store the liquid, and send it for storage in the refrigerator.

Broths of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort will help to comprehensively solve hair problems

Pour a small amount of broth into a spray bottle before use. Then add a vial of vitamin PP to the product and shake. Apply the spray on the scalp, dividing the hair into several partings, and along the entire length of the curls. Gently massage the hair and skin.

Spray "Moisturizing + Energy"

Can be used for any hair type. It perfectly moisturizes the curls, gives them a healthy glow, energizes and returns vitality. It will be an excellent option for the care of hair, which has faded from the abuse of styling products, and also suffers from changes in humidity and temperature changes in the off-season.

Vitamin home spray

Real power hair! Suitable for any type of hair, but best of all - weakened, faded, brittle and tired hair that has long forgotten what living shine and elasticity are. The basis for the funds should be herbal decoction. It can be prepared from any herbs (one or several). If you doubt exactly what to use, you can make a decoction with the recipe for the first spray. A good option is to prepare a herbal brew designed to solve certain problems.

Choose a goal - for example, get rid of dandruff or emphasize natural hair color. Then the spray will work on two fronts at once: to provide hair with vitamins and energy, and at the same time to solve the problem to which the herbal collection is dedicated. For those who do not want to mess with steaming herbs, there is a light version of the recipe - on mineral water.

Firming homemade hair spray

This composition literally fills the hairs with strength from the inside - makes them stronger, eliminates brittleness, enhances shine and color. At the heart of means camomile broth. To cook it, 2 tbsp. dry flowers should be poured 500 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and infuse until the liquid has cooled. After that, carefully strain through a sieve or several layers of cheesecloth.

Principle of operation

It is not as difficult to make a spray for hair loss and growth for yourself. Components can be purchased at the pharmacy, and for spraying use a purchased or an old bottle from other means.

Homemade sprays solve a lot of hair and scalp problems:

  • strengthen and moisturize the strands
  • eliminate dandruff
  • reduce excessive sebum secretion
  • soften, tone up the basal areas, the scalp itself,
  • contribute to the speedy growth of hair,
  • help to keep the shape of hairstyles,
  • protect hair shafts from high temperatures and other negative effects,
  • improve combing
  • Give the curls shine, lively healthy look, rich color,
  • stimulate dormant follicles, increasing the density of the hair,
  • nourish the roots, preventing early hair loss.

The principle of operation is based on the properties of the components.:

  • Medicinal herbs treat and normalize the work of the fat glands, give a beautiful well-groomed appearance.
  • Mineral water enriches and nourishes, eliminates fat and dandruff.
  • Essential oilsmoisturize, give a pleasant light scent.
  • Oil solutions soften, nourish, stimulate blood circulation, lemon juice fixes hair, adds shine, makes brighter color.

There are components that eliminate the excess pomp, and there is the opposite, making the hair volume.

Did you know that Improve hair growth will help aromatherapy. How the procedure affects the quality and length of the curls, as well as how to choose a comb for hair, you will learn on our website.

In what cases is used

You can use sprays depending on hair problems.. For weak brittle and dull hair, a suitable home spray will give shine and strength; if it falls out and grows poorly, it will cope with this problem.

Apply sprays and to eliminate dry scalp, dandruff, to protect curls from ultraviolet radiation. If you are a fan of home nourishing and caring products, do-it-yourself hair spray just for you.

Whatever composition is used, before the procedure the bottle should be shaken, and if hot styling follows, then it is better to dry the applied composition on the hair.


There are many recipes for home-made homemade hair loss sprays, but they do not contain any chemistry. therefore contraindications may be only an individual reaction to the components of the product. For example, if pepper, nicotinic acid or some other aggressive growth promoter are included in the spray, this can cause a reaction in people with too tender, sensitive skin. Also may be allergic to some herbs, essential oils, other components. In addition, many remedies are contraindicated in children.

Also, contraindications may be various dermatosis, wounds on the scalp.

Making a spray for hair growth at home, you need to take only fresh high-quality raw materials, and make sure that the contents of the bottle does not deteriorate.

Homemade Spray Recipes

Herbal homemade spray from hair loss and for the growth of curls

It will take:

  • burdock - 1 tsp,
  • horsetail - 1 tsp,
  • St. John's Wort - 1 tsp,
  • nettle - 1 tsp,
  • calamus (spine) - 1 tsp,
  • cardamom - 2 pcs.,
  • ginseng - 1 ampoule,
  • cinnamon - 1 stick,
  • boiling water - 300 ml,
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid).


Chop the roots, chop herbs, pour boiling water over it, boil for 10 minutes. Put cardamom with cinnamon in the broth. After a couple of minutes, you can turn off the heat and cool the drug. Forty minutes later, strain the broth and add the remaining ingredients. Stir and pour into a spray bottle.

The composition is moisturizing and nourishing, makes the curls more docile, increases growth, prevents the loss of healthy hairs.

Council At the time of hair treatment is better to use a mild shampoo and a suitable balm. How to choose a balm for hair growth, you can also find on our website.

Lemon-oil spray on vodka.

It will take:

  • a pair of glasses of boiled water
  • rosemary oil - 5-7 ml
  • ylang-ylang oil - 5-7 ml,
  • vodka - 2 tablespoons,
  • juice of one medium lemon or two small ones.


Dilute vodka with water, add juice, oil, mix well. Pour into a bottle, keep in the chill. Spray such a mixture should be on washed hair, you can not rinse. It can be used daily or every other day for 2–3 weeks. Makes hair more manageable, strengthens the roots, promotes hair growth.

For those who constantly styled their hair in a hot way (hairdryer, thermal rollers, ironing, curling iron) there is an excellent way to protect the hair from burns and overdrying.

The hairstyle will keep its shape longer, and the strands will not split and fall out.

It will take:

  • decoction (green tea, nettle, succession - 2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs, taken in equal proportions),
  • citric acid - 1 tsp,
  • alcohol (boric) - half a teaspoon,
  • orange oil - 4 drops,
  • Jojoba oil - 15 drops.


Pour boiling water over the mixture of herbs, leave for about an hour, add the remaining components, mix well, pour out the bottle with the dispenser. Apply after shampooing, sprinkling strands, trying to avoid the root zone. Spray does not make the hair heavier, facilitates styling, protects the strands from negative effects.

For moisturizing and strengthening hair, increasing the length of curls

It will take:

  • mineral water - 3.5 tablespoons,
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons,
  • grapefruit and lemon extract - 8–9 drops each.


You can mix the ingredients directly in the bottle for later spraying. Close tight lid or nozzle, shake several times. Day give brew in the cold.

Council Spray on clean hair, does not require rinsing.

From brittleness and weakness of the hair, to increase the length, to strengthen and nourish the roots. Made on the basis of cyclomethicone, which contributes to the dissolution of oils.

It will take:

  • 250 drops of cyclomethicone,
  • 25 drops of jojoba oil,
  • 2 drops of lavender oil,
  • 3 drops of peppermint or lemon mint oil,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon nettle broth.


Mix all the components, pour into the bottle with the dispenser, spray on clean dried hair. Together with this spray it is good to apply a mask of two yolks, olive and burdock oil (60 gr. Each), applied to the basal areas before a shower, washed off with cool water. In combination with spray gives excellent results.

Hair looks healthy, hydrated, shiny, growth of strands increases.

Effect of use

The effect of the spray depends on the composition - some remedies relieve dandruff and oiliness, others promote growth and density, others nourish the strands and make the hair shiny, silky, and there are sprays with a complex effect.

For example, a vitamin hair spray mainly has nourishing functions, heals and strengthens the roots. This contributes not only to the best look of the hair, but also allows the strands to grow faster. It is not difficult to prepare such a hair spray with your own hands, and it brings benefit no less than expensive synthetic drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • natural ingredients do not harm the hair,
  • self-preparation eliminates poor-quality composition,
  • effective, effective means
  • low price
  • usability,
  • do not require rinsing,
  • easy to cook, easy to use,
  • Sprays of different compositions solve many problems (increase in growth, density, eliminate fatness / dryness, give volume to hair, protect from high-temperature styling, etc.),
  • availability of components (all components are easy to buy in a pharmacy, a store, herbs can be dried by itself).


  • relatively short shelf life
  • not suitable for all hair
  • Some formulations may make hair heavy.

In conclusion, we can conclude that hair sprays, made at home with their own hands, are no less effective than the products of branded cosmetic lines. You only need to carefully select the components for your hair type, and recipes that will solve individual problems. As in the use of professional products, we need a system and regularity, only then can we expect a decent result.

To increase the length and thickness of the hair will help the right care. We recommend to acquire such means for hair growth:

Useful videos

Natural hair spray with your own hands.

Spray activator do it yourself.

Thermal spray

Suitable for all hair types that are regularly exposed to high temperatures. Thermal protection is a must for those who love hair dryers, curling irons and ironing. Without this hair just can not look healthy and well-groomed. Of course, it’s not worth counting on the same effect that manufacturers of chemical agents promise.

Do you like styling? Then heat protection spray you just need!

However, the spray will protect the hair from heat. To enhance it, pay more attention to the hair dryer, curling iron or ironing that you use. Choose only high-quality products so that drying or styling requires a short impact on the hair. When choosing a flat iron, give preference to ceramic plates. If they are heated unevenly, the hair has to go through again and again, which is very harmful to them.

Useful properties of homemade hair sprays

Boast the absence of problems with the scalp can not many lucky women. Most of the fair sex often faces not one of them, but several at once.

Hair is constantly exposed to the drying action of sunlight, suffer from improper diet, smoking, stress. In winter, the evaporation of moisture needed to power the curls, contribute to the heating devices in the summer - air conditioners. Sharp temperature changes when leaving a warm house in the cold freeze them for life. In this case, it is worth starting a complex therapy with hair sprays.

Home aerosol curls has many advantages. It does not contain chemistry, consists of available elements, relieves dryness (fat), nourishes and protects the hair, it is easy to prepare and apply.

Homemade hair sprays are as good as their effects, and they have the following advantages:

    Composition. The almost complete absence of non-natural ingredients, preservatives. Adequate content in the liquid beneficial, nutrients.

Availability. All components are cheap, they are easy to find in the refrigerator, pharmacy, garden or garden.

Activity. High degree of effectiveness, speed of impact.

Ease of manufacture. A variety of recipes, interchangeability of elements allow in a short time to prepare personal composition.

  • Versatility. The possibility of an integrated approach to getting rid of hair ailments.

  • If there are several problems with the strands, you can prepare the appropriate products or assemble one multifunctional composition. The liquid opens the hair flake and facilitates easy penetration of the food inside it.

    Homemade sprays are not only aimed at imparting gloss and beauty to curls, they are able to eliminate the most common diseases of the skin and scalp. Herbal decoctions, natural oils, juices, vitamin preparations, mineral supplements in the composition of household products will create a miracle and return the lost effect to the head of hair.

    Useful properties of home sprays will help to solve the following tasks in the struggle for health and splendor of curls:

      Elimination of dryness, fragility, section of the ends,

    Treatment of seborrhea, alopecia,

    Dandruff treatment,

    Slowing and complete suspension of loss, strengthening the roots,

    Giving shine, gloss, pomp,

    Activation of hair growth,

    Normalization of scalp and hair greasiness,

    Moisturizing, nourishing, softening,

    Toning effect on the scalp,

    Facilitating combing, styling,

    Protection from negative environmental influences, seasonal weather conditions, thermal effects,

    Keeping your hair neat during the day,

  • Giving freshness, delicate aroma, neutralization of unwanted odors after perm, dyeing.

  • The composition and components of homemade hair spray

    The primary purpose of the spray - moisturizing, providing complex treatment of skin and scalp, in need of support. The liquid base easily combines with many healing supplements.

    According to its predominant effects, home sprays can be divided into two large groups - medical and decorative. If medical treatments are mainly aimed at combating the disease of the hair and scalp, improving the follicles and strengthening the roots, the decorative ones improve the strands visually. Some compounds are universal, perform wellness and parallel caring functions.

    For systematic care of curls, you can constantly prepare one recipe you like or alternate several different compositions, achieving the maximum effect. The above ingredients are included in the spray, it is easy to find in a pharmacy or at home.

    Homemade hair sprays are prepared in the form of a liquid solution, which may contain healing components, most often the following:

      Vitamins A and E. Stabilize and regulate metabolic processes in the skin of the head, strengthen, nourish the roots of hairs.

    Vitamin B5, glycine. They protect the hair with thermal styling, drying, restore its healthy appearance after exposure to the sun or in the cold, have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.

    Vitamin PP. This is an element of paramount importance in the composition of a highly effective hair spray. It promotes better penetration into the skin of all other micronutrients.

    Keratin. Due to this substance hair has shine and elasticity. It returns liveliness and elasticity to curls, eliminates fragility, stratification of hairs, restores its structure.

    Vegetable oils. Oil (peach, flaxseed, almond, burdock, castor and others), first of all, is a good softening and moisturizing component, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair follicles and skin. Many oils are excellent hair growth stimulants, give them strength and shine. The base ones make them somewhat heavier, just add a tablespoon to the aerosol.

    Herbal Extracts. Broths, infusions, husks of any medicinal herbs (nettle, chamomile, hops, string, calendula, mint, St. John's wort, aloe) have a complex effect: they activate hair growth, strengthen the roots, wake up the follicles, smooth out their scales, prolong the life of curls. To obtain a concentrated solution, it is made with a small amount of water, evaporated to 2-3 times to reduce the volume, cooled and filtered.

    Essential oils. In addition to flavoring the hair, oils (ylang-ylang, thyme, rosemary, pine, sage, coconut, lavender) provoke hair growth, resume normal nutrition of the roots and skin. Use a few drops of oil concentrate in the spray.

    Magnesium, copper, zinc. Stimulate the growth of strands, restore their life cycle, strengthen the inner hair shaft, normalize the sebaceous glands.

    A nicotinic acid. Non-hormonal pharmacy drug. Activates hair growth. Add acid, breaking the vial immediately before applying the aerosol, the substance is destroyed in air.

    Alcohol tinctures. Tinctures (ginseng, pepper, calendula) boost blood flow to the surface of the scalp, increase blood circulation, inject bulbs into the phase of active growth, act as a preservative.

    Mustard. Helps to cope with oily skin, grease strands. Mustard rinse with mustard no later than half an hour.

  • Lemon juice. Excellent tool that makes curls lush, radiant, healthy, docile, strong. Included in many recipes. Its lightening effect will appeal to blondes.

  • Not all aerosol liquids are universal, many of them are directed. Therefore, it is necessary first to analyze the condition of the hair, to identify their main problems and to pay due attention to the selection of the optimal composition.

    To prepare a liquid with a healing effect, you need to pre-stock the following items:

      Liquid. The basis of home aerosol can be micellar, thermal, distilled, mineral without gas or ordinary boiled water. A good base is non-concentrated decoctions of medicinal herbs.

    Capacity. Suitable purchase sprayer, a small volume spray. Size is especially important if the tool is used during the day and lies in a purse. Heavy bottle difficult to hold in your hand. Optimally - 200-250 ml.

    A bowl. The bowl for connecting the components should not be metal, preferably porcelain, glass.

    Ladle. A suitable saucepan or ladle for making decoctions.

  • Ingredients. Selected in accordance with selected recipes.

  • Use the recipes given here with a detailed description of the ingredients, the cooking algorithm and the purpose of using the home spray to get the desired result.

    Use of the application

    Spraying specially prepared mortar onto strands promotes:

    • moisturizing curls,
    • saturation of hair follicles with nutrients
    • protection heels from the negative effects of sunlight,
    • to strengthen strands,
    • facilitates the process of combing curls
    • activating hair growth.

    Additional advantages of the application are:

    • convenient method of use - spraying
    • duration of exposure - spray applied to the strands is not washed off during the day.

    On our site you can get acquainted with a huge number of recipes for homemade hair growth masks: with nicotinic acid, from coffee grounds, with vodka or brandy, with mustard and honey, with aloe, with gelatin, with ginger, from henna, from bread, with kefir, with cinnamon, egg and onion.

    What is a vitamin spray?

    Depending on the problems, you can purchase vitamin sprays or emulsions - this name is also widely used:

    • moisturizing,
    • fixing
    • protect from the harmful effects of the environment,
    • medicinal,
    • giving volume.

    Packaging form - dispensing can or aerosol package. The structure includes proteins, vegetable oils, vitamin-mineral complex, sometimes silicone.

    Professional products are conveniently packaged, tubes can be applied with them - most often in a package of not more than 150 ml. After spraying, the dispersed mixtures form the thinnest film on the hair, due to which the keratin scales smooth out and fit tightly to each other, which gives the curls a healthy look.

    The effectiveness of the action is visually visible after the first application. After washing the head, the vitamin spray is applied to the hair roots and along the entire length of the strands, the product is not washed off. Apply homemade sprays - like professional - you can also several times a day. Hair will become healthy, shiny, they will be easy to comb.

    Professional Vitamin Sprays Review

    If there is an opportunity to purchase a vitamin spray for hair in the store, then at home you will not have to think about the composition and look for recipes for the preparation of a protective emulsion. The price of cosmetic sprays with vitamins is quite budget, and the ingredients - not counting the preservatives - are natural.

    • Vitamin spray for hair "Homemade recipes"

    1. propolis microemulsion,
    2. Niacin - Vitamin PP,
    3. Riboflavin - vitamin B2,
    4. calcium pantothenate - vitamin B5,
    5. starch derivatives are cyclodextrins, they have a similar structure to keratin molecules, which allows nutrients to penetrate the root layer and hair follicles.
    • Vitamin hair spray "Live vitamins" from the company Natura Siberica

    The product is not sticky, has a pleasant light texture, is evenly distributed along the strands and does not weigh down the hairstyle.

    It consists of only extracts from natural plant materials - herbs and berries:

    • lemongrass,
    • lungfish,
    • Sophora Japanese,
    • cloudberries,
    • blueberries,
    • wormwood
    • dog rose,
    • Kislitsy,
    • blackberries
    • chamomile.

    Manufacturers claim that the composition of the emulsions for the hair is not parabens and fragrances.

    Considering the composition of the vitamin emulsion on the label, we can conclude that it is also easy to make at home.

    How to make homemade vitamin hair spray

    • Recipe number 1 - vitamin spray for hair growth

    To prepare you will need:

    1. spray bottle,
    2. glass or ceramic container is not very wide, with a convenient edge, so that it is easy to overflow finished products,
    3. funnel,
    4. gauze,
    5. distilled water - 1.5 cups,
    6. lemon juice - 6 tablespoons,
    7. vodka - 2 tablespoons - or medical alcohol - a little more than 1 spoon,
    8. essential oils - rosemary and ylang-ylang.

    Lemon juice is gently squeezed through cheesecloth and filtered - the presence of pieces or peel in the liquid is unacceptable, the spray can clog. The resulting juice is poured into a container, water and vodka (medical alcohol) are poured there, and 5 drops of essential oils are dripped. A well-mixed cocktail is poured into a bottle, closed tightly, and cleaned for a day in the refrigerator.

    Since there are no preservatives in the home remedy, it should be stored in a cold place.

    • Recipe number 2 - vitamin spray for damaged hair

    To restore over-dried hair damaged by frequent dyeing, a recipe with ingredients is suitable:

    1. grapefruit hydrolat - 1/2 cup,
    2. polysorbate olive 80 - 2 mg,
    3. vitamin B5 - pantenonic acid,
    4. peppermint, ylang-ylang, rosemary essential oils.

    Vitamins and essential oils are sold in the pharmacy, polysorbate and hydrolat - on the site of soap makers. Handy tools - as in the first recipe.

    Hydrolat can be prepared independently. To do this, put a grapefruit rind into a steamer - the rind of one fruit per 500 ml of water - a container is placed in the middle into which evaporated moisture enriched with grapefruit acids will drain. Cover with a lid on top, isolate the holes with foil, and set the mode to 1 hour.

    The hydrolate is heated to 20 ° C — or cooled down, if it has just been evaporated — polysorbate and panthenic acid are added. In a cool mixture drip 4 drops of essential products. Pour into a container with a spray and clean in a cool place. Put on the entire length of the strands after each hygienic procedure.

    • Recipe number 3 - universal vitamin spray for all hair types

    Ingredient for the simplest spray:

    1. mineral water - 1/4 cup,
    2. ampoules of vitamins B thiamine, niacin, pantenonic acid, pyridoxine, cyanocoblamine,
    3. tablespoon of aloe juice.

    Mineral water can be replaced by herbal infusion. For dry hair, they brew linden, sage, juniper, eucalyptus, mint, for normal ones, chamomile, nettle, mint and my lemissa. Oily hair - an infusion of chamomile, horsetail, hop cones, yarrow. Can be used for the preparation of infusions herbal or aloe. If aloe is not on the windowsill, its juice can be replaced with an extract from the ampoule.

    Mix the ingredients according to the following algorithm:

    • the liquid is poured into the vial - the mixing tank can be set aside, all the ingredients are easily connected,
    • All vitamins and aloe are also added there,
    • everyone shakes well.

    The above universal recipe can be modified and enriched the composition of ingredients at its discretion.

    It is possible to experiment with aromas and components by adding various hilralates - grapefruit, lemon, dandelion, pink. You can evaporate any ingredients.

    If you do not want to engage in the preparation of floral water, there is another way - add a few drops of essential oils with a pleasant smell. Rosemary, geranium, ylang-ylang, pine, vanilla or thyme essential oils have an effective effect on hair.

    To ensure that the vitamin spray not only has a nourishing effect, but also stimulates the work of the hair follicles, the composition of the spray can be enriched with nicotinic acid. Before you introduce a new ingredient - nicotinic acid - you should make a test for skin reaction. This medicine has increased allergenicity. A little nicotinic acid is applied on the elbow bend and wait 2 hours. There is no irritation - you can safely supplement the vitamin spray, enhancing its action.

    Some author's recipes include another ingredient - tincture of red pepper. It has not only an irritating, but also a drying effect. At the roots, it does not have time to have a noticeable effect, but keratin rods, having dried out in daylight, the particles of pepper will eat away for a long time. It is not necessary to introduce this ingredient in the composition of the spray.

    If the hair is very greasy, you can to vitamin "Cocktail" add lemon juice.

    • Recipe number 4 - vitamin spray for hair shine

    Mix half a cup of chamomile brew — its color should be intense — with a teaspoon of almond oil and your favorite essential hair oils. hair sprayed daily.

    Almond oil can be replaced with jojoba, peach or shea butter, but not in any way flaxseed - as many herbalists wrongly advise. Linseed oil is immediately oxidized in the light, emitting harmful phenol. Linseed oil is used only in masks, which are applied under the insulation and then thoroughly washed off.

    Experimenting with household formulations, it is necessary to look for information about the compatibility between herbs and other ingredients. Not all plant materials and vitamins are combined with each other. If you get carried away and combine the wrong ingredients, the spray will have a negative impact on the condition of the hair.


    To begin with, it can be a universal remedy - for hair and body. You can not fortify the legs and hands with a mask or shampoo, but the spray is perfectly absorbed by the skin, and if it is designed for hair, most likely it will not be too oily, which means it will be absorbed quickly and will not leave marks on clothes. As a bonus - a pleasant aroma that will stay with you for a long time. Thus you can save on perfume.

    Spray is fast. Agree, there is not always time to lie in the bathroom, make a mask, spend 15 minutes on it, or even half an hour. Very often, time is not on our side and every minute counts. For such cases, two clicks to the final drying and styling and you are delicious, and your hair is saturated with vitamins.

    The effect of the spray can be directed not only at strengthening or feeding, but also at giving volume, protection from harmful environmental factors. Simply put, spray is a multifunctional tool.

    Useful components

    Vitamin A - Assistant for those who often resort to using hair dyes, especially if this is done to lighten them. It is responsible for restoring the hair structure, prevents excessive fragility and gives a healthy shine, making hair more manageable.

    Vitamin B. Most of all, it is suitable for girls suffering from excessive fat. It simultaneously strengthens the roots and scalp, maintaining the correct water balance. Due to this, dryness and dandruff disappear.

    Vitamin C. This element is responsible for healthy circulation. Its presence in the care products is mandatory for those who suffer from hair loss. As a prophylactic agent with vitamin C in the composition can be purchased in the spring, when the body is particularly lacking beneficial elements.

    Vitamin D. This sir is responsible for the density and growth rate of your hair. With its help, the structure is saturated with oxygen and microelements necessary for a strong structure.So we can say that this vitamin, like a foreman, is responsible for construction.

    With nicotinic acid

    1. Cook herbal decoctionsuitable for your hair type.
    2. In 50 ml of broth (you can replace with mineral water) add nicotinic acid (1 ampoule) and essential oil of thyme, pine or rosemary (1 drop).
    3. To stir thoroughly, pour into a spray bottle, apply on curls after each shampooing.

    Watch the video tutorial on making this spray:

    In the presence of individual intolerance to nicotinic acid, it can be replaced by the addition of pepper tincture.

    Solution store in a dark, cold place for 7 days.

    Grass collection

    1. Cook herbal decoction: in boiling water (200 ml), add nettle (1 teaspoon), burdock leaves (1 teaspoon), cinnamon (1 stick), cardamom (3 things), let it stand warm for about 2 hours.
    2. In cooled and filtered decoction add ginseng tincture (1 jar), mix. Put in storage in the fridge.
    3. Immediately before use, pour the required amount of decoction into a jar with a spray bottle and add nicotinic acid (1 ampoule) there, provided that the component is not individually hypersensitive.
    4. It is possible to apply means dailyspraying the entire length of the strands.

    Vodka solution

    1. In boiled cooled water (400 ml) add lemon juice (8 tablespoons) vodka (2 tablespoons), rosemary essential oils and ylang-ylang (2 drops each), mix thoroughly.
    2. Pour the prepared solution into the container, keep the day in the fridge.
    3. Next, pour the tool in a spray bottle, apply only to the hair roots daily, for 30 days.

    With fresh nettles and burdock

    1. Mix the chopped leaves of burdock nettle (2 tablespoons) pour vodka (70-100 ml).
    2. Put the mixture in a jar with a lid, and leave in a dark, cool place for 14 days.
    3. Ready tincture strain, dilute with warm boiled water (50 ml), poured into a container with a spray.
    4. Apply spray 3 times a week. until the desired results are obtained.

    Terms of use

    • spray should be on dry, clean, combed hair,
    • before using the bottle should to shake up,
    • when applying the spray, it is not necessary to overdo it: the hair should be slightly damp, 5 - 7 sprays will be enough along the entire length of the hair (in exceptional cases only at the roots),
    • if you want to hold a hot hair styling, it is necessary to allow the solution to dry,
    • after applying the solution it do not immediately flush with the exception of the spray with the content of oil components,
    • follows keep spray properly (if necessary in the refrigerator) and dispose of at the expiration date.

    Useful materials

    Read our other articles on hair regrowth:

    • Tips on how to grow curls after a square or another short haircut, return the natural color after staining, speed up growth after chemotherapy.
    • Lunar calendar haircuts and how often do you need to cut your hair while growing?
    • The main reasons why strands grow poorly, what hormones are responsible for their growth and what foods affect good growth?
    • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
    • Means that can help you grow: effective serums for hair growth, in particular the Andrea brand, Estelle and Alerana products, pameric water and various lotions, shampoo and oil of the Horse Power brand, as well as other growth shampoos, in particular, activator shampoo Gold silk.
    • For opponents of traditional means we can offer folk: mummy, various herbs, tips on using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes for making homemade shampoo
    • Vitamins are very important for the health of the hair: read the review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the features of the use of vitamins of group B, in particular B6 and B12.
    • Learn about the various preparations for enhancing growth in ampoules and tablets.

    The effect of the use of home spray to stimulate hair growth

    With regular and proper use of natural ingredients for hair growth at home, using a spray method will speed up the growth of the strands (up to 4 cm per month).

    And also give the curls a healthy well-groomed look.

    Using the prepared spray for hair growth, you get the maximum effect in a few months.

    And for this you do not need to make special efforts and costs.

    Effect on hair and scalp

    Why homemade spray no worse than the finished composition? There are several reasons:

    • the absence of chemical ingredients that adversely affect the skin, strands,
    • easy preparation
    • available ingredients at a reasonable price,
    • high activity of components.

    Prepare one or more varieties of natural sprays. Choose a product with a complex effect on the hair.

    Action - from fixing to solving problems of the epidermis and strands:

    • moisturize
    • struggling with dandruff
    • facilitate combing,
    • give curls shine, silkiness,
    • eliminate the increased greasiness of the scalp,
    • normalize hair growth
    • strengthen the roots, rods, soften the skin,
    • support the shape of hair,
    • protect hair shafts from heat.
    • slow hair loss.

    How to take Duovit for hair health? We have the answer!

    Read about the properties and use of shiseido tsubaki shampoo at this address.

    Secrets of use

    Purchase the necessary ingredients, prepare the container, select one or two suitable recipes. To prepare a liquid with beneficial properties is easy.

    It will take:

    • a bottle (vial) with a 200–250 ml dispenser. Do not use a half liter container: it is inconvenient to hold it in your hands, the bottle takes up a lot of space in the handbag,
    • thermal or mineral water without gas,
    • ingredients according to the selected recipe,
    • a porcelain or glass mixing bowl,
    • pan for cooking decoctions.

    Tips, little tricks:

    • use fresh food, squeeze lemon juice just before cooking,
    • brew green tea from leaves, tea bags containing dyes are not suitable,
    • Use one or more types of herbs for a healthy broth. Properly selected collection components will enhance the effect on skin, strands,
    • add a certain amount of drops of essential oil: “brute force” of highly active components sometimes causes irritation, itching, dandruff,
    • apply a spray from a distance of 20-30 cm from the head of hair, like hair spray or a ready-made moisturizing composition,
    • make sure that after processing the strands do not look stale, stuck together. Is this effect noticeable? You have broken the proportions or put a lot of spray on the curls,
    • shake the bottle before each use
    • Keep a home remedy with active properties in the refrigerator for no more than a week, sometimes 10 days,
    • The optimal frequency of treatment of curls and epidermis - two or three times a day. With a tight work schedule, apply gentle spray in the morning and evening,
    • do not need to wash off the natural spray.

    Best recipes

    Learn the rules of making and applying natural formulations, think about what kind of hair problem bothers you more. The natural composition, caring for the scalp, is equally suitable for owners of luxurious, elastic curls and straight healthy (weakened) strands.

    Spray for dry hair


    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
    • decoction of flaxseed - 100 ml
    • Lavender ester or ylang-ylang - 4 drops.


    • put flax seeds (a tablespoon) in a container, pour boiling water (100 ml), let it brew for an hour,
    • cool oily liquid cool, strain, add the rest of the ingredients,
    • Keep the composition in the cold, be sure to shake.

    Action, application:

    • means actively moistens strands, saturates with microelements, vitamins, refreshes, eliminates fragility, fights dandruff,
    • process the strands and skin twice a day.

    Herbal for hair growth

    Prepare a healing herbal decoction, add other active ingredients. You receive useful liquid with unique properties, spray from a hair loss.


    • calamus root, burdock, St. John's wort, horsetail, nettle - 1 tsp each,
    • boiling water - 300 ml,
    • vitamin PP in ampoules - 1 pc.,
    • ginseng tincture - 30 ml,
    • cinnamon stick
    • cardamom - 2 pcs.


    • cut the roots small, chop dry herbs, brew, boil the liquid for 15 minutes, put the cinnamon, cardamom,
    • after 2 minutes, remove the saucepan from the stove, cool the broth,
    • after forty minutes, filter the basis for the treatment mixture, pour it into the bowl,
    • add other ingredients, pour into bottle with dispenser.


    • slows hair loss,
    • moisturizes, nourishes,
    • restores the quality of the hair,
    • accelerates the growth of curls.

    For smoothness and easy scratching


    • nettle, chamomile, train, leaves of green tea, mint - a teaspoon,
    • hot water - 200 ml,
    • essential oil of orange (dry strands), lemon (fat curls), tea tree (any type of hair) - 5 drops.

    Spray preparation for easy combing:

    • Prepare a decoction of these herbs. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, remove from heat, strain in 30–40 minutes,
    • add any ether, fill the bottle with the dispenser with the treating agent,
    • keep no more than 4–5 days in the cold,
    • shake the container before use
    • spray the composition after each wash curls.

    Composition for the treatment of damaged curls

    Does the hair have lost its shine and softness? After chemistry, the strands stick out in different directions, dandruff, redness appeared, the skin itchy? Treat weakened hairs, reduce inflammation with a simple herbal decoction agent.


    • chamomile decoction - 150 ml,
    • lavender or orange ether - 4–5 drops,
    • flax seed oil - 15 drops.

    Preparation, application:

    • put the components together, pour them into the spray bottle,
    • process your hair daily in the morning and in the evening,
    • use a small amount of funds, otherwise the strands will get a stale appearance (affected by the presence of linseed oil),
    • keep the product in the cold for 7–10 days,

    Tip! In the summer and during the heating season, be sure to use a homemade moisturizing spray. The combination of oils and herbal decoction will certainly heal dry, burned curls, soften the epidermis, eliminate inflammation.

    Learn all about the action of Liberoderm shampoo with panthenol.

    The best recipes for hair masks with aloe are collected in this article.

    Go to and read about using burdock oil for hair growth.

    Homemade styling

    Strengthen the fixation, to maintain the perfect shape of the hair will help the composition of natural ingredients. When preparing hair styling spray, be sure to stick to proportions, do not add more alcohol than you should: instead of high-quality styling, you will get excessive dry hair.


    • medium lemon,
    • a glass of mineral water without gas
    • Medical alcohol - 3 drops.


    • cut the lemon into slices, fold into the pan, pour in the water,
    • simmer the liquid over low heat until the volume is reduced by half,
    • cool lemon solution, strain. Make sure that there is no pulp left, add alcohol,
    • fill the spray bottle, put the product in the fridge,
    • before creating the hair, treat the strands from a distance of at least 20 cm, wait until the hair dries.

    Moisturizing with coconut oil

    Another simple recipe for hair volume spray:

    • Mix a teaspoon of hair gel in a glass bowl, add ½ tsp. coconut oil
    • in another container, prepare a solution of a teaspoon of sea salt without dyes, fragrances and 200 ml of warm water,
    • combine the contents of two bowls, mix thoroughly,
    • Pour the composition with a delicate flavor into the prepared container with dispenser,
    • before laying from a distance of 20-30 cm, apply the composition on the strands.

    Note! Coconut oil moisturizes, nourishes the skin, hairs with vitamins. The gel and sea salt slightly dry the epidermis, strands. With increased dryness of the curls, use less often such a soft remedy as a styling spray from natural ingredients.

    The easiest recipe

    You will need thermal water from any well-known manufacturer. If it is not yet possible to purchase luxury products, replace the water from the hot springs with an ordinary “mineral water” without gas. Buy the composition in glass containers, branded packaging to avoid counterfeiting.

    Cooking method:

    • Pour 200–250 ml of natural mineral or thermal water into a bottle with a dispenser,
    • add essential oil suitable for your type of hair, shake the container,
    • all home spray is ready.


    • in the heat, with excessive dry air in the room, spray a moisturizing spray on strands of any quality,
    • process curls, skin in the morning, afternoon, an hour before bedtime.

    Important! Regular use of fluid maintains the water balance of the epidermis, strands, refreshes, saturates with minerals. For a noticeable effect, high-quality mineral or thermal water is needed.

    You do not trust the finished cosmetic products? Or decided to experiment, prepare a spray for hair at home? Feel free to get down to business!

    The following video recipe spray for hair growth at home:

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    How to make a homemade hair spray with salt

    The tool will help keep hair, fix styling, make curls wavy, give them a pleasant aroma. In order to avoid dryness of hairs make nourishing, moisturizing masks weekly or more often.

    You will need: warm, clean water - 180 ml, sea salt - 30 g, hair gel - 30 g, coconut oil - 15 ml.

      In heated water dilute sea salt.

    Pour gel and oil into the liquid.

  • Pour into a spray bottle. Shelf life - one and a half weeks.

  • Application: spray the liquid on the straps just before laying.

    Homemade dry hair spray with flax seed

    Helps dry, brittle hair, eliminates dandruff, nourishes, nourishes with trace elements, gives freshness.

    You will need: decoction of flax seed - 100 ml, lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., lavender oil (ylang-ylang) - 4 drops.

      Flax seed (1 tbsp. L.) Pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour.

    Strain the cooled liquid, mix with the other components.

  • Pour into a bottle, put in the cold.

  • Before use, shake the bottle, spray the composition on the hair and skin twice a day.

    Homemade hair spray with vitamins

    For nutrition, enhance growth, strengthen hair.

    You will need: a decoction of herbs or mineral water - 50 ml, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B12) - 1 ampoule (not all of them are possible), aloe preparation - 1 ampoule,

      Compiled collection of herbs suitable for hair type (1 tbsp. L.), Pour boiling water (250 ml), boil.

    Cooled decoction strain, mix with the contents of ampoules.

  • Pour the liquid into the sprayer. To improve the smell add vanilla or flower water.

  • Application: after each hair wash, work the strands from root to tip.

    Home spray hair with olive oil and burdock

    The composition will strengthen weak, brittle hairs.

    You will need: egg yolks - 2 pcs., Olive oil and burdock - 60 ml, a little water.

      Combine yolks with oils.

    Dilute with boiled water to a liquid consistency.

  • Pour into spray container. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

  • Application: apply the spray on the curls, abundantly watering the roots for 30 minutes. before water treatments.Rinse with warm water so that the yolks do not coagulate, wash the shampoo.

    Homemade spray for hair growth with nicotinic acid

    The tool activates hair growth.

    You will need: nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule, essential oil (ylang-ylang, rosemary, sage, or other) - 3 ml, mineral water (decoction of herbs) - 60 ml.

      Mix in a cup of mineral water with essential oil.

    Add to the mixture the contents of one ampoule with "nicotine".

  • Pour the liquid into the vial. Store in the refrigerator for up to seven days.

  • Application: spray the composition on the washed hair before laying.

    How to make a hair spray at home with lemon

    The spray will protect hairs that suffer from frequent use of thermosetting agents (iron, hairdryer, curling iron, etc.) and the negative influence of the external environment.

    You will need: purified water - 200 ml, large lemon - 1 pc.

      Squeeze the juice from the lemon and dilute with water. You can add chopped lemon leftovers.

    Put the liquid in a scoop on a small fire. Boil until the volume is halved.

  • Cool, filter, pour into a bottle with a spray. Store in the cold for 7 days.

  • Application: Spray evenly on clean, moist curls. Lay in a hairdress by means of any device for hair. Not for frequent use - it lightens hair, 1-2 times a week is enough.

    Spray with herbs at home for combing hair

    Spray will make combing tangled strands more comfortable, give them a fresh, delicate flavor. With the systematic use of strengthened roots, activated hair growth.

    You will need: collecting herbs (mint, nettle, chamomile, string, green tea) - 1 tsp. Each, water - 200 ml, tea tree essential oil (dry strands - orange, fatty - lemon) - 5 drops.

      Collection of herbs pour boiling water, boil for 5 minutes.

    Defend 30-40 minutes, strain.

    Add essential oil, shake well.

  • Pour into the sprayer, put it in the fridge. Shelf life - 5 days.

  • Application: shake the tool, apply on washed curls.

    Spray for hair growth at home with vodka

    Stimulates hair growth. The effect will be more noticeable and more likely with daily use of the drug.

    You will need: purified water - 2 glasses, good vodka - 2 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 8 tbsp. l., essential oils (ylang-ylang, rosemary) - 2 drops.

      Combine the liquid ingredients (vodka, water, lemon juice).

    Add essential oils, shake well.

  • Put the composition in a spray bottle, put it in the fridge for a day.

  • Application: spray spray only on the roots, avoiding the ends of the strands, so as not to overdry them.

    Spray with essential oils for dry hair at home

    Hair will be saturated with moisture and will get a magnificent aroma.

    You will need: water (spring, mineral, purified) - 100 ml, essential oil (grapefruit, mint, ylang-ylang) - 5 drops each, olive oil - 1 tbsp. l., vitamin B5 - 5 ml.

      Connect all the ingredients in a bowl.

    Put the liquid in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

  • Pour into a bottle with a spray.

  • Application: after the specified time has elapsed, spray the curls. If you find it too heavy, reduce the amount of essential oils.

    Mustard spray for oily hair at home

    The spray fights against oily hair, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation.

    It will take: cognac - 15 ml, mustard powder - by volume as much as cognac, egg yolks - 2 pcs., Aloe juice - 20 ml, boiled water.

      Add mustard powder to cognac, add egg yolks and aloe juice.

    Dilute the thick mass with clean water to the desired consistency.

  • Pour into spray bottle. Shelf life in the refrigerator - 7 days.
  • .
    Application: spray the hair roots twice a week, remove the composition after 30 minutes in the usual way.

    How to use hair spray at home

    Any curative or caring remedy will be useful, effective, subject to certain rules in its manufacture and use. Home spray can be prepared for future use and applied within a week if it does not contain perishable ingredients. In any case, the best place to store it is the refrigerator.

    Instructions for the use of therapeutic aerosol is simple. Previously, it was recommended by cosmetologists to conduct health procedures with courses - 2-4 months per year. Currently, they advise systematic care. Spray spray on curls every day, and some even in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before bedtime, combining it with a skin massage.

    The rules for working with home sprays are as follows:

      Preparation for use. So that all the components of the product are connected, the liquid becomes homogeneous, vigorously shake the vial several times.

    Drawing. To get maximum use, spray the composition only on clean locks, preferably immediately after washing. With the exception of styling sprays, daily wetting and environmental protection - they are applied as needed (up to 3 times per day).

    Piling. Before working with electrical devices to create hairstyles (iron, curling iron, hair dryer, styler, tongs and others), apply a spray, give it time to soak into curls and scalp, then start styling dried strands.

    Combing. Apply the treatment composition for the entire length of the curls. Comb and spray thoroughly, from the roots to the tips.

    Freshness of the product. Due to the fact that the composition of home hair spray includes natural, often perishable products, check its quality before each use. Smell the contents of the bottle, there is no unpleasant smell, look at it in the light, make sure that there is no mold, atypical discoloration. Immediately pour out the spoiled spray, wash thoroughly and boil the vial (if reusable).

    Moderation of use. To heighten the effect, do not “pour” curls with the prepared composition. In all it is necessary to observe the measure. If the strands are slightly wet, it is enough to make 5-7 clicks on the spray head to evenly cover all the spray.

  • Flushing. Some products must be removed from the hair after their exposure, others must remain and do not require final water treatment.

  • The ease of preparation of aerosol means for strands allows you to collect it immediately before use. It is not necessary to wash off moisturizing, protecting drugs, on the contrary, their best action is the whole daylight, the frequency of application is 1-3 times. Oil-strengthening compositions must be removed with warm water after the time specified in the recipe.

    We offer you a video of preparing homemade hair spray:

    How to make a homemade hair growth spray

    After you have washed your hair, perhaps even making a useful mask for them or peeling the scalp, it's time to apply an indelible hair care product during the day. The most convenient way to do this is in the form of a spray. You can make homemade hair spray, consisting of decoctions of herbs, vitamins and other useful components. No chemistry! Cheap, natural and effective.

    Vitamin hair spray

    As a solvent, you need to prepare a decoction of herbs suitable for your hair type (select them using the article “Herbs for hair”), or simply take mineral water. Volume 50 ml.

    Next, add: - 1 ampoule of B vitamins: B1, B5, B6, B12. You can not all. - 1 ampoule of liquid aloe preparation. All this is sold in a pharmacy. Mix everything, pour into a spray bottle and apply on the scalp and hair.

    For hair growth with nicotinic acid

    It is prepared similarly to the first recipe, but if your goal is to enhance hair growth, then we will add the following components to our home hair spray: - 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid.

    Before the first use of nicotinic acid, it makes sense to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a drop of nicotinic acid on the skin on the crook of the elbow and wait a couple of hours. If discomfort and redness did not appear, then this drug is not contraindicated to you. You can replace pepper tincture. - 1 drop of essential oil (thyme, rosemary, sage, ylang-ylang or pine). Apply after each hair wash.

    Herbal spray for rapid growth and strengthening of hair

    This way how to make a homemade hair spray is more complex and consists of unusual components, but its effect will make you happy! In addition, it is well stored and you can prepare a fairly large number and use a little. Take a small container in which you can brew herbs, and throw one teaspoon of such herbs as:

    You can correct this list based on the individual characteristics of your hair. Crumble 1 cinnamon stick and add 3 cardamom things.

    Brew with boiling water (about 300 ml). It is desirable to wrap the container warmly in order to properly decorate the broth. You can even use a thermos for this. After cooling, pour the broth, strain and pour into a jar with a lid, convenient for storage in the refrigerator, add the same bottle of alcohol tincture of ginseng. Ginseng activates hair growth, and alcohol will serve as a preservative. Now our wonderful tool can be removed in the refrigerator.

    Before use, pour the required amount into a bottle with a spray bottle and add a vial of nicotinic acid (it collapses in the air, so the vial must be opened just before use). Test your skin for nicotine sensitivity. In case of an allergic reaction, replace it with pepper tincture.

    Now apply this spray for hair growth on the scalp every time after washing, you can daily. Hair growth rate will pleasantly surprise you!

    Hair growth spray

    All the listed ingredients you need to mix thoroughly and put to insist during the day. Remember that it is best to insist on such remedies in a cool dark place. To prepare a hair growth-enhancing drug, you will need eight tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, two glasses of purified water, two tablespoons of vodka or diluted 1: 3 alcohol. We also recommend adding a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and rosemary to the mixture to enhance the effect.

    Twenty-four hours later, the hair growth stimulator is ready. It is recommended to use it on clean curls.

    Herbal balm for hair growth

    This recipe is more complicated than the previous ones, but the effect of its effect exceeds all expectations. It is well preserved, and it can be cooked more. Place one spoon of medicinal herbs in an enamel bowl:

    You can add plants preferred specifically for you. There also put crushed sticks of natural cinnamon and three grains of cardamom. Pour one and a half cups of boiling water, then wrap well. You can use a thermos.

    The cooled infusion is filtered, there is added 50 ml of ginseng tincture. The latter perfectly activates the growth of the strands, and the alcohol serves as a preservative. Stored means in a cold place. The required amount before use is measured in a bottle, which is added nicotinic acid. Use after washing.

    Homemade Spray Cooking Recipes

    Herbal homemade spray from hair loss and for the growth of curls

    It will take:

    • burdock - 1 tsp,
    • horsetail - 1 tsp,
    • St. John's Wort - 1 tsp,
    • nettle - 1 tsp,
    • calamus (spine) - 1 tsp,
    • cardamom - 2 pcs.,
    • ginseng - 1 ampoule,
    • cinnamon - 1 stick,
    • boiling water - 300 ml,
    • Vitamin PP.


    Chop the roots, chop herbs, pour boiling water over it, boil for 10 minutes. Put cardamom with cinnamon in the broth. After a couple of minutes, you can turn off the heat and cool the drug. Forty minutes later, strain the broth and add the remaining ingredients. Stir and pour into a spray bottle. The composition is moisturizing and nourishing, makes the curls more docile, increases growth, prevents the loss of healthy hairs.

    Lemon-oil spray on vodka.

    It will take:

    • a pair of glasses of boiled water
    • rosemary oil - 5-7 ml
    • ylang-ylang oil - 5-7 ml,
    • vodka - 2 tablespoons,
    • juice of one medium lemon or two small ones.


    Dilute vodka with water, add juice, oil, mix well. Pour into a bottle, keep in the chill. Spray such a mixture should be on washed hair, you can not rinse. It can be used daily or every other day for 2–3 weeks. Makes hair more manageable, strengthens the roots, promotes hair growth.

    For those who constantly styled their hair in a hot way (hair dryer, thermal rollers, ironing, curling iron) there is an excellent way to protect the hair from burns and overdrying. The hairstyle will keep its shape longer, and the strands will not split and fall out.

    It will take:

    • decoction (green tea, nettle, succession - 2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs, taken in equal proportions),
    • citric acid - 1 tsp,
    • alcohol (boric) - half a teaspoon,
    • orange oil - 4 drops,
    • Jojoba oil - 15 drops.


    Pour boiling water over the mixture of herbs, leave for about an hour, add the remaining components, mix well, pour out the bottle with the dispenser. Apply after shampooing, sprinkling strands, trying to avoid the root zone. Spray does not make the hair heavier, facilitates styling, protects the strands from negative effects.

    For moisturizing and strengthening hair, increasing the length of curls

    It will take:

    • mineral water - 3.5 tablespoons,
    • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons,
    • grapefruit and lemon extract - 8–9 drops each.


    You can mix the ingredients directly in the bottle for later spraying. Close tight lid or nozzle, shake several times. Day give brew in the cold.

    From brittleness and weakness of the hair, to increase the length, to strengthen and nourish the roots. Made on the basis of cyclomethicone, which contributes to the dissolution of oils.

    It will take:

    • 250 drops of cyclomethicone,
    • 25 drops of jojoba oil,
    • 2 drops of lavender oil,
    • 3 drops of peppermint or lemon mint oil,
    • 1 tbsp. spoon nettle broth.


    Mix all the components, pour into the bottle with the dispenser, spray on clean dried hair. Together with this spray it is good to apply a mask of two yolks, olive and burdock oil (60 gr. Each), applied to the basal areas before a shower, washed off with cool water. In combination with spray gives excellent results. Hair looks healthy, hydrated, shiny, growth of strands increases.

    Types of homemade hair spray

    • Thermoprotective. This is a very useful thing in order to preserve the health of the hair when heated with a hairdryer or ironing. Substances included in the composition, envelop each hair with a thin, inconspicuous eye with a film. In addition, they often have vitamins and other components that simultaneously nourish and smooth hairs. After applying a heat spray for hair, you must first wait for the curls to dry. And after you start laying. If the product is distributed before drying the hair with a hair dryer, then this indication, of course, is not required to be followed.
    • Moisturizers. These types of spells are simply necessary for dry-type hair. But it can be useful and other things in the summer heat, as well as in the heating season, when the curls are particularly affected by dry indoor air. Often in their composition can be found vegetable oils. These funds often contribute not only to moisturizing the hair, but also form a protective film on them that protects them from the harmful effects of the environment.
    • Lightweight combing. Such drugs are of great importance for those whose hair is constantly confused. However, it does not hurt to use them and everything else. After all, during combing the hair is often significantly damaged. Split ends may appear.The timely application of such products allows you to maintain the integrity of the structure of each hair due to smoothing their surface.
    • Giving volume. For hair, such sprays are much better than skins and mousses. Because they do not glue the strands, the hair with them looks natural and really volume. Although, it must be said that far from all the funds on which it is indicated “To add volume” really cope with this function. Yes, and keeps created pomp worse than foams. But if you can find a really good tool, it will significantly improve the appearance of the hairstyle.
    • Hair Sprays - Antistatic. When hair stand on end from the slightest contact with synthetic materials, it does not cause delight. Therefore, such an invention is very popular. It is enough just to treat the surface with the hairstyle and the hairs are pacified.
    • Restoring. Also very handy thing. Because damaged hair needs comprehensive care. And in the modern rhythm of life it is so difficult to find enough time for masks or other procedures. Here, all that is needed is to spray the spray on the strands or tips waiting for attention. No need to flush. And hiding with a towel on my head, too - even though you can immediately go about your business.
    • For hair growth. They can contain a variety of components that stimulate the division of hair cells. There are products with nicotinic acid or pepper tincture. But they all have a common task - to stimulate blood circulation and nourish the hair bulb.

    Probably, it will be possible to find other varieties. Spray hair can be dyeing, and to add shine. In a word, almost all known caring compositions can be modified in such a way that they can be poured into a spray bottle and not washed off afterwards.

    How to make a hair spray yourself

    The variety and composition of the means suggest that such sprays can be made independently. And indeed it is.

    • Thermal protection. Combine 2 small spoons of dry nettle, chamomile and green tea. Pour all a glass of boiling water and let it brew. In the cooled solution add 1 small spoonful of citric acid and the same amount of lavender essential oil. Pour in three drops of orange oil. And finish cooking by adding 0.5 teaspoon of boric alcohol. Pour into spray bottle. Before each use, the spray must be thoroughly shaken. Store preferably cool.
    • For shine and brightening. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Connect with a glass of water. Boil. Cool and apply.
    • Firming and facilitating combing. Take 1 small spoonful of herbs mint, chamomile, succession, nettle, as well as green tea. Pour a glass of boiling water. Let it stand. Add a few drops of preferred essential oil. You can use this spray for clean and slightly damp hair.
    • For the growth of curls. Mix lemon juice with a pair of large spoons of vodka. Dilute all with a glass of pure water. 4 drops of ylang-ylang and rosemary ethers. Shake well and clean in cool. Use daily.
    • Recovery. Take one ampulka of vitamins B1, B5, B6, B12. Their contents combine with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Dilute 50 ml of ordinary water. This hair spray should also be used daily.

    There are still a lot of options, but it is quite possible to compose something like that on your own. Even the usual herbal decoctions or water with suitable essential oils can be wonderful means for the health of your hair. And if you pour them into a bottle with a sprayer, it is also very convenient.


    Watch the video: ALOE VERA Moisturizing Spray for HAIR GROWTH, Scalp Circulation and Moisture. Natural Hair (July 2024).